CorvidShadow — Relentless Search

Published: 2021-10-29 00:41:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 851; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 1
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After a well-deserved break, the team eagerly awaited for the next week to come. Just before Kalypso's announcement coming tomorrow, Obi left her Coatala in their team's designated pet pen. Once the Wyngling made sure he had fresh water and good quality food, she wished him good night and joined her teammates so Saint would walk them all to their respective hatcheries.

In the early morning, the Nook siblings were first to arrive. Obi ran straight to the pet pens while his brother looked around at the few other contestants that arrived, noticing their faces were not so enthusiastic like the other weeks.

Soon Lykos had a bad feeling, and his sister's scream confirmed it. Furry claws already sprinting to the sound, afraid of what made Obi react that way.

He eyed the fences, all wrecked and no pets on sight. Lykos rushed to meet his sister but found her in what was Leo's spot, now empty.

"He's... He's gone..." Obi sniffled, failing to contain tears, his brother put a claw on her back, which made her quickly shift them into a hug. Lykos felt her devastation over her beloved pet's sudden disappearance.

Shortly after, Saint and Poppy arrived looking around for the rest of their team. The latter spotted them, still sitting in the broken pens.

"Obi! What happened? Are you ok?" Poppy rushed to her friend, confused at the scene.

"The fences are broken, all the animals inside are gone," replied Lykos, still comforting his sister.

"What?!" Exclaimed Saint, trying to contain his anger into smashing the first thing on sight. Instead of letting the Wynglings witness his incoming wrath, the Biped stomped into Kalypso ready to aid and, if possible, give whoever did this what they deserve.

"It’s almost Warptide. We have to find them, please!" Pleaded the orange Quad, Russell was beside her ready to lend a hand as well.

The Sheriff nodded, "everyone! You all heard the woman! Front and center teams!" Russell's voice made sure to reach every corner of the camp, Saint's team isn't the only one affected and he knows. Hopefully, all contestants will make their part.

"The pet contest is put on hold until further notice. Our top priority right now is finding those pets," continued the brown Quad, "I’m going to divide you all up so we can sweep the largest area possible. From the location of the fence break, the most likely place the pets would’ve fled to is the Fickle Forest. This late in the month, that place is going to be more dangerous than usual."

The Biped tensed at the mention of the forest, frightened at the dangers that are lurking inside, threatening the lives of all those pets, including Leo.

"Keep within shouting distance of other teams, and within sight of your teammates. Get moving! We’re burning daylight!" Once Russell finished his speech, everyone rushed to prepare themselves for the search. Kalypso also mentioned that all help is needed, contestants and civilians alike. As well as pet aid from outside the camp.

On that, Saint's first thought was a certain yellow Runeboo. If she's capable of finding a never-ending fleeting bird, she'll be of great help here. The Adult rejoined his team to give the news.

"You stay here, head back to your homes. I'll go find Leo."

"Wait!" Jumped Poppy, "I want to help!"

"No, it is too dangerous!" Objected the armored Wyngro, "I cannot let you, it's safer for you to stay."

"You can't go alone, I know how to help! Wait here!" And before Saint could protest again, the yellow Wyngling sprinted away from the now confused group back to her home.

"I want to help too," quietly added Lykos, still hugging his sister. "Leo was my gift for Obi, I don't want to lose him."

The Adult processed all this, several possibilities and outcomes clogging his mind. He would never let younglings enter that place, he's seen just a part of its dangers and doesn't want to risk his teammates' wellbeing. But Leo was also part of their team, they needed him to be back safely.

"Stay close to me at all times, understood?" Both Wynglings nodded, he'll tell Poppy the same once she's back. First, he had to get his helper. "Come, if Poppy went to get help so do we." Saint picked Obi up and headed back home.

"Where are we going?"

"To ask an old friend a favor."



"Please, Osiris. She will be with me at all times, I will not let anything happen to her!"

"I won't risk Sagira's life because of a neglection."

"But you will let others die because of your selfishness?"

The siblings watched the agitated discussion with the yellow Runeboo in the middle of the table, neither Wyngling thought this was going to work.

"You know that place as well as I do," pointed Saint, "do not let others fall in its traps."

The Quill considered his words, he was about to speak but was soon cut off by Obi. "Excuse me, Sir," her voice was slightly rasped and her eyes still showed signs of crying, "I know I had Leo for just a few weeks but I don't think I could deal with him gone... You'd feel the same with your pet, right?"

Both Adults watched in awe at the kid's words, she had a point. Saint stared back at Osiris, hoping it'd change his mind.

She was right. Osiris wouldn't be able to deal with losing Sagira, it'd destroy him. He stared at his pet, letting her make the decision.

Sagira lent a paw on him, cooing softly. She wanted to help and promised she'll be fine, calming her owner.

Osiris watched her for a few seconds and nodded. "Be careful," murmured the Quill before giving her to Saint, "you too."

"Thank you, Brother." Saint carefully raised Sagira, who quickly moved around his neck so he had his arms free to hold Obi again.

Out again to meet Poppy back in the camp, the team wasted no time in covering as much as they could in order to find any clue on Leo's whereabouts. They had to find him as soon as possible, Warptide was just around the corner and nobody would want to leave their pets outside with so much Spite activity in the forest.

"We'll find him," Saint stroked Obi's back in an attempt to stop her quiet sobs as he walked through the woods while trying to hear the slightest sounds surrounding them, boosted by Sagira's Magic.

"I promise, little bird."

hmm 1k words and polished piece for an indi prompt, what's wrong with me

Enhanced Hearing 1/2   

Speedy Movement 0/2   

Wind Gusts 0/2    

Manipulate Sound 0/2   




Obi by AislynnDavis

Saint, Sagira and Art by NatuSoulSilver

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