COATstar — Mustang (Character Sheet)

#nesesboreas #spiniceat #character #fantasycreature #originalcharacter #originalspecies #anthrocharacter #feralcharacter
Published: 2023-02-05 21:39:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 903; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Character Info

First Name/s: Mustang

Middle Name/s: -

Last Name/s: -

Prefix/es: -

Suffix/es: -

Nickname/s: -

Main Species: Spiniceat

Subspecies: Nesesborean Spiniceat

Species Info Sheet?: www.deviantart.com/coatstar/ar…

Birthday: June 15th, 2015

Age: www.datetime.io/age/2015/6/15

Lifestage: Adult

Western Zodiac: Gemini

Eastern Zodiac: Wood Goat

Physical Sex: Female

Identified Gender/s: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Honorifics: Miss

Religion: Atheist

Place of Worship: -

Rank / Role: -

Education Level: Tertiary

Primary School: - (Caught up at Ovian Catch-Up)

Middle School: - (Caught up at Ovian Catch-Up)

Secondary School: - (Caught up at Ovian Catch-Up)

Tertiary School: Ovian College

Diplomas: LV1 in Animal Psychology, LV3 in Beast Keeping

Extracurriculars: -

Magical Talent: Basically Nonexistent

Known Spells:

-Self Heal (heals the equivalent of 25 HP per casting, takes the equivalent of 100 MP to cast)

Lives In-

World: The Hangout

District: Mabel's District

City/Town: Sweet & Sour Sands

House #: 215

Fashion / Clothing Choices: Wears a lot of gear for being out in the sun and around dangerous animals all the time, as well as keeping a utility belt full of tools to handle them, whatever the situation be. Overall, her aesthetic ends up being cowboy-like.

Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Specific Notes?: Leans a little bit towards being demi to men; needs an emotional connection with men to feel something for them, but does not need this towards women and enbies.

Parial Soul Type: Realistic (Guards in-place to prevent transformation)

Primary Unial Soul Type: Nesesborean Spirit

Occupation: Creature Trainer

Mustang travels between worlds and uses her skillset in working with animals to train them. From general tameness to more complicated tricks and behaviors, she knows how to get wild animals to behave.

Personality Traits: Ambivert. Patient. Outgoing. Inquisitive. Soft-spoken. Gets hyper in large amounts of company. Doesn't take shit from anyone. Tomboyish. Persevering. When misophonia is triggered, becomes far more agitated and impatient until triggering sounds are removed. Despite being directly from Nesesboreas, doesn't follow the same trends many of the other directly immigrated spiniceats do, being more like the spiniceats born on The Hangout instead.

Myers Briggs: -

D&D Alignment: -

Mental & Neurological Conditions: Misophonia (triggered by dripping, clicking, and ticking noises)

Physical & Physiological Conditions: Permanent limp in right leg (caused by wild animal attack). Mild hearing damage (caused by repeated loud wild animal noise exposure).


- Friends / Friendly. Hated / Disliked. Family. Acquaintances / Neutral. Deceased.  Beloved. Uneasy / Afraid. Authority Figure. Love / Crush.

Goon   - Goon is Mustang's boyfriend, as well as one of her roommates and coworkers. They get along with each other like peas in a pod and are practically inseparable, taking on the same jobs together to keep each other safe. They intend to get married and start a family one day.

Tiana - Tiana is one of Mustang's roommates, and her ex girlfriend. Despite their breakup making them more neutral with each other's existence, they remain friendly with each other whenever they do interact.

Tialoa   - Tialoa is like an adoptive mother to Mustang, having taken her in back when they still lived on Nesesboreas when Mustang got separated from her birth clan. Being the one who encouraged them both to go to The Hangout and take up creature training as an occupation, Mustang does her best to follow in Tialoa's footsteps and be like her.

Birth Family   - Mustang knows she once had a birth family - everybody does, after all. But as they were killed when she was still very young, she remembers nothing about them; not even their names. She simply acknowledges they once existed, and wishes she could've known more about them.

Crazy Connie    - Crazy Connie is the one from the Timeline Buddies who authorized and processed Mustang's immigration to The Hangout. They regularly interact as CC has also become Mustang's job manager, directing her to what world has requested a creature trainer's help. While most interactions are strictly professional, they're on friendly terms with one another and occasionally stop to chat.

Reverse Connie   - Mustang only knows Reverse Connie since she's almost always with Crazy Connie. They've never interacted, but as Reverse Connie is still an official Timeline Buddy, Mustang knows she's just as much as her boss as CC is.

The Timeline Buddies  - Mustang only knows two of the Timeline Buddies personally, and is neutral with the rest.

Negastar    - Despite never meeting Negastar personally, Mustang knows of the horrors she's committed, including the March 25th genocide - something she was present to witness. She knows Negastar is nothing but evil and not to be trusted, and hates her. She's also terrified of her, knowing what she's capable of and that she's completely defenseless if she was ever a target.

The Emoticlones   - Apart from Negastar, Mustang is neutral but wary of the others. Aware they have the same power and capabilities, but not the drive to do the same things, she feels as if her relationship with them is a blind trust that they'll keep their promise to protect against Negastar and not do horrible things, and there's nothing she can do if they elect to break that promise. It's anxiety-inducing to her.

The Nesesborean Royal Family  - Never met any of the royals personally, and doesn't care to. Hates them for the racism and abuse they continue to enforce back on Nes.


Mustang was born on Nesesboreas to an oddly small clan of spiniceats. When she was just a week old, the clan was completely wiped out by a group of hunting filujors. She only survived because her birth parents hid her somewhere the filujors couldn't find her.

She wandered on her own for a few days before meeting Tialoa. When Tialoa asked what she was doing out on her own, she took Mustang in without hesitation upon hearing the story.

Tialoa brought Mustang to her own clan, who accepted Mustang as their own with open arms. She lived with them for the next few years, acting as a defender of the group. Believing she was a lesbian at the time, she never mated with any males and only had female lovers, and never produced any children as a result.

About 5 years into her life, a large-scale attack was launched on her clan, killing most of the people she'd grown to know over the years. Yet again, she had survived an attack that wiped out most of her family. She and Tialoa were among the few survivors. Tialoa got the idea that they go through the steps to try being rescued by a group known as "The Timeline Buddies" that rumor had spoken of. Left having to rebuild their lives either way, Mustang agreed to give it a shot.

Lo and behold, the steps they took to get rescued and immigrate to The Hangout were successful, and for the first time in her life, Mustang didn't have to act and be treated as a lowly prey creature. It took a lot of time and therapy to fully adjust to her new life, but she got through with flying colors.

She and Tialoa, still together after everything, decided to go enroll in the Ovian College for creature training together. It was Tialoa's idea, and Mustang thought it would be fun, so she agreed.

There, she met Tiana and Goon - Goon being on the same course as herself, and Tiana being on track to become a surgeon. Mustang was lovestruck for Tiana almost right away, and it wasn't long before the two started dating. When Tiana and Goon started looking for somewhere to live, she and Tialoa opened their house for them, and they all moved in together.

Shortly after moving in together, rifts in Tiana and Mustang's relationship became more apparent - specifically on the topic of children. Mustang wanted to have kids, where Tiana did not. After a few months of talking about it, they acknowledged this was something they couldn't sway the other on, and agreed it would be best to break up and remain friends.

Goon was a big source of emotional support for Mustang following her breakup, and during their time together, they formed a strong, emotional bond. This made Mustang realize she may bi, and might have fallen for Goon through their new bond together. Goon was pretty surprised to hear this, but agreed to go out together to help Mustang explore her bi-curiosity.

Surprising both of them, they hit it off incredibly well, and made things official just a month later.

Mustang, Tialoa, and Goon all passed the creature training courses and graduated together. Tialoa reached back out to Crazy Connie, the Timeline Buddy member mainly responsible for handling their immigration, and asked if she could work as sort of like a manager for herself, Mustang, and Goon. CC agreed, and started giving them assignments.

The three of them aced the first dozen or so assignments without much issue - but with plenty of the newbie awkwardness. It was on assignment 15 that things took the first sour turn for Mustang, as the creature she was working with had suddenly gone rogue out of the blue and attacked.

Thanks to several coworkers and guards being present to react quickly, she wasn't severely harmed, but a chunk of flesh had gotten ripped out of her right leg. She was rushed to medical services as fast as possible and made a good recovery, but has always had a limp in that leg ever since.

Therapy prevented Mustang from getting PTSD from the event, but she's been far more wary and careful on the job since; covering her clothes with all sorts of tools to protect herself on the job. Goon made a joke that she looked like a futuristic cowboy of some kind. Mustang took this joke and ran with it, intentionally getting things that looked cowboy-ish. What started as a joke turned out to be Mustang discovering she genuinely enjoyed wearing this kind of gear, and now it's unironically part of her style.

On a later assignment, she was working with a creature that kept making this ticking noise. It drove Mustang insane for reasons she couldn't explain and had to drop the assignment because of it. When CC saw she dropped the assignment and why, she asked if Mustang has misophonia. Not knowing what that was, she looked into it, and believed she did. She took advantage of the advanced healthcare on The Hangout to get diagnosed for it, and came back with a positive result. She gave this information back to CC, who said she'd keep it in mind and not assign Mustang creatures who made those triggering sounds for now on.

So far, CC's kept her word, and has made sure none of those assignments go her way.

Mustang wasn't present on The Hangout to deal with the fallout of the Soulless epidemic, but was around to bare witness to the March 25th genocide. As she wasn't a Gem, she wasn't targeted by Negastar's attack, but was out in public when it started. The image of Negastar zipping around as an unstoppable force, murdering every Gem on The Hangout, is an image that's burned into Mustang's mind forever. She never knew any Gems personally (apart from the Stevens in the Timeline Buddies, if they counted), but joined in the memorials regardless to support those that had lost loved ones. A hurt to society like this is a hurt to herself as well, for she is a person of the people, as she said it.

The event has instilled a cautionary attitude towards the Emoticlones, and those who choose to worship them.

In present-day, Mustang's recently been made aware of her hearing loss, and is taking steps to prevent it from getting worse. She and Goon are currently discussing engagement and marriage, and their future kids.

Mustang (c) COATstar

Spiniceats & Nesesborean Spiniceats (c) COATstar

I'm sure it goes without saying, but just to get it on the record, do not claim this character as your own.

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Comments: 3

YeeYeeHa1rcut [2023-02-06 18:22:37 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

COATstar In reply to YeeYeeHa1rcut [2023-02-11 16:07:29 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

YeeYeeHa1rcut In reply to COATstar [2023-02-12 04:38:41 +0000 UTC]

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