Creepsalote78 — LUtT | BearStar Application

Published: 2014-12-14 02:46:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 2338; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 3
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 EDIT 26/02/17 : Get ready for Sad Bearstripe™️️

EDIT 10/10/16 : This is the third time ive done this fml
Anyway my baby getting a full out revamp heck ya


Name: Bearstar

Past Names: Bear, Bearkit, Bearpaw, Bearstripe

Nickname(s): None, but he currently doesnt like people calling him bearstar, and will violently flinch every time he hears it

Age: Mid Aged Adult

Sex: Male

Gender: Male 

Pronouns: He/Him

Clan: Birchclan

Rank: Leader

Apprentice: None

Mentor: None

Old app art can be found here

Scent: To be Decided

Voice: Apollo, listen to an example here .


Breed: Savannah F1.

Fur Length: Short.

Build: Long legs, right angles mixed with curved. Strong forward shoulders, clean.

Pelt Texture: Rough with a few soft spots.

Pawpads and Nose: Black.

Eyes: Pale green with dark green pupil. (Our) left eye has a white pupil and faded iris.

Weight: Average

Height: Above average. (38cm)

Injuries | Disabilities | Scars: Bite on (our) right ear. Scratch on outer edge of (our) left eye causing blindness.


        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Sight

        ●●●●○○○○○○ - Hearing

        ●●●●○○○○○○ - Taste

        ●●●●●●●○○○ - Smell 

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Touch

        ●●●●●●●○○○ - Strength

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Intelligence

        ●●●●●●●●○○ - Endurance

        ●●●●●●○○○○ - Speed

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Agility

        ●●●●●●●●○○ - Jumping

        ●●●●●●●○○○ - Climbing

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Stealth

        ●●●○○○○○○○ - Crafting/artistic skills

        ●●●●●●●○○○ - Herbal Knowledge

        ●●●○○○○○○○ - Kitting Knowledge

    Daily Life
        ●●●●●●●●●○ - Leadership

        ●●●●○○○○○○ - Loyalty

        ●●●●●●●○○○ - Memory

        ●●●●●●○○○○ - Ability to learn

        ●●○○○○○○○○ - Swimming

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Tactician

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Starclan

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Dark Forest

        ●●●●●○○○○○ - Curses





After the death of his leader, closest friend and practical lover, Bearstar has gone through a massive personality shift.
To see what he used to be like in his "golden days" simply Click here to read Bearstar's old personality

[ Short Tempered | Natural Leader | Unstable | Anxious | Dismissive | Self depreciating ]

 Short Tempered 



  • quick to lose one's temper.
        Bearstar had always been a passionate fighter, but now it's warped to give him quite the temper. 
    He's lost most of his patience, quick to snap at anyone who tries to tell him what he should or shouldn't be doing.

  •  Natural Leader 



  • the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
        Despite it all, the late Tanglestar did not make a mistake when picking his deputy and the future leader.
    Bearstar is still a natural leader. He resonates in a group, and can encourage others with his skillful words.

  •  Unstable 


  • prone to change, fail, or give way; not stable.

  • prone to psychiatric problems or sudden changes of mood.

        Just like before, Bearstar has always been walking a careful edge on his mind, but now its only gotten worst.
    It takes very little for Bearstar to break down into tears, or become filled with rage, or suddenly be laughing. He's falling over the edge multiple times a day, feeling like all of his support groups are gone- because his supports were all just one tom who decided that he was tired of life.

  •  Anxious 


  • experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
        Bearstar's old anxiety dissorder had consumed his life, his mind. Hes terrified of death, of the night, of stars, of berries, of loving anyone else.
    Every little snap startles him, and he lays awake at night drawing lines in the dirt in the corner of the Leader's den, trying to calm his always racing heart, as far away from the fluffy nest as possible.

  •  Dismissive 


  • feeling or showing that something is unworthy of consideration.
        Despite being a natural leader, Bearstar isn't exactly good with taking things that seriously, or at least finding the emotional drive to 

  •  Self Depreciating 

    [self-dep-ri-key-ting, self-] 

  • belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessively modest.
        Blaming yourself for the death of the love of your life doesnt exactly do wonders to the mind.

  • R E L A T I O N S H I P S

     Mother: Sunclaw [npc]

    Adoptive Mother: N/A

    Father: Unknown Name and location

    Adoptive Father: N/A

    Aunts / Adoptive Aunts: Unknown Name and location

    Uncles / Adoptive Uncles: Unknown Name and location

    Cousins / Adoptive Cousins: Unknown Name and location

    Fernkit | Female | Deceased

    Other siblings / Adoptive siblings: 

    Kits / Adoptive Kits: None (He almost had some, but feels wrong trying to look over the remainder of Tanglestar's kids now)
    GrandKits / Adoptive GrandKits: None

    P E R S O N A L

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Asexual, Sex repulsed

    Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Aromantic, Romance (?) Repulsed

    Status: Closed

    Current Mate: None
    Activity: None

    Current Attraction #1: Tanglestar | Male | Kanyay
    Activity: Dead

    Kinks / Attractions: None, no longer experimenting due to orientation change

    H I S T O R Y

    Pre clans / kithood:

    Bear was born just outside of the clans to his mother, Sun, who had been impregnated back at a breeders. She managed to escape, but the father didn't. She ran until she was outside of the forest where she found a small available den.
    Bear was born in a litter of 2 - Him and his sister Fern. They were both Savannah cats, as his mother and father were. He cared for his sister very much, and always tried his best to keep her warm when their mother was out.
    One day, a Birchclan patrol found their mother hunting on their ground and immediately questioned her. She explained how she had 2 kits and that she had no idea that this land belonged to any cat. They asked her to show them the kits for proof, but she wouldn't allow them in the den with her for she was scared for her kit's lives. They saw that the kits were struggling in leaf-bare, and offered to speak to their leader about them joining the clan. 
    A few days later they showed up with their leader and when they saw the kits, bear, fern and Sun were accepted into the clan.
    Now Bearkit, Fernkit, and SunClaw, they lived happily in the queen's den.
    Until one day...
    One night a group of loners broke into camp and went for the queen's den. Apprentices and warriors rushed to help them, queens tried to defend their kits, but a loner got to Fernkit. As he was leaving, planning to steal the kit for some unknown reason, a few apprentices attacked them. They threw Fernkit against the wall of the den by accident as they fought against the other cats. Bearkit ran over, trying to save his sister, only to turn and attack the loner who had beaten two of the apprentices. He bit Bear's ear, trying to go for his scruff and take him instead, but by then multiple warriors had chased off his other loners and forced him out. Bearkit grieved over his sister, and followed the elders, watching them to find where they buried his sister; under a tall tree.


    After the death of his sister, he wouldn't stop asking to start his training. Over and over he asked, scared that someone would attack again. 2 moons later he became an apprentice, and was taught the way of the warrior. He trained day in day out, always pushing to learn more about how to survive in a battle. He was also passionate about the idea of group training, and would always hype up his fellow apprentices, loving leading them and inspiring them to watch each other's backs. As much as he loved training, he would grow to be too confident in his skills.
    A battle. Finally.
    He leapt into battle, feeling that he knew it all, that he could predict it all. He couldn't, and he walked away from that battle with only one eye still functioning.

    After and during the healing process, Bearpaw's anxiety reigned supreme. Still not used to his impairment, he would stumble and constantly check over his shoulders. His fellow apprentices who had previously looked up to him for his leadership skills soon saw him as a worried, foolish cat who didn't think realistically. 
    Soon Bearpaw got back into the swing of things, slowly rebuilding the skillsets that he was once so proud of. The tom was still nowhere near what he needed to be, considering the fact that he wasn't used to his blind spot and would constantly trip and fail in battle practice. His mentor grew worried that his skills would never return, and brought up the idea of working in a group again. Bear agreed, hoping that he'd fall back into the swing of things. 
    At first the group was a mess. They didn't listen to Bearpaw and they weren't interested in trying at a battle along side an apprentice that they had deemed 'broken'. The mentors quickly beat them with only Bearpaw still standing. "What are you guys doing!" He yelled. "Im half the cat I used to be yet i'm still fighting my hardest! If this was a real battle then we would all need to work together, no matter who you're with, so step it up boys or you'll never be a proper warrior!" 
    They won.
    A few moons passed and so did his fellow apprentice's bad thoughts of him. Once again Bearpaw's confidence grew, this time with a battle's experience in his mind. He learnt how to deal with a blind spot, as his fellow apprentices would always try to sneak up on him from his blind spot. He built up a fighting passion that inspired many, though his mentors worried that he was becoming a bit too cocky and would once again over estimate his skills in a real battle. 
    Bearpaw also didn't have close friends. Sure, he filled a spot in a few groups, but he never felt like he had a cat that he could rely on. What he did have though was a status and a group of cats that trusted him.
    Finally a time came where a battle between Pineclan and Birchclan on borders would arise.
    Bearpaw fought with strength and passion. At first all of the apprentices were aimless, but as the battle progressed Bearpaw's common training group fell into natural formation, watching each others backs. Other apprentices were drawn into Bearpaw's loud yells of commands and their fellow apprentice's yelling back, and quickly fell into groups, copying their formation. There were still a few apprentices who fought solo, but the majority who had sorted into groups soon found themselves all amalgamated into a massive wave of apprentices, all running towards the Pineclanners without fear. They helped push all of the Pineclan apprentices back and forced back a few warriors together as well. 
    When the battle was over with Birchclan winning, many apprentices became warriors for either fighting solo and showing exceptional skill or for their teamwork and spirit.
    Bearpaw was of the later.
    He stood under the shadow of Dipperstar with pride, wide smile on his face as he heard his warrior came called out;


    Warrior and Deputy years :

    Bearstipe was having a peaceful life, hunting, chatting, relaxing. His mother moved into the elder den. Wanting to find some true friends Bearstripe had been talking around to some of the cats that he wasn't familiar with. One day he found himself stuck on a patrol with a stubborn warrior named Tangletuft who would later become the new deputy. At first Bearstripe found him arrogant and thick headed, recognising him to be one of the apprentices that had fought solo. However events happened, and Bearstripe ended up having to use his small knowledge in medicine to save the other from dying of greencough. As the black cat healed, a new leader was appointed and Bearstripe got a new apprentice. Even though he assumed he should be happy, something felt off. 
    Bearstripe would often wander the borders aimlessly, meeting she cats who he would happily flirt with and then leave, planning to never see them again. Whether it was out of boredom or curiosity it didn't matter. He still felt just as aimless, fighting with a stubborn apprentice who thought they knew everything already and had no spirit at all. Although he had made progress with a few cats in his clans toward friendship, he never felt they fit. And boy was he surprised at the cat that did.
    Tangletuft once again confronted Bearstripe because he wanted to know what the tom had originally wanted to tell him. After an accidental confession to crossing the pineclan border, Bearstripe ran off. When Tangletuft followed him to his sister's grave, Bearstripe became enraged at the unknowing tom walking on her deathbed. Attacking him only to have an anxiety attack, Bearstripe's sisters spirit ended up visiting him with a dark omen- to protect those whom he loves as a storm was brewing. After Bearstripe and Tangletuft had talked for a while, Bearstripe showed him a special clearing that he's enjoyed many sunsets at and liked to think of as his private hunting grounds. The two sat side by side as the sky was painted colours of gold and purple before returning to camp to rest.
    Later that moon, one of the cats that he had been talking with was captured along with many other cats from each clan and went missing. 
    The clans were a mess, panic reigned high. Bearstripe tried to be there for his new friend and deputy Tangletuft. The tom confided in Bearstripe many of his fears, and Bear did the same. His upcoming parenthood, the fact that Dipperstar was slowly but surely dying, the crisis that was only just starting to sort itself out... and he finally found someone who he could call a true friend- and soon realized what a greedy cat he was - he wanted m o r e.

    Eventually it all came crashing down in a wave that happened in almost a dream like state to Bearstripe.
    The cats were saved, but at a cost.
    Their leader, Dipperstar, was announced dead,
    As well as blackheart, the mother of his friends kits.
    Bearstripe's apprentice has gone missing.
    Tangletuft, a now single father became a single leader as well-

    And Bearstripe became his right hand man.

    At first everything was going smoothly, or as smoothly as too hard headed tom cats could run a skattered clan. Bearstripe wasted no time in getting cats whipped back into shape, trying to make Tangestar's new role as easy on him as possible. The tom also wasted no time to start teasing the other, not so subtly flirting with his dark furred leader and spending multiple nights curled up beside Tanglestar's sleeping form in the leader's den.
    As the moons went by, Tanglestar seemed to break down more and more. The stress was destroying his sleep schedule, his kids were growing more and more distant from him, and being a leader with the pretence that starclan held a grudge against you for lying about secret kits didn't help at all. Bearstripe obviously noticed, but felt like confronting the tom would offend the other.
    Eventually, the mottled tom got sick of watching his second half destroying himself, and woke Tanglestar up early one morning. They went to Bearstripe's favourite clearing to watch the sunrise, and the savannah cat started gently, wanting to be civilized about the whole thing. He encouraged the other to take time off, and to tell him what has been bothering Tanglestar's mind- only to butt head's with his leader's temper and exhaustion. Once again, the two of them found themselves in a verbal fight.
    Tanglestar folded after a while, telling Bearstripe that he was too tired to fight about this and that is was none of the other tom's business what was wrong.
    They got into more shenanigans, normal teasing occurred as they made their way back to camp, but Bearstripe felt this uneasy pit in his stomach. He beat himself up for fighting the other, probably only making it worst and damaging their newly close relationship. Tanglestar also seemed newly fatigued and confused, losing his sharp senses- perhaps another cold?
    The cross clan tensions were all calm, each clann seemingly busy with their own drama, and the clan was stable, so Bearstripe knew that whatever was bothering his friend had to be personal. The tom snooped around, tried his hardest to find what was causing the other distress, but to no avail.

    As the weather got even colder Tanglestar grew sniffly and weak as usual. The other seemed to have a horrid immune system, and Bearstripe found himself stealing herbs from the Med cat's den to treat his partner who for some reason refused to go talk to the med cat. Moons past, their routine familiar and comfortable and Bearstripe found himself memorising the curve of Tanglestar's sleeping form, how to make the other laugh because it made the dark bags under the other's eyes fade just a little bit, the softest parts of the other's fark fur. Bearstripe knew what was happening, but he sure didn't want to think about it and risk messing up their fragile and intricate dynamic. Maybe in the summer when he's healthier, better, i'll... come to terms with it. Tell him then how much he matters to me.

    He shouldn't have waited.

    "Tanglestar- oh god where are you... Tangle..!" Bearstripe called as he madly dashed around the forest. The camp was buzzing with concern- their fatigued leader had disappeared mid afternoon. He had left with a weak smile on his face and a goodbye on his lips as Bearstripe waved farewell, assuming the other was going on a walk. What he didn't know was that the tom never planned to return.

    Bear's paws thundered on the forest floor, puddles of slush splashing onto already numb toes. "This isn't funny! Tangle where are you-" He yelled helplessly into the fresh darkness, the sun having just finished setting. The spotted tom zig zagged around familiar trees, eyes watering as he followed a familiar path up a hill. Their last adventures fresh in his head, how Tanglestar seemed off, how they had laughed and sat close together. Bearstripe's heart thundered in his chest as he pushed through the bushes onto his special clearing, their special clearing, to find a round of dark fur sitting on the clearing's edge. The deputy sighed out in relief as he approached the still form of his partner. "Oh thank god, there you... are...." 

    Slowly, his eyes recognised the purple colour of death berries scattered on the soft grass.

    Bearstripe had carried his partner back into camp over his back, the heat of the other's freshly dead body disturbing him as tears streamed down his dark face. He stumbled into camp, collapsing onto the earth, crawling on top of his leader's limp form and wailing for hours. He didn't care what he looked like, what the other clan members reactions were to their dead leader. He didnt care that he was supposed to be strong right now- his leader, his best friend, his partner, his second half- had killed himself. Bearstripe's head tore itself apart, ripping his soul to shreds in hopes that it would kill him too. This is all my fault! I should have talked to him, I should have found out what was wrong, I shouldn't have let him leave alone, I should have- I should have...! The tom was a mess, not even recognising the murmurs of clanmates around him or the feeling of his mother's soft fur beside him. "N-no.. Tangle... no- I never .. I never got to t-tell you.. please..." He curled up tighter, trying to keep the dark fur warm like how he remembered it so clearly. "Tangle.. please.." He nuzzled into the other's neck, trying to hide away from the world in the familiar scent. "I l-love you.. god why did yo-you do this.. I love you s-so much...." 
    And with that he fell asleep.

    Leader years/Elder years: 

    fuck now im sad : ((
    This will be updated soon after i pick a deputy ya ya get ready for some more sad shit that me and evil kanyay have talked about haha i love torturing my ocs


    R O L E P L A Y

    Timezone: EST

    RP Method:
    ✘ ||Notes  || Only if you cannot do anything else
    ✔ ||Comments || On app is prefered, but if the story is related to a piece then maybe
    ✔ ||Skype || Only if i trust you and this isnt our character's first roleplays or you cannot do anything else
    ✘ ||Chatrooms/Chatzy || Under no circumstances

    RP Form:
    ✔ ||Paragraph || Highly prefered
    ✔ ||Script (1-2 sentences) || On occasion, only in skype
    ✘ ||First Person || No thanks
    ✔ ||Third Person || This is how i write

    RP Rating:
    ✔ ||G/PG
    ✔ ||PG + 13
    ✔ ||M 

    Sample taken from an RP with kanyay  : 

    The wind rustling through their pelts, Bearstripe shivered. "I'm jealous of you, it's not fair that you get a nice soft thick pretty coat while i'm stuck freezing my ass off... Bullshit genetics...." He mumbled the last part with a huff. "Im surprised youre the one that got green cough last year and not me."
    The tom stood, his head still fuzzy with his thoughts. This was far from over, so so far from it, but Bearstripe had made a silent oath to care for Tanglestar with actions instead of words, as his words seem to fail him only when he tries to talk to the raven who was now looking over at him expectantly. Perhaps it's because he sees you as an equal, as you really are a voice sang in his head, and Bearstripe could only hope that was the case.

    The two began to meander out of the clearing, Bearstripe begrudgingly following his leader and friend. Since the silence overtook the two of them, Bearstripe couldn't help but let his brain wander to the supposed heavenly cats. oh great starry fuckfaces, he 'prayed' in his head, could you cut my friend here some slack? Whatever he did was most likely not entirely his fault, if at all, and he cant lead our clan when hes so beaten down. The tom sighed through his teeth as he gazed up to the sky with his one good eye. I care about him a lot and it's frustrating to hear that it supposedly out of my control, so stop.

    Credits for base formating go to: Jerry-Berry (ive altered it)

    R E L A T I O N S H I P S

    ||Best Friend

    ||Looks up to
    ||Great Respect

    ||Slight Curiosity
    ||Suspicious Of
    ||Interested In

    ||Platonic Like
    ||Platonic Love
    ||Like Family

    ||Slight Crush
    || Crush

    ||Slight Attraction
    ||Physical Attraction
    ||Lusts For

    ||Distant Relative
    ||Close Relative

    ||Frightened of

    ||Slight Annoyance

    || Dead
    || Mate
    || Former Mate   

      || Sworn enemy  
     || Past mentor/mentor
     || Apprentice/past apprentice 
    || Mother  
    || Father  
    || Sibling 


    |||| Sunclaw | npc | - "Well ma, i'm a leader, yay me, but I miss him. Do you understand what this feels like? surely not."

     Bullets | Name | Owner | - "Thoughts" 


    ||| Lillyhope | DuskBerry00   | - "It was nice chatting with you sweetcheeks, see you around." 

    Bullets | Name | Owner | - "Thoughts" 


    Bullets | Name | Owner | - "Thoughts" 


    Bullets | Name | Owner | - "Thoughts" 

    Non clan/Starclan- 

    |(somewhat) | ||| Tanglestar | kanyay  | - "Im sorry- sorry Im- im so sorry- where are you  im- im so- i- hate myself. This is all my fault...!"
    | ||| Fernkit | npc | - "I hope your life in starclan is peaceful... I still miss you."

    Bullets | Name | Owner | - "Thoughts"

    Art (c) Creepsalote78  
    Drawn on Paint tool sai

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    Comments: 244

    Creepsalote78 In reply to ??? [2017-07-28 16:09:43 +0000 UTC]

    Yes!!!! I just got back from camp and id love to!!!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Sleepysparroww In reply to Creepsalote78 [2017-07-28 17:17:44 +0000 UTC]

    Aa welcome back!!
    And sure thing! Notes, comments or Skype? :0

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to Sleepysparroww [2017-07-31 17:51:43 +0000 UTC]

    Skype would probably get you faster replies, but i generally prefer comments. up to you !! 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Sleepysparroww In reply to Creepsalote78 [2017-08-20 15:43:41 +0000 UTC]

    Aa So so so sorry for the late reply

    but sure! What's your skype? :0

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to Sleepysparroww [2017-09-03 19:24:05 +0000 UTC]

    hey! got back from trip finally 
    so ! its ughhh so cringy and old but its 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    silvsid [2017-02-26 21:23:44 +0000 UTC]

      im in pain

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    Tiitea [2017-02-21 19:39:40 +0000 UTC]

    Roleplay with Deer?
    In notes? ;v;

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to Tiitea [2017-02-22 03:45:28 +0000 UTC]

    im sorry, im too busy rn !!! Maybe in the future 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Tiitea In reply to Creepsalote78 [2017-02-22 06:32:25 +0000 UTC]

    Ahh~~ Alrighty,

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    silvsid [2016-10-16 04:54:09 +0000 UTC]

    my b oi is so handsome w t f??? this is illegal 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2016-10-16 14:30:45 +0000 UTC]

    dude i kn o w
    lets sue him together

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    XxVampweebyxX [2015-11-14 18:08:26 +0000 UTC]

    I ship BirdStripe

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to XxVampweebyxX [2015-11-15 04:19:17 +0000 UTC]

    I cri because Bear just like 
    doesnt wanna settle

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    XxVampweebyxX In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-11-15 19:38:17 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    silvsid [2015-05-29 17:11:30 +0000 UTC]

    do you want to do another rp with tangletuft? /w\

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-02 19:52:29 +0000 UTC]

    ahh I really would but I have a shit load of rp's going on right now hnng
    if wewould be able to do them in comments then i would be able to because they're easier to keep track of..

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-02 23:53:09 +0000 UTC]

    I understand!! Im ok to do comments but i don't want to force you if you're busy already

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-03 00:23:57 +0000 UTC]

    ahh no its okay!
    you can start~

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-07 19:25:10 +0000 UTC]

    Tangletuft will never under-appreciate how amazing it feels to be sick-free again. After about an entire week cooped up in the medicine's den with Fernflight always on his tail, pestering him to take his medicine, he was more than happy to be out in the open again, completing his warrior duties. The tom was happy to hear no one else in the clan got sick with a case of greencough like he did, but one thing still bothered him- What did Bearstripe desperately need to tell him? Something about, what was it, leaves? Autumn leaves? All of it confused him and left him with a headache, so he decided he'd stop trying to come up with a conclusion on his own and actual ask the mottled warrior. 
    He scanned the clearing, orange eyes flickering around to try and spot the large tom. Tangletuft didn't remember sending him out on a patrol, he did that purposefully so they'd get a chance to talk, so that would mean Bearstripe had to be somewhere in camp.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-07 19:33:23 +0000 UTC]

    After the previously sick warrior that Bearstripe had pulled back to camp was named deputy, Bearstripe had been somewhat jumpy and skid-ish.
    He couldn't explain it, as it wasn't that Bearstripe wasn't glad that Tangletuft was the deputy as he was quite organised, but he felt like something was... unfinished.
    Quickly trotting over to the prey pile, glancing over at his apprentice to give him a brisk nod, he swiped up a canary and quickly leaped up to a rock ledge behind a bramble bush to eat.
    Looking down into the clearing, he noticed Tangletuft circling around the clearing trying to spot something... someone? Bearstripe didn't know what, but he kept watching only to have the Dark grey tom's eyes lock with his.
    There was a small moment of silent tension before he started to walk towards him without breaking eye contact.
    what now... He thought, a slight feeling of anxiety growing in his chest.

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    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-07 20:56:49 +0000 UTC]

    Was someone watching him? Tangletuft shuddered at the sudden feeling of eyes trailing his movements, and slowly turned around, quickly finding Bearstripes gaze staring straight back at him. He froze for a moment, only remembering why he was looking for the tom when he padded down from where he sat with his catch in his paws towards him. Deciding to meet him halfway, the deputy padded forwards, a smile creeping up on his face when they were a tails-distance apart. He owed so much to that cat- He practically saved his life. Tangletuft was determined to make it up to him one day. 
    " There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" He would've laughed if Bearstripe didn't look like he was going to puke, " Hey, are you ok?". Oh dear starclan, did he have greencough?!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-07 21:01:35 +0000 UTC]

    Quickly dropping his prey, Bearstipe stuttered back "a-ahh, yeah im okay... just haven't been feeling like myself recently..." Bearstripe trailed off at the end, looking away.
    Picking up his prey and whisking around to bound over to the shade of a willow tree, Bearstripe motioned with his tail for the other to sit.
    "Why were you looking for me?" Bearstripe asked as he watched the other join him underneath the tree.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-07 21:16:51 +0000 UTC]

    Tangletuft frowned at that. He /did/ seem different, and not in the good kind of way. He parted his mouth, about to ask more, but Bearstripe was already padding away. He'd talk to him about it more later. For now, Tangletuft had other matters to address, so he followed his spotted friend over into the shade of trees to sit. He would've preferred to stay in the warmth of the sun, but now was not the time to be fussing over petty things like that, so he kept his trap shut- for now atleast. 
    " I wanted to ask about the day we went hunting together, before i got sick. You needed to tell me something. " He explained, settling down next to him. He was being completely serious now, his face set in a way that said he meant business. Even if it meant no importance to him, he had been wondering about it for days and nights, and was dying to find out. His claws pricked the grass beneath him, sort of a nervous habit he acquired, as he anxiously waited for Bearstripe to spill the beans.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-07 21:36:37 +0000 UTC]

    Bearstripe pondered for a moment, trying to recelect what he was going to pester the warrior about that day. "oh thaaaaaattt!" The tom mewed out as he realized what the other was thinking about.
    "I-..." He paused, knowing that he was walking a fine line here. "I-it really wasn't that important. I had an encounter with a pine clan warrior near our borde- Nothing hostile!! I SWEAR!" Bearstripe quickly added as he saw The deputy's face grow cold with anger. "A-anyway, her name was Autumnleaf. I had been near the border to get a scent of pine..." Bearstripe quieted down as he said that, slightly embarrassed as to why he had been near the border.
    "When she spotted me and confronted me as to why I was so close. After explaining why I was there, we had a conversation and she explained to me why she was jumpy with all Birchclan warriors at that time - She had met you near the gathering place, and that you had been wandering near the pineclan borders she had been paroling. She started a fight and you dealt her a heavy blow on the cheek, leaving her with quite the nasty scar."
    Looking at Tangletuft, he could see him twitching with rage. "Relax, relax dude. I didn't take her side!" Sighing, he continued. 
    "I said I would talk to you about not going near the pineclan border, or any border at that, and I was going to lecture her about how she shouldn't have started a fight on neutral grounds, but I was in no such place to do so considering I had just been caught trying to sneak over the borders to smell some pine tre-" Bearstripe froze and shoved his paw in his mouth as he just realized that he had directly admitted to trying to cross the edge of the border to the FRIGGEN DEPUTY!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-15 20:47:21 +0000 UTC]

    Tangletuft's gaze bore into Bearstripes as he waited for the younger tom to talk. However, his face frowned into a confused matter at his nonchalant response and attitude. Though, at the mention of pineclan, his eyes turned dark, and a cold trickle shivered down his spine. Was it anger? Fear? Maybe a mix of both, he couldn't tell.
    He snorted, a fake kind of laughter, when the mottled tom got around to explaining how Autumnleaf, a pineclanner he had previously quarreled with, wanted him to ease back on the fighting. Honestly, it only made him want to march back on over there and kick her tail once again. It wasn't like he was purposefully looking for fights though, she just happened to be getting too close for comfort- He was bout to explain just that to Bearstripe, but the tom was already talking on.
    Tangletuft's face almost completely mimicked Bearstripe's shocked one. At first, both toms were deadly silent, the deputy could've sworn the younger warriors face got ten times paler after his accidental confession. " Wait, lemme get this straight, " He started before Bearstripe could embarrass himself further, " You snuck over into Pineclan territory, so you could get a whiff of some stupid trees?" At the way he put it, Tangletuft could've laughed.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-22 21:11:39 +0000 UTC]

    "uhhhh... maybe?" Bearstripe said, almost asking if he could just play it off and something else.

    However Tangletuft was not having any of it by the look on his face.
    "Okay okay I was! The scent is quite... dear to me..." He sighed out, glazing away as a look of pain flashed over his features.
    "I-it may sound like im lying, but its the truth... it... its a smell that I long for."

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-22 21:19:18 +0000 UTC]

    "Maybe?! " Tangletuft echoed, his anger spiking. Why in starclans name would Bearstripe act so foolishly?
    A weight dropped in his stomach at the younger warriors explanation as to why. He was speechless for a few seconds. " Y-you're not mates with someone in pineclan, are you? Oh starclan, is it autumnleaf?! " The deputy gasped out, appalled and feeling betrayed by his actions. There was always a chance his suspicions weren't true, and the tom clung to that hope for the sake of his friend. But, /could/ they be friends after this? Would he be able to keep a secret like this?

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-22 21:24:54 +0000 UTC]

    Jumping to his feet, Bearstripe started to explain himself "o-oh my god no!! No no no, i-it was the smell of my sister! She died when we were kits..."
    However soon the embarassment changed to sadness as his mind was filled with the image of his sister. The tom grit his teeth as his eyes started to tear up.
    "This isn't some sappy love story, that was about the ruthless murder of my sister! Get you mind out of the gutter!"
    At that the tom pushed past the other, and stormed towards the exit of the clan camp.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-24 00:33:22 +0000 UTC]

    For some reason, Tangletuft couldn't relax after Bearstripe assured him he didn't have a thing for some pineclan cat. The way his eyes watered and his shoulders tensed up shouted signals that this conversation was only going to get tremendously worse.
    Cautiously, the deputy followed his lead in standing up, though slower. He studied the toms face, wrenched up in sadness and anger. A wave of guilt flooded through every inch of his body, immobilizing him. So, he stood as still as a statue as he waited for Bearstripe to explode.
    He winced as though he'd been clawed on by a badger, hating himself for being so insensitive. Tangletuft grunted, his paws saving himself from landing face-first onto the ground as the mottled tom shoved him aside, headed towards the forest. His gut told him to stay where he was, let Bearstripe cool off first, but he just couldn't let the cat leave thinking he didn't give a rats tail about his sister's death. If any cat understood what it was like to lose a sibling to a murderer, it was Tangletuft. So, he raced after Bearstripe, ignoring the stares of the confused and curious birchclanners.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-24 01:32:42 +0000 UTC]

    Hearing the other following behind him, he sprinted at top speed down the familiar path that he took so often.
    soon he found a tall pine tree in the depths of their territory. Below it was the spot where the elders had buried his sister all those years ago.
    Laying on the soil were the fresh ferns that he had laid out earlier that day.
    Feeling some tears slip from his eyes, he climbed the tree in sorrow, laying in its shaded branches.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 2

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-24 04:43:39 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-24 11:26:34 +0000 UTC]

    Imagine if Tangle was like that for everything else-
    Should i do my duties? Nah. Should i go see the one i love? Nah. Should i eat? Nah, ill just become a potato

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-24 19:38:42 +0000 UTC]

    I have to draw this
    this is gold

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-24 22:37:48 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-24 04:29:20 +0000 UTC]

    Seeing that Bearstripe had taken off at a quick run, Tangletuft also sped up his pace, doing his best not to lose sight of the spotted, brown tom. Unfortunately, due to the warriors headstart, he was unable to keep up, and lost sight of his distressed friend. Slowing to a halt, Tangletuft grit his teeth and lashed his tail in frustration. He wasn't angry with Bearstripe, no, he was only angry with himself. And now, Bearstripe hated him.
    Sighing, he followed the scent trail left behind at a walk. Should he turn back and give Bearstripe some time to sort out his feelings? Tangletuft just couldn't bring himself to do it. He felt it was a bit selfish, but maybe his friend did need someone right now.
    Soon enough, the trail came to a close, with no sign of Bearstripe. Tangletuft walked forwards to inspect the tree where his scent had faded from. Why had Bearstripe come here, of all places?

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-06-27 01:26:45 +0000 UTC]

    Watching the deputy trot in circles on the resting place of his sister just pissed him off so bad.
    Even though a voice in the back of his head was screaming that the other didn't know where he was walking, his aggression (as always) took over
    letting a low growl escape from the back of his throat, his limbs tensed to spring. 
    As soon as the other gasped and looked up, blinking at him, he pounced. Strong long legs sent him flying out of the tree at Tangletuft, claws half seethed.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-06-28 06:17:08 +0000 UTC]

    " Bearstripe? " Tangletuft called out, unaware the very cat he was looking for was right above his head, hidden behind birch branches and leaves, " Are you out here? " 
    The deputy sighed. He didn't mean for this conversation they were having, five or ten minutes ago, to get so out of hand. He knew a small part of him was to blame for offending his friend, but how was he supposed to know Pineclan scents were connected to his deceased sister, when Bearstripe was acting suspicious about this whole conflict? Nevertheless, the dark furred tom continued the search, occasionally shouting out apologies as if it'd help bring the missing tom out from hiding and forgive him. 
    He knew there was only a sliver of a chance would actually come out, but Tangletuft would never have anticipated Bearstripe attacking him. An angry yowl echoed through his ears from up above, and the tom only had a moments notice before being slammed onto the ground, completely pinned under the larger of the two toms. Instinctively, his front legs pushed upwards into the toms shoulders to try and cease further movement, though, Bearstripe wouldn't /really/ hurt him, right? Those unsheathed claws said otherwise. 
    " What in starclans name are you doing?! " Tangletuft gasped out, more shocked than angry.

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    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-07-09 19:48:27 +0000 UTC]

    anyway, sorry for uber late reply - things got busy real fast, and im going to camp in 3 days for 2 weeks so im getting stuff done fast before I go.))

    "GET OFF!" He screeched, his claws sheathing away. He still had a conscious, but his judgement was clouded from his anger.
    "First you have the balls to call me a traitor, then y-you stomp all over my s-sister g-gr-graa..haa..uhrh....ghh.." His yells dragged out as his voiced hitched in his throat as his eyes cleared and saw the startled look of shock and fear.


    Reaching up and clenching at his chest, Bearstripe's breath became erratic as his he curled into his paw.
    "N-no-nnoo..." Anxiety took over and his legs shook, until he collapsed onto the other in a hot mess. He caught himself only with one paw placed right beside Tangletuft's head, their faces close as he continued to breath heavy. His eyes glazed over and swam with moisture as he felt a tremor run through his body. Snapping his head up to the treeline, he gasped as there stood a starry figure of a she-cat that closely resembled himself. She however had smaller ears, a longer tail and long strands of fur that fell over her left eye, a light smile on her face.
    Stumbling backwards off the tom below him, he fell backwards. His back was pressed against the tall pine tree that stood behind him.


    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-07-10 20:30:44 +0000 UTC]

    (( ooh bro im so sorry, that is literally the worst feel in the world ;; its ok though, everyone has those busy times ))

    Get off? You're the one on me mousebrain! Tangletuft didn't dare say that outloud, fearing that if he angered Bearstripe anymore than he already has, he'd really hurt him. Though, the tension in the dark furred toms shoulders relaxed slightly when the furious cat ontop of him sheathed the very claws not too far from his head. Still, the mottled tom did not move to get off from him, and instead went into a barely audible rant. His sisters...grave? Oh boy. Tangletuft prepared for the very worse- Bearstripe seemed to care deeply about his dead sister, and if he intruded on where she was buried, that didn't mean any good news. " Bearstripe, wait!" The deputy yowled, moving a frontleg to protect his face. 
    But nothing came. Nothing but a great weight dropping right onto his stomach, which he later found out to be Bearstripe who had somehow collapsed. He coughed once, all the air driven from his lungs. He slowly lowered the paw away from his muzzle, careful not to brush it against Bearstripes head, which was uncomfortably close to his. Tangletuft felt a slight blush rise into his cheeks. He knew that this was far from the time to be feeling..whatever this was, the damn cat had tried to attack him, and yet his fur pricked as the mottled head ducked down even lower. With the exception of Bearstripes heavy breathing and his own ragged breaths, trying to get precious air into his lungs while the larger tom crushed him, everything was quiet, a bit too much, and the grey cat didn't dare break it. 
    Suddenly, Bearstripe clambered off of him, and Tangletuft grunted in pain as he was kicked and stepped on. What was that all about? Staggering back onto his feet after being pinned underneath Bearstripe for what seemed like an eternity, Tangletuft made a cautious step towards the suddenly fearful looking cat. " Bearstripe? Are you ok? " He glanced behind him and nearly jumped straight out of his fur at the sight of the starry she-cat. With his jaw dropped in complete shock, the deputy took a few steps back, not quite believing his eyes. 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-07-25 01:16:19 +0000 UTC]

    "๔๏ ภ๏t ๒є คŦгคเ๔" Fernkit spoke, her voice sounding angelic and peaceful.
    Bearstripe could hardly breath as he stumbled to his paws, swaying slightly from the sudden rush of blood to his head.
    His eyes began to swim with tears as his brain registered what he was seeing.
    "๔єคг ๒г๏tђєг, เ ฬเรђ Ŧ๏г א๏ย t๏ ๏ภlא ђคשє ђคקקא ๓є๓๏гเєร ฬђєภ א๏ย שเรเt ђєгє..." Fernkit continued
    as Bearstripe took one cautious step forward, scared that if he got too close she would shatter and leave him again.
    " ภ๏t tђ๏รє ๏Ŧ รค๔ภєรร คภ๔ гєﻮгєt." She finished. 
    "F-fern.. fern i-I..!" Bearstripe muttered out, continuing to stumble before quickly dashing towards her only to watch her ripple apart into thin air.
    As the mottled tom watch his sister leave once more he reached out to her face as hot tears quickly slid down his cheeks.
    Once all of her outline had dissipated, Bearstripe collapsed onto the ground sobbing only to have his ears perk up to catch the last wisps of her voice. 
    "ร๏๓єtђเภﻮ ๒เﻮ เร ς๏๓เภﻮ, ๒є tђєгє Ŧ๏г tђ๏รє ฬђ๏ א๏ย l๏שє...

    ﻮ๏๏๔๒אє ๓א ๒г๏tђєг. "

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-07-31 00:59:48 +0000 UTC]

    Are his eyes deceiving him, or was there an actual starclan cat before Tangletufts very eyes. Judging from the sheer look of shock on Bearstripes face, the tom is going with the latter. How the two cats standing next to him reacted suggested the starry cat was Bearstripes deceased sister, Fernkit. All of a sudden he realized how disheveled he must look infront of her and her brother, and so he forced his raised fur to lie flat again, and shut his mouth. Though, his widened eyes remained unblinking, unable to take his eyes off her. It was hardly believable. He watched as the siblings interacted, but knew better than to interrupt the two, so he remained quiet. He wanted to say /something/ though, especially when his friend was so close to breaking down. Why did she appear all of a sudden? Tangletuft was tempted to ask, but did not want to get back on Bearstripes bad side again.
    He took a curious step forward though when her form vanished with the wind. Is she gone? He guessed so, when a heavy silence was all that she left with the two toms, clearly not hearing her final words. Letting the quiet be for the moment, Tangletuft stared at his grieving friend, a sobbing mess at the foot of where his sister previously stood. It hurt to see him like this, but the dark tom was afraid to break the silence. So, he stalked slowly to his side, careful not to disturb him as he wept, and laid beside him, the end of his fur barely brushing against his.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-08-11 22:05:07 +0000 UTC]

    (super sorry about the late reply - I just lost motivation for all things so)
    "sorry im sorry im so- so sorry!" Bearstripe cried out under his breath, not sure who he was apologizing to anymore.
    Feeling scared and cold, all the tom could manage was to shift closer to the other, burring his face into the gray tom's side.
    "Why...*hic*... why did she come?" He muttered out. A cold wind swept across the clearing as he shuttered, only shifting in closer for warmth.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-08-13 20:19:28 +0000 UTC]

    All of this- The dead sisters, apologies, and crying- tugged at Tangletufts heart. It made /him/ feel like crying, though it had nothing to do with him. He supposes its just because he can relate to what Bearstripe is going through- dealing with a deceased littermate is not easy, to put it simply. Still, greypaw never took the time to come down and visit him, be it a dream or reality, and the dark furred tom felt a slight hint of jealousy. Did his older brother seriously blame him for his brutal death, even though it was a pineclan warrior who struck him down? Or after all these years, still not forgive him since that time when they were kits. Irritation from that thought made his paws prick a little, but was snapped out of it when he felt the weight of his companions head nuzzle into his stomach.
    Is Bearstripe...cuddling with me?! Again, at the most inappropriate of times, he felt his cheeks burning. It didn't last long though, as the mottled brown tom cried into his fur. Why /did/ she come? When he thought about it, if Fernkit didn't come when she did, those two might've still been collapsed on one another- Tangletuft squashed underneath the larger warrior. Still, after he replayed what the starclan kit said to them over in his head, nothing revealed that she appeared to help him out of Bearstripes grasp. After a few more moments of silence, he finally decided on his answer. " Its because she loves you, " He mewed softly, as a cold breeze blew through them. He wrapped his gray tail over Bearstripes back as the tom huddled closer, hoping this moment never ends.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-08-21 01:07:22 +0000 UTC]

    Hearing the words the other had said and the feeling of his tail on his back, Bearstripe gasped. 
    Raising his head away from the other he wiped away his tears with a quiet chuckle. "Y-you really think so?" The tom asked, still scared from the whole ordeal.
    "It just hurts so much. I always thought I wanted to see her again but...*hic*.. watching her go again hurt so bad Tangletuft..."
    Putting his paws down, he frowned. "I must seem crazed to you, still thinking of my sister after all these years. I just... I always blamed myself for not being strong enough to stop the asshole that killed her back then." Bearstripe reached up to run his paw over the bite holes in his ear as he thought of that night so long ago.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-08-29 00:38:35 +0000 UTC]

    " Yeah, I do, " Tangletuft answered, his words sincere. He let his black furred tail linger on his back for a while longer, before moving it away again, but his gaze stayed locked with Bearstripes sorrowful green eyes.
    He frowned as the grief-stricken warrior cried on, and found himself relating further to Bearstripe. He had thought he pushed those feelings of blame and regret far away, in the very back of his mind, but couldn't help but thinking of Greypaw still. He still had so much to live for, and it wasn't fair he had to die so young. Still couldn't help but feel his brother was more deserving to be here, alive, than he was.
    Tangletuft was suddenly pulled out of those dark memories and emotions as he realized that he had been quiet, very silent for too long of a time, almost forgetting what Bearstripe had said. He was unable to hold his stare any longer, feeling tears prick at his eyes, and forced himself to turn away, forced himself to shove those memories to the farthest corners of his mind. " It wasn't your fault, " He said, his tone stern all of a sudden, " How old were you? A kit? You couldn't have done anything. "

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-08-29 01:04:12 +0000 UTC]

    "I was two days away from becoming an apprentice, while she was a moon and a half. I had also been taking secret training lessons from an older warrior... I should have been strong enough to at least fend him of for a moment or two before a real warrior could arrive." He spoke with a solum voice, his face growing cold. Sighing, he turned to the other. "But... how do you know what to say? I've never seen you making emotional speeches or deep talks, you always seemed like a up front, 'whats there is there the end' sort of tom..."

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-08-29 02:28:27 +0000 UTC]

    Tangletuft shook his head at Bearstripe. Even if he had a little training, it couldn't have helped anything; Why couldn't Bearstripe see the sense in that?
    He froze, his fur going cold. He hadn't expected Bearstripe to ask this sort of question, wasn't prepared to open up about his brothers death. He should've known. Everytime some cat seeks comfort after the death of a loved one soon everyone starts mourning. " I...uh" Tangletuft coughed awkwardly, " I've just known plenty of cats that lost someone they care about. ". Well, it wasn't exactly a lie. Inside, he told himself that he didn't want to tell Bearstripe how much he missed his own littermate as it would divert the attention and support to him, when his friend needed it the most right now, but really, he just wanted to forget his brothers death ever happened. If he didn't talk about it, then it'd be like it didn't happen at all.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-08-31 02:53:02 +0000 UTC]

    sensing that something else was going on with the tom, Bearstripe simply laid his head back down close to the other. 
    "I know you're not telling the whole truth, but I won't force you to say anything. Talk to me when you want to."
    Sighing, his breath hot against the harsh cold wind, he tried to change the subject. "So hows Blackheart? Heard she was expectingg~" He said with a sing-song voice, smirking up at the other while nudging him in the side.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    silvsid In reply to Creepsalote78 [2015-08-31 03:17:54 +0000 UTC]

    Tangletufts gray fur prickled at the thought that Bearstripe knew he was lying. /Somewhat/ lying. He was about to argue back that, no, he was completely telling the truth, but the comfortable silence between them was so peaceful the tom didn't want to break it. Or worse, start another fight again.
    Honestly, the deputy would've been perfectly happy just laying there, quiet, but Bearstripe must've wanted to continue to talk, as he completely changed the subject. He felt his face flush at the mention of Blackheart and his future kits. It still felt like yesterday when his friend- no, mate, told him the news. It made him light-headed just thinking about it. The future seemed strange to him, and he felt unprepared. " Yeah, " He nervously laughed, " I can't believe it. Fernflight told me to expect about 3-5 kittens. ". He felt like fainting at the thought of it.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to silvsid [2015-09-05 02:02:02 +0000 UTC]

    ((God dammit why do I write full comments and then forget to send them and close the tap rip me))

    "woah, you're loaded! well, I hope they have a better immune system then you do!" The tom said jokingly as he chuckled.
    Stretching his stiffened limbs he stood. I don't really wanna go back to camp after that scene... Bearstripe thought as he looked around before getting an idea.
    "Hey, I know it didn't go well last time, but do you wanna go hunting?"

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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