CariChimera — Mangledjaw reff sheet

Published: 2014-08-12 23:58:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 1338; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 7
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Please note me if you would like to be related to this guy!!! He needs reletives!

Name Mangledjaw

Past Names -

Longkit, Longpaw, Longfang

Name breakdown-

Warrior name

Prefix: Long- for his long fur

Suffix: Fang- for his abnormally large fangs and fighting skill

Age - 132 moons (11 years)

Gender - male

Breed - 25% Siberian forest cat, 25% American long hair, 45% rag-doll, 15% Angora

Clan - Riverclan

Rank - Elder

Scent - old moss, musty, pine needles, riverclan scent

Apprentice/past apprentices - Has had 9 past apprentices


Pelt - very long and slightly shaggy with dark brown stripes and lighter brown under belly

Eyes - were once vibrant yellow, but are now clouded over with blindness.

Other Noticeable Scars/Traits - She has many scars that have long since healed and now are very pale.

Disabilities - broken jaw(it has healed pretty well, but it makes in harder to eat and speak.), broken knuckles on left paw (can no longer retract his claws in that paw), can't fully straighten back (slows him down), mostly blind and partially deaf in his right ear (but his hearing is relatively fine.) 

he often has to chew wormwood and poppy seeds for joint pain.


Orientation - Straight 

Activity - None 

Mate - deceased














Herbal Knowledge



Faith In StarClan




"Let me tell you a story, kit. It is about a tom who was not unlike yourself. He loved nothing more then to honor his clan in battle, so he trained to become the greatest warrior that Riverclan had ever reared... but all great things come to an end, young one, and his greatest enemy had finally beaten him. Who or what was so mighty as to bring him down, you ask? Well it is the thing that all cats have to face, the one thing that no cat can beat; Age." ~Mangledjaw

Kithood -0 to 6 moons -

Today was the day! Tagledpelt and Wolf-face were finally going to have the kits they had been praying for from the start! It was early new-leaf when Tangledpelt felt the not-so-enjoyable feeling of kitting and the four long haired beauties were born. The first to be born was crowkit, named for her black pelt. Lilackit and coyotekit were born nearly neck and neck, lilackit being named for her rare lilac-point marking and coyotekit looked so much like her father, who was a massive long haired dark grey tabby, that they named her coyote after him. Next was longkit... it was true that all of the kits were born with long coats, but this kit's was the longest of the four, thus earning his name, Longkit. 

Longkit was very large and strong for his age, coming from a long line of massive and skilled warriors can do that to a cat. He was basically bred to be the ultimate warrior, and it often times got him into trouble when she would play to roughly with lilackit, who was the most delicate of the three sisters. But soon enough, Longkit learned to control his strength.

Throughout his kit-hood, longkit was very ambitious, always boasting about how he would become the greatest warrior ever and even surpass his father. It was true that Longkit never wanted to be leader of Riverclan, he just wanted to be a warrior that cats would speak of in legends to come!

It didn't help that it was a well known fact that longkit and his family on her father's side were descendants of the great Crookedstar.

During this time of life, all of the clans were still at the lake territory, nothing could convince him that the clans would one day have to leave their beloved home...

Apprenticeship - 6 to 12 moons -

No longer known as longkit, Longpaw would now start his warrior training. Longpaw's mentor was Frogtail, a very strange cat indeed seeing as he had no fur on his hind quarters or tail... No matter, he was certainly a good warrior and a very good teacher, always fair but firm with Longpaw. Their training was often very intense, to practice his sneaking and battle skills, Frogtail instructed Longpaw to sneak up on him frequently and attack. No sheathed claws. The two would get into violent training fights and sometimes within an inch of death on Longpaw's part, but the apprentice enjoyed every minute of it. Frogtail wasn't given apprentices lightly, most of the clan hated the way he trained his apprentices, but Longpaw had show great strength and endurance as a kit, so frogtail specifically requested that he train him. in the long run, the apprentice wouldn't be as skilled in combat as a warrior if he were trained by anyone else.

Longpaw was a great student, and excelled at any task, whether it be battle tactics, hunting or even serving the elders. The skilled apprentice also helped the other apprentices if they weren't getting something, and that is how he met morningpaw. She was a beautiful golden tabby, with darker gold stripes and sparkling sky-blue eyes. But was she had in looks, she lacked in hunting and battle skill. Her hunters crouch was too high and her stalking loud, she was too easily distracted which allowed her to be knocked off her feet in training. While coaching her, Longpaw criticized the way she crouched in a blunt manner and Morningpaw got offended, hissed curses at him and stormed off. Well Longpaw was confused as to how he had made him angry, but he didn't go after her. A few days later, Longpaw saw that another apprentice was helping morningpaw with her crouch, which he had helped the other tom with not even a moon before. His name was lionpaw, and he had always hated that longpaw was so skilled and was often pick for patrols with the leader and skilled warriors more often then not, so when he saw longpaw look at morningpaw the way he did, the wheels started turning in his head. Longpaw was heart broken to say the least, and that is just what Lionpaw wanted.

Warrior - 12 to 120 moons -

During his first moons as a warrior, Longfang watched Morningeyes spend more and more time with Lioncall as he watched on in disappointment. It was true that he spent time with him as well and they sometimes shared longing glances at each other, it was clear that Longfang feelings were returned by the lovely she-cat, but they were interrupted by Lioncall whisking Morningeyes away, leaving Longfang in the dust.

As the moons past, Longfang filled out and his body grew more muscular as time went on, soon he was in his prime and was one of the largest warriors in Riverclan, earning many scars from battles won. But at the age of 26 moons something happened that he did not expect, at the gathering the leaders announced that the clans would be leaving the lake territory because the twolegs had scared away all the prey with their massive monster that ripped the ground. No one expected the leaders to result to this so quickly... but no one argued and withing the next moon the clans left the territory by the lake to a new home.

Once the clan settled down in their new home, Morningeyes ended things with Lioncall and became mates with Longfang. It was rough the first ten moons of living on the small island surrounded by the two rivers, but Riverclan was resilient and clever, so they made do with what they had. Of course all of the clans wanted more territory then the other clans were willing to give, and this resulted in many violent fights, and Longfang was right in the middle of all of them. During a fight with Thunderclan, a warrior pushed  a large rock from atop a fairly small cliff and it landed right on top of longfang's paw, holding him firmly in place and forcing him to watch his clan mates fight on without him. After removing the large bolder and getting back to camp, the medicine cat determined that the knuckles in Longfang's paw were broken and she said he would most likely have a limp for the rest of his life, and his claws could never be retracted.

After all this, morningeyes blessed the clan with a strong litter of kits. Longfang Could not be more proud of his children.

Once the kits became apprentices, morningeyes decided she wanted to stay a queen in the nursery, she and Longfang had three litters of kits in total and they all became well respected warriors in time, as Longfang and Morningeyes grew older. In time they became grandparents, and the two cats were gaining greying muzzles, but as long as they had each other they were happy to grow old. 

At the age of 110 moons, Longfang was now a well respected senior warrior who had mentored 7 apprentices already, some were even his own children, who turned out to be wonderful warriors. During a particularly harsh leaf bare, longfang was leading a hunting patrol near the windclan border when they were met by an aggravating sight. About seven windclan warriors across the border and they were hunting! Two rabbits had run across the scent line and the windclan cats were not willing to let them go. Longfang and his warriors quickly dashed up to the cats and challenged them, causing the rabbits to get away, but when the windclan cats refused to leave without 'their' prey, a fight broke out. There were only four cats in Longfang's patrol, so the windclan cats let three warriors go to the three shadowclan cats, and four went to take on Longfang, knowing that he would be the hardest to take down. The battle was long and vicious, but the three Riverclan Warriors finally beat the windclanners and sent then running. Longfang was not victorious however, four warriors, even windclan warriors, were too much for him to handle himself in his old age. The once mighty warrior lay broken and bloody on the ground, barely breathing and not moving, his jaw was slightly twisted in it's socket. The Riverclan warriors solemnly carried their patrol leader back to their camp and brought him to the medicine cat for treatment. Ten moons passed and most of it was a haze for Longfang, except for the times he had to eat  which is when he remembered being in blinding pain. Once the haze passed and he was aware, the medicine cat gave him heartbreaking news. His mate, Morningeyes, had passed on to starclan while he was out, she died of green cough shortly after Longfang was brought back.

Longfang held a vigil for his lost mate, but was only able to see her already dug and filled in grave. After mourning for her and not eating dor three days, Longfang requested that he was made an elder early, and his request was carried out. He was now and elder going by the name of Manglejaw.

Elder - 120 moons to death -

Mangledjaw has been an Elder for 12 moons now, he is alone in the elders den as the other elders have passed on. He has outlived his mate and a few of his children, but he always keep a positive out look on life and knows that he will see his family again. During the scale plague, Mangledjaw did not grow sick, but rather helped hunt for the clan. Even now, with the escort of a warrior or apprentice, he goes out and hunts from time to time. But what really brings the old tom joy is telling stories to kit and apprentices, and he has been told he is pretty good at it. As mangledjaw has aged, he has savagely thinned out but has retained his large size, well most of it at least.

----Personality -----

Cheerful: it is rare that this cheerfull cat is made or upset, especially around kits and apprentices. Always trying to keep a positive exterior, even if he is upset on the inside. He wouldn't want to worry the young ones, right?

Fun-loving: Mangledjaw is always up for adventure and he often takes the kits out of camp for some exploration, with their parents permission of course. The queens knew that if something were to happen, the elder would protect the kits to his last breath, and even in his old age he was a capable warrior, despite being blind.... but just to be safe, mangledjaw takes an apprentice with them most of the time.

Wise: being around so long has it's perks, the old elder has accumulated knowledge and tactics throughout his long life, and is often asked by young warriors for advice on battle scenarios and tactics. There is often lessons in the stories he tells as well.

Independent: Mangledjaw hates when cats think he can't do anything for himself, thus his insists on doing things himself. He often times gets grouchy if someone fusses over him too much, even going as far as too exchange harsh words which may seem rude at the time, but really it is just him being worried about being useless to his beloved clan.

Young at heart: Mangledjaw most certainly does not act his own age and sometimes he over estimates what his aging body can do. Like run a race with the apprentices, which is something that he a recently found out he can not do.  

Sharp-tounged: when someone tries to do things for him, or they have aggravated him, he tends to say harsh things and even throw insults at the cat who has angered him. The elder is careful about cursing and yelling in front of kits, but he will not spare his foul mouth to warriors and sometimes older apprentices.

Hot-tempered: It doesn't take much to anger Mangledjaw, but he has really always been this way. It is true that in his later moons he has gotten more grumpy when it comes to rude or cocky warriors, his fuse has gotten much shorter and his words even harsher. But again, he never blows up at a kit or apprentice. 

Stubborn: the old coot is set in his ways, just try and tell him to do something different, i dare you. Often times the old elder is too proud and stubborn to admit he is wrong or that he needs help, and sometimes that means he could get into real danger which he is no longer capable at dealing with. 

Holds grudges: Mangledjaw still holds a grudge against windclan for ganging up on  him and forcing him to miss his beautiful mate's passing. He also holds a grudge against an elder in thunderclan... but he will ne saving that story for another time. If you seriousely do something to piss him off, such as hurt a kit or any one of his family members, you will be put on his list and before he passes on to starclan he will make you pay. 


Mother: Tangledpelt

Father: wolf-face

Siblings: lilacgaze: sister, crowflight: sister, coyotesprint: sister

Mate: Morningeyes

Children: he and Morning eyes had many litters of kittens before her passing.

Grandchildren: With many children comes many grandchildren 

Extended family: unknown


  Hate / Untrustworthy


 Unsure / Still developing thoughts

 Neutral / Acquaintances


  Best / Close Friend


  Takes a Liking to / Crush


 Missing / On the Mind





slash Deceased







Loners\ kitty pets---




Telling stories

Spending time with his family

Playing with kits and apprentices

Talking about old memories... in depth.



 When younger cats think he is useless because he is an elder

Arrogant cats

Rude cats

Being cooped up in the elders den

Being disrespected

Being fussed over


----Roleplay Sample----  from Their-Dark-Eden application

The Tan pit bull sat on the sand and rocks, starring a the great gates of Eden, her once trusted gas mask lay shattered on the radiated ground. Irah would never see her home again, never walk the dark streets that she once strove to protect and maintain. She stayed there, in front of her former home for a while until she realized that it was was dusk and she needed to find some sort of shelter for the night. So she got to her large paws, picked a direction, and started walking.

Irah Kept walking until she came across a town, Ravaged from the bombs of the past and decayed by the radiation left behind. It didn't look like much was left... a few crumbling buildings and almost non-existent roads, i didn't look like anyone could live there. But she could think like that anymore, Irah had to start thinking like a wastelander if she had any hope to survive in this living hell. The female proceeded to search the buildings for anything that could be helpful "Alright, little girl, keep it together and think. Rules of survival: Shelter, Water, food. There is plenty of places to sleep, there must be plumbing which means some sort of water source, and where there is water there are animals." Irah huffed as she went through her checklist, it was clear that she was not used to the spore-filled air and it was making it hard to breath for her. "Give it time..." She thought to her self and walked on. 

A solitary rat scurried through the rubble, but in a heart beat it was gone just as Irah spotted it. "well i suppose i am going to have to learn to catch you too, huh? i should have come out here sooner, i've been spoiled." She growled and watch the last bit of the rats mutated tail disappear. The large female found a small building with one wall that had crumbled long ago, and found a place that was covered and clear of rubble. As Irahl lay her aching bones done on the hard, cold earth she thought of what her new life might hold for her. But nothing good could happen in the wastelands, nothing but death and sickness would ever come from it, and Irah had just been thrown into it.


TBT (c) Kraftsingles and the admins

Background image: kraftsingles.deviantart.com/ar…

Pelt design:  caritasthe1st.deviantart.com/a…

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Comments: 14

Flamestar00 [2014-09-02 23:46:25 +0000 UTC]

If he is a Riverclan warrior how come his swimming level is 0...?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Flamestar00 [2014-09-03 00:26:21 +0000 UTC]

he is afraid of the water XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flamestar00 In reply to CariChimera [2014-09-03 00:35:17 +0000 UTC]

Lol... so how did he hunt XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Flamestar00 [2014-09-03 01:12:37 +0000 UTC]

Mostly from shore. It's only deep and fast flowing water that he isn't a fan of.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flamestar00 In reply to CariChimera [2014-09-03 01:13:36 +0000 UTC]

Ah that makes sense.... Bit of a drypaw is he? :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Flamestar00 [2014-09-03 01:15:13 +0000 UTC]

Yep lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flamestar00 In reply to CariChimera [2014-09-03 02:04:21 +0000 UTC]

Bit whimpy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Flamestar00 [2014-09-03 02:19:02 +0000 UTC]

oh hush, he is far from wimpy XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flamestar00 In reply to CariChimera [2014-09-03 02:27:06 +0000 UTC]

Too true XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Flamestar00 [2014-08-13 23:25:08 +0000 UTC]

I might make another cat when I actually find out weather I have been accepted or not. Maybe his son or something?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Flamestar00 [2014-08-13 23:30:42 +0000 UTC]

hmmm... well Mangled jaw sorta outlived most of his kits, but he could be his grandson?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flamestar00 In reply to CariChimera [2014-08-13 23:31:48 +0000 UTC]

Nice! Sure! I made Hollowkit! One down 6 to go...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Flamestar00 [2014-08-13 23:44:36 +0000 UTC]

i can make some of them you know lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flamestar00 In reply to CariChimera [2014-08-13 23:45:32 +0000 UTC]

That would be good... cause mine SUCK XD. Also can you rp? Everyone has abandoned mine

👍: 0 ⏩: 0