Name: Hila (Trick)
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Cub (1 year) Born March 2023
Teen (1 year) July 2023
Young Adult (2 years) Nov 2023
Adult (2 years) July 2024
Elder (2 years) March 2025-November 2025
Magic: Air
Faction: Msituni Pride
Rank: Starter Messenger
Personality: Social, Curious, Dedicated, Immature, Insecure
Social - Hila is a lioness who loves to talk. She chose the Messenger job within the pride specifically because it allowed her to meet new animals and chat up the ones she already knew. She’s outgoing and adapts quickly to those around her, allowing the young lioness to blend in with almost any social group. She makes friends easily and is always willing to stand up for others when they need it.
Curious - This maned girly is always asking questions and loves to learn new things. She’s open to instruction and happy to find new ways to improve her craft. While she can sometimes struggle with asking for help, she never turns it away and is openly thankful when others notice she’s struggling and offer it without Hila having to ask. Any opportunity to learn is a good one.
Dedicated - While dedication can drive a lion to do their best work, grow in their craft, and improve their position, it can also turn lions into work-a-holics. That’s exactly what Hila is. She’s always got so much energy and loves to run which, when paired with her curiosity and a genuine love of her job, often drives the young maned lioness to spend all of her time either running messages back and forth or trying to find some way to justify working in what should be her free time. She aims to be the best, is married to her work, and isn't afraid to step on paws to get where she wants to be.
Immature - Hila is a giant cub. Her name means 'Trick' and it is fitting for the maned lioness who enjoys playing pranks, rough housing with the actual cubs, and generally turning everything into a game. She is easily distracted and occasionally gets huffy when she doesn't get her way much like teens are want to do. It's not unusual for Hila to have trouble with reading the room and getting herself into 'wrong thing wrong time' type situations. She struggles to be serious and uses humor as a way to cope. While it's normal in small amounts, her antics can go too far and frustrate the lions around her. It's this trait that makes having a close friend circle difficult.
Insecure - Hidden behind a confident mask, Hila has very little faith in herself. She gets frustrated when she makes little mistakes and can sometimes lash out at others in her frustration. While she never means to hurt others, Hila's self-esteem is so fragile and at such a low level that she can't handle failure well and has a bad habit of retreating within herself when she feels like she's messed up. She is hard on herself and struggles to ask for help because of a fear that others might view her as stupid, incompetent, or useless. In an attempt to 'fake it to make it' Hila acts cocky, speaks loudly and can be demanding toward those around her.
Bio: TW :: Emotional Abuse, Mention of Toxic relationships
Pre-Birth - Hila's mother and father were an arranged marriage. The two cared very little for each other and were married as soon as they were old enough to be. It was...unhealthy to say the least. They fought regularly and spent as little time around each other as possible while still acting possessive of each other. The two spend their entire lives resenting each other for their arrangement, though there was still enough respect that neither party tried to mess around, and the two were close to retiring when Hila's mother came down pregnant. It was an appalling idea for the older lioness and, upon giving birth, she named her daughter Hila. She was a trick, played by the great kings, to keep the resentful old hunter from retiring.
Cub - Hila's earliest memory is her own mother's scowl. Another lioness's cubs had already been walking and Hila had only just opened her eyes. "What a lazy cub." No greeting, not a single implication that she was welcome to this new world she could see. Nevermind the fact that she was three weeks younger than the other litter or that she moved constantly. Hila would never know what having an openly loving mother felt like, what willing attention felt like really. Hila's mother nursed her only as long as she absolutely had to be. As soon as the young lioness had teeth, she was eating only meat. Lessons with other cubs on the history of the pride and on hunting were her escape from the judgmental gaze of her parents and the quiet sneering between the two. Even they knew not to argue in front of cubs, but it didn't help. If she fell, she would suffer a lecture on paying attention. "A clumsy lioness makes a useless hunter. Pay attention!" Even small critique from other lionesses during lessons resulted in harsh comments.
Hila's mother spoke to other lionesses as if she cared deeply about her cub and how she hoped to see her only daughter follow in her pawsteps as a huntress. No one was surprised when Hila couldn't keep up with even cub-level hunting lessons. She struggled to pay attention when the healers spoke as well. The cub sitters were thankful to have an older cub around to entertain the youngest of the pride, but she was only a cub her interest and questions died out quickly. Frustrated with her 'defective' daughter's struggles, Hila's mother was grumbling at her daughter for not being able to do anything right when another lion offered to give her some lessons for the day. He was a young messenger, only having just earned his rank as Main, but happy to take on the energetic young cub for the day. She loved it right away and begged her mother to let her apprentice as one when she got home. Thankful to have something her cub could do, Hila's mother agreed and the cub's apprenticeship began soon after.
Teen - Training went well during her apprenticeship as a messenger. Hila began running messages within the kingdom's boundaries once she turned a year old and proved to be fast on her feet and good at remembering locations. While not perfect, if she was shown the way once she could at least get close on her own. Two or three more visits and she'd know the way well enough to start trying to take short cuts. Not all of them went well, clearly, but Hila didn't often get things completely and utterly wrong anyway.
It was during this time in her life that Hila began noticing darker fur on her head and between her shoulders. At first her mother would make comments about how she couldn't keep herself clean and wonder out loud about how she had gone so wrong that Hila couldn't groom herself. Then the fur got longer and both of them realized she was growing in a mane. First they tried seeing the healers. Hila's mother argued passionately with them that there was no way a lioness with a mane could be normal and not a problem in need of fixing. When that got her nowhere, it became another thing that was wrong with her "Disgraceful, clumsy, freak of a daughter." This outburst was in public this time, and Hila argued back. It got loud enough that her father, who had stayed as distant and absent as possible, stepped in to break up the yelling match. That was the day Hila was freed from her family.
Young Adult - Hila has found her place among the messengers of her pride, ranked up to Starter and happily running messages and scrolls anywhere she's asked. She's young with much more life to live, but now she has no one's spiteful comments to hold her back.
Ref Art msituni-rp
Character (c)Me
Copy of [Msituni RP] Roleplay Log - Hila
Original Design by The-Golden-Tigress