Krimchii — [UA] Itou, Masaki

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Published: 2016-06-10 10:20:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 2150; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Gonna add more stuff later on but all the important stuff is here! God I'm sorry I'm so long-winded

💮  I N F O 💮

✽  Name: Masaki Itou
✽  Hero Name: Verdance
✽  Nickname: --
✽  Age: 15
✽  Height/Weight: 5'3"/161.5cm; 78lbs/35kg
✽  Gender/Pronouns: Male; He/Him
✽  Sexuality: Pansexual
✽  Class: TBA
✽  Voice: youtu.be/AWcoRQFzpTA?t=1m17s

💮 Q U I R K 💮
✽  Solar Energy Accumulation (allows the manipulation of plants)
The plant on Masaki's head is able to accumulate energy from the sun and as it passes into his body it begins to convert into a special type of formulated energy. For it to convert smoothly he must also be well hydrated, but the amount of liquids he needs is significantly lower. It must be just the right amount or it can have averse affects on his body.
In order to manipulate plant-life with the most ease he must make direct contact with the plant and his skin. He is able to pass on his accumlated special energy onto the seeds/plants he touches and then gain control of their movements and growth. The energy is so powerful he can cause changes to the genes of the plant and make them grow unnaturally large and tough. The energy cells basically genetically amplify the plant.
His body never stops converting energy; the only change is the speed at which it happens. Hot days and days with heavy rain can both make him and his processing sluggish if he doesn't keep excellent care to his body's needs, and even then it's difficult to control when it's nature taking its course. It's very clear when his processing is slow as the flower on his head will be less erect. In perfect conditions his processing and storage speeds will be tip-top but that's not always the case and if he's not careful, he can burn out quite easily as well. Masaki also naturally expresses this energy in a small area around him(out with the old in with the new), creating a type of invisible aura that tends to make the plants in his immediate vicinity more full and healthy. It isn't a large enough amount for him to be able to control all the plants around him, though. When his body is in perfect condition and well-stocked, he can actually cause flowers to bloom just by being around them because of the inreased amount of naturally expressed energy.
While having a very large amount of stamina despite his frail stature, ff Masaki does not accumulate this special energy faster than he expresses it he can actually end up putting himself at serious risk as it also supplies him with sustenance. He has to have this energy in order to create more and if he were to run out.... This is why battle can be seriously dangerous if he doesn't pay proper attention to the flow of his energy.  While he does consume natural foods he must also have enough special energy to keep his body functioning; it's something his body relies on.
Heavy rainfall, being soaked, cloudy, hot and dry days all cause negative affects on Masaki's mood and body! It's tough having to rely on nature \o/

✽ Hero outfit
While Masaki's body can store massive amounts of this energy, it does have a cap, and that's where his hero outfit comes in. It's able to hold onto Masaki's accumulated special energy cells through his skin and store quite a good amount of it within it's special fibres. He doesn't have to worry about using too much of his energy accidentally when he always keep a special reserve stored away on top of the rest of the energy the outfit can hold.
His outfit also holds serveral types of seeds for different situations. The sleeves typically contain vine type plants for battle and mobility. The pocket contains special plant seeds useful for different situations (ex. lily pad seeds for fighting on water). He also carries a pouch under his coat attached to his shorts that contains healing type seeds and pre-prepared ointments and goods he made. Usually edible stuff  (they definitely don't taste good, sorry). The extent of his healing is small but with his special energy infused ointments and edibles created from plants he raises he can stop serious injuries from getting worse until better care can arrive.

 → Energy Transfer - The process that allows him to take control and of the growth and movement of plants as explained in the Quirk section. Can range from various plant types. Can be used on seeds or already existing plants. He typically uses vines ranging in size for battle, lashing out or striking at his opponent from a distance.
 → Energy Scatter - By coinsciously disallowing the natural expression of his energy he can cause a tension to form and upon releasing it creates a fair sized area of effect burst of energy(travels through the earth and objects). At the moment his ability to hold it in isn't that great so his area of effect is still quite small, and this ability can put slight strain on his body. Upon releasing it he can coat the plants he's using and his body with an extra layer of energy to increase the durability and strength for a short time. He can also use this ability to search deep into the earth and and pull up roots to aid him in battle.
 → Plant Tracking -  By touching a seed, imbueing it with his energy and attaching it to someone he can easily track them by following the special signature of his own energy.

✽  Strengths/Weaknesses: 
+ Highly vegetated areas - Self-explanatory. Plant life is in abundance here and therefore this is where he thrives the most.
+ Herbalism - Because of his vast knowledge on plants, Masaki is able to make small edibles, powders and ointments useful for anything from a quick fix for an injury to a simple upset stomach. This also includes in depth knowledge on poisons.
+ Adaptability- Due to his vast range of plant possibilities Masaki's quirk can be very adaptable to different situations, whether it's battle for fortification/protection or using it in a fighting manner.
- Fire - Pretty much absolutely impossible for him to do anything. Due to him having a great fear of fire he freezes up in situations where fire is involved. His plants, even with his energy imbued, can not withstand the power of a burning fire. The heat and smoke also causes his energy expression to quadruple due to the intense heat killing off the energy cells, putting him in a serious state very quickly.
- Urbanized areas - Not as useful in these areas due to the lack of vegetation. Has to rely on his own seed stock and that supply is not unlimited.
- Weak Body - Despite his huge amount of stamina Masaki's own body is actually very fragile. Any direct damage done to his body can cause some serious damage. He's taken self-defence lessons for the purpose of protecting himself and being able to readily dodge to counter this weakness slightly, but he's no pro. Most of the time he'll use plants as a speedy blocking tool to absorb most of the impact.

💮 P E R S O N A L I T Y 💮 

[+] | Cheerful | Considerate | Honest | Patient | Enthusiastic
[=] | Breezy | Effeminate
[- ] | Self-deprecating | Moody | Naive | Dependent | Sensitive

Masaki is typically a very cheerful person. He loves being around others and that's what makes him happiest. He's often told that he gives off a very warm aura and being around him makes others feel at ease. He's always considerate and gentle to others, always taking their feelings into account. Masaki is also very honest, always wanting to do good by others. He doesn't like lying and will always be truthful with those he appreciates. He's never in a hurry with anything. Being surrounded by plants and taking care of them and their meticulous needs has made him extremely patient. When it comes to working on his skills he's very enthusiastic and always strives to do his best. He's always ready to put forth a helping hand wherever and whenever he can.

Masaki approaches things with a very breezy attitude most of the time. He's not overly formal with people and is able to become close to them rather easily. He also has a very effeminate personality, people often pointing out his girly nature. Growing up in a mainly all-girl family made them the people he took after most, and he admires everything that they are.

Despite being quite encouraging to others Masaki himself is actually the type to be quite self-conscious. He tends to undervalue his worth and is always worried about letting people down. It's hard for him when he hears that people dislike or diapprove of him; he wants to feel worth something and having people like him gives him confidence. He tends to worry a lot inside if people like him or not, thus making him quite sensitive to their words and dependant on them being there for him. Depending on the weather Masaki tends to also be a bit moody. After consecutive, miserable, rainy days his mood plummets and he becomes lethargic and unattentive. On days like these he tends to be physically cold and will cling to those he's close to for warmth and attention, and gravitates towards those that offer it, like a flower leaning towards the sun. When it comes to people Masaki tends to be quite naive. He's quick to trust others and always sees the positives in them. If someone promised him something just to get their way, he'd believe them 100%, even if he only knew them for a short time. This can be quite dangerous in certain situations, and also makes it hurt that much more if people betray his trust.

✽  Likes/Dislikes:
+ Sunny days with a slight breeze
+ Making friends and conversing with people
+ Tending to and caring for the plants in his family shop in his free time
+ 'Girly' outfits. He likes cute things and often got handmedowns from his middle sister growing up. Wants to be as pretty as a flower
+ Being close to others physically(and emotionally). Makes him feel at ease. He really likes holding hands with others!
+ Taking naps in the sun, especially in grassy fields. Like to be by the window seat in class so he can soak up those rays
- Fire and people with fire related quirks. Makes him extremely uncomfortable and scared.
- When people break branches off trees or pluck flowers for selfish reasons; harming nature in general.
- Rainy and muggy days. They bog him down and make him lethargic and sleepy.
- Not being able to do anything; being held back by his body because of its fraileties. No longer THAT much of an issue, but his body is still physically weak when it comes to hard contact, and he's always worried about becoming weak again as he was when he was a child.
- That the flower on his head tends to give away his mood/feelings

💮 H I S T O R Y 💮 

✽✽✽  Masaki's very first experience in the world was a terrifying one for his family. He was born premature and very small; the doctors didn't expect him to last through his first night. His parents gave him the name 'Masaki', meaning 'flourishing tree' in hopes that he would pull through, and grow to be big and strong. Surprisingly risilient Masaki's tiny body continued to live, and continued to surprise the doctors and his parents. It took a lot of time and meticulous care but eventually Masaki was cleared to leave with his family and finally begin to live at home, also doubling as the family garden shop.

Growing up, however, was not easy, and Masaki's body continued to be frail and weak. It was tough for him to keep on weight and his growth was very slow. He wanted so badly to be able to run around with the other kids but it was impossible for him to keep up with them, his legs weak and unable to hold his weight for extended periods of time. His immune system was also weak, and he'd easily become sick and had to be bedridden quite a bit. Even a little bit of physical exertion would make him awfully tired. But Masaki has never been one to feel sorry for himself, and he found pleasure and amusment in taking care of the plants in the shop. It was easy and rewarding work, seeing them grow. He'd spend his days following around his siters and parents, learning about all the wonderful surprises all the plants could have, amused by how his families quirks would affect them.

The first sign of Masaki's quirk was the small bud beginning to grow out of the top of his head. This was a sign it'd appear soon, as it had with the rest of his family. He was thrilled that he'd have one just like the rest of his family. Around the age of 5, on a very sunny day, Masaki fell asleep by the window clutching a very small potted plant in his arms that wouldn't grow. The sun that shone on him began to absorb into his body and began converting into this special energy. Upon waking up, the tiny sprout that was stunted had grown into a massive plant, vines cascading his entire room and a large bloomed flower hanging down above him. He stood and for the first time actually felt some form of sturdiness in his body. His legs didn't feel like they'd crumple beneath him as they usually did. His parents were elated with the reveal of his quirk, and upon further inspection it seemed that this new energy occupying his body actually made him healthier. He no longer got sick like before and could move around as he pleased. Just his presence in the shop seemed to make the plants glow. It was like this energy now situated inside him was the one thing his body was missing in order to function more naturally. It didn't solve his weak body, but it was a good start at slowly building up his strength.  

However it was a...little hectic. His quirk was a bit wild at the start. He didn't have very good control over how much energy he released to the plants he touched and caused quite a mess for his family time and time again, and to customers as well. He didn't really want to control it either, he loved seeing how massive he could make the plants, but that was quickly corrected by his family. He soon started to use his quirk for useful things in the shop, like increasing a plant's longevity by transferring his energy to it. There were a lot of things Masaki could do with his quirk and he loved it.

Despite growing stronger Masaki wasn`t able to physcially attend school until middle school. His parents hired a teacher come to their home and teach him there, also doubling as his personal trainer to strengthen his body and work through physical therapy. His quirk had solved the weakness in his body but his muscles were still weak and needed time to strengthen. It was around this time as Masaki was growing up that he began to become interested in heroes. He'd see them on tv and sometimes through chance encounters in the city and he was in love with the idea of someday being strong enough to to do as they do. He began working harder than ever, pushing himself as much as possible so he could begin to attend school with the other kids. UA became his dream.

Finally the time for him to start school came and while he was excited he was also extremely nervous. He didn't know anyone, and so he brought a small potted plant(part of the one he grew all that time ago) to make him feel more at ease. He was a little shy around others at first but his want to make friends was really strong and lessened his shyness just a bit. He had a difficult time relating to most the boys, and a few of them made fun of him for being so pretty(like a girl), though he honestly just took it as a compliment. Growing up with his sisters always around him he felt much more comfortable around them and managed to make a few friends with the girls in the class very quickly. He was quite small compared to the rest of the class and they all found that quite endearing. One group of boys in particular disliked that he got along with the girls so well and invited him out to join them for a game. Masaki accepted, wanting to fit in, but didn't realize the ill intent of the boy. The game was more torture than anything. With his quirk, the ability to use fire, he spun a ring of fire around Masaki and said the game was for him to try and escape. Masaki was paralyzed with fear at this. It was hot, and all the plants in the fire disintegrated into ash. Very quickly the fire got out of hand with Masaki still stuck on the center of it. The boy hadn't meant for it to grow so large but all of a sudden he no longer could control it's size. Masaki was horrified. More than worrying about his own safety he watched as the trees went up in flames, trying his best to try to put up a block to stop the fire from spreading. Even if he wanted to get out he couldn't. The fire sapped him of his energy and he was powerless. The whole ordeal eventually ended, heroes coming to save the day as usual. Masaki was out for a few days, his energy severely sapped, and when he did finally return to school the boy who caused the trouble was very apologetic. But Masaki was to afraid to even go near him. Fire became his worst fear and controlling something so terrible...he couldn't come to forgive the boy. To this day Masaki still has a crippling fear of fire and the destruction it can cause.

After a short time Masaki returned to school, despite his parent's worry. He wanted to have a normal school life as much as possible, and his parents eventually gave into his wishes. He stuck with the small group of friends he had made with the girls and had a reltively uneventful but enjoyable middle school experience. Every day was filled with lots of self-training. None of his family members could control plants like him, so it was entirely new. He had to learn how to control the amount of energy he outputted into the plants/seed in order to have perfect control over them. Too much and they grow out of control and too little they'd become limp and fail. He began treating the plants like an extension of his own body and eventually began getting the hang of them, creating a style of fighting that was like a dance: Controlled but powerful. He'd still make slip ups from time to time, though, and learned about his bodily limits.

Eventually he brought up to his family that he wanted to become a hero more than anything, and though very hesitant they eventually gave in. His parents doted on and cared for him a great deal, especially worried about his body still being frail, but didn't want to stop him from doing what he wished. The time came and he took the UA entrance exams and received the letter spelling out his acceptance into the school. He felt things could only go up from here.

TL;DR: Masaki was born premature and therefore extremely frail. He was unable to play or do much of anything. Often bedridden and spent his time watching tv and seeing images of the heroes, or viewing the array of plants in his family garden shop. Eventually discovered his quirk around the age of 5 and it created a boost of strength to his body's composition that enabled him to do more normal things a child would do. He was finally able to attend school by middle school after lots of therapy and schooling at home and loved it. Did have a traumatic encounter with fire, though, and is still terrified of it, but other than that he spent his middle school days happily, training hard towards his end goal: UA Academy. The time for high school finally came and feeling ready he took the exam, eventually receiving the letter containing his approval into UA Academy.

✽ Reason for coming to U.A: Being bedridden for so long as a child, Masaki had a lot of time to watch tv. He'd always watch the news and how the heroes permormed great deeds all over. Deep inside he always wanted to be able to be that strong, and when his quirk granted him mobility and a stronger composition he felt like this small dream he had could be somethin more, and despite loving it, that he had more purpose than just tending to flowers in the shop. He wanted to prove to himself more than anything that he could become like them one day, too, despite where he started. He works very hard every day honing his skills with his quirk. (Do they have some deeper meaning behind wanting to become a hero? Or is becoming a hero all they've wanted in their life? Keep in mind U.A. has more than just the heroics department so this should explain why they want to become a hero as well)

✽ Family:
- Mother | 45 | Family Garden Shop | Quirk: TBA
- Father | 48 | Family Garden Shop | Quirk: TBA
- Middle Sister | 18 | Family Garden shop/aspiring singer | Quirk: TBA
- Oldest Sister | 22 | Family Garden shop | Quirk: TBA

💮 E X T R A 💮

✽ Trivia: 
- Birthday is April 18
- Masaki means "flourishing tree" and was given to him in hopes to give him strength to grow
- Loves the spring like you can't imagine. Gets super excited over flower festivals!!!!
- Family runs a multi-purpose garden shop also doubling as their home. They sell all-natural medicines and healing salves as well as flowers and vegetables. All naturally grown and nurtured by each of the families unique plant-type quirks. Quite well-off financially, but not the type of family to flaunt it.
- Vegan. His body doesn't process meats and animal bi-products very well, though he still enjoys sweets and might cheat every once in a while. OK in moderation.
- He'll offer special all organic edibles and while they'll make you feel better they taste absolutely awful.
- Most comfortable around girls because of his family situation and most of his contact with boys his age has been negative. He's not closed off to other males but he's more wary of them, especially ones with loud personalities.
- Is often mistaken for a girl but doesn't mind one bit. In fact he'd probably take it as a compliment that they think he's pretty
- His quirk makes him quite light! Somethign about the energy he forms lessens his weight a great deal, making him very light on his feet.

✽ Quotes: "Plants can be surprisingly good company."
"Do you...mind if I hold your hand?"
"I promise to do my best, even though...even though it might not be good enough in the end."

✽ Voice: - TBA

✽ Relationships: TBA 
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Comments: 8

sheepSODA [2016-06-14 03:58:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Krimchii In reply to sheepSODA [2016-06-14 19:04:25 +0000 UTC]

YESSSSSS!!! Finally after much procrastination lmao ;;
AND TY I think I'm happy with it in the end \o/

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aka-Ai [2016-06-14 03:37:45 +0000 UTC]

omg he is so cute--  look at that flower on his head I'm wEeping ////

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Krimchii In reply to Aka-Ai [2016-06-14 19:05:51 +0000 UTC]

EEEE Thank you!!!! I really wanted to make an OC with a flower sprouting out of their head so... LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

riesei [2016-06-11 08:18:03 +0000 UTC]

holds him in my arms

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Krimchii In reply to riesei [2016-06-14 19:06:50 +0000 UTC]

YESSSSSS please give him lots of care ♡

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Evimo [2016-06-11 01:30:58 +0000 UTC]

s,djalsdjlakdjlKJLKjlfjfkdljfal FUCK ME KRIM

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Krimchii In reply to Evimo [2016-06-11 01:50:06 +0000 UTC]

HE IS MY PRECIOUS SMALL FLOWER BOY please give him love and care and water daily ♡♡♡

👍: 0 ⏩: 0