CaribbeanRose9 β€” Race For Your Heart
#anime #girls #haruka #harukamichiru #harukatenou #love #outerscouts #outersenshi #sailormoon #sailorsenshi #uranus #harukaxmichiru #sailoruranussailorneptune
Published: 2008-06-28 16:12:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 1443; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 3
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Description Hi again! I just thought I'd finish off my Sailor Moon fanfic writing days with a couple of last short stories that I've had formulating in my mind for a very long time. I really hope you enjoy this, as many of my other friends and readers have. I've been just a bit disappointed by the lack of readers and reviews, but I guess that's to be expected. I mean, I didn't expect to have a whole TON of reviews. But that's cool. The Sailor Sirius fanfictions are written mainly for myself than anything else. If nobody wants to read and reviews, hey, it's not on me. And if any of you "purist, over obsessed" fans have a problem with Michiru and Haruka falling in love with men, there IS something you can do about it; you can simply pick up the phone and dial 1-800-Get-A-Life. Anyway, there's no real "set" time period for this, but if it HAD to be, it'll be at least a couple of days after "Rise of B'aal". Please enjoy. Thanks for everything, and happy reading!


Sailor Moon: Race For Your Heart

Tokyo, Japan:

Smiling to herself, Tenou Haruka walked up and opened the door to her sleek black and gold racing car, hopping in and carefully placing her helmet over her dark blonde hair. She secured the straps to the helmet under her chin, strapped her seat belt carefully in place, and turned on the ignition. Just like many times before, she enjoyed the feeling of power as the engine started up and gently shook the car. Overhead, the late day sun was just about to set, ending another day in the busy suburb of Tokyo. Many of the crowds and racers already left the famous racetrack for the day, having enjoyed another thrilling race which Haruka participated in and won as usual. Like before, many of them cheered for her, knowing she was one of the top racers Japan had to offer, male or female. She smiled once more at that. Many of them didn't even KNOW she was actually female! But what mattered to her was her talent in racing, and she enjoyed each victory she won.

Not too far from the setting sun, the faint, small crescent moon began to appear, signifying it would be another clear, star-filled night for all to enjoy. After the race, Haruka decided she would drive around the track a few more times before heading home. The world famous international racer, the only one with the possibility of beating her record, was supposed to be on his way to Japan to defend his title in a big time racing event Japan holds once a year, and there was no way she was going to let him take away her title or her chance at glory that easily. She had never met nor even seen any pictures of this world-renowned racer, but people still talked about him non-stop. It made her just a bit nervous though, not even knowing what he looked like or truly knowing his racing background. She didn't want just ANYONE trying to take her title! But she shrugged it off. Besides, it's not like she even wanted to meet him. Why bother? She frowned slightly, trying to remember his name. Kaze...something. She shrugged again. Oh well, it was just another racer she would easily beat, just like all the others.

She pressed her foot against the pedal, throttled her gear shift, and with the tire wheels screeching against the hard ground, she raced off towards the track, already picking up speed. This was the time and moment Haruka lived for. The speed, the racing, and the fact that her lightning quick reflexes were what kept her alive in the split second between crashing and swerving away from danger safely. The engine roared, and Haruka pressed the pedal even harder. Usually, if Michiru wasn't too busy, she would come down with her and cheer her on, supporting her in every way, but the musician was too tied up in rehearsals tonight. Haruka couldn't help but smile when she thought about her. Michiru, her best friend, confidant, hero, the light to her darkness, her compliment, just about everything. The bond they shared was unlike anyone else's. It went beyond friendship and caring, beyond whether they were lesbian lovers or not. It was a bond that was born on a spiritual, and admittedly physical, level. Haruka had to admit that what they shared was misunderstood by everyone.

It was a special, pure friendship that was rarely shared between two people, even lovers. It even went beyond what words can explain. But despite the misunderstanding everyone had, Haruka knew what really mattered is that she could trust Michiru with her life, and could count on her for anything. But on this night, the teal-haired musician was practicing on her violin for an important upcoming performance. As usual, Haruka knew she was here with her in spirit, there was no doubt about that.

The first lap whizzed by her window, breaking her out of her thoughts, and Haruka smiled. That was her best time yet. She'll be ready for this Kaze jerk in no time. She kept on driving, and just as she was about to drive past the second lap, another racing car sped up behind her, its overhead lights blaring into her review mirror. "What the...!" Haruka cursed to herself and swerved to the right, trying to get the glare out of her rearview mirror and to let whoever that was to move on. But the race car didn't pass her. Instead, with the lights still blaring, it came up to level with her on her left side. Turning her head, Haruka got a good look at the car. It was painted in an elaborate swirl of gold, white, and blue, her favorite colors.

The driver of the car, clearly male, also turned his head to look at her, and his helmet was similar to the intricate design on his car, as Haruka's helmet was to hers. To her annoyance, the driver grinned widely, winked, and sped on, leaving her behind. Haruka growled deep in her throat and gripped her steering wheel hard. "Oh yeah? I'll show you!" She stepped on her gas pedal and tried as hard as she could to keep up, sweat pouring down her face. They quickly passed the third lap, and at this point, Haruka started to get nervous. He was still in front of her! Who was this guy? She then gunned the gas pedal as hard as she could, using all the skills she had learned over the years. Like I said once before to another racer wannabe, you must be nuts if you think you can keep up with me! Haruka wickedly thought to herself.

The fourth lap was coming up fast, and Haruka was just about to reach the racer when his car suddenly accelerated, and she was nearly rendered blind by the amount of smoke that poured out of the exhaust pipe. Wheels screeched loudly as she tried to swerve out of the way of the smoke, but seconds later, when it did clear, she saw the driver speed through the fourth lap, then drive over to the pit stop. The car stopped with a slight screech and waited for Haruka. The blonde woman pulled up to the other car and stopped with the slamming of her breaks, her car's wheel screeching in protest. Enraged, Haruka turned off her engine and flung open the door. She quickly pulled off her helmet, flung it back in her car, and waited until the other driver came out, who was calm and cool as if nothing ever happened.

Haruka never even waited until he took off his own helmet before she rushed up to him and began yelling. "Who the HELL do you think you are, buddy? This racetrack is supposed to closed off to everyone else, and you almost made me get in an accident! I should just kick your sorry a -!"

"Whoa, whoa!" chuckled the driver, holding his hands up to stop her tirade. "If you don't know who I am, then maybe I should introduce myself. After all, it's not polite to beat up someone without at least knowing his name first, ne?"

Haruka's eyes widened in surprise, totally not expecting such a remark. She watched as he took his helmet off, but anger still seethed inside of her. When his helmet was finally off, her eyes widened just a bit once more. She had only just noticed the man was tall, much taller than her in fact, with a muscular build under his racing suit and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. His hair was a blazing red, short and slightly spiky. With a lop-sided smile, the man smoothed his hair back, showing off a handsome, well-formed face, and looked deep into Haruka's eyes. Suddenly, much to the surprise to the blonde-haired racer, Haruka's heart skipped a beat. His eyes! she thought to herself. His eyes are like the endless sky! And it looks like he's hiding something in them, like he's running from something, just like I used to! But just as quickly as the thought came to her, she shook her head from momentary shock to end it and glared at the man standing before her, narrowing her eyes.

"Look, I don't care who you are! You can't just come in here like some wannabe racer and wreck my practice like that! This is for professional racers only, so you should just leave before -"

"Ahh, but that's where you are mistaken!" the man said as he smirked gently. "I am very much a professional racer, and I have every right to be here and practice as you do." Β "The name's Yumemeno Kaze, but you can call me Kaze. I am very pleased to meet a talented and beautiful racer." His eyes twinkled at her.

For a moment, Haruka just stood staring at him, her mouth dropped open and completely dumbfounded. No way! Was he flirting with her? Did he know she was a woman? This had never happened to her before! She was the one that usually flirted, especially with young girls who mistook her for a man, just for fun. No one had ever put her on this spot before, not to mention a man, and Haruka was completely in the dark as to how to deal with this. How could he tell she was a woman? People often had to look twice at her to figure out what she really was. A million emotions raced through her body then, as well as a million questions and thoughts. There he was, the world class racer, the jerk she was practicing to beat tomorrow, and he was flirting with her! The situation was almost too much to bear.

As Haruka stared in complete shock, Kaze took this time to take her hand in his own and try to bring it to his lips for a kiss. As soon as he came to the race track to get in a few minutes of late day practice, he knew who it was that was racing. He had always known about the infamous Tenou Haruka and her racing record. He had seen many pictures of her and read her interviews, and knew that somehow, he HAD to get to know her. Coming to Japan was his big chance, and he was hoping that someway, somehow, he would meet her. Admittedly he did go a bit far with their informal race just now, but what mattered was that she was alright, and he finally got to meet her. As soon as he looked into her eyes, he knew the quick, tiny connection they shared. He suddenly knew that she felt the same passion for the wind and speed as he did, as if it was ingrained in them. It was like a part of their destiny, and looking into Haruka's career, he knew he wasn't wrong about how they were mysteriously connected.

He was just about to bring her hand to his lips when Haruka suddenly snapped out her stupor and snatched her hand away from him. "HEY! Just what do you think you're doing?" she growled. She balled her hand into a fist and was about to punch him in the stomach, but restrained herself for some reason at the last second. "Do you have any idea who I am? You got some nerve!"

"Oh, I know exactly who you are, Tenou Haruka," Kaze smiled. "I've learned all I could about you, and I know you have a pretty impressive record. I was actually hoping to meet you some day, and now, it's come true. Besides," He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest, and leaned against his car. "You can't blame me for wanting to meet the only other person with a racing career almost as good as mine, ne?" He smiled in a cocky, arrogant way.

Haruka narrowed her eyes at him. She could really dislike this guy, despite what she thought she felt about him just a moment ago. "Look, you may be a big shot racer, but you've got one loser attitude! You can race around if you want now, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow, and prepare to feel humiliated when I BEAT you!" With that, she turned to head off towards her car, but she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Hey! Wait, don't go yet," the taller man said, his voice softer. Haruka turned around and folded her arms across her chest, giving him an impatient look as she tapped her feet. "Sorry, I guess I didn't give a very good first impression." he chuckled.

When he saw Haruka wasn't smiling with him, Kaze cleared his throat. "Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I haven't been to Japan in a very long time, and I just got here this morning and don't know much people. Perhaps you can show me around sometime, when you're not too busy?" He gave her a hopeful look.

Try as hard as she could, Haruka couldn't stop a slight blush to her cheek at the way he looked at her. "If you're trying to ask me out, forget it. I...I..err...that is..I don't have time. Yeah, that's it. I..have someone already..." She flustered, trying to keep herself from stuttering from the flood of emotions racing through her mind and heart.

"Oh really?" Kaze raised his eyebrow. "If that's so, then why did you hesitate when saying that?" He smiled softly softly at her. And why did we have such a strong connection just now? he silently asked himself, but shook that off.

He smiled in that arrogant, lopsided grin again when Haruka didn't answer, and she grimaced and balled her fist again. What a jerk! Oh how she wanted to punch the lights out of him! Yet somehow, she couldn't stop her heart skipping slightly once again.

But unknown to them, not too far away, a glowing appeared on the race track, and a shadowy figure slowly began to emerge from it and floated high in the sky.

"Alright buddy, unless you want a big, fat lip, you'd better just get the heck out of here, whoever you think you are!" She stepped forward towards him, to make sure her message was getting through his thick head, and just as she was about to say more, a sudden roar filled the whole area, making them look up.

To their horror, a vicious-looking demon jumped down from the darkening night air right above them. It landed with a heavy thud that shook the ground, and glaring at them, it opened its mouth once more and roared loudly. The two racers sank to their knees and placed their hands over their ears, trying to drown out the deafening noise. The creature had a sickly green tone to its skin, with two thick, black horns sticking out of the sides its head. It also had razor-sharp teeth and nails that look capable of ripping through anything.

"N...Nanda? What IS that?" Kaze gaped, his eyes wide and disbelieving.

Dammit! I thought we took care of all those demons in Israel! Haruka thought angrily to herself, narrowing her eyes. She was about to take her henshin stick out of her pocket when she then remembered the man next to her. "Kaze, get the hell out of here, now!" she screamed out.

"But…what about you? What IS that thing?" The taller man moved closer to Haruka, almost in a protective way, and they both stood back to back.

The creature roared once again and raised its massive arm to deliver a killing blow. "I said MOVE!" Haruka growled loudly, pushing Kaze out the way. They both fell to the ground and rolled out of the way just as the arm swiped overhead. The claws tore into the side of Kaze's car, leaving some nasty looking gashes.

Haruka stood up quickly and went into a fighting stance. Shimatta! I can't transform while he's here! she thought frantically to herself. Fine! Then I'll just have to make it chase me somewhere else so I can fight it.She turned to the man struggling to stand next to her. "Kaze, I'm going to try and distract this thing. When it chases me, get the heck out of here!"

"What? You can't! That thing will...!" But he never got the chance to finish. The blonde racer dashed off, hoping to distract the monster enough to allow him to run to safety. But it didn't work out as she expected.

She had barely started running when the creature jumped up high, and almost as if it could fly in the air, it flipped over Haruka's head and landed right in front of her. She stopped dead in her tracks, and before she could do anything, the demon raised its clawed hand and slashed down, leaving a medium sized gash on her side. Haruka fell to the ground with a painful scream.

"HARUKA!" Kaze screamed out. He rushed over as fast as he could, and with a grunt, jumped forward and tackled the monster hard to the ground just as it was about to give the killing blow. The demon roared in annoyance and surprise as it rolled away from him. When it got back up, it turned to the tall man and rushed at him.

The creature fell on top of him and raised its arm to dig its claws into him, but Kaze caught it just in time with both hands, struggling to keep the sharp nails away from him. Man, this is one night I certainly didn't expect! he thought. He turned his head to see Haruka struggling to sit up. But I have to try to protect her! With that thought, he struggled even harder to get up and push the creature away from him. There was no way he could explain it, but he knew he HAD to protect Haruka in any way he could.

Suddenly from deep down inside of him, a new power was awakening. A power unlike anything Kaze had ever felt before. It came like a spark, then it grew more and more into a burning fire inside of him, filling him with strength and a vitality he never knew he had. Slowly, his body started to glow a silvery color mixed with sky blue.

Haruka turned her head to watch Kaze struggle to get the creature off him. Ignoring her pain, she tried to force herself to get up, but then her eyes widened as she saw his body begin to glow. To her complete surprise a second later, the symbol of the planet of Uranus, bright and clear as her own, began to shine on his forehead. After that, it was as if everything had gone into slow motion. New strength began to emanate from the red-haired racer's body then, and with barely a grunt, he slowly began to get up from the ground, still gripping the demon's clawed hand. Baring his teeth, Kaze grasped the monster by the side with his free hand, picked it up over him, and threw it many feet away from him.

As he stood panting for a moment, the man's body began to glow even brighter, so much so that Haruka had to look away. There was a flash, and when it died down, Haruka looked back toward Kaze...and gaped.

Instead of his normal racing suit, Kaze was now dressed in a regal princely armored suit, not too different from Prince Endymion's, but still had its own unique style; silvery metal armored plates covered his arms, elbows, and knees, and half of his muscular chest area. Underneath that, a bright sky blue suit covered his tall body very snugly, outlining his very masculine form. The suit was outlined in silver. Across his shoulders was a flowing dark blue cape, and its underlining was a pure gold. In his right hand was a long and elegant trident which shined brightly in the moon's light.

The now transformed Kaze turned and glared at the creature as it got up and prepared to attack once more. Like lightning, memories filled his mind then. Memories of a time long ago on a splendid kingdom on the Earth's single moon. He now remembered being a minor prince of Uranus during the Silver Millennium, loving the often misunderstood and misjudged princess from a distance, but knowing there was no way he would ever be hers. It was against society's rules on Uranus. Minor nobility were not permitted to marry or have contact with the planet's major ruling houses. But he stopped the memories right then, lifting his head. Now was not the time to dwell on these re-awakened images. There was a job to do.

"K..Kaze?" Haruka breathed out, barely believing what she was seeing. But she never had the chance to say anymore as the creature once more roared with vengeance and rushed forward towards Kaze.

The tall man narrowed his eyes, gripping his trident tighter. Then, just as the demon was about to reach him, he raised his weapon high above him and spoke with a loud and clear voice; "Foul creature! Be gone! Ushered in by the past Age of Aquarius, I am Knight Uranus, and your presence here is no longer permitted! The planet of the winds is my deity!" The trident began to blow brightly, and he brought it down to point it at the advancing creature. Glaring at the demon, he yelled out, "URANUS, WINDS OF RAGE!"

Immediately the outline of the planet Uranus appeared behind him in silvery sparkles, and the trident let loose a powerful blast of white energy, shaped into a smaller version of a tornado. The tornado shape elongated to reach all the way to the demon, and when it struck him, the tornado-like power lifted it high into the air while it screamed in rage. The tornado covered the demon a moment later and exploded in a loud blast, destroying it so completely there was literally nothing left.

For what seemed like long moments Knight Uranus looked to where the creature once stood, then as if suddenly remembering Haruka, he hurried to where she was sitting up. He walked over and gently took her hand in his to help her stand. At first, Haruka could only stare at him, completely at a loss for words. Yes, she had known learned about how the former Dark Kingdom Generals were from each of the Inner planets, and that they each had the job of protecting the Sailor Senshi that originated from those planets, to the point they even had a small love affair with them. But she could barely remember anything about the Outer planets and their senshi having Knights for protectors.

She blinked, and suddenly, from a small memory forgotten for a thousand years, Haruka did remember one particular Knight and minor prince. She recalled the red-haired one that always annoyed her with constantly making sure she was safe or following her around, right up to just days before the fateful attack brought on by Queen Beryl and the Dark Kingdom, which tragically ended the reign of the Silver Millennium. As the princess of Uranus, she remembered always putting up a front to everyone that she hated having him near her, pushing him around and yelling at him. But secretly, she actually enjoyed having someone care about her so much.

She remembered she was a true tomboy, which caused her parents, the head king and queen of Uranus, much consternation and embarrassment. But this Knight always accepted her for who she was, and she had admired that deep in her heart. Suddenly the memories became so real to her then that she truly long for the time of the Silver Millennium, but she knew it was long gone. So if there was a Knight Uranus, could there be more Knights? Knights from all the Outer Planets?

Her thoughts were interrupted then when Knight Uranus put a hand on her shoulder, looking deep into her eyes with concern. "Are you alright now?" he asked.

"Oh, err...yes, I'm fine. I just...I was just thinking..." Despite her still painful wound, the racer couldn't hide the very slight blush on her cheek. This was wrong. There's no way she could feel this way, especially for a man!


A new voice cut into the air, and Sailor Neptune, her eyes filled with worry, dashed across the tracks, jumped up high, and landed near the two.

"What's going on here? Are you alright?" She looked at Knight Uranus warily.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine Neptune," Haruka breathed out, gently taking Sailor Neptune's hand in her own and letting her know she was well. Then, taking a deep breath, she nodded her head towards the man standing near her. "But we do have a lot of things to discuss, if it's okay with you."

Neptune once more looked at Knight Uranus with narrowed, suspicious eyes, and when she didn't feel any evil or ill intent from him, she nodded slowly. Then together, the three of them headed off, police sirens blasting in the background and hurrying onto the scene.



A few days later:

With a frustrated grunt, Haruka threw down the wrench she was holding and turned away from the race car she was working on in the racetrack garage. The car hood was opened wide, and small smudges of grease and oil stains covered her face. The last couple of days were so confusing to her! First, she had to withdraw from the big race Kaze was in because of the injury she sustained from the demon...which the general public only knew as an "accident" due to her tinkering with her car, then had to deal with the struggling emotions she felt when learning that Kaze was Knight Uranus. What did this all mean? Did they truly have a past together? She also had to deal with Michiru's strange reaction to him. She acted politely enough towrds Kaze, listening as he retold as much of his memories of the Silver Millennium as he could, but she was almost cold towards him. Boy, this will be SOME tale for Usagi, Tanya, and the other senshi to hear! she thought as she wiped her hands in her cloth. Sighing, Haruka turned back to look at the engine of her car. Not surprisingly, Kaze had won the big international race, raising his popularity status even more. But no matter. If fate allows, Haruka would make sure she beat him next year, Knight or no Knight. She smiled secretly to herself at that thought.

Since the demon attack, she tried as hard as she could to avoid the red-haired racer, but the more she avoided him, the more she thought about him, much to her annoyance. Well, she would just have to keep avoiding him then. That was all she could do. Besides, she heard he was supposed to be leaving, to participate in another big race in another town. But did it make her feel better, or worse?

Suddenly, a shadow walked up to her car, cast by the high afternoon sun, and with blinking eyes, Haruka looked up from underneath the car hood to see Kaze walking towards her, his own eyes lowered and somewhat troubled.

"Hey," he said softly as he came up next to her, running a hand through his red hair.

"Hey yourself," Haruka nodded slightly in greeting, and trying hard to ignore her feelings, went back to work on her engine as if nothing was wrong.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a few moments, and Kaze was the first to break it, clearing his throat. "Listen...umm, I have to leave for Kyoto soon, and I just wanted to say...that is...I wanted..."

"I know you're leaving," Haruka said from under the car hood, trying hard to cover her quiver. "You don't have to say anything. Goodbye, and good luck with your racing." She'll get used to it. So many people had left her throughout her life, especially men,especially her father. He left her and her mother nearly penniless when she was only two. For years after that, she and her mother struggled daily just to get by. Memories of her when she was young and begging family members for food entered Haruka's mind then, and the old hatred for her father rose again. She had never forgiven the man, and never will. All men were the same as him, weren't they? That was why Haruka never thought about being involved with one.

Haruka's father, a former mechanic, was considered the "black sheep" of his family, always wanting to travel the world and was a daydreamer most of the time, often forgetting about his wife and child. One day, on one of his regular "trips", he disappeared and never returned. Haruka's mother was devastated. She didn't know what she and her mother would have done if it wasn't for the small fortune her grandfather had secretly saved up and left to them when he suddenly died.

Kaze blinked his eyes, feeling a bit disappointed. "Well, I just thought that maybe, you and I......" He paused for a moment. "Aww, forget it!" he growled out in frustration. He sighed and lowered his head. "Goodbye Haruka, and...and be happy." With that, Kaze turned to go.

Haruka raised her head, a sinking feeling suddenly entered in her stomach. Somehow, she knew that if he left without her saying anything, then she would never have a chance again, and that frightened her more than anything. GO! a voice in her mind screamed. Go after him, don't let him go! Michiru will understand! She took a deep breath, and just as he was about to go pass the garage door and out of her life forever, she did something she didn't even remember doing; she called out his name. "Kaze!"

He turned back to look at her, and with the sun shining down on him, he almost seemed to glow making him more handsome than ever. Haruka closed her eyes for a second to catch her breath, still not believing what she did. She opened them again and walked up to him.

"Kaze, I just can't let you leave without...I..mean, don't want you to think that I don't care. It's not like I'll be lonely, not with Michiru and the others being around." Once more, words failed her, and she felt almost foolish standing there blubbering. How was she supposed to tell him that he couldn't just leave like that? How can she tell him that he was now part of the Sailor Senshi team, to be destined to fight whatever evil Fate throws at them? She sighed softly. Seeing that, Kaze gave that lop-sided grin again.

For a second Haruka was angry at him smiling at her like that, but it quickly vanished when she felt her heart skip a beat again at how handsome he was standing in the sunlight. "Don't smile at me like that! I just wanted to tell you that...that you should.....Oh, what the hell!" With that, she threw her rag behind her, reached up on her tip-toes, threw her arms around him, and pressed her lips against his to give him a firm yet still gentle kiss.

At first, Kaze's eyes widened in surprise, but when he felt the passion in her kiss grow, he gave back as much as she gave.

For long moments, the two stood there and just held each other, locked in a passionate kiss. Never in her life did Haruka imagine this would happen to her. She had sworn off men after what her father did, vowed never to love them, and she had always held firm to that decision. Besides, she had Michiru, didn't she? To help her through the tough times that a man never could. And now, this!

But as much as she didn't want it to happen, it did, and she embraced it with all the emotions she had and finally let loose. All was right in her world now, and she couldn't be more happier or surprised. Deep in her soul, she knew that Michiru would always have a special place in her heart. A place that no one else could fill or replace. But Haruka also knew that her heart can have room for someone else, someone who had something in common with her, someone who now knew that he didn't have to run from his destiny anymore, like she did. Despite the tough, male attitude she always put out, Haruka was still a woman inside with needs she knew only Kaze could fill. Right then, she was finally happy for now, and that was enough for her, a woman who finally allowed herself to love and be loved in return.


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Comments: 20

LovelyLadyGray [2020-01-27 04:14:57 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2020-01-27 22:45:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, thank you so much. You have no idea how much your words now means to me. I was actually on the verge of leaving Deviant Art because of being ignored here. Deviant Art used to be a wonderful place for me to show my editing art and my stories I worked so hard on, both my Sailor Moon fanfictions and my original stories. I did get a few comments and feedback, but I appreciated it. Now Deviant Art has become nothing but a popularity contest for "cool" artists drawing nothing but art of fat, engorged girls, feet fetishes, girls in bondage and tied up, yaoi (boy/boy love), yuri (girl/girl love).....especially with characters from My Little Pony, over-sized breasts, characters EATING other characters and having engorged bellie, nudity, and buttocks. It's sickening, but members here thinks it's cool and popular. SO many others here are ignored and shunned, especially ethnic characters like my own. But you've really shown me that there are decent people here and I appreciate it so much. Please keep visiting.

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

LovelyLadyGray In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2020-01-28 17:49:32 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2020-02-01 15:35:10 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I don't bother watching those "popular" artists here, and I'm sure you know how the ones I mean. All of them barely answer comments either, they just ignore. No thanks, I'd rather watch and follow artists who are kind, respectful, and courteous, even if they aren't popular. I do hope for the best too, as I hope to have my stories published one day and sort of be the next J.K. Rowling. We'll see!

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

LovelyLadyGray In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2020-02-01 20:19:06 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to LovelyLadyGray [2020-02-02 15:55:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I remember the Dragonriders of Pern! I think I've only read the first book, but I always meant to go back to it. Perhaps this Spring. Yes, being respectful is very important and I think those "popular" artists have forgotten that. If you have so much comments that you can't possibly answer them all, at least put a note saying that you in advance, and apologize not getting back. It's just respect.

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

Memenda-Seven [2015-09-28 07:13:15 +0000 UTC]

Better late than never! I loved this story! I decided to read this in the morning and I was intrigued on how far the story went. I adored the flashbacks in the story. They seemed to create the scenes very well. I will read the rest of your sailor moon story. I really enjoyed this one a lot.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Memenda-Seven [2015-09-28 21:45:01 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh, I forgot I even wrote this! I think this was written about 11 or 12 years ago. Oh wow, I was such a Sailor Moon fan back then, you kind of reminded me of it. Thank you so much for the comment, I don't even care that it was late! The most important thing is that I'm so pleased and joyful that it was accepted and people liked it, despite what it's about. I truly appreciate you giving this story a chance, really. Thank you again!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Memenda-Seven In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2015-09-30 08:12:41 +0000 UTC]

Hehe! You're welcome!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Memenda-Seven [2015-10-01 23:33:33 +0000 UTC]

You're adorable!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Memenda-Seven In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2015-10-02 07:19:24 +0000 UTC]

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LimeFangs [2008-06-28 17:21:44 +0000 UTC]

It's cool I love the ending. you're giving up writing sm fanfiction?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to LimeFangs [2008-06-28 19:08:40 +0000 UTC]

Hi hi! Well, I would exactly say "giving up". Depending on how she's accepted here, I might do another Sailor Sirius fanfic. But that's for the wonderful comment. You're the first one to comment on ANY of my stories. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

LimeFangs In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2008-06-28 20:35:01 +0000 UTC]

No prob ^^ I've always loved her...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to LimeFangs [2008-06-30 18:30:49 +0000 UTC]

Awww, you're a sweetheart!

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LimeFangs In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2008-07-01 01:57:19 +0000 UTC]


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CaribbeanRose9 In reply to LimeFangs [2008-07-02 01:10:48 +0000 UTC]

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LimeFangs In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2008-07-02 03:04:09 +0000 UTC]


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CaribbeanRose9 In reply to LimeFangs [2008-07-08 17:56:45 +0000 UTC]

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LimeFangs In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2008-07-10 02:09:57 +0000 UTC]


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