COATstar — Iridescent Mirage (Character Sheet)

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Character Info

TL;DR Blurb: Iridescent Mirage, called Iri or Mirage for short, is an unknown hybrid that lives near the walls for the Changing Lands. While her exact hybrid is unknown, it's believed she's the mixture of an anthro wolf and a filujor. Nobody's stepped up as either of her parents, making her legally considered an orphan.

Iri is very skilled in the art of alchemy, where she has the largest claim to fame out of everyone on the planet, thanks to her ability to craft potions that can tweak your appearance in any way you desire - these tweaks even touching on your genetics if desired, so your new appearance can pass off to your offspring.

She's described by most as being a very striking person, both in looks and personality. Her appearance often shifts between two preset looks, something she describes as being the work of her own potions. Sometimes she's black and white in color, with a more canine-like tail, and other times she's various shades of brown with white and has a more feline-like tail. Sometimes, she'll be a half-way split between these two looks as well.

She was quite famous back in the earlier years of The Hangout for her appearance altering potions, and her only accepting pay in the form of people providing the ingredients (even hard or dangerous to obtain ones, no mercy), though her popularity has dropped off significantly in more recent years as she's taken some steps back from her potion making to pursue other hobbies.

First Name/s: Iridescent Mirage

Middle Name/s: -

Last Name/s: -

Prefix/es: -

Suffix/es: -

Nickname/s: Iri, Mirage

Main Species: Hybrid (unknown ancestor species)

Subspecies: Unknown

Species Info Sheet?: -

Birthday: February 7th, 2020

Age: www.datetime.io/age/2020/2/7

Lifestage: Adult (CSR boosted)

Western Zodiac: Aquarius

Eastern Zodiac: Metal Rat

Physical Sex: Female

Identified Gender/s: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Honorifics: Ms., Miss

Religion: -

Place of Worship: -

Rank / Role: -

Education Level: Primary

Primary School: New Nook

Middle School: -

Secondary School: -

Tertiary School: -

Diplomas: -

Extracurriculars: -

Magical Talent: Average

Known Spells: Telekinesis, Shapeshifting

Lives In-

World: The Hangout

District: Border of The Changing Lands

City/Town: -

House #: 12

Fashion / Clothing Choices: Iri tends to wear a simple plain black t-shirt with black shorts for general clothing, but has several specialized outfits for the various hobbies and activities she takes part in. She has a few sets of adventuring clothes for when she goes out to collect ingredients, 1 each for all the different environments she may find herself in. All of them protect the full body as much as possible.

Romantic Orientation: Aromantic

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Specific Notes?: Occasionally has sex because it feels good and she enjoys it.

Parial Soul Type: Coded

Primary Unial Soul Type: ??

Occupation: Alchemist

Iri's well-known for her potions that can change someone's appearance in any way they desire, and she's known for being the best in this area. Even though she's stepped back from it and doesn't do it as often, she still considers herself an alchemist, and does still take on work.

Personality Traits: Introverted. Likes to keep people confused about her so that they're "always on their toes around her." Tends to be selfish. Intellectually intelligent, but not as emotionally intelligent - understanding other's emotions can be hard for her. Loves to try out new hobbies, and shuns those who don't. Really, really, really wants to be friends with a Glitchian one day. Avoids the subject of death at all costs because it will send her down an OCD spiral.

Myers Briggs: -

D&D Alignment: True Neutral

Mental & Neurological Conditions: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (the obsession is centered around death, and often expresses in the form of vivid intrusive thoughts. Must compulsively check in on others and hoard sentimental objects so people will 'always be near.') (undiagnosed and unmedicated). Anxiety (in relation to her OCD). Depression (in relation to her OCD.)

Physical & Physiological Conditions: A small, faded scar under her right ear (earned in an alchemy accident where a bottle exploded, and a shard of glass cut under her ear.) Chronic pain in the left knee (earned from a bad tripping and falling accident when she was young; her left knee was injured and didn't properly heal all the way.)


- Friends / Friendly. Hated / Disliked. Family. Acquaintances / Neutral. Deceased.  Beloved. Uneasy / Afraid. Authority Figure. Love / Crush.

Many people across The Hangout who have been customers Don't take it personally, but Iri does not individually remember any of you. You're all neutral aquaintances at best.

The Timeline Buddies   - Is friendly enough with the Timeline Buddies purely since they're the government where she lives, therefore it'd be stupid not to be. Doesn't care much about them apart from that.

Pinky - A close neighbor of Iri. Originally, Iri thought Pinky was incredibly annoying and loathed having to see her ever, but Pinky did grow to be on Iri's good side and now they're kind of friends.

Doggy - The same boat as Pinky. Doggy originally bothered the hell out of Iri, but she grew to find Doggy endearing.

Melek - A distant neighbor Iri's only met once or twice, but stays in her mind because of the horror story Melek's had to call a life. She feels bad for him and everything he's had to go through and wishes him the best, but wouldn't say they're anywhere near friends.

Tobias - Lives with Melek, therefore is a distant neighbor as well. Knows little about him except that he saved Melek from his horrible abuse. Respects him for that, but doesn't know him otherwise.

Minchi - A next-door neighbor that Iri loathes because of her outwardly anti aro/ace views, and her constantly getting on Iri's case about not 'thinking about it hard enough.' On top of that, she's talkative, and about all of the most annoying subjects.

Zevera - One of Minchi's housemates, who often steps in on Iri's behalf to make Minchi leave her alone. They've never talked personally, but Iri at least appreciates her helping out.

Barney / Marney - One of Minchi's housemates. Like Zevera, they'll step in to make Minchi back off, but they also talk to Iri sometimes too. They both get along on a lot of topics, and they constantly apologize for Minchi's behavior.

Clavicus - One of Minchi's housemates. He seems to be the head of the household, but Iri doesn't know, and doesn't care. She's unnerved by him and how he's upfront about having bloodthirsty desires and urges. He always insists that he'd "never act on them, of course!" but Iri doesn't want to fuck around and find out, so she avoids him as much as possible.

Tango Mango   - Iri and Tango don't get to talk often, but when they do, the conversations are always fun and engaging. Tango also often tries out Iri's hobbies, and Iri follows suit. Easily one of, if not the, most favorite people in Iri's life.


Iri was born on The Hangout, the product of CSR (Coded Soul Reproduction). Nobody knew who her parents were, and her being surrendered to Flynn early on was proof that whoever they were, they wanted nothing to do with her.

She found the beauty in life anyway, in the form of alchemy. Her first potions were simple concoctions that just about anybody could make, but she quickly branched off into her own experimental brews. Over the year, she had discovered the art of potions that could permanently alter people's bodies in whichever way they desired, even in a way that could alter their genetics so their old look wouldn't be passed on.

When she was an adult - which didn't take too long considering she was made through CSR - she made an ambitious move to drop out of school before graduating, and went to the borders between The Hangout and The Changing Lands to set up a shop with a unique concept - she would make you any appearance modifcation potion you wanted, if you were willing to obtain the ingredients yourself. She would give customers the list of what they were looking for, and if they came back with everything, the potion was their's. It was an enjoyable service to those who wanted to change their looks but also wanted some kind of adventure. For the beginning, it was pretty successful.

During this time, she was asked out on dates by many who claimed to have a crush on her. She gave dating a shot, but saw that she had no emotional interest in it. After researching the matter, she found that she was best described as aromantic asexual, and has adopted that into her identity since.

Even if she had no emotional attraction, she did still find the dates (and subsequent one night stands) enjoyable in the pleasure they brought. She'll still accept dates, but strongly prefaces it with how she's aroace and no official, long-term relationship would be coming out of it. Just a fun night for both of them, and that's it. Everyone except one neighbor of her's, Minchi, is pretty understanding of this. Minchi, however, seems to have made it her personal goal to find 'the right one' for Iri. It's so obnoxious she started to consider moving.

When the Timeline Buddies had developed similar technology that was more easily obtained, her business took a big hit. Instead of sitting and moping around about it, she decided to make the potion stand a part-time thing, and pursue her other hobbies with the new freetime. The plus was that she was away from where Minchi was more, so she didn't have to listen to her braindead rambles about 'curing' her anymore.

In exploring her other hobbies though, Iri accidentally uncovered a hidden beast in her brain.

OCD around death.

It was as simple as seeing the skeleton of a snake when she was giving hiking in a different reality a shot. At first, she didn't really think about it as anything more than "Oh, that's unfortunate for that snake. Hope its death wasn't painful."

But then the thought kept lingering.

Thoughts of death kept intruding into her mind. Vivid imaginations on how that snake may have died, and how it could happen to her, or someone she knew. Hell, what if Minchi died? Minchi was obnoxious, but she didn't deserve the fates her brain was conjuring.

Iri hadn't ever really thought of death before. It never came up in conversation until now, and because she dropped out of school really early, she was never forced to think about it in any educational context.

Was her brain just freaking out about this new, yet inevitable concept? Maybe she was just stressed out right now? Maybe she was going insane?

She tried to push it to the back of her mind, but she could still feel those thoughts there. One thought, one scene, one sound away from triggering their assault on her brain again.

Ever since then, it became a recurring issue. Random things began to be connected to death in her mind, and it started to drive her to breaking down. She became anxious about what kinds of things she lets herself see or hear about, all because she's afraid the intrusive thoughts will start up. The only way to make them stop is to obsessively check up on pretty much everyone she knows to make sure they're okay and not near anything lethal.

She doesn't know what's happening, but in the onslaught of disturbing thoughts, she's become depressed.

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