CaiRocks — No 'I' In Team

#leana #mizu #oc #m #corruption #dragonballz #xenoverse #dragonballsuper #xenoverse2
Published: 2021-06-19 20:25:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 5218; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description It’s been quite a bit since Dark Leana challenged Dark Mizu for the position to be acting leader of the Darkened, seeing the latter being unprogressive especially after she got turned to stone by a certain troublesome demon. Meanwhile, Leana led the Darkened to find artifacts and even convert smaller and fewer contestants that entered, even having 1 of the former to herself. Mizu was a leader with the power to back her up, however Leana was a leader with a tactical mind, both serving their Lord Dark even after his supposed imprisonment. However, Leana knew the truth after encountering a group with her lord on one of their bodies, yet decided to not speak about it to not risk info about him being back spreading.

The challenge divided the Darkened, one side being loyal to Leana and the other being loyal to Mizu, even if they served the same lord. It was declared by Mizu that they will fight each other for the right to lead, confident in herself to win, being outright more powerful than Leana. What was surprising to everyone however, was that Leana accepted the terms if she could use the Speed Sash she gained, which Mizu allowed. Now far away from their base and in an open area, Mizu dropped Leana off safely and landed at the opposing side of the barren wasteland.

“This spot will do, away from all those other powers. No one will interrupt us, it is just between me and you.” Dark Mizu stated, planting her right foot into the ground to assert herself. “And since no one is here, you can tell me the truth now. What did you find out?”

Dark Leana grunted. “Like I said, I can’t tell anyone. If I do, we risk losing.”

The sorceress turned her head away in disgust. “Still not telling, I see. Perhaps I do need to beat it out of you after all, the leader of the Darkened should know all.”

“A position in which is not decided yet, not until one of us wins.”

“Yes, and I will win!” Dark Mizu had enough talk, pouncing towards Dark Leana with her fists now one fire.

Leana dodged it easily, her speed taking Mizu by surprise. She managed to deliver an impactful blow with her leg behind Mizu’s head. “No, I will!”

“Tch…” Mizu got back up, and then used her magic to conjure grass in the surrounding area, only to then light the all on fire. This was her plan however, to limit Leana’s movements.

Leana herself though, not only dodged it but put it out due to the wind from her speed, and sent a powerful kick launching Mizu away.

The sorceress made a water shield to protect herself, diving into the fire behind her and putting it out. She then used lighting magic, trying to strike down her opponent faster than she can see.

The speedster almost got him a couple of times, however she was knocked away by one of them, breaking her speed. ”Gah! Shit!”

“GOT YOU NOW!” Mizu used ice to keep Leana’s limbs in place, and once more she went to her to charge up a punch made up of rocks. And she would’ve landed the punch… if she didn’t get blasted away just now. “OW! WHO THE HELL DID THAT?” She shouted and looked around.

In the sky, both battling Darkened saw a woman with white armor flying. They instantly knew who it was, and suddenly were afraid. “Shit!” They both said in unison, Leana managing to break out of the ice in the meanwhile.

The woman down to the ground, revealing herself to be none other than M. She stared at them both, detecting Dark’s energy. “Okay, clearly you both are infected by that monster’s power. Not only that, you both seem to know who I am. Either way, I have no choice but to fight you so I can save you.” It was true, not only M was pure of heart but also had to mean to eradicate the Darkened from Dark’s influence.

Both Dark Mizu and Dark Leana backed up to each other, the former having an idea. “Listen, with my magic and your speed we can run and get away from her.”

“No, if we do that she’ll follow us back to our base and doom us all. We have to fight-”

“And risk losing ourselves to her?! I refuse, we can’t win against her!”

“You don’t think I know that? The smartest move to make is to fight her, keep her down somehow, and then run before she gets back up. I am not aiming to win or knock her out, but do something to give us both enough time to escape.”

“That is… actually a good idea.” Dark Mizu then went towards M.

“HEY!” Dark Leana shouted to her ally, but her words didn’t reach.

Covering her fists in fire once more, Mizu opted to not try and look at M’s eyes and use her power to swap something with her.

“Wow, you’re simpleminded.” M simply made a big energy hand and slapped Mizu away.

In that moment, Leana hastily ran and tried to kick away her enemy, but it was blocked by an energy shield.

M easily made a dome in that instant to block Leana, which slowly grew smaller to try and crush her but not kill her. “You stay.” She then saw fire from behind her, quickly reacting with her own water magic to snuff it out.

“Lord Dark told us how much of a threat you were, he told us we can’t win against you or Danny. He is the only one capable, and he will end you both!” Leana stated, phasing out of the dome with her speed.

“Then why even fight me?” M asked, eyeing both of Dark’s minions. “If you know who I am, then you know I can save you from your master.”

“More like capable of infecting us with your light, Lord Dark enabled us to be more of ourselves and even more powerful.” Mizu chimed in.

“But at the cost of your mind?”

“He has done nothing bad to us, meanwhile you are!” The sorceress then summoned a storm, M stood her ground but Leana was blown away.

“It really is sad that you believe that.” However, M used Yuka’s magic to boost her own, blowing it away with a mighty wind clap.

Mizu used the opportunity to get close to hit M with a gust punch, not only hitting her but sending her against a rock. And it did damage, good damage as M was now holding her waist as she got up. “WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?”

Leana jumped to Mizu, looking at her. “I see you didn’t swap any part of yourself with her, you think her light will taint you?”

“Probably, and it’s something I can’t risk even if I wanted to. I have a plan, ATTACK!”

“We can’t-” Leana wasn’t able to finish as Mizu leapt away. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”

Energy walls suddenly appeared in front of M, repelling Mizu and halting Leana. “Guess we do this the hard way.” The walls themselves then shot out energy blasts at the duo.

Leana didn’t just avoid the attack, but managed to save Mizu from it too. She then tossed her away and sprinted towards M fast.

M would’ve punched Leana with an energy hand, but she not only phased through it but even herself. She immediately turned around to block the attack, but she was still pushed down. “Ngh… You’re too fast.”

“That’s the point, you can’t beat someone you can’t catch.” Leana then did a quick flip kick, but was pushed back by an energy dome from M.

An energy machine gun then wrapped around M’s right arm, as she fired at Leana.

The Darkened simply stood there, vibrating so fast that the energy bullets passed through her. “Look at you, you’re supposed to be powerful. I am much weaker than you and yet you can’t keep up, what a shame. You’ll never touch me, you’ll exhaust yourself in due time.” This was going as Leana planned, she was getting M’s attention.

Mizu came back behind M, using her magic to bind her to the ground. She was able to punch the hero in the face since she was distracted.

However, M remained unmoved and blasted Mizu up and away. “Okay, now you’re both getting super annoying.”

Leana used her speed to jump and catch Mizu once again, and then got her back to the ground and fled away fast. “Alright Mizu, we have to-”

“Shut it, we gotta keep-” Surprisingly, she was cut off with being slapped in the face by her ally.

“NO, YOU SHUT IT!” Dark Leana raised her voice, with that and her previous action shutting her comrade up. “I will distract her, from there you will find an opening and make sure she’s pinned down. Got that?”

Mizu listened to Leana for once, and nodded. “Okay fine, I’ll try it. But that slap was uncalled for.” They were both stopped by a flame tornado at M, separating the two.

The heroine landed between the two, looking at them both. But then she ran towards Leana, making her decision on who to deal with first. “You first, you’re the one that has the artifact and are actually good without that dark influence.”

“Only if you manage to catch me!” The Darkened got up fast, grabbing M’s attention as she ran circles around her.

M simply generated an energy dome, expanding to become bigger to hit Leana. But when she was close to it, she phased through it and kicked M against it from the inside. M retaliated, jumping off from her now-disappearing dome but missing to tackle Leana down due to her speed. Then she got back up and turned around to fire multiple energy blasts at her.

Mizu then approached the heroine from behind, using her muscles to grab and lift her up with her magic, surrounding her in vines and ice. “Focus M, focus!”

“GET OFF OF ME!” M was suddenly surrounded by flames to get her out of this bind, it’ll burn these grassy vines and melt the ice.

However, she was cut off by Leana who used the wind from her speed to put out the fire that M was generating. “KEEP GOING!”

“I AM!” Now hail and icicles started to fall onto M as she was trying to escape, and then the sorceress started to sink her into the ground by turning it into quicksand except it was actually quick.

M struggled, this wasn’t good, the vines and ice was making her stay in place, and the fire she was generating was getting snuffed. It wasn’t before long until she had to hold her breath and she sunk deeper and deeper, even eventually having to close her eyes. But when M finally stopped sinking and got stuck, she had it with this duo and decided to do this the very hard way. She went into her Super Form, bursting from the ground. “ENOUGH, I AM ENDING-” But by the time she came up, the duo were gone. “Dammit.”

Far far away, Dark Leana and Dark Mizu were now safe with their energies low and hidden. M wouldn’t find them now, they were safe. “Okay, I have to admit, that plan was smart.” Mizu said.

Leana responded. “Yeah, only took me to slap you to your senses for it to work. Look, if you still wanna fight for leadership that’s fine. But we can’t right now, M might sense us.”

“... You know what? No, no more fighting for leadership.” The sorceress then stood up straight, looking right into her comrade’s eyes. “I have power, beauty, and the ability to take that from others. I could even swap our IQs right now to make myself smarter, but I won’t. However, I see now it takes more than that to be a leader. Plus, if I took your smarts, I might become a nerd.”

“Gee… thanks…” Leana said sarcastically.

“I have what I want and have the means to gain more of it, all except for Lord Dark and his freedom which I can’t do by myself. Leana, I Mizu, forfeit my position as acting leader of the Darkened to you. You are a more capable leader when you were able to plan how to get away from M without her following us and I didn’t, it’s clear as day.”

Leana then went up to Mizu, putting her hand on her shoulder. “And for my first decree, you shall be my second in command. I will keep the Speed Sash, it’s the only thing making me able to compete with the more powerful competitors along with you. With your power and abilities along with my strategic mind, we’ll be strong together!”

“That’s fine by me. However, I do have one question, what won’t you tell us?” Mizu asked.

It took a moment, Leana needed to think. No one should know, otherwise word will spread fast. “... Do you promise on Lord Dark’s soul that you will not spread the word of what I am about to tell you, do you?”

“Of course I promise on his soul, why wouldn’t I? But if you’re saying that, then it must be very important.”

“It is, because it has to do with Lord Dark himself. He’s out and about, free in the body of Mia but is keeping it a secret and possibly manipulating the group he’s in to do what he wants. But, BUT, he doesn’t want anyone to know or else it’ll risk us all.”

“... Okay, now I am glad you didn’t tell me that back at base, because I would’ve notified the others of his freedom without a second thought for a morale boost.”

“Ugh…” Leana facepalmed.

“See? A great example of why I gave you the position of leader, you know when to speak and when not to speak about stuff.”

Before they could talk some more, Leana and Mizu got contacted by another Darkened back at their base. “Dark Leana here, what’s going on?”

“COME BACK HOME, HURRY! WE’RE BEING SLAU-” The transmission then ended, the duo looking concerned.

“If I fly us back, it’ll risk us getting detected by M and anyone else.”

Leana grabbed Mizu, now carrying her. “Then by foot, but I might tire at times if I run for too long in 1 go without stopping. But nevertheless, I’ll go as fast as I can without dropping you.” They then hurried off, not knowing what’s going on in their base of operations.
]Story written by Danny11229.
Here's a link to his DA Page: Danny11229 User Profile | DeviantArt
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