You can purchase it
or get it as a contest winners where I am a donator CREATIVE MINDS CHALLENGE III
or get it as a birthday gift ( only for my friends )
See complete rules in my journal before using this stock
Credit me. Link back. Notify me of use.
Credit me via my avatar or username.
You may use my stock photos for YOUR ART ONLY.
Do NOT use my stock to make other stock.
You can NOT sell, license, sublicense, rent, transfer or distribute CD-STOCK images exactly as it is without alteration.
Redistribution is strictly prohibited.
FAQ #81: How can I create links to other deviants, deviations, or websites?
FAQ #217: What are "Stock and Resources" and can I use them in my submissions?
FAQ #306: Does "Crediting" let me use whatever I want?
All PNG files in my gallery are from my own photos.