ClosetMentalPatient — T-R Phoenix Oco

Published: 2017-12-05 00:30:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 1133; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 1
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Now for my all time favorite pokemon! My first ever starter! My fire chicken baby!!

tw for abuse


Name: Pheonix Oco

Nicknames: Nix, Phee

Species: Blaziken

Age: 33 years old

Birthday: March 22nd

Nature: Adamant

Characteristic: Likes to fight

Height: 6 feet 3 inches

Weight: 170 lbs

Gender: Female

Sex: Female

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Pansexual Polyamorus

Job: MMA Fighter

City: Asokuma City

Level: 50

Ability: Blaze: When a Pokémon with Blaze uses a fire-type move, the move's power will be increased by 50% if the user has less than or equal to ⅓ of its maximum HP remaining.


Fire Punch: The target is punched with a fiery fist. This may also leave the target with a burn.

Sky Uppercut: The user attacks the target with an uppercut thrown skyward with force.

Flare Blitz: The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target. This also damages the user quite a lot. This may leave the target with a burn.

High Jump Kick: The target is attacked with a knee kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead.

Character Description:

Pheonix is a tall, tan-skinned, muscular woman. She is not a body builder, but her abs are defined and her thighs are strong and thick, just the way she likes them. Height is sometimes an issue for her, but she frankly enjoys being tall and then putting on heels and making everyone feel smaller. If someone can't handle it, that's their problem. Nix has very light blonde hair and it is often swept up in a pony tail with her bangs clipped back as to not get in her face when she's working out. She has a small, red, fluffy tail that she doesn't like people touching. Her bright blue eyes are rather striking, but she does suffer from baby face. Inside the ring though, the fierce enjoyment in her eyes tends to make her stop looking like she's sixteen.

Phee has a bold fashion style. She likes showing skin when possible, despite her insecurities. Her favorite outfit currently is a sleeveless red leather jacket with a fluffy collar, a yellow crop top and her comfiest pair of jeans. Phee likes warm colors, reds, oranges, yellows, golds. Shiny fabrics are a personal favorite, as well as dresses with plunging backs. High heels are a must, especially when she gets to impress everyone by doing high kicks in them.


[Determined, Passionate, Friendly, Short Tempered, Combative, Reckless, Insecure, Reclusive, Anxious]

Determined barely seems to cover Pheonix's drive. Anything this girl sets her mind to, she will accomplish, despite any hurtles or hardships that bar her path. She will barrel through them if need be. Don't even attempt to stop her when she's got a goal to accomplish. Above all, Pheonix is passionate. Her passion is what drives her to excel, to be the best she can be. She loves her work, she loves her gym, she loves her friends.  She even loves her fame. She is beyond friendly to her fans, making time to speak personally to as many as she can. She doesn't want to be someone's hero and end up disappointing them. Pheonix's passion can often backfire on her though, with her short temper and combative nature, anything can be turned into a fight. Not just verbal sparring either, Phee isn't above beating some assholes up. She's pretty reckless in that sense, when she sees something she thinks she can stop, like bullying or injustice, she's already running headlong towards it, damn the consecequences. 

Despite all appearances, Phee is actually very insecure. About her body, about her choices, about her work. But she has come a long way with those worries, and has her ways of coping, like wearing whatever she wants, even if it is flashy or revealing to empower herself. Some of her coping methods are the best, like the way she tends to isolate herself sometimes, not on purpose, but she just becomes a recluse for, not leaving her house except for work. Those bouts of isolation last from a few days to a couple weeks. Anxiety grips her sometimes too, but she's working on that. Long, weekly therapy sessions help her tremendously despite her daily struggles.


Phoenix thought she had a pretty normal start in life. She lived on a small farm with her two fathers, Harry and Sam, who were incredibly sweet and caring. The farm was in the middle of nowhere and consisted of a few corn fields, a vegetable patch, a barn with a small herd of goats and a comfortably large farm house. When she grew old enough for school, her fathers homeschooled her as there was no elementary school for miles.

When Phoenix turned ten, her life turned upside down. Her little life on the farm was disrupted by the police knocking on the farm house door once foggy morning. It turns out, her fathers were not legally hers. Neither one was even biologically related to her, as she had hoped. Instead, Phoenix had a biological mother and father she had never met.

Just hours after Phoenix was born, another pregnant woman came into the hospital where Phoenix was born. The woman, Payton, was seven months pregnant and in early labor. She gave birth, but the child only lived minutes, not even long enough to be held by his mother. Patyon was distraught and fell into a psychosis that led her to grab another baby, Phoenix, and try to run.

But Payton was still weak from losing her baby and barely made it to her home, where her brother was waiting for her. The brother, Harry, had no idea the baby his sister handed him wasn’t his neice. Payton told Harry the birth had been hard, and she wanted to get out of the city. Harry was concerned for his sister, since she was of course acting strangely, but had no reason to not believe Payton. He took her and the baby to the farm he tended with his husband.

Problems with baby Phoenix seemed never ending to Harry and Sam. Payton was having trouble feeding the baby, problems bonding with the baby. The baby wouldn’t sleep and Payton got more and more stressed as the days went past. Payton had never really been a person to commit to anything, she hadn’t even told Harry which of her lovers had gotten her pregnant, so it wasn’t entirely a surprise when Payton vanished just after Phoenix turned eight months old. 

Harry and Sam took Phoenix in as their own, thinking at first it would be till Payton returned. But then Payton was arrested for attacking a retail worker, so Harry and Sam adopted Phoenix. It wasn't really official, they mostly became her guardians by default, as her only living and non-criminal family members.

All of this was carefully explained to Phoenix when she was taken away from Harry and Sam. Her biological parents, Sally, a former high school art teacher, and John, an accountant, had searched for Phoenix just after she was taken, but eventually the case went cold and the police told the distraught parents that there was nothing they could do. But when Sally was diagnosed with fatal breast cancer years later, she begged her husband to try looking for their lost baby one last time.

They hired a private investigator who eventually discovered Phoenix’s little life at the farm. The police were contacted, as well as child services, and though Harry and Sam tried to fight for custody of Phoenix, she was eventually returned to the custody of her biological parents. 

Phoenix was a little young to understand all of this, so all she really knew for certain was that she was taken away from her loving, caring fathers and put in the custody of two people she didn’t know. It was pretty terrifying. 

The relationship she had with her bio parents was rocky, to say the least. First off, her legal name, the name given to her as a baby before she was taken, was June, but no matter how many times Sally and John used it, Phoenix refused to respond to it. She had spent ten years being called a different name, a name she regarded as her real name, and no matter how pushy they were about it, she was not June.

Secondly, Sally and John put Phoenix in a public school, refusing her request to be homeschooled still. At school, Phoenix was treated like a freak by her peers who knew her story, leading to her being bullied and even beat up once or twice, and treated with pity by all the teachers. They handled her with soft gloves, forgiving every outburst she had.

And she had quite a few outbursts, not only in school but at home. She didn’t want to be where she was, she didn’t want to treat Sally and John like her parents, she already had her perfect family and she didn’t appreciate being thrust into a bad intimidation of another one. Sally and John might be related to her by blood, but they were virtual strangers and Phoenix worked hard to keep them at an arm’s length.

The worst part was that Phoenix was dropped into the middle of a family being strained by cancer. Sally’s cancer was terminal but she was still undergoing rounds of radiation to extend what time she did have in an effort to give her more time with her long lost daughter.

Phoenix was sympathetic to Sally’s plight and despite her attempts to be icy with her bio parents, Phoenix pitied Sally and her desire to know the daughter she lost. Phoenix tried to be nice to Sally while also trying to hold fast to her determination that she would not grow close to these strangers.

Sally died a year after Phoenix returned to their lives. John was deep in grief for his wife while Phoenix barely held any for the mother she didn’t really know. For weeks, John struggled to do normal tasks, forcing Phoenix to look after herself mostly. Then the anger grew in John.

At first, it was just John resenting Phoenix for taking Sally’s death so well, for being able to move on and keep going. But then John realized it wasn’t because Phoenix was taking it well, it was because she wasn’t sad. Anger became his main mood towards Phoenix. They had tried so hard to find her, and now that she was here, she was supposed to be theirs, but instead she was this stranger who resented them for even trying to be a part of her life. John didn’t know how to handle his anger, his resentment and his grief so he began taking it out on Phoenix.

When it began, it was John getting mad at her for little things. Forgetting to lock the door. Not putting her dishes in the dishwasher. Playing music too loud. But it quickly evolved into a more abusive situation. John would come home, stressed from work, stressed from supporting a daughter that wasn’t a daughter, stressed from life without his wife, and would find something to pick a fight about. Say the house wasn’t clean or Phoenix was sitting in the living room watching a show instead of doing her homework.

John would take these things and yell and scream about them, sometimes throwing things. The abuse never got physical, but Phoenix always feared that one day it would, that John would snap and hit her.

Usually the day after these fights, John would come home and be calm. He would cook dinner and apologize to Phoenix, explain that he had a hard day at work, say that he was stressed about money or give some other kind of excuse. When the fight had been worse than normal, he would sit her down and talk about how Sally’s death had ruined him. He would cry and Phoenix would feel forced to comfort him.

Sometimes he’d bring Phoenix a gift, usually something expensive, and promise not to do it again, but then a week later, something bad would happen at work and the cycle would begin again.

Phoenix didn’t know if she should tell anyone. She had basically no friends at school, and she feared none of the teachers would believe her. And even if they did believe her, what would they do? John just yelled at her. It wasn’t like he beat her. There were kids who had it worse, who was she to complain about some screaming? 

So Phoenix lived with John, endured this treatment for years. When she was sixteen, John came home and started screaming. He had gotten laid off at work and was beyond stressed about how he would afford their house, the car, his daughter-not-daughter. He was angrier than Phoenix had ever seen him and tried to hide in her bedroom, but he caught her and held her down on the couch, screaming at her.

Phoenix had never been more terrified for her life. She thought she was going to die. She managed to punch John in the face, and using his moment of surprise, she ran into her bedroom and locked the door. He spent hours pacing outside her door, yelling and pounding on the wood so hard it cracked her door down the middle. Eventually he went away and Phoenix listened in fear as he walked around the house, then eventually went out the front door and got in his car and drove away.

It took Phoenix a while to manage to get off the floor and venture into the rest of the house, but John didn’t return. She eventually went to bed, only to be woken by the smell of gasoline and smoke. John had drenched the house in gas and lit it on fire, room by room, until finally getting to Phoenix’s room. She had made the mistake of leaving her door unlocked and when she woke, he was pouring gasoline on her bed.

Seeing she was awake, John eagerly explained that he was going to burn the house down and get the insurance money and then they could live on that till he got another job. Phoenix wanted to scream at him, but smoke was already pouring into her room from the rest of the house. Phoenix ran outside and called 911, even though she could already hear sirens coming towards her. Then the only thing she could do was stand across the street and watch her life, as awful as it was, burn to the ground before her eyes.

When the police came, Phoenix told them everything. She told them about John grabbing her and how her father had lost his job and set the fire. The evidence from the fire backed up her story, as well as the bruises on her from the night before. Her father was arrested and Phoenix was put into a foster home.

It was nearly as bad as she feared. Her foster parents treated her like a fragile glass ornament, but started her in therapy and were okay with giving her her space when she made it clear she didn’t want to get close to them. She left the home when she turned eighteen and then she was out on her own. College seemed like a lost cause at this point, due to her lacking grades as it was hard to study when your father was constantly screaming at you.. Lacking another option, Phoenix got the first job she could find. It was at a gym, cleaning the place and manning the cash register when someone wanted to buy a water bottle.

It wasn't a glorious job, but it gave her the chance to learn how to fight. She wanted to make sure no one could overpower her again. At first, she started by attempting to teach herself with a punching bag and the internet. But soon one of the gym's trainers got sick of watching her flimsy attempts and stepped in to teach her how to do it right. She trained with him, her determination to make sure she was safe soon being overthrown by her enjoyment. Fighting was fun, especially after she evolved into a combusken.

She worked at the gym for years, getting promoted and learning more and more till a friend introduced her to the world of MMA fighting. She was scared at first, it was such an aggressive and violent sport. Curious about it anyway, she learned more about it and it didn’t seem so bad. Fighting wasn’t all bad, it wasn’t all scary. It was a thrill to land a punch or a kick. She tried a few fights, and nearly ended her fighting career right then and there because every time she got pinned, she had flashbacks to John and the smell of gasoline.

She learned that the flashbacks were a part of PTSD, which was pretty common for survivors of abuse. She at first struggled with that label, abuse, because John had just yelled at her. He had just stressed her and scared her. He had just thrown things. He only grabbed her once. Surely that wasn’t bad enough to be called abuse.

But she didn’t want to just avoid fighting because of flashbacks, she wanted to overcome them. John had ruined enough of her life. He wasn’t going to ruin this for her too. Especially since she liked fighting. It was a thrill, it was a puzzle to be solved, it was a test of her body and her will. It was part of her type, part of who and what she was. She couldn’t explain the desire to fight beyond the fact she wanted to do it. She wanted to prove to herself and to everyone else that she could do it. She wasn’t weak and powerless anymore. She would do this and get her power back. She wanted to do this for the rest of her life.

When she was twenty four, she started training for her first MMA fight. It started slow, with lots of small, low publicity fights but by the time she was twenty nine, she was fairly famous and relevant on the scene.

She got into the game a little late, most MMA fighters peak around their mid twenties to thirties, but Phoenix hadn't left the game yet. She gained a pretty hefty following and fame, enough that she got rich enough to buy herself a nice little house in Asokuma City. 


In between fights, Phee works out a ton. The gym that she works out at is like her second home and she's been there so long, she practically helps run the place.
When she turned eighteen, she had her name legally changed to Pheonix. She never wanted to be June again.

Medical Notes:

Phoenix has PTSD and anxiety and goes to therapy once a week to cope.

Art and character are mine!
Pokemon belongs to Nintendo!
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Comments: 1

pyroman7 [2017-12-05 04:10:07 +0000 UTC]


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