CaiRocks — Team Troubles

Published: 2021-03-09 15:50:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 7067; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 1
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Description It was quite some time after Dark got associated with Scrio and Lunaria, but it was quick surprising that he found out that they had no ulterior motive other than to cause chaos when directly speaking with them. But now, under the guise of Mia along with her body, he plans to formulate a strategy to be win this whole event he set into motion. Although Scrio is currently absent from their group, he and Lunaria were having a bite to eat at a local vendor. "Mmm~. This burger is so good, this is the first time I really am eating anything for myself. Lunaria, is this really what tasting is like in general?" 'Mia' asked.

"Yeah that's what tasting stuff is like, put it in your mouth and try it out, though some things you shouldn't try to eat." Lunaria was having some fries when she was talking with Dark.

"Hey, Black Licorice!" Dark and Lunaria heard a woman yell in their general direction though she was talking about candy from what they heard. "Huh? Someone wants candy?" Lunaria turned to where the noise was from to see Scrio who was in Hana's body running towards them.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" Mia yelled, as she then finished her burger. "Anyway, where did you go off to? And... what happened to you?"

"I was stalking out some places, met a demon guy, his daughter committed suicide after I put him in his powerless body then I took this one when it was empty." Scrio got near to them. "And I think that dude was trying to do something to me, I don't know what though."

Standing up to stretch, the possessed Saiyan looked to at the other girl. "Hey Lunaria, do you happen to have any Zeni on you? Y'know, to pay for this meal." She then went to pick up her drink, and finished it, shooting it straight into the garbage can without any effort.

"Yeah I'll pay for the meal." Lunaria went off to pay for it.

"So what have you two been doing?" Scrio stood next to Dark. "I've ran out when it was dark out now there's light."

"Well we went to sleep at the local inn, got up and walked around the city looking for a store to change my outfit. Then we found this burger joint and I wanted to know what eating was like, AND IT FEELS SO GOOD!" Mia's eyes sparkled in wonder and amazement, the taste of the burger she ate being that impactful.

"So you get enjoyment from food, it all tastes bland to me, except rock candy, I fucking love rock candy." Scrio looked at Dark surprised when Lunaria came back.

"I've payed for the food, so we can head back to the inn now?" Lunaria asked once she got there.

Eyeing Scrio's current body, Dark knew who it belonged to. It was Hana's, she is a succubus that entered in this contest along with a Majin, thought he knows what a succubus can do. Best be careful as to not trigger Scrio, or else he will have his 'fun'. Though turning to Lunaria, he answered with Mia's body. "Almost, we still need to find the clothing store. Scrio, you wouldn't have happened to pass by one, did you?"

"Yeah I saw one a couple paces back, it's pretty close to here so let's go, Lunaria help me drag her there!" Scrio and Lunaria picked up Dark Mia. "Aye aye, let's go!" Scrio leads them to the clothing store and drops Dark. "Here we are."

"... You didn't need to pick me up, I can fly just as fast." Rubbing her but, Mia stood back up. "Err... Lunaria, would you mind helping me pick the right sizes? Seeing that you're actually a girl and not a guy in a girl's body."

"Yeah I can help you out with an outfit." Lunaria drags Dark inside as Scrio just stood out there.

"Eh good choice he didn't choose me, I suck at clothes." He said to himself.

Now alone inside the store with Lunaria, the Saiyan walked in front of her. "Okay, I need you to listen. Best for Scrio to not come in here and goof off, especially when he has a succubus' body. If he sees anything lewd, like any girl in their bra or taking off their clothes, it might trigger him to go wild. On me, on you, on anyone."

"So he'll go off seeing people nearly naked, it just tempts me to bring him in here to see what happens." Lunaria turned to look at Scrio who was standing around outside of the store bored.

Taking his escort by the ear, Dark used Mia's voice to whisper to her. "I rather not get fucked in this body that I just gained, understood? I may be your partner, but I rather enjoy what I just gained."

"Ah fine, I'll leave him out there but we should find you some clothes while in here." Lunaria looks around for some clothes. "Also, you're gonna have to pay me back for this."

"Fine by me, but it ain't my fault that this body didn't have money on it." Walking with Lunaria through the store, it felt like he was experiencing first hand what it's like to live normally, even though anything is but normal in this contest. But going over to the women's section, he didn't hesitate to walk into it. Sure Dark's other is perverted, but he himself is not perverted at all... hopefully. "Hmm... Anything with a combination of dark purple and black, but would that be too much of a giveaway?"

"Yeah I'd say it'll be a giveaway for that combination, undergarments you could have black and dark purple but wear normal things on top." Lunaria looked through the bras section.

"So how long are ya both going to take or am I allowed to just run off and do my stuff." Scrio was standing in the women's section with the other two looking at Dark.

Mia didn't even know that Scrio can just pop into the store like that, but he did. "Scrio!? Umm... If you're gonna be in here, maybe... look away? You do know what kind of body you're in, right?"

"Nope, I don't know what type of body I'm in." Scrio continued to stare towards Dark, and then Lunaria went to drag Scrio out of the store.

"I'll bring him out fast, just hurry and get something to wear!" She tosses her wallet to Dark as she then drags Scrio out of the store.

Mia was quick to catch the wallet. "Umm... right! Well, that was one way to handle it." Dark mainly say Lunaria as a obedient minion to Scrio, but what just happened made him think otherwise, she can think for herself and even against her boss. Though, Dark didn't know the proper or accurate sizes of a woman, meanwhile Lunaria does. This was gonna be difficult... Wait a minute... "Ugh, I'm so dumb sometimes..." Reading Mia's memories, he manage to grasp the right sizes, and the types of clothes she wouldn't mind wearing. Armed with this knowledge, he grabbed one of the nearby shirts.

Roughly 7 minutes later, Scrio and Lunaria saw Mia exit the store with the wallet in hand. A black, blue, and red long-sleeved shirt that covered her stomach unlike her old shirt, along with purple gloves and black, blue, and red pants, complimented by black and purple shoes. "You're wallet." She then tossed it back to Lunaria. "So... How do I look?"

Lunaria caught her wallet it puts it away. "You look good."

"Nice, looks hot." Scrio made finger guns towards Dark. "So you got clothes and such, what are you gonna do now?"

"Well, Lunaria wanted to head back to the inn, so we should head back there. ALTHOUGH, there are certain people in this contest that I rather not encounter, or else we will be attacked and my cover will be blown. They are in that inn, just don't be suspicious." Mia then bonked Scrio lightly on the head. "And that goes double for you."

"Agh, just cause people will be suspicious that I'm acting like myself so me acting like a normal person would make the gods even more suspicious, they could even be hearing on our conversation right no-"

Lunaria smacked Scrio hard. "Let's just head back to the inn." Lunaria walked besides Dark to the inn while Scrio reluctantly followed behind.

The finally entered the structure shortly after, and actually didn't run into the other people. However, they needed to rent another room for the extra bed, as Scrio was back with them now. As Dark gave some time and space to the girl, he and Scrio now had their own room. Sure they have female bodies, but they're still of a male mind. "Alright, gonna cut right to it Scrio, that's the body of a succubus, not a normal demon. We were being careful around you, because we didn't want you to 'get it on' with other people."

"Eh get it on, so you thought I was going to rub my body against people like what Mitch did back there?" Scrio thought to himself. "So I'm a demon, that means I come from hell, now that's pretty cool."

"... Do you know what a succubus is?"

"Nope, nor do I know what emotions are."

"..." Mia didn't expect Scrio to not know, nor did he expect him to not know what emotions are. A very unique individual indeed, he might even be dangerous around, whether he's ignorant or not. "... Anyways, about the contest, it's more than just getting bodies and killing or converting everyone. You paying attention?"

"Yeah I'm listening, I don't care what others want the contest for, I care only for the chaos!" Scrio laughs. "Chaos is fun after all."

Sighing knowing that Scrio wouldn't care, Mia continued. "Now then, you know I am the one who orchestrated the whole thing. Even thought you can swap, possess, do whatever with your enemies and opponents, there is a way to win. There are these special artifacts scattered, and the first one to claim all of them is deemed the victor. And the winner gets 1 unrestricted wish, which I know is the reason why you didn't come here for. Hell, there was even a recent rule change where you can ask a goddess for the position of one of the artifacts, and each artifact has a different power or effect. I will help you with whatever you like, causing chaos and whatnot. But you have to help me win along the way, as I do desire my own freedom so I can do whatever I want with me life."

"Is there an artifact that can stop possessions?" Scrio got serious looking at Dark in the eyes. "Just curious, if there is one then I know what I gotta do."

"There may be one, there may not be one, not even I know. But what would you do if there was one?" Mia was interested in Scrio's question, wanting to know what he could possibly use that for.

"We may be aligned, though I won't give out the details of it." Scrio got up. "So I can ask the goddess where an artifact is? Well, let me go find one then."

"You'd have to win a fight against an opponent first in order to do that, but you don't get to decide their fate. It's either one or the other. This wasn't my idea, but the idea of one of the goddesses. She thought it would make it more interesting, and it would further my goals in the very end so I said she can do it."

"So I gotta fight someone." Scrio sat back down on the bed smiling once again. "So anything else to talk about?"

"Nope!" She headed to the bathroom door, opening it. "I am gonna head into the shower, you and Lunaria did rough up this body a bit in your excursion. But be on your best behavior, it won't take long anyway." Mia knew Scrio had Hana's body, but Dark felt dirty for not washing it sooner. He only hopes the thought of Mia's body showering alone doesn't make his partner go wild, or else he might have a bad time. Nevertheless, the possessed Saiyan went into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it as well.

"Washing his body huh?" Scrio looked at his current body and felt it up a bit blushing while he thought to himself. "Hmm Mitch wanted to play with me so I wonder..." She got a devious smile on her face. "Maybe I should play around with Dark after they come out of the shower." Scrio took off his jacket and mask and waited outside the bathroom door to ambush Dark.

Needless to say, someone showering wouldn't be quick whatsoever. 10 minutes passed, and then the door opened back up, Mia's body covered in a towel as she went out. But looking over to the beds, she didn't see Scrio. "Where did he go? Ah well, don't need to worry about his lust anymore." She then went past Scrio, who she didn't know was behind the door.

Scrio pounced on Dark, toppling him down to the floor. Scrio was in Hana's clothes as he felt up Dark's breasts. "Ah, imagine how good this must feel for you~." Scrio had a flirty face on, he continues to play with Dark's body as he tries to get Dark into having fun back with Scrio.

With his partner overcome with his body's lust, Mia saw down on herself to see the towel was removed, exposing her body. Blushing as Scrio grabbed her breasts so forcefully, and letting out a moan even though she didn't want to, the possessed Saiyan's eyes turned into a glowing red color and she used a dark energy fist to punch Scrio's head into the ceiling. "DAMN IT SCRIO!" Mia yelled, getting the towel to cover herself back up. It did feel good, but she didn't want Scrio to play around and have his way with her.

Lunaria burst through the door, to see what the commotion is about and sees that Scrio is stuck in the ceiling. "So that's what happened... Dark, would you mind explaining to me why Scrio is in the ceiling?"

"He was being a pervert with a succubus' body, and of course this happens right after I take a shower..." As Scrio fell on the bed, dazed, Mia backed away from him and to Lunaria in case he was still conscious. "I rather not have my new body played with..."

"Tt's bed time..." Scrio then passed out as Lunaria just looks at Scrio who was out. "So when should we find his body, tonight or tomorrow morning?" Lunaria asked Dark, keeping an eye on Scrio.

Waving her hair back with her hand, Mia looked to Lunaria. "The sooner the better, it'd be best for the both of us to get him out of that body. Though, to reiterate, my name is Mia. Call me no one else, even a nickname is better if it isn't closer to my actual name."

"Right, I'll go look for his body immediately while he's out." Lunaria quickly left the place now searching for Scrio's body for where she knew it would be at.

Seeing Lunaria leave, Mia was now alone and was at peace since Scrio was out cold. "Nice to see that girl think independently." Though, once more, she looked at her own body. Maybe people, including Dark's other, wanted this body for it's power and possibly it's beauty. Whether they were good, evil, or goofballs. "Huh, for once I feel the burden of protecting your own body Mia..." The possessed Saiyan then threw the towel away and began to wear her new clothes again, and then went to the other bed to relax a bit while waiting for Lunaria.

An hour and a half later, Lunaria came back and dropped Scrio's body into the floor. "I knew it, it was where we found you Mia, up in one of the trees."

Yawning, Mia awoke after waiting for so long. The nap wasn't wanted, but was welcomed to pass the time. "Ah, nice job. Now, how do we put him back in it?"

"I believe it has something to do with his mask, last time I saw he was in his body when the mask was on it." Lunaria picked up Scrios mask then turned over his body as she put it on there. Nothing happened when Lunaria put the mask on his body. "Maybe we should wait 'til he's awake to see if something happened?"

"Do you think he'll still be lustful when he wakes up, even though I'm fully-clothed?"

"I doubt that, you knocked him pretty hard into the ceiling plus if he is we both could just force him back to his body."

"True... Okay, I'll wake him up now then because I don't wanna wait any longer." Making sure the door was closed, which it was, Mia opened a small portal above Scrio's face, which dropped a lot of water on him.

Awakening in Hana's body, Scrio felt his actual body open. So he quickly switched into it and teleported up. "Agh, damn I hate the water."

"He's awake." Lunaria said, backing way from Scrio a bit.

Closing the portal and stopping the water from falling, Mia back away as well. "So... Scrio... how do you feel?" Truth be told, she didn't want to punch him unconscious again, but she is prepared to if he repeats what he did last time.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, I was unconscious for a bit." Scrio disappears as Lunaria and Dark is left there with Hana's empty body.

"Well, I see he's feeling fine." Lunaria turned towards Hana's body and inspected it a bit. "So what do we do with this body?"

Another body that Dark could possess, no opposition whatsoever. But the big problem is that it's a succubus' body, it'd be hard for even him to control his lust in. Corruption wouldn't work, as someone needs to be in Hana's body to begin with. "I have no idea, because I am not gonna try to possess it and risk my sanity. Though there is a local Body Shop in the city for any bodies people don't want, I am gonna leave the fate of Hana's body up to you."

"I'll think further about it, for now I'm gonna rest since Scrio ruined it for me with his endeavors with you." Lunaria headed back to her room leaving Hana's body in Dark's room.

"Take your time." Being alone, Dark was now alone with the bodies of both Mia and Hana, the former being possessed by him. He thought about his other, knowing he would us such an opportunity to do something lewd, but not him. Leaving Hana's body on the wet bad Scrio was on, Dark piloted Mia's body to the other bed and took another nap.
As Dark is adjusting to Mia's body and spending some time, he and Lunaria see Scrio return now possessing Hana's body. And with a succubus' body, some shenanigans are bound to ensue...

Story done by Danny11229 & ScriosadhThePerson.
Here's the link to Danny11229's DA Page: Danny11229 User Profile | DeviantArt
Here's the link to ScriosadhThePerson's DA Page: ScriosadhThePerson User Profile | DeviantArt

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