celenegood — CDR: Cecilia

Published: 2012-06-16 19:37:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 1948; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 23
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Description Oh what's this? Another OC? Celene, WHY!
Cause I'm a RP whore and love making OC's


Looked at this club and fell in love ;u;

And now. . . THE INFO! WALL OF TEXT WARNING especially on the history
✶N a m e : Cecilia
✶A g e: 52 (appears early 20's)
✶Sp e c i e s : Basilisk/ Human
✶F a c t i o n : White
✶J o b s : Knife thrower


Thoughtful: When alone, Cecilia's mind will wonder. Wonder on to topics of her past, and what she thinks her future will hold. She can get lost in these thoughts for hours at a time. But items she would rather not have come up, frequently do. But these only occur during night mares, from which Cecilia usually wakes in a cold sweat. If you need help with a problem, or just need someone to talk to, Cecilia is there to help!

Energetic: Brought out the most when she's on stage, Cecilia loves the rush that comes with performing! Off stage, Cecilia is a fun girl to hang with. As long as you don't mind being the target for when she practices >:3 As she's always trying to break out of her ever present shell, Cecilia is always up to trying new things. You just have to nudge the girl in the right direction to get her moving!^^

Quite: Cecilia stays behind a wall of distant friend feeling, and is the one in the corner during a party. She keeps thoughts to herself, not giving her opinion on most things. She's the passive type when it comes to arguments, and if confronted with one, she%u2019ll try to walk away. She'll glower at you if she's angry at you. She's a lover, not a fighter. . . most of the time. if she's REALY angry at you, I'd watch out, she's never too far from a knife and she'll show you just how close she can get. >>;;

Lonely: Even starting from her childhood, Cecilia has always distanced herself from others. Not letting anyone close enough to really know her. This bubble has kept people from being potentially hurt yes, but it has also has caused Cecilia to close herself off at an early age. Growing through the ages, and mishaps here and there has only reinforced this feeling in her. When a true friend is found, she will be very close to them, acting as almost a needy sibling. She has always wanted a person who she could be close to. Someone that looks beyond the blind fold when they talk to each other. If she feels it’s safe enough and they are a close friend, she’ll even let them be in the same room while she has no blindfold on.

✶ History:
Cecilia’s mother was a strong English woman. She was a practicing doctor at the local hospital, well educated, and was a well loved figure in the town she lived in. One day, shopping at the market, she bumped into a tall man with a blind fold, both of their dropping their things on the ground. Apologizing as much as she could while picking up her things, Cecilia’s mother looked up and saw the blind fold, and assumed the man was blind, and started to apologize even more. The man, laughing, waved off the incident. He said that if she really wanted to make it up to him, she should go have dinner with him. Blushing, she agreed. The one dinner, turned into a few dates, which turned into a serious romantic adventure. Nine months later, a beautiful baby girl was born. But upon their daughters first time opening her eyes, the midwife froze, falling over stiff as a board. Her father leaned down to check the nurse, and when he found she was still alive. Giving baby Cecilia a disapproving look. That night he disappeared. Leaving his newborn daughter, and the woman who heart he had captured. He left only one thing behind. A blindfold and a note saying ‘Her eyes may not be deadly, but they are still a danger’. Heartbroken, Cecilia’s mother turned to little Cecilia, the last reminder of her love. She initially raised Cecilia to be a social girl, but when the first accident happened at the age of five (a small boy swiped the blindfold away and got paralyzed) Cecilia and her mother were forced from the town. Starting anew was hard for Cecilia and even more so on her mother. This time, Cecilia’s mother kept her from much interaction with the other children and covered up her now emerging patches of scales all across her body. When Cecilia was about eleven, her mother was working two jobs. One night, Cecilia’s mother hired a baby sitter for a night off to relax. When she came back to the house, the baby sitter was on the ground paralyzed, with a young, unblindfolded Cecilia trying to make her move. Crying out to her mother and going to her, Cecilia’s mother tried to console the young girl. Telling her little one to pack her favorite things, and to get ready to leave, Cecilia asked her mother her mother if it was her fault they had to leave only replied ‘No, it’s not your fault my little one. You can’t help it. Just promise me you’ll always wear your blindfold, and never let anyone convince you to take it off.’ Nodding to her mother’s request, Cecilia and her mother once again moved on and started new. As Cecilia grew, she and her mother became close, always telling each other their problems, helping each other out. Cecilia stuck to her word, and always kept her blindfold on. Always being careful not to be discovered and not make them move again. After ten years of living without an accident, Cecilia’s mother contracted Meningitis. Fever every night, with chills, Cecilia thought it only to be a bad cold, but one morning, her mother didn’t come out her room. Knocking and coming in to see if she was just sleeping in, Cecilia found her mother cold and not breathing. The disease had taken her mother in a matter of two weeks. On her bedside table, a note and ring was waiting for Cecilia.

* My loving daughter. This cold has made me weak and frail, and I fear I won’t last the night. Just know that I am always with you, and that I love you. The ring that sits beside this note was given to me by your father. I know you don’t like him, but keep it as a constant reminder of the love that brought you into my life.
- Your loving, and eternally grateful mother~

After the early death of her beloved mother at the age of twenty, Cecilia for many years traveled town to town, working odd jobs for enough money to get by. Saddened by her mother’s death Cecilia was not as cautious about her eyes or her scales showing. Accidents were happening very frequently. Snapping out of her down attitude, Cecilia was able to find permanent work at a Circus, becoming an apprentice under the knife thrower master there. She kept her origins to a need to know basis, and her eyes secret. Cecilia loved the circus, excelling in her studies, and within the first five years began to perform with her mentor in some of the main shows as an assistant. Years past, and Cecilia had grown accustom with being with people, and no accidents’ had occurred, but stories about her as ‘A blind blindfolded girl with hair as dark as the night sky, and pale cursed green eyes’ had begun to pop up as the circus made their way from town to town. Cecilia was jumped by some overly curious boys from the circus troupe after a late night performance, pinning her to the ground took, they off Cecilia’s blindfold, , and forced her eyes open. All but one of the boys looked into her pale green eyes. They froze, paralyzed by the curse of the basilisk. Shoving the boys away from her, Cecilia retrieved her blindfold. The only boy not frozen had run off. Packing the few things she had, and writing a goodbye note to her mentor, Cecilia left the life she had enjoyed for the last ten years of her life.
For the next eighteen years, Cecilia decided to live a simple life and go into hiding. She found a small, secluded village in Albania and got set up with a job at the local tavern as a cleaning lady for after closing time. A quite town that respected its own people, Cecilia was able to stay undiscovered. Until a string of unusual murders started to occur in towns all across the country. Rumor had it that it was a tall dark man killing with a savage kind of magic. Every time a person was found, there was no physical reason that they should have died. The police said it looked like the person was looking for something. The town, unsettled as it was, continued on as normal. On a cold October night just past midnight, Cecilia had finished with her cleaning duties, and was in the pantry getting ready to leave when a knock at the door came. Calling out that they were closed, Cecilia heard the main door open and then close. Startled, Cecilia lock the door to the pantry, and hid in the back. Heavy foots steps could be heard, and Cecilia panicked. Removing her blindfold, Cecilia found a paring knife left by the vegetables and prepared herself for the worst. The footsteps had stopped and a shadow of the intruder could be seen under the door. Breath held, and knife at the ready, Cecilia heard a soft but strong male voice asking her to come out. Cecilia didn’t move, and the man gave out a sigh and without a second thought, broke open the door.

Shutting her eyes, Cecilia ran at the man with her small knife. She slammed into the man, who promptly slapped the knife out of her hand, and moved her to the front room, directing her to sit. Frightened out of her mind, the man instructed her to open her eyes. Refusing, the man moved closer to her and, with a somewhat strained voice, told her everything would be alright. She was with her kind. Perplexed by this comment, Cecilia opened her eyes just the slightest. Meeting her gaze were a pair of pale green eyes like her own, only they had a sharp edge to them. Cecilia couldn’t stop staring, and jumped when the man got up to move away. Astonished that the man was not frozen, Cecilia’s attention snapped back to the man when he identify himself as her father, and that the reason he wasn’t frozen, and she wasn’t dead from looking at each other’s eyes was that other basilisks were immune to the effects. As well as snakes, most demons and any witch who knew the right spell. He explained that he was only there on behalf of the ‘family honor’ and that she needed help ‘to make her way through the hard life of a half human abomination. Going on to say that it wasn’t her fault that she wasn’t one with ‘blessed eyes’, and that her mother wasn’t as high a caliber human as he had thought. Shooting up from her seat, Cecilia approached the man in a furious state. “So you think that just because I’m half human I need help in life? Where were you when mom died? Or hey, when I was born!? You just up and left her with a child? She still loved you even after you left. I’ve learned to live without your ‘family honor’ for forty eight years. So leave, and never bother me again Dad’ The man looked at Cecilia with disgust. “ I only mated with you ‘mother’ so that I that had a continuing line to my family name. And it seems your name is more appropriate then I previously thought. You’re just a little snakelet, but it seem you know what you want. Enjoy you pathetic life among the humans.” And with that, he left. Cecilia sat back down, the only person she was able to have contact with and he turned out a jerk. Retrieving her coat and discarded blindfold from the pantry, Cecilia made her way home, and fell into a dreamless sleep. When she woke up the next day, Cecilia made her way to the market. Walking through the streets, Cecilia stopped, it was too quiet. It had to be midday and the streets were usually jumping. Looking all around for someone at the shops, Cecilia found no one. Worried, she ran to the tavern to check on the staff. Opening the door, no one was there. Panic was setting in as Cecilia ran to the tavern keepers room around back. Slamming open the door, Cecilia searched the house, and finally, Cecilia checked the bed room. A lump could be seen in the bed, and as Cecilia pulled back the covers, her worst fears were realized. There laid the tavern keeper. Dead. No sign of physical damage. He had been killed by the gaze of a basilisk. Running through town into the home of the people, the occupants had all come to the same fate. Women, children, and men, all dead. And it was all her father’s fault. He had killed the place that had made her happy all these years. She was horrified, Disgusted. Running back to her room Cecilia packed her things in a blurred hurry. Only taking the essential things with her, her life had been uprooted again, and this time, by her own father.

Back to her roaming ways, Cecilia decided to just tour the world. Performing and perfecting her knife throwing act along the way to make the money that she would need. Rome was the first time that she heard of the ‘Cirque des Reves’. The mysterious event had been the talk of the town, and any where she went, Pairs, England, Madrid, the circus always seemed to be in the air. While in Berlin, Cecilia came across two girls talking about the circus. Listening in on the conversation, it sounded as if the Circus was actually in town, and when she asked the girls, they confirmed that was true, and gave her the address to where it had just ‘sprung up! But make sure you go at night! That’s the only time they say its open ”Making her way to the address, Cecilia came to a crowd, all murmuring in excitement for the circus. When gasps began in the crowed, and a light coming through her blindfold, Cecilia knew that the ‘Cirque des Reves’ was open. Sneaking a peak through the top of her blindfold, Cecilia was met with the sight of sparking lights, and five soaring tents. Making her way through the tents, moving images from her other vision and the closely packed crowed wasn’t helping her make sense of anything, so Cecilia relied on what everyone was saying. High flying acrobats, animal trainers that seemed to be able to talk to the animals, clowns of all kinds, people that would turn into all sorts of animals, Master magicians and not too bad of crepes. Cecilia walked in a daze, amazed by all that she heard about this circus. Making her way to the big tent, Cecilia settled herself in the back. Common sense taking a WAY back seat to her curiosity, Cecilia removed her blindfold. Watching in awe, Cecilia fell in love with the ‘Cirque des Reves’. The atmosphere, the fun, and the half animal people that were like her, but they were proud of it. She wanted that kind of confidence, and she wanted to return to the circus environment. Running back to where she kept her few things and shoving them all in a bag, Cecilia ran back to the tents, and in finding the back entrance, began her new life in the Cirque des Reves.

✶ L i k e s :
Practicing her act ~
Warm food
Bathing alone
Walks at night
Soft fluffy stuff

✶ D i s l i k e s :
Closely packed groups of people ie: group hugs.
People trying to sneak a peek at her eyes.
Highly vain people.
Dull knives
When people sneak up on her

✶ F a m i l y : ( Optional)
Father: Don’t know, don’t really care.
Mother: Deceased

✶ R e l a t i o n s h i p s :
None at the moment~

✶ M I S C/O t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n:
-Cecilia has a forked tongue. and likes to stick it out at people when she’s annoyed or in a bad mood xD She’ll also make hissing noises when she’s mad.

-The six markings on her face are pit organs, allowing Cecilia to see in a form of infrared. Mostly big, moving blotches that resemble people when she's not concentrating. When preforming her act, all her concentration is put on the information coming from these pits, forming a more well defined shape, allowing her to do her act within a 99% accuracy.

-People/ things that don’t have a core heat source are invisible to Cecilia via these pits when she has her blind fold on. Though she still might be able to hear you

-On that, Cecilia doesn’t have superhuman hearing, just refined from years of not using her eyes.

-Her name comes from the Latin word Caecilia: meaning Blind. Her father named her this due to his disgust that she did not have the deadly gaze of the Basilisk like himself.

-Instead of killing people that hold her gaze, Cecilia eyes only paralyze a person from a few hour/days, or for up to a week. All depends on how long eye contact was held. Anything lasting more than a few seconds usually lands you with a week.

-The patches of scales on her body are silky smooth and warm to the touch ~<3

-When left alone in her room, Cecilia will have her eyes left uncovered, and she’s usually going to be reading a book.

-She has many non performance blind folds that she uses. Usually shorter then her performance one~

-She’ll gladly explain the reason she wears a blindfold if asked ^^

-Once a year Cecilia molts the scale potions of her skin. It looks like her scales are peeling from a bad sunburn xD she’ll just sit there itching the hell out of it until it’s all over

-The ring that her mother gave her is the one and same as the one at the end of her braid~
✶ R P m e t h o d s :
Skype(best way to find me), DA chats and notes! :3
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Comments: 4

Mio-Neko [2013-02-22 01:19:12 +0000 UTC]

may I draw her? ovo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

celenegood In reply to Mio-Neko [2013-02-22 03:19:18 +0000 UTC]

I you would like, sure! Though I'm not that active in the club ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mio-Neko In reply to celenegood [2013-02-22 03:32:05 +0000 UTC]

thank you~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LightningEffect [2012-07-06 01:32:39 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, I love her history. I've always loved basilisks~ Her outfit is so pretty too.

Hope to rp with you sometime~ ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0