Fera, or Fay as her friends call her, is a firecracker to say the very least. Often called fearless, this short little creature never lets her squat size stop her from seeing new things and getting into trouble. She's an explorer by nature with a curious drive to learn something new and a compulsion to go the places that some more...careful Chimereons might avoid. Dark caves, tall trees, abandoned houses, and rumored haunted locals are all places she strides into without hesitation. This does, however, get her into alot of trouble from time to time as she has a bad habit of over-estimating herself and believing she's more capable than she really is in a given situation. This doesn't often stop her, though, and her excitability and curiosity is impossible to quell. Most times, she doesn't learn unless it's the hard way and she's completely messed up. Having others tell her what to do annoys her, and she's likely to ignore them.
Of course, her fearlessness does mean she's not afraid to get into a larger creature's face to defend her friends and other things that may not be able to stand up for themselves. She's fiercely loyal and protective, acting in a split second to even help those she may not like. Fay's moral's are strong and even a dislike for you won't stop her from making an unfair situation more equal. That being said, disliking you doesn't make her your enemy. That's a hard thing to become, but once you are? Hooooo-boy! Are you in for it! Fera's enemies are those that she keeps a wide distance from, and are the only ones she won't defend in a typical situation. Fay's temper is hard to push, but is unforgiving and can be violent in the right situations. Beware this normally bright and mischevious little girl's anger.
>Gentle storms
>Finding new things
>Goofing off
>Thunder/hard rain
>Getting stuck
>Asking for help
>Serious situations
Cave splunking
Digging for treasure
Exploring scary places
Horn Growth Potion - backward zigag shape
Possible future Mutation if purchasable/winable
Base Bought from ground-lion
Chimereon Species ground-lion