CadeMadDog — [Chai Chateau] Aquilo Agricaelius

Published: 2019-11-03 06:29:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 3896; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 1
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Name: Aquilo Agricaelius
Nickname(s): Aqui

Gender: Male

Age: 27 --> 28

Birthday: July 17th

Pokémon: Garchomp
Trait: Basic

Height: 6'03"
Weight: 212 lbs

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Demiromantic
Relationship Status: Taken by Adélaïde "Addie" Poundton as of June 2020

Pokémon Stats
Spirit Name: "Thorn" (given by Aquilo)
Spirit Gender: Male
Notable Traits: Very aggressive, but also cunning. Intelligent enough to hold conversations and strategize. Apathetic to anything deemed beneath him. Very Big.

Ability: Rough Skin

Synchronized Form Typing:      
Synchronized Form Ability: Tough Claws

Move Set: 
     Dragon Rush
     Dual Chop
     Sand Tomb
     Metal Claw

PersonalExploration Stats:
Perception: ○○○○○ || 0/5
Courage: ○○○○○ || 0/5
Job: n/a

    The Man: [+] Observant, Adaptable, Empathetic, Steadfast || The Beast: [+] Tenacious, Adaptable, Observant, Confident
    The Man: [-] Skeptical, Temperamental, Prideful, Mournful || The Beast: [-] Aggressive, Dominating, Destructive, Prideful
    The Man: [/] Insightful, Curious, Casual || The Beast: [/] Self-Preservative, Fearless, Challenge-Seeking

    Though having a rather intimidating appearance to him, Aquilo is by no means seeking to come off as a threat to others. At least, that's what one half of his soul feels. The other? Well, that's a separate story in an of its own right. With two beings vying for control over the body, it's a miracle that Aquilo has managed retain much of his human identity, and yet while fighting to maintain who he is, it is clear that the aggressive nature of the spirit bonded to him has caused some alterations to his way of thinking. But what exactly makes Aquilo who he is? Well for starters, Aquilo is a man who has long believed that patience is a virtue, opting to observe and analyze before acting most of the time, though this does not mean he lacks the will to make an executive decision with little to no thought required. On the contrary, and perhaps due to the influence of the Garchomp half of his spirit, Aquilo seems to be more than capable of acting on his own without a plan in mind, showing a certain level of adaptability towards situations. This, coupled with his overall situational awareness, seems to mingle well with the predatory instincts inherited from his merged soul. Of course, as Aquilo has been able to maintain much of who he is as a person, this has also allowed his ability to empathize with other to remain intact, showing a certain level of connection towards those who come from similar experiences and circumstances as his own. That being said, Aquilo also knows how to show sympathy towards those he can't truly empathize with, finding that it's better to at least lend someone an ear for their troubles, even if he's never experienced them himself, than it is to be neglectful of others. Finally, Aquilo is, at his core, a steadfast individual who'll see a task through no matter the amount of adversity thrown his way. This attribute of his is primarily shown in his constant struggle against the other half of his spirit, vying to maintain who he is as he looks for a way to better coexist with the dragon.

    Now Aquilo is not a man without flaws, though in his case some of his flaws have been heightened or replaced by the Garchomp bound to him, leading to a sense of duality as he struggles to keep himself in check. Starting off then, Aquilo as a man of skepticism, harboring doubt towards the words of those he feels are withholding details from him, especially when it pertains to those who've made it clear that they hide their true intentions and identities behind masks. This skeptical nature of his has also been heightened by the inherent instincts of his other half, sometimes coming off as distrusting towards others. To add onto this, Aquilo also seems to exhibit a certain level of aggression, something which he heavily tries to suppress, but can't fully contain during moments of stress or danger. Yet once his focus has been broken and the shackles have been removed, that is when the beast within takes over, becoming violent and destructive while acting in a rather primal, predatory manner. In this state, the human that is Aquilo gets put in the backseat as the other half of his spirit acts independently, having little to no understanding as to how humans conduct themselves, nor really caring for it. All that seems to matter is the need to hunt, survive, and thrive as the apex of the environment. Yet this is not to say that the man has been lost, as Aquilo will attempt to regain control of the body before the monster in the drivers seat can bring harm to others. Of course, there is a trait that both Aquilo and the Garchomp share, and that comes in the form of a prideful nature. Neither side wants to be controlled by another, albeit Aquilo seems to be the less aggressive of the two in this regard as he attempts to find a common ground between them. Outside of the internal power struggle however, Aquilo still proves to be a somewhat adamant individual, raising an eyebrow at the notion of being ordered around and exhibiting defiance when someone attempts to force him to bend to their will. Lastly, Aquilo is a rather sorrow-ridden individual, a fact which he often withholds from others. Due to the losses that weigh heavily upon both beings that currently make up who he is, Aquilo is prone to slipping into isolated states of lamentation. Surprisingly, it is in this state that both the man and the beast seem to resonate with each other, yet only one appears to acknowledge the others pain.

    Aside from the positives and negatives that make up Aquilo, there are also a few traits he's retained that fall into neither. Of these, there is Aquilo's insightful nature, a trait that resonates well with his mentality as an observer. He finds it necessary to take in and evaluate everything presented to him, be it good or bad, so that he can formulate his thoughts and actions properly. This is also shown with his general curiosity and desire to uncover details he either lacks or has vague information on. The hypothetical probabilities are what garner his intrigue, causing him to seek out answers to the unknown. Finally, despite how he may look like a serious individual, Aquilo is most certainly not a stick in the mud. He understands to the need to reprieve oneself, exhibiting a rather casual demeanor when he isn't troubled by something. He finds solace in being able to rest and relax, though this may be due to his constant battle with stress. Nonetheless, he is aware that there is a time and place for everything when it comes to how one holds themselves, and has found that as long as he has nothing that needs doing, it's fine the loosen up. 

    Of course there is still one other side to Aquilo, or well to be exact it is the other side of his melded spirit. As mentioned before, Aquilo is constantly keeping the beast within him at bay, fighting for control over the body while trying to reason with the Garchomp and coexist. In the even that he loses his focus over this task, the pilot of the body switches as the dragon breaks free. This is no longer Aquilo, but the being he has dubbed Thorn. Thorn is, in many ways, an antithesis to Aquilo, being excessively aggressive and ruthless while seeking to assert himself as the dominant being of the environment he's in. He views humans as weak, having a clear level of distaste towards them despite the fact that he's bound with one himself. Aside from these traits, Thorn does seem to share an observant and adaptable nature with Aquilo, though this stems from his own standing as a predator and is thus fueled by primal instincts. He also seems to display a great level of tenacity, albeit this can often come in the form of him trying to break free or when he's enjoying the thrill of the hunt. Despite these being present in him, Thorn unfortunately views himself with a great level of pride and fearlessnessrefusing to back down from a challenge unless he finds that it may bring more harm than gain to him, in which case his self-preservative instincts will kick in.

Time Era: 21st Century // Brought to the Château in 2019

History:  [TW: Themes of Death, Depression, and Grief. Nothing graphic, but putting this just in case.]

.: Spirits Entwined :.

    Two unlikely beings brought together by a force beyond their comprehension, constantly at odds as both struggle to control the entity they've become. Though their body may be whole, their spirits remain divided. On one half, a man who's lost all he cared for and lives with many regrets. On the other half, a beast who once reigned supreme, but was driven off by the actions of humans. This...is their story...

.: The Man Named Aquilo :.

    Born a native to the Sinnoh region, Aquilo was raised as the eldest son of four children, often being held high upon a pedestal of responsibility. Early on in his life, his parents would always tell him that it was his duty as the oldest to protect and guide his younger siblings when they, his parents, weren't around. This weight placed upon his shoulders was what helped shape him throughout life, growing into a responsible individual. Of course this was not to say that Aquilo was without a sense of fun, albeit his perspective of the word revolved around calming activities that sparked his sense of creativity. 

    In his teenage years, Aquilo had more or less retained his disposition, something which would aid in him being studious during his high school years. Did he enjoy school? Not particularly, though he certainly didn't despise it. In truth, Aquilo felt rather bored and out of place when it came to the high school environment. So far, he'd spent his entire life living by the words that his parents had ingrained into him during his childhood, maintaining a certain level of maturity and looking after his siblings as a type of third guardian. Yet during all of this, Aquilo had never really put thought into what it was that HE wanted to do. The image he had of the person he wanted to be was not one he'd built himself, but one that had been placed in front of him from the moment he could speak. For the first time, Aquilo came to question his sense of self. While he certainly didn't hold a grudge against the person that his parents had essentially placed in his mind, he no longer felt as though it was someone that he wanted to be, or at least not entirely. He wanted to feel more of a sense of individuality, explore the things he'd foregone in order to be the best example he could be for his siblings, and truly figure out who his ideal self was on his own. Thus when he graduated high school as the top of class, he took the opportunity to explore himself by moving out and attending college. It would be during these young adult years of his that Aquilo would begin his shift into the man he would eventually become.

    As a college student studying abroad in Unova, Aquilo found that the atmosphere was much different from what he was used to. The campus he'd chosen to attend was filled with individuals from all walks of life. One such individual, a young woman named Livya who was native to the region, would be the catalyst for Aquilo. When they first met, the two didn't necessarily see eye to eye, as Aquilo's stoic nature and overall inability to express himself frustrated Livya who was, as Aquilo would politely put it, an arrogant and vain lady from a rich family that felt as though she could get whatever she wanted. These two opposing personalities often led to the two bickering, or to be exact Livya barking at Aquilo and Aquilo refusing to acknowledge her during these interactions. Yet despite this, the two seemed almost inseparable, and as time passed it became clear that they'd begun to rub off on each other. Aquilo had begun to smile and be more open with himself, whereas Livya had slowly become a bit more modest and mindful with her words. To those around them, this change in character caused quite a bit of questioning towards the nature of their relationship, something that Aquilo eventually found himself asking Livya about himself. Though he expected for her to say that they were just friends who could get along at times, he was thrown for quite the loop when she spoke her heart to him, telling him that the past few years that she'd spent around him had made her realize that she'd never dealt with anyone that frustrated her quite like him...and yet that was exactly why she fell for him. Having been so used to getting what she wanted with little to no effort on her end, she'd never really been one to exert herself, but when dealing with him she found that despite all the frustration and all the times she'd tried to bicker with him, he'd never once given her what she wanted. More importantly, he'd never once left her side due to her behavior. With all of this out on the table for him, Aquilo was unsure how to respond, yet there was a warmth in his chest that caused his body to move on it's own. In one swift movement, Aquilo had brought Livya's lips into contact with his in order to give an answer to her feelings, thus beginning their romance.

    Upon graduating college together, Aquilo, now 22, and Livya, now 21, returned to Aquilo's hometown with the intent of getting engaged. It had been quite some time since Aquilo had seen his family, having only kept in contact through the phone and Skype calls during his time in Unova. How much had his siblings grown in his absence? How much had things changed in his absence? Aquilo wanted to know the answers to these questions, and yet upon his return he found that he was not to be greeted by their familial embrace, but by the heavy smoke that billowed from the location of his home. What filled his mind at that point were no longer the questions of how his family was doing, but whether or not they were safe. Livya attempted to assure him that they'd be okay, and though her words gave Aquilo hope, there was something in the back of his mind that continued to fret over the worst case scenario. Looking back on it, he wished that he'd listened to that little voice in his head, for once the fire had cleared, little remained for Aquilo to return to as five body bags were being moved into an ambulance. No amount of wishful thinking could deter his mind from coming to the logical, yet grim, conclusion before him. For the first time in his life, Aquilo felt true sorrow as he broke down in tears among the crowd of onlookers.

    Within the following days, the official coroner's report confirmed that the residents of the house were indeed the bodies that had been recovered. The cause of the fire was speculated to be from an electrical accident stemmed from faulty wiring in the house. A funeral was held not long after with Aquilo physically in attendance, however his emotional and mental states were dangling by a singular thread. He was unable to give any words during the procession, barely having the strength to hold back his tears. The weight of reality simply felt too great to him, and at one point he felt detached from the world. Yet that singular thread, the existence of Livya in his life, proved to be what would bring him back. Seeing her beloved in such a state didn't sit well with Livya, as it left her feeling unsure on what to do to help. She couldn't bring back the family he'd lost, nor did she feel she could do anything to replace it, so what was she to do in order to snap him out of it? What would he do if she were in his shoes? It was this final question that made her realize that there was something that only she could do, and that was to stay by his side. 

    As time passed, Aquilo healed with the help of Livya's constant presence. His family was gone, but that didn't mean he was lost and alone. With the aid of her family, the two found themselves living a rather peaceful and pleasant life in the city, Aquilo choosing to open a bar so as to try and pay back his in-laws for their charity. It was a long term goal, but one that he felt he could manage as long as he had his wife, as well as the gift of the twin daughters that they would end up having. Yet even so, the pain that he felt from that horrendous day lingered within him. He feared that this happiness and peace would one day come to an end if he weren't around, thus leading him to vow that he'd protect his new family no matter what. A noble statement, yet in the cruel eyes of fate these were nothing more than autumn leaves swept away by the wind...

    It was a busy night for the bar that day, Aquilo closing late into the night before heading home. Yet there was something that bothered him greatly as he drove through the somber streets. Ever since he'd opened the bar, Livya had made it a habit of hers to call him three times so as to check on how he was doing, and to let him know about what she was up to while he was working. Aquilo had grown accustomed to this, and while he'd received two calls from her, the third never came. At first, Aquilo thought that maybe she was preoccupied with something, but that also didn't sound like Livya. After all, she always had her phone on her and would drop anything just to answer it, a habit that he had to keep in check when they went out to movies and other events that required phones to be kept on silent. The more he thought on this, the more he could feel the voice in his head that he'd heard all those years ago echoing loudly. Something was wrong, and the dread that overcame him clouded his judgement as he hurried to the apartment complex they were staying in. Upon arriving, Aquilo made his way to their apartment, hoping that his fears would be proven wrong. Unfortunately this was not to be, as upon reaching their door, Aquilo found that it was cracked slightly open. Refusing to hesitate, he entered the apartment and called out for his wife and children. No response...just the cold feeling of silence.

    What Aquilo came home to that night was not the sound of Livya's voice or the peaceful faces of his sleeping daughters. What greeted him was not the tender feeling of love, but the haunting embrace of death as he stumbled across the lifeless bodies of the last three aspects of his life that had kept him anchored. Yet it became clear that he was not the only one present, catching the sound of someone approaching him from behind. When he turned to see who it was, he felt the sudden sting of a blade slashing diagonally across his face. Pain surged through his mind, but that didn't stop him from standing his ground, striking his assailant with enough force to knock them into the moonlight that poured through the windows. From there, Aquilo was able to get a good look at the one who'd attacked him despite the difficulty he had with maintaining his focus. Blonde hair, green eyes, and a cross shaped scar on his cheek. Yet before he could act any further, the man fled into the cover of night, leading to Aquilo collapsing.

    For the following three days, Aquilo's body had been admitted to a hospital, awakening on the third. Much of what happened that day became difficult for the man to recall, for his mind had been wandering aimlessly in his slumbering state, playing back the scenes that had brought him such grief. Twice had he lost what he'd cherished in the world, and now he truly felt as though there was nothing left for him. Once discharged from the hospital, Aquilo, now with a scar from the injury he sustained, chose to leave Unova and return to his home region. He couldn't bring himself to attend another funeral, and instead wanted to vanish from the world. This way of thinking would eventually bring him to the far reaches of Sinnoh, leading to an encounter that would bind his fate with another...

.: The Scarred Tyrant :.

    The wilds of Sinnoh truly are places filled with mystery. Detached from human society, the Pokemon that roam the region live their lives with one rule: survive. Of these creatures, there existed a Gible that would come to embody this rule, having been separated from his kin when their territory was disturbed by the intrusion of humans. Left to wander, this Gible was thrust into the perils of the wilds as he fought his way through any and all contention, his body becoming accustomed to the concept of battle with each and every scar he gained. To a trainer, this Gible would have been seen as a prime candidate for capturing, and soon rumors began to spread of the dragon type, luring those who sought to capture and make him their own. Over and over, the Gible found himself in the presence of these intruders and the Pokemon they commanded, and each time he would either come out victorious, or flee before he could sustain any serious damage. These interactions hardened the dragon even further, but more importantly they ingrained the scent of humans into him. The same scent that had separated him from his family...

    Over time and through constant conflict with wild and trained Pokemon alike, the Gible became progressively stronger, reaching the stage of Garchomp within a year's time. Yet this was no regular Garchomp, for his appearance was one that had become more imposing than normal. He was larger, adorned with a number of extra fins and worn by battle and scars that merely added to his visage. A new apex had been born that day, and he was quick to establish his dominance over the environment. No wild Pokemon could contest him, his instincts for battle sharpened from his encounters with trainers, his ferocity rivaled only by his tenacity to stand at the top of the food chain. None could flee from him, as both the land and sky were his domain. In time the beast would take on a mate and rear two offspring, continuing to reign supreme over his territory. Yet all kings' rules meet an end, and this was no exception for the finned tyrant.

    Having gone largely unchecked for all this time, it had become apparent that the presence of this Garchomp posed a problem for both the ecosystem and the trainers that traveled through it. The beast constantly sought out a challenge, deeming the wild Pokemon to be too weak to satisfy him outside of being a source of food. Yet whenever he caught the scent of a human, the blood in him boiled, leading to the beast actively seeking out and attacking the humans that entered his territory. With multiple accidents being reported monthly, it was clear that something had to be done in order to make the area safe. Furthermore, there had also been rumors of a Salamence being released into the area, and while eye witness accounts were few and far between, the mere thought of two dragons ruling over the nearby area wasn't taken lightly. Thus an official request was sent out to the Pokemon Rangers, seeking their assistance in relocating the beasts to locations that would make them less problematic. Yet the rangers were not the only ones who became aware of this, as a group of poachers caught wind of, as the locals called him, "The Scarred Tyrant." Seeing an opportunity top profit, the poachers set out to apprehend the dragon, planning to sell it off to the highest bidder. As for the Salamence? Well, if it was out there, then they could capture it as a bonus too.

    The night that poachers put their plan into motion, they found that the beast they were dealing with had no intention of being their prey. The roles had quickly reversed, the hunters becoming the hunted, the king reveling in a night of frenzy. Ambushing the intruders, the beast was greeted by Pokemon that he dispatched of one after the other, yet when all was said and done, the king felt unsatisfied. He hungered for more, thus turning his sights to the humans. It was in this moment that he found their scents to be recognizable, tracing them back to the day he'd been separated from his family. Enraged by the return of these trespassers, the Garchomp let out a ear-shattering roar and proceeded to lash out at the humans. Some were left injured in his wake, some not so lucky. In the end there was only one who was both alive and standing, and as the king prepared to finish the poacher off, a howl of pain echoed from the place he'd made his nest. Driven by instinct, the beast took to the skies, rushing back to his nest only to find that his mate and offspring had been disposed of. In his absence from the nest, a Salamence had appeared with the intent of claiming the area as it's own. Enraged by the scent of blood, the Garchomp once again went into a wild frenzy, neglecting to apply any form of strategy against the foe before him. This would unfortunately lead to his downfall, as the Salamence was just as seasoned of a fighter as the king, taking advantage of his blind rage and succeeding in both heavily injuring and driving the Garchomp out of the area.

    With heavy wounds and his dominance over his territory shattered, as well as his mate and offspring slain, the former ruler fled to the far reaches of Sinnoh before crashing from the pain. Once again he'd been separated from his family by an intruder. Once again the beast was driven by the one law of the wilds: survive. Managing to muster the strength, the dragon hobbled through the unknown area, his nose drawing him towards the only scent that he knew to be familiar...the scent of a human...

.: The Fate of Two Souls :.

    Their meeting was merely by chance, yet here the two stood, man and beast, eyes locked on each other. On one end, there was Aquilo who could see the Garchomp before him was heavily injured. On the other end, there was the Garchomp who could see the human before him as an easy meal. This one did not seem to be accompanied by any Pokemon, which meant that nothing would be able to impede him from making short work of the human. With a low, pained growl, the Garchomp began his assault by lunging at Aquilo, jaws wide open. Realizing the danger he was in, Aquilo chose the only logical option he had, beginning to run as fast as he could while ditching his gear. 

   The chase lasted for some time, subsiding when Aquilo found himself at a dead end in the form of a cliff overlooking a chasm. Nowhere left to run as the Garchomp lumbered towards him, its movement having slowed. "So this is how I go out, huh? Well...at least I've got nothing left worth living for," Aquilo said, submitting to his fate as the Garchomp approached him. Yet neither he nor the dragon noticed that the sound of rock breaking, and within moments the two found themselves plummeting to their demise. Though as they fell, Aquilo's consciousness began to drift, his mind wandering once more. However, what greeted him was not the images of his sorrow and regrets, but the sight of a château, it's doors wide open and Livya standing inside, beckoning for him to enter...

Currently in the château:Having awoken in this new place, Aquilo has found himself feeling rather disoriented and left with more questions than answers. How did he get here? The last thing he remembers is that he was being hunted by an injured Garchomp up until they were both falling to their deaths. Speaking of Garchomps, it appears as though his body is no longer his own. Struggling to maintain who he is, Aquilo has made it his goal to figure out just what's going on...
(11/3/19 Entry)

A bit over a year has passed since his arrival, and Aquilo has managed to keep things together. Though the beginning saw some...complications, he's managed to at least maintain control over Thorn and feel a bit more confident about being around others. That said, he still worries as to how long he can maintain this hold... On the bright side, he's managed to love once again. Now all he has to do is not lose the one he cares about again...
Last updated: 12/7/20

Current relationship to spirit:To put it simply, Aquilo and the Garchomp he's been bonded with don't exactly see eye to eye, especially since the latter was hunting the former before they ended up here. Referring to the beast as "Thorn," Aquilo constantly battles the other tenant in his body for control, keeping the dragon mentally chained so that he doesn't break free. Still, he does seem to feel a sense of empathy for the beast, as they both met in an injured state and are now stuck with one another. Perhaps he can find a way to reason and coexist with this thorn in his side, but for now it appears as though the other guy only wants to devour Aquilo, soul and all, and reign supreme once more...
(11/3/19 Entry)

After spending a year with each other, Aquilo and the Garchomp spirit have slowly made some progress towards what could only be dubbed as a semblance of mutual understanding. To say they trust each other would be inaccurate, but to say that they've come to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of each other wouldn't be far off. For Aquilo, this is at least a start, as it has at least led to Thorn acting a bit more compliant. This however is not the same for the beast. Thorn still seeks for control over Aquilo's body, a desire that has been relit as the two have acquired a Spirit Stone. With a new power at his disposal and an understanding that Aquilo can't activate it on his own, the Garchomp has chosen to bide his time and whittle away at the man with each use of the stone, hoping that it will lead to opening in which he can seize control...permanently. If that means going along with the human...then that's fine by him.
Last updated: 12/7/20

Gacha Item Preference: 
✧ Most Loved Item: Broken Wristwatch
✧ Liked Items: Mini Zen Garden Kit, Chess Set, #1 Dad Mug, Tea Tree Stress-Relief Lotion, Bonsai Tree
✧ Disliked Items: Trail Mix, Monopoly, Boombox, Fake Blood, Fuzzy Dice
✧ Most Hated Item: Salazzle Perfume

✧ His last name, Agricaelus, derives from the Greek αετος (agrios), meaning "Wild," and the Latin caelum, meaning "Heaven." Coupled with his first name, which is a variation of the Latin Aquila, meaning "Eagle," his entire name gives emphasis to the idea of freedom, something which comes as rather ironic given his situation.
✧ Due to the polarizing natures that Aquilo and the Garchomp he's bonded with have, Aquilo has chosen to dub the beast Thorn as he is, as Aquilo quotes, "A thorn in my side." 
✧ Aquilo tends to have difficulty sleeping peacefully, partially due to his fears of Thorn taking over, but also due to consistently being plagued with nightmares depicting the scene he returned to on the night of his family's murder. This has led to him feeling a a significant level of stress and exhaustion that he often ends up powering through.
✧ Aquilo isn't exactly a fan of looking at his reflection. This is not to say that he despises it, but he certainly does wish that he didn't have such a menacing visage.
✧ Enjoys his coffee with just a bit of cream and sugar, but nothing beyond that. He's a simple man with simple tastes, or so he says.
✧ Aquilo is constantly having a mental conversation with Thorn as he tries to understand the beast more, though their talks are often rather one-sided as Thorn actively refuses to cooperate with something so frail as a human.
✧ While Aquilo would rather avoid conflict, Thorn actively seeks it out. This tends to put the two of them at odds, forcing Aquilo to either exert more of will over Thorn in order to keep him in check, or risk the dragon breaking free and running rampant.
✧ The best way to summarize Aquilo and Thorn's relationship is by looking at how the two think individually. On one hand, there is Aquilo who wants to find a way for them to work together in their current situation and tries to reason with Thorn, whereas on the other hand there's Thorn who seeks to be free from this prison and exist at the top of the food chain. 
✧ Despite their current circumstances, Aquilo and Thorn both share the ability to show a paternal side towards others, albeit in different ways as Aquilo is more patient and understanding while Thorn tends to push for the young to grow strong.
✧ Should someone learn the name Aquilo has given to Thorn, they should likely avoid uttering it in the event that the man loses control. This is mainly because Thorn refuses to acknowledge a name given to him by a him, and hearing it uttered by someone else entices a rather aggressive response from him.
✧ Aquilo's actually got quite the sweet tooth, and while you certainly can't bribe him with sweets, they're definitely a way to get on his good side.
✧ Some of his hobbies include taking long walks, billiards, swimming, darts, and reading.
✧ Whenever Thorn is in control, Aquilo's body gains a number of the Garchomp's features that are generally tucked away. These include the dorsal fin, fins that protrude from his forearms, and spikes that jut from his shoulders and thighs. 
✧ Due to the influence that Thorn exudes on Aquilo's body, Aquilo has inherited a few of the predator's traits such as access to a heightened sense of smell, the ability to sense and track vibrations, and the ability see clearly in the dark. This does however come at the cost of Aquilo having a rather unpleasant relationship with the cold. 
✧ Aquilo's actually quite capable in the kitchen, though this is mainly due to his wife never learning to cook.
✧ The scars on Thorn's body don't translate over to Aquilo's body unless he takes over. When this happens, their face scars cross into an X.
✧ For those curious, Aquilo acquired a double major in business and philosophy, and a minor in psychology. To say that he was studious would be a bit of an understatement.
✧ Chronologically speaking, Aquilo’s encounter with Thorn takes place a year after Livya’s death. Thus the timeline goes like this:
-Born in 1992
-Met Livya in 2010
-Family died in 2014
-Livya and children murdered in 2018
-Met Thorn in 2019✧ TBA

Aquilo Agricaelius © CadeMadDog
Character for Chai-Chateau

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Comments: 5

Hizakuru [2019-11-05 17:19:33 +0000 UTC]

it's him
the dad
the hot man
the edge I adore HIM
Aquilo boy,,, you have been through s o much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CadeMadDog In reply to Hizakuru [2019-11-07 03:21:10 +0000 UTC]

Yeah he has and who knows if it'll get worse from here on out!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SacredLugia [2019-11-03 14:18:01 +0000 UTC]

this was such a good read i'm absolutely dying... what a glo-up all around 
u didn't deserve this suffering :'c

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CadeMadDog In reply to SacredLugia [2019-11-07 03:20:36 +0000 UTC]

He didn't deserve it but he got it anyway smh
BUT!! I'm glad you enjoyed reading his stuff!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SacredLugia In reply to CadeMadDog [2019-11-07 13:59:28 +0000 UTC]


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