Hello once again everyone! I had a great year for commissions and I will be opening them once im done with traveling for the holidays! Hope you guys will still come and commission me.
Hello and welcome to my commissions!
Some personal info about me (BurbSenpu)
Im a Female thats currently struggling in high school and trying to make their carrier art~ I try my best with every commission I get and by commissioning me you are helping me improve! My family life isn't that swell as we keep getting poorer and poorer as time goes on so i'm trying to get some money coming from my art. Anything helps!
Thank you
-I will NOT draw anything relatively close I don't have enough experience on for this!
-You give me an idea how the pose, expression and/or an accessory for your character, by note or comment~
- Don't be mad if I say no to your stuff it means I can't draw them or no motivation for that character
- If I tell you I'm bad at a certain species/character and you still want me to draw it do not ask for a refund if it's not what you thought you would get
- On full body commissions I will send u 5 rough sketches for you to pick from (if u only need a small edit this dose not apply) the next 5 will cost 20 points ;If you say 'do whatever you want' you do not get the sketches
-Do not cancel the order, If I have already started on your commission I will NOT refund you. This takes time and ideas from me its hard to just stop,,,
-Any payment 500 or more will require half payment up front (or all of it if you want)
-Any payment 499 or less requires full payment before I even start
-Will notice you with a low res (signed preview) for more expensive items and ask for rest of payment
-A Full Body Reference Required
(Recommended looking at my art before you ask)
Not Drawing
-Straight up porn
-Much gore
Please have patience I can only draw so fast uwu
Cost: 150~300p (per character)
Background: +5p
Style one
150p - $1.50
Style two
100p - $ 1.00
(line style ask for blob mode if you wish)
Style three
200p - $2.00
Blink Animation
Cost: 250p/$2.50 Lines ; 300p/$3.00 Colored +50p/$0.50 for shading (per character)
Background: +50p/$0.50
Half Body
Cost: 450p/$4.50 Lines ; 550p/$5.50 Color +50/$0.50 for shading (per character)
Background: +100p/$1.00
Full Body
Cost: 700p/$7.00 Lines ; 650p/$7.00 Color +100p/$1.00 for shading (per character)
Background: +150p/$1.50
References/Making a character
Cost: 1500p/$15.00 +50~100/$0.50~$1.00 for items (depends on how detailed or hard the items are) shading included (IF WANTED PLEASE NOTE IN YOUR REQUEST) (per character)
These take longer so have some more patience
Please Note or Comment for a commission
2018 Commission's list