stratostella — [BNHA-Pro] Itsuki Takeda

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Published: 2017-09-10 01:30:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 18851; Favourites: 160; Downloads: 8
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So happy to finally have a group to try for with this dweebus! T T I made him months ago, but this was just the incentive I needed to give him a proper bio.

Best of luck to everyone applying!!

██████  G E N E R A L  //  I N F O

Name : Takeda Itsuki「武田樹」

Nickname(s) : I could think of a few choice words to call him...

Age // Birthday : 15 y/o // December 12th ♐

Gender : Cis Male

Height // Weight : 5'9'' (175 cm) // 136 lbs (61 kg)

Blood Type : B+

██████  B A T T L E  //  I N F O

Quirk Name : Papercraft

Quirk Description : Itsuki's Quirk is a type of kinesis, giving him the ability to manipulate and reinforce any type of paper. With a knack for origami and geometry, he can create a near-infinite array of shapes, including fully-functional weapons, armor, and tools. As long as it's under Itsuki's control, he holds the form together with what he calls "rivets of the mind". If he can imagine it, he can bring it to life.

Quirk Class : Primarily offensive/DPS, but given the flexibility of his Quirk, he's capable of acting on defense, if need be.

Ability I : Crafting
"The tools don't make the artist!"

The actual act of shaping the origami figures that Itsuki uses to his advantage. The amount of time it takes for him to create these origami shapes varies, but he can craft most objects in mere moments. Most commonly, he builds various weapons, or barriers to shield himself and others, but what he makes is entirely dependent on the situation. It's really up to his discretion, and he'll go out of his way to be unpredictable.Ability II : Producing
"...But it helps if your body is the canvas!"
Papercraft also allows Itsuki to produce paper off of his own body. By swiping a hand over his arm, for example, he can draw sheets of paper from his skin. He can pull up to four thin sheets with one swift motion, though he tries to avoid taking more than that from a single area at one time. It's not unlike peeling off layers of actual skin, and might hurt him if he's not careful.Ability III : Disassembling
"Look, Ma, no hands! Haha... seriously though, anyone have any spare parts?"
With enough concentration, he can also briefly disassemble a limb, such as an arm, into a mass of floating papers. Because the limb temporarily loses most of its physical form, this doesn't hurt him like Producing might. However, due to severe risks associated with this ability, Itsuki very seldom utilizes it... but you never know when it might come in hand-y. (Also, no, he can't disassemble his head. He needs that brain of his to control it, of course.)Ability IV : Puppeteering
"Sensei, I swear– it's like they have a mind of their own!"
Finally, Itsuki has the ability to quite literally "breathe life" into some of his paper creations. Unlike the name suggests, he has no control over them; rather, he grants them temporary autonomy. This ability is only applicable to palm-sized, animal-based creations, and the effects last for only a few minutes at a time, so he's yet to find a practical use for it in battle. But it sure is fun and disruptive!!
Quirk Drawbacks :
- It's easier for him to maintain any shape when he's wielding it in his own hands. He can throw his origami creations (physically or by mental power), but the further the distance from his person, the more likely it is to fall apart. When Itsuki releases his control over it, the shape disassembles, and returns to normal, flimsy paper.

- In battle, his Quirk necessitates burning through a lot of paper, so Itsuki would ideally try to come prepared with bundles of sheets on him. If he runs out, he can also construct his own paper by peeling it off of himself - however, he prefers to do this only as a last resort, because...

- ...As far as producing paper off of his body goes, it's similar to peeling off skin. It isn't particularly painful at first, but theoretically, if he took too much off of one spot, he could seriously hurt himself. Perhaps even expose muscle. (This hasn't happened yet, but he doesn't really want to test it out.)

- Disassembling can prove useful, but also very dangerous. If a large portion of those papers are struck and destroyed, he wouldn't be able to reassemble the limb the same way again.

- Papercraft requires a lot of mental control in general, and after a while of using it without respite, Itsuki becomes lightheaded. He'll try to keep it together, but in extreme circumstances, he could very well faint.

Strengths :
+ The general versatility of his Quirk leaves him open to trying new positions on the battlefield.
+ He's a very keen-eyed and analytical person who prioritizes logistics. He's good at strategizing.
+ Overall great at thinking on his feet and very creative, especially with his counterattacks!
+ Good reflexes, quick reaction time, relies heavily on his speed.

Weaknesses :
- Has trouble cooperating with a group, or going along with someone else's plan. He might even consider going off to do his own thing, his way, without realizing the repercussions it may have on others. This usually ends poorly.
- Pretty physically frail. Itsuki compensates by erecting barriers and shields, but if caught off-guard, the right move could do a number on him.
- His stamina isn't All That... though his Quirk is a lot more mentally draining, it can also have adverse effects on him, physically. He also might tire himself out by moving around too much, but dodging is vital to his fighting style.
- While his origami replicas are generally sturdy as long as they are under his control, they aren't much more resistant to fire than paper normally would be. Anyone with a fire- or heat-based Quirk would have an advantage over him by default.

Stats :
Intelligence [ ■■■■■ ]
Speed [ ■■■■□ ]
Strength [ ■■■□□ ]
Stealth [ ■■□□□ ]
Stamina [ ■■□□□ ]
Quirk Control [ ■■■■□ ]
TOTAL: 20/20

██████  P E R S O N A L  //  I N F O

Personality :
Positive | Clever, Sociable, Levelheaded, Ambitious, Observant
Negative | Cunning, Cynical, Sarcastic, Inconsiderate, Detached

「+ Clever」
Itsuki is very bright for a boy his age. He tries to put it to good use, by constantly seeking roundabouts to overcoming obstacles when things go awry. However, most of his wit goes towards making stupid puns and snarky comebacks at the drop of a hat. Some people love it. But it can get old, quick.「+ Sociable」
He's outwardly friendly and approachable. Itsuki isn't afraid to take initiative when it comes to making a newcomer feel welcome and included, sometimes to the point of being... overbearing. Though, if asked, he'd say he just considers it a common courtesy, and nothing more.「+ Levelheaded」
Despite his amiable nature and occasional pushiness, Itsuki is known to remain calm, cool, and collected, even under pressure. He's got a good head on his shoulders and, despite what many might assume, can be very responsible when the situation calls for it.「+ Ambitious」
While he may act unconcerned with the future and all its baggage, Itsuki is secretly a firm believer in hard work and determination. He is actually very driven, sets the bar high for himself, and is fully committed to achieving his goals - no matter the cost, or what he has to do in order to get there.「+ Observant」
With an eye for the little details, he's overall a good judge of character. Itsuki will often get bad vibes from two-faced and treacherous people, long before others. He will gladly admit that he's always on the lookout for somebody ready to stab him in the back. He means this literally and figuratively.
「- Cunning」
Unfortunately, he is only so good at pin-pointing deceitful people because he's guilty of being one, himself. It isn't that he's a bad person, per say, but Itsuki has a very "get to them first" mentality. Not that he'd betray just anyone... but he isn't opposed to using those he dislikes as means to his own end.
「- Cynical」
If it wasn't apparent, the boy has a rather jaded view of the world. He has little issue using underhanded tactics only because, in his mind, anyone might while trying to get ahead. Itsuki doesn't trust easily, and to him, anyone is a potential traitor. But he's just here for a good time, so. Better keep things light.「- Sarcastic」
Itsuki doesn't have much of a temper. He's a lot more likely to hide his contempt behind a smile and a snide remark here and there, often catching people off-guard. He believes in brutal honesty, but is also teasingly sarcastic with friends and acquaintances, in a much gentler sense.「- Inconsiderate」
Though Itsuki has a considerable amount of emotional intelligence, he often fails to put it into action. He's not dense, but he is bad at handling other people's feelings. He may accidentally say or do things that cross a line, and then struggle to find the words to apologize. It's a work in progress.「- Detached」
In spite of his consistent cheeriness, it doesn't take much to realize that Itsuki still seems almost cold and distant. It's incredibly difficult to really get to know him, and as such, he has very few people he considers actual friends. He insists he prefers it this way, but anyone could get a little lonely like that.
♡ Origami and other traditional Japanese art forms, such as artistic calligraphy, and sumi-e. Itsuki has frequented art museums since he was a child.
♡ The occult. He believes in all kinds of weird supernatural stuff, and is not at all afraid of it. In fact, he embraces it.
♡ Rainy days. Preferably when he's indoors. You'd think the paper guy wouldn't like rain, and you'd be right. He just enjoys the atmosphere.
♡ Good puns. Bad puns. Anyone who appreciates good and bad puns.
♡ Feeling organized.
♡ Bundling up in warm clothes. He much prefers winter over summer, but can't stand to be cold.
♡ Long walks through nature.
♡ Flowers and floral arrangements.
♡ (Advanced) Mathematics and geometry... like some kind of... nerd...
♡ Doting on his closest friends. (Secretly.) But only his closest friends... that's, like, one person at the moment. Uhh, good luck getting there.

Dislikes :
✘ Overly-nosy people.
✘ Heights. One of the few things that make him somewhat uneasy.
✘ Seeing people cry. He doesn't know how to deal.
✘ Making people he even sorta cares about cry, and feeling obliged to apologize. He really doesn't know how to deal.
✘ Obnoxious PDA on another couple's part. Super uncomfortable for him. Love is dead. Get a room.
✘ Emotional vulnerability. Including, but not limited to: opening up to people.
✘ Summer heat. Sweating.
✘ When even a hair is out of place. Itsuki is pretty uptight when it comes to his appearance. He cares about presentation and always wants to look his best.
✘ Some children. Not all of them, just the more mouthy ones.
✘ Being caught off-guard or flustered. Very rarely does this happen, but... he hates it.

History : 
Itsuki was a late bloomer, in terms of developing his Quirk, and was bullied a lot for it. He idolized his mother and her awe-inspiring Quirk: the ability to manipulate paper into origami figures. Determined, a young Itsuki devoted much of his time to following the myth of "senbazuru", in which an individual who strings together one thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish. His wish was to develop a Quirk like his mother's. When he did finally develop his Quirk, it was like a dream come true!

It wasn't long before his mother and father's ties to underground criminal activity came to light, devastating their son. Itsuki's parents were arrested, and he was shipped off to live with his aunt and uncle. Their daughter, Kanon, became an invaluable friend to him. As they grew up together, his cousin expressed an interest in joining U.A., thereby introducing Itsuki to the idea of being a hero. Now, Itsuki is desperate prove to himself that he doesn't have to follow in the path of his parents.


Itsuki's earliest memories are of a life with no worries. His parents were well-off, and some might say they spoiled him. While he was given every trivial, material thing a starry-eyed child could ever ask for, young Itsuki soon grew to find that the one thing he wanted the most was one of the few things money couldn't buy.

His mother, who was such an important part of his life at the time, had the ability to bend paper to her will. With this wondrous Quirk, she took on large projects and crafted dozens, hundreds of origami figures per day, all for exhibitions at their local art museum. Though she wasn't famous by any means, she was passionate about her work. Itsuki had not only fallen in love with his mother's art, but became envious of other children in his pre-school, many of whom were just developing their Quirks. During this time, Itsuki became the subject of bullying.

His fourth birthday came and passed, as did his fifth, and with his sixth rapidly approaching, Itsuki had yet to show any sign of a Quirk of his own. His childlike optimism had taken a huge blow, and this was his breaking point. Refusing to undergo the typical x-ray test that might prove whether or not he'd ever develop a Quirk, Itsuki stubbornly took matters into his own hands. With only his mother's guidance, and no further assistance, the boy worked day in and day out to follow the ritual of assembling senbazuru. As ancient legend has it, if one were to single-handedly craft a thousand paper cranes, they will be granted any wish. Itsuki wished to have a Quirk similar to hers.

Lo and behold, within months of its completion, he developed a Quirk of his own: the ability to manipulate paper, just as his mother had! Though it's more likely he was just a late bloomer and bound to get it eventually, Itsuki was convinced that he had made his wish come true, and this really meant a lot to him as a child. In the months that followed, he helped his mother with her art, as she taught him to properly utilize his newfound Quirk. All was well again, for a time.

It was another year before Itsuki's parents' involvement in underground criminal activity came to light. As it turned out, this was where most of their financial stability had come from. They were arrested for working as middlemen in various financial schemes, and things that Itsuki had never thought twice about suddenly became all the more sinister. Neither his father's odd and ever-changing hours, nor the fact that they were always inviting over strange "coworkers" had ever felt out of the ordinary for the child who had grown up with it. Now, learning that his hero, the kind mother he had looked up to so, was a criminal, was earth-shattering to him.

Itsuki, only 8 years old at the time, was placed in the care of his father's sister, and she and her husband became his permanent legal guardians. While his aunt and uncle were practically strangers to him, it didn't take long for Itsuki to bond with their daughter - his cousin, Kanon, who was just his age. Itsuki had become very withdrawn, but it was Kanon who stuck by his side, and became his first true friend through it all. Growing up together, the two acknowledged their shared dream of becoming world-renowned heroes. All throughout middle school, they looked into the prerequisites for attending the prestigious U.A. High.

To this day, Itsuki believes he has bad blood in him, and could easily turn out to be just as bad as the adults in his life. The thought terrifies him, and he chooses not to talk about his parents because of it. He's since adopted a much "happier" persona, in order to compensate for the many years he spent moping and feeling inadequate. No one except Kanon knows just what he's been through, and how much he's changed since they were young. As he is now, Itsuki would prefer to keep it that way.

Dream : Proving to himself that he doesn't have to be anything like his parents, by becoming a well-respected hero. Seeing as he's only just recently become reacquainted with his desire to help others, and also needs a bit of an attitude adjustment, he's still got a ways to go.

██████  T R I V I A L  //  I N F O

Trivia :
- Voice Claim: Nobunaga Shimazaki (Best examples: 0:34 - 0:39  / 1:26 - 1:31  / 1:36 - 1:45 )
- Itsuki has... perpetually "closed", smiley eyes syndrome. He rarely "opens" them, but when he does, you know he's Serious.
- His eyes are a dark gray, with white pupils.
- The red around his eyes is actually makeup. Yes, he applies it fresh every morning.
- He has a surprising way with animals. They're just drawn to him. I mean, a feral cat might approach him first and let him pet them. He can't fathom why.
- Suffers from semi-frequent, surreal nightmares. He's learned to live with them, but he comes to school some days on little sleep. (He's good at hiding it.)
- He has the paper cranes he strung together all those years ago hung up in his bedroom.
- Quick to move onto first-name basis or nicknames with acquaintances. Especially when he knows the person would hate it.
- While he comes off as "friendly" himself, Itsuki is puzzled by outwardly kind and genuine people.
- Often hums or sings to himself when he's alone, doing chores, etc.

Hobbies :
- Ink painting! Itsuki still visits art museums, and really admires the art of sumi-e, so he's been learning to paint, himself. Though, it's really just something he does in his spare time, he isn't too serious about it.
- He also enjoys singing, and has a surprisingly good singing voice! However, this is something very... very few people would ever know.
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Comments: 28

VanillapeeRolePlayer [2022-01-30 20:33:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IverArt [2018-09-19 12:02:50 +0000 UTC]

Amazing character!
you did a great job!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to IverArt [2018-09-19 17:51:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mousy-Mallow [2018-04-19 07:41:35 +0000 UTC]

Oooo awesome!! He's like the male version of Konan~ <33 I love her power, and now his too ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to Mousy-Mallow [2018-04-19 17:43:39 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, haha, I've actually never watched Shippuden, but you're not the first person to compare their powers..! I'm glad you like him though!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mousy-Mallow In reply to stratostella [2018-04-19 18:25:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh really? Well there are quite some differences. I like him a lot~!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

phantomteazer [2018-01-31 19:56:56 +0000 UTC]

"I have glass bones and paper skin." - Itsuki, probably.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

stratostella In reply to phantomteazer [2018-01-31 20:35:10 +0000 UTC]

AHdsfVHGSZFG YOU RIGHT!!! YOU'RE RIGHT and I'm only upset I didn't think of this first. And thank you!! :'')

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

phantomteazer In reply to phantomteazer [2018-01-31 19:57:23 +0000 UTC]

Seriously though, I really like this oc.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nyannchi [2017-09-12 19:24:14 +0000 UTC]

He is my light, my love, a blessing to this world. He is beauty at its finest and I fuccing love him

please be friends with fumi if you can handle another barnacle child. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to Nyannchi [2017-09-12 19:40:57 +0000 UTC]

WHEEZE he is undeserving of your praise... but thank you!!

AND SURE HAHA these white haired anime characters gotta stick together after all! ;3c

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OhSquishy [2017-09-10 19:28:17 +0000 UTC]

//craiis// he is beaaautiful and I love his quirk!

I feel like my son might have a like/dislike relationship with Itsuki loool

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to OhSquishy [2017-09-11 20:49:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! //inconspicuously crumpling Itsuki into a paper ball and throwing him in the trash

HAHa that's one way to put it! Yeah I could probably see Itsuki being a bit put off by Miya's brashness xd

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OhSquishy In reply to stratostella [2017-09-12 06:05:58 +0000 UTC]

//catches Itsuki with the recycling bin//

Hahah not to mention he's kind of the opposite of Miya. Levelheaded-Nerd vs. Impulsive-Idiot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cymurri [2017-09-10 17:39:33 +0000 UTC]

hey its shitsuki. cool. i love you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to cymurri [2017-09-11 20:42:05 +0000 UTC]

is this all I get in return... for my well-thought-out comment on Yue's app, with so much love poured into every keystroke... are you just cheesed you didn't get firsties mayhaps ??? hmm??

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cymurri In reply to stratostella [2017-09-11 22:50:49 +0000 UTC]

maybe qB(

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to cymurri [2017-09-11 23:17:48 +0000 UTC]

:''( boo hoo hoo

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

reincarnationz [2017-09-10 16:15:25 +0000 UTC]

Yooo!! I love his quirk and lookit dat cootie!! <33
Amg, another group we're both trying out for, haha~ Hope we both make it in despite the 27 max cap chokes! <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to reincarnationz [2017-09-11 20:38:36 +0000 UTC]

Oh please, he's just your friendly neighborhood garbage boy hhAAah thank you though :'')

It seems we are! Good luck to you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reincarnationz In reply to stratostella [2017-09-12 01:35:37 +0000 UTC]

Please, if anything, he's recyclable. 8Dc HAHAHA~ <33
No worries!

Mhm! Good luck to you as well, but me sure your presh babu will do fine. 8Dc
I still need to finish my derp's profile, save me-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

StecMasle [2017-09-10 08:19:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to StecMasle [2017-09-10 10:17:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

amadabi [2017-09-10 02:27:34 +0000 UTC]

i love he.....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to amadabi [2017-09-10 02:30:19 +0000 UTC]

I love Taiyou... like... LITERAL light of my life!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LectorMedia [2017-09-10 01:31:20 +0000 UTC]

I really love this! Wonderful work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stratostella In reply to LectorMedia [2017-09-10 01:35:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LectorMedia In reply to stratostella [2017-09-12 01:28:59 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0