Chaachan — BNHA Pro: Enmei Katsuro

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"...... Oh, sorry, what was that?"

██████  G E N E R A L //  I N F O

name : Enmei Katsuro [ 延命 活路 ]

nickname(s) : En, Mei-mei

age // birthday : 15 / August 1

gender : Male

height // weight : 5'10 / 62 kg

blood type : A+

██████ B A T T L E  // I N F O

quirk name : Water Mimicry 

quirk description :     
With this quirk, Enmei is is able to morph his body into water and can transform his body completely into water. When in water form, Enmei is able to move more freely in a fluid motion and will be able to blend in an area with a large mass of water. Staying in constant contact with water will prolong his transformed state, and will help to strengthen his abilities when in water form. Although, when this ability is used without the presence of water, he is able to stay in his transformed state for no longer than 1 hour, but when surrounded by water, he is able to stay in his transformation for about 2-3 hours more. He is able to stretch his arms out within a 10m radius in his water form. 

quirk class : Support

Ability 1 (Tidal Wave):
Enmei can merge and manipulate larger bodies of water when he is in his water form. He can increase his mass and cause tidal waves which can push back the opponent. Although, the limit to controlling larger bodies of water is as large as a 25m pool. It is harder for him to control a lake or anything larger than that. If he were to fight in an ocean though, he'll only be able to control a 25m radius of the area. 

Ability 2 (Water Wall):
Enmei causes a huge tidal wave, about 82 ft, to rise and stay still to create a wall separating him and his opponent. He can hold the wall for no longer than 2 minutes. 

Ability 3 (Hydro Trap): 
Weak against water quirks and quirks that allows the user to breathe underwater. Enmei traps the opponent in a large mass of water which he shapes into a circle for a period of time. He doesn't often use this ability unless he is trying to get something out of someone, which he will use for torture if they are unable to breathe underwater or manipulate water like him. 

Ability 4 (Whiplash):
Enmei uses this ability quite often. He can morph his arms into water whips which he uses to attack his enemies or to push them back. Although, it is not as powerful as when he is in his water form surrounded by larger bodies of water, he can create bigger and thicker whips which can cause large waves. 

quirk drawbacks : Pushing this quirk beyond its limit would cause Enmei to feel tired and dehydrated. It gets harder for him to grab solid objects and when he walks, his feet turns into puddles of water, causing him to walk abnormally. Extreme temperatures are likely a problem as well. Being in the hot sun, for example will cause Enmei to start evaporating, which will result in burn marks when he switches back to his human form, while colder temperatures will cause him to turn into ice, but if he changes back quickly, his body will form ice all over his body. You could say he is very sensitive to the change in temperature. He is fine with the weather being cloudy, or when the area is at room temperature.


  • Rain / Area with a large mass of water: More water, the stronger and the more powerful he gets. 
  • Fire based quirks: Can easily put them out no problem.
  • Quirk Control: Enmei has pretty good control over his quirk as he uses it almost all the time to help out at his parents' flower shop and garden.
  • Flexible: With water being smooth and flexible, Enmei is able to squeeze through tight spots, unlocking doors from the other side or escaping. 
  • Dodging: Flexibility helps when dodging attacks from opponents. 


  • Extreme Temperatures (Too hot / Too cold): In his water form, he is intolerant to the heat and cold. 
  • Sun: When sunlight is shone against his transformation, he can be easily spotted despite his strong stealth skill. His transformation is clean, clear and pure water, which results in the sun glitter. 
  • Plant based quirks: Enmei's quirk will most likely not have any negative effects on them. Instead, it might even strengthen some plant based quirks. 
  • Electricity based quirks: Quirks with this type will easily weaken Enmei's quirk.
  • Long range attacks: He can only go within a 10m radius. 
  • Spacey: When he's relaxing alone, he'll completely forget about everything else. He does space out a lot and he won't even notice a villain running loose nearby.

stats :

intelligence 4/5 Enmei was enrolled in high ranking schools before attending UA.

speed 2/5 Water isn't very fast unless it's rain.

strength 2/5 Enmei never had physical work to do, and his parents made sure of that. Plus, his water transformation alone (without the help of a large mass of water) isn't strong enough for a car or a human to float in.

stealth 4/5 If he's not splashing around when against an opponent, then he can move around quietly. 

stamina 4/5 Using his quirk often at home is also part of his training. It helps to build his stamina up so that he's able to stay in his transformation for longer in battle.

quirk control 4/5 Uses his quirk a lot to help out at his parents' garden and flower shop.


TOTAL: 20/20

██████ P E R S O N A L //  I N F O

O: Reliable / Responsible / Composed / Charismatic / Mature / Graceful 
=: Perfectionist / Private / Moralistic
X: Sensitive / Cynical / Cautious / Spacey / Skeptical

Growing up in an upper class family he was taught to be charming and charismatic around other people, always knowing what to say and what to do to appeal to them. While he does prefer to spend time alone, he wouldn't mind it if people came up to him for a chat. Despite living the luxury life, his parents did discipline him because they knew raising a child in an upper class family would possibly cause him to be stuck up and arrogant. Enmei knows his limits and is responsible, so his parents trust him to know right from wrong, what to do and what not to do. Because of this, his friends and peers often seem to depend on him as he is like a reliable big brother. He is always composed during stressful situations, and is quite mature for his age due to how careful and thorough he is. His parents made sure to raise him as a well-mannered and mature young man, sort of like how you'd expect from a prince. His mother, being a pro hero and all, was proud of her son's quirk and trained him to control water gracefully. His parent's expectations has not only helped him to control his quirk with elegance, but the way he interacts with people as well.

Disciplining Enmei so that he doesn't turn into a spoiled child may have had a positive effect on the young man, but his parents' expectations of him also lead him to become a perfectionist. He always doesn't seem to be satisfied with almost everything he does, be it with a test he did or the way he defeated his opponent with less grace. If it is any standard short of perfection, then he will get annoyed at himself and overthink. Enmei may be charismatic and good with people, but when people ask about him, he would avoid the question with a smile. He is quite private and thinks that his personal life doesn't matter much, but it is also because he is very cautious of people. With villains around, he is skeptical of people. He believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest, which causes him to be be more careful around people. He may be sweet and caring on the outside, but he does like to judge people about their morals and behaviours. Enmei would like to live in peace, without having to be so wary of people, and thinking that they might possibly hurt others. Enmei is a bit spacey when he's chilling alone. Even if it's just a small time of peace, he likes to savour every second of it, completely blocking out everything else. There's really nothing that could stop him from relaxing. He gets himself absorbed into relaxing. When someone is able to push the right buttons, he can be very sensitive and would just leave in the middle of the conversation without a word to find a place to unwind and forget. He hates showing people his negative side. 


  • Flowers / Flower bouquets: Particularly roses. He thinks they're beautiful.
  • The beach: The beach is relaxing. And it's easier to be surrounded by water when trouble comes.
  • Alone time: He may be charismatic, but he feels more relaxed when he's spending time alone.
  • Fiction books: He likes to dive into the fantasy world to help him chill.
  • Children: They're adorable and fun to be around!
  • Peace: No villains running around, a perfect day, birds chirping, surrounded by mother nature's gifts..... It's great. 
  • Iced Tea: Very refreshing.


  • Extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold): It may affect his water form, but in his normal form, it just makes him feel uncomfortable. 
  • People who treat him differently because of his social status: He's not the rich guy stereotype! He wishes people would see him for who he is.
  • Invasion of personal space: They have to be close friends first before he allows skinship!
  • Noise: He's a quiet type of guy.
  • Nosy people: He's very secretive and hates it when people butt in his business.
  • Being forced what to do: Come on, let him make his own decisions!
  • Villains: They should be put behind bars. He hates having to deal with people who ruin the peace. 
  • Being spoiled by his parents: He thinks that they still treat him like a kid for doing so.

Enmei grew up in an upper class family in Tokyo with his mother, The Siren, a pro hero, and his dad, owning a very popular florist business. Despite living the life of luxury, his parents disciplined him to not take advantage of the wealth his family possesses and work hard to achieve his goals. They did give him a bit of freedom to do whatever he wanted to do though. Fortunately, his parents' methods worked, and the boy grew up to be a calm, humble and responsible young man. When he was younger, he would often listen in on his parents watching the news about the crimes around the city. Villains reeking havoc around the place for their own selfish desires, killing the innocent, it's just too wrong! Why can't they all just live in peace? Hero's like his mother try their best to keep the peace, yet they still keep going. It's really not like the storybooks that his mother reads to him, they get defeated, but more of them appear..... Enmei knew he had to do something to keep the peace and eradicate all the villains from the world once his quirk starts to develop......... 

Although, Enmei was a late bloomer. Watching each and every one of his classmate's exploring their quirks, it was a pain for him. Sometimes he would get made fun of by the people who didn't like him, but most of the time, the people who considered themseleves his "friends" would stick up for him, just to look good in front of the rich kid. A couple of weeks after he turned 5, his ocean coloured hair began to form an unusual shape, like a blob, all by itself. And then suddenly, he could feel his whole body begin to melt. Panicking, he called out for his mother from his room. His mother came bolting towards his room came only to find a large puddle of water. The Siren was annoyed at what she thought Enmei had done to the floor, but before she could mop up the water, her son began to pull himself up with all his strength so that the shape of his head is clear. His mother called out to his father and both parents are shocked. They talked him through controlling his quirk so that he can turn back to his original form, excited for him. The Siren has the ability to turn herself into a mermaid when in contact with water, luring her opponents with her soothing voice, while his father has the ability to control water, which is an advantage to help his garden stay beautiful. His mother's transformation quirk, combined with his father's ability to control water, results in Enmei being able to morph his body into water and control large bodies of water. Enmei often trained along side his mother, sometimes she even forces him to watch her fight against villains, wishing he would fight along side her someday, but most of the time, he was able to control his quirk by helping his father out with their garden. No matter how many times her mother would bring up her dream of Enmei working along side her, he would always decline. He has his own goals, he didn't want the money or the recognition from being The Siren's son. Now, with his quirk developed, he can finally start his plans of bringing peace to the world by getting rid of the villains who mess everything up. 

As Enmei grew older, he was able to pass school with high marks along with being able to control his quirk. His parents had high expectations for him and made sure that he was able to get proper education and training. In junior high school, he gained more and more popularity for his smarts, looks, grace and wealth, he reminded everyone like some prince. He could care less about everyone's opinions though. One day, when the whole class was choosing senior high schools that they wanted to enroll at, Enmei had no clue where he wanted to go until his parents brought up UA, the top hero academy in the world. His parents said that getting accepted at UA is like a dream come true to most aspiring young heroes, with the Symbol of Peace working there. Being the perfectionist that he is, he studies and trains his hardest to get into UA. After applying and finding out he got accepted, it seemed that his parents were much more excited than he was.... He hopes UA teaches him enough to be able to fulfill his dreams. 

dream : Enmei wants everyone to live in peace, relax easy and not have to worry about villains wandering around the place, and to do that, he would have to wipe them all out.

██████ T R I V I A L //  I N F O  

trivia :

  • VC: [link]  Kaito Ishikawa
  • Theme Song: TBA 
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • INFJ-A
  • Yes, his hair is water. It's really shiny and clean so when it's exposed to the sunlight it sorta sparkles. 
  • When you touch his hair, you will get wet. You can even leave your pet fish in there because his hair stays in place. 
  • Enmei can change hairstyles easily without having to brush or style it, but he sticks to one hairstyle which he currently has. 
  • Passive aggressive. Don't mess with. Really does try not to get upset. 
  • He learnt the violin when he was 6 but quit when he was 10. Still remembers how to play though.
  • The type to watch makeup videos because the end result is satisfying to watch.
  • His father gave him a small part of his garden where he spends most of his time tending to his roses.
  • Hates being called lazy. He's just a chill guy!
  • Really doesn't care much for brands and designers. Although, his mother buys them for him anyway. 
  • The type to offer a rose to someone who's really shy just to make them feel comfortable around him.
  • Is farsighted and owns a pair of reading glasses. Doesn't like the feeling of contact lenses.
  • Owns an axolotl named Cordelia Anne Louise Katsuro. Loves unique animals that don't get enough recognition. He thinks they're fascinating. 

hobbies :

  • Relaxing: Be it laying under the clouds in a valley of flowers or warming himself in his house as he watches the snow outside. He likes to chill.
  • Gardening: Raised by a family who owns a floral business, taking care of flowers runs in his blood.
  • Chess: He likes quiet games that help him concentrate. 

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Comments: 10

PadmeSkywalker24 [2024-04-09 13:05:20 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

themasterofgaming123 [2020-10-13 12:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Do you mind if I use him as my Oc for My hero Academia Amino. I’ll credit you 💙

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AnythingButStuff [2020-08-21 07:47:23 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

grimvendeta [2020-02-10 17:08:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

haseos [2018-01-01 02:25:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RonnieIsCrying [2017-12-28 23:45:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

olympists [2017-12-18 23:36:06 +0000 UTC]

ah i love him- good luck in applying for bnha-pro !! i believe in you !!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaachan In reply to olympists [2017-12-20 05:51:25 +0000 UTC]

kyaaa!! thank you u///u

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Yuumaai [2017-12-11 13:28:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

yunawu [2017-12-11 11:05:13 +0000 UTC]

THE BOYE !!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0