Creepsalote78 — Opal App 2017 (DEAD)

Published: 2017-12-17 02:46:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 643; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Edit: 3/30/2018 : left the group so she dead rip 
Edit: 12/25/17: updated and changed issues with her past / design !! 
Edit 12/11/17: ahhh ive been consumed by the catwings sdfksjdf
anyway heres my baby it took me like 3 days to change this character's original history,character,etc info into Opals 
This design used to belong to a warrior group oc called rose :-00 

General Information
Name .. Opal

Age .. 
Young adult

Gender .. 
Female, she/her

Rank .. 
Healer wing 

Breed .. Unknown / Forest cat Mixed

Fur Length .. Medium-long

Build .. Curves, Smooth lines, Lean

Pelt Texture .. Soft

Pawpads and Nose .. Dark pink brown

Eyes .. Light pale blue

For a "no shading" version of her appearance, click here

Weight .. Slightly above average

Height .. Slightly below average

Injuries | Disabilities | Scars .. Back hind leg is missing

Scent .. 
Rain, dirt

Voice .. 

Personality : ENFP -A / -T (Campaigner)oo .Stuborn. oo .Encouraging. oo .Spacey. oo .Self Conscious. oo .Captivating. oo

 Positive Trait 
 Neutral Trait
 Negative Trait 




  • having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.

    "he accused her of being a silly, stubborn old woman"

  •  Encouraging



  • giving someone support or confidence; supportive.

    "she gave me an encouraging smile"

  •  Spacey 




  • out of touch with reality, as though high on drugs.

    "I remember babbling, high and spacey"

  •  Self Conscious 
    Self Conscious


  • feeling undue awareness of oneself, one's appearance, or one's actions.

    "I feel a bit self-conscious parking my scruffy old car"

  •  Captivating 



  • capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.

    "a captivating smile"

  • Senses
            ●●●●●●○○○○ - Sight

            ●●●●○○○○○○ - Hearing

            ●●●●●●●●○○ - Taste

            ●●●●●○○○○○ - Smell 

            ●●●●●○○○○○ - Touch

            ●●●○○○○○○○ - Strength

            ●●●●●●●●○○ - Intelligence
            ●●●●●●●○○○ - Endurance

            ●●●●●○○○○○ - Speed

            ●●●●●●●○○○ - Agility

            ●●●●●●●●○○ - Jumping

            ●●●●●●○○○○ - Climbing

            ●●●●●●●○○○ - Stealth

            ●●●●●●●○○○ - Crafting/artistic skills
            ●●●●●●●●●○ - Herbal Knowledge

        Daily Life
            ●●●●●○○○○○ - Leadership

            ●●●●●●○○○○ - Loyalty
            ●●●●●●●○○○ - Memory
            ●●●●○○○○○○ - Ability to learn

            ●●●●●●●○○○ - Swimming

            ●●●●●●●○○○ - Tactician

            ●●●●●●●●○○ - Intelligence

            ●●●●●●●●●● - Spirituality

    Relationships . Relationship key .

    .. Bullets | Name | Owner | "thoughts"

    Pre birth ..

       What do you do when your world is tilted on its axis? This was a question many members of the den faced when the north star disappeared from the sky. Panic was expected, and despite the higher up's attempts at keeping the den together, some cats considered fleeing. 
    "Cody, what do we do, we're expecting kits and I'm scared that there wont be food..." Mira trailed off, her feather's ruffling in concern. "I know, its scary, I don't want a life where our child knows only the mourning of this den." The tom trailed off, gazing into the distance. "You know..." Cody said, staring at the grassy hills blurring into the sunset. "There's more land than just the den..."

        The to-be parents didn't even consider the idea of leaving before the kit was born, despite the fact that it may be slightly easier to travel. They had no idea how to birth a child without the help of healers, and wanted their kid to be blessed with wings no matter what. A young pink hued kitten was born, but sadly her sister did not make it through. This final tragedy proving to the parents that the god's had officially forgotten about the cats, they left with their kitten in the night towards the land of machines and lights.

    Kithood ..

        Being a cat born with wings was not normal. Opal was aware of this at every turn, as their family dodged humans at the risk of becoming experiments, and fought off birds and cats alike. But their family was happy, a gang of odd balls who groomed fur and feather. "Mom, why do you and me have wings?" She asked constantly, only to the soft answer of "we were blessed with them."
        Opal's mother used to tell her fairy tales and stories of a special star and its lovers in the sky, blessing the lucky cats who knew of a life of soft grass and plentiful prey, and other winged cats flew happily. Every night Opal would sneak out and gaze up at the stars, wondering if the star and its lovers were really out there, if it saw her, and if it even cared. How are wings a blessing when they make us have to struggle and hide so much? The young cat wondered. Maybe one day I can show off my pretty wings...

        They've done it a million times, crossing a road that is. It should have been fine, they should have been fine, but life can be cruel and this time reality struck. A red car came screeching around the corner, horns blaring. The sound rang in her ears, her head spinning and her legs frozen in place. It flew at high speeds, hitting Opal's mother in the hips as her father dove for Opal, but sadly he was not in time. Her mother went flying over the hood of the car, the sound of her landing behind it not even registering to her, her ears still felt clouded and rang with such intensity as her back leg throbbed, it's bone's crushed from the tires. She pushed her head up, trying to see her mom.
        "mom..?" She asked, only for her father to push her onto the sidewalk before darting forward and dragging her mother off of the road. Crawling over, she nuzzled into her mother's light fur. The pale cat's breath was ragged, but her eyes were open and she smiled. "Opal, sweety, i'm okay, see?" She was never a good liar. Opal's mom couldn't feel anything below her stomach, and she knew she could never walk again. Her soft wings were bent at a funny angle. Opal and her mother were sure to bleed out, if it werent for the hands of an old woman closing around her and placing Opal in a basket, "oh you beautiful cats, oh my god, you need care- please let me help."
        The woman was a retired vet and had no interest in the financial gain of revealing them to the science world, instead amputating Opal and doing her best to help her mother that she could. The pink cat would soon learn to hobble on 3 legs and rely more on her wings, going exploring with the strict rule of no roads.
        Many weeks passed. Her mother's smile most often seemed forced, and her father's eyes had grown dull. Their happy life became a battle to survive and a routine that was no longer fun, no longer sang the song of adventure. The vet was nice, and her hands soft, but it wasn't what it used to be.
        Opal hated it.

        "Opal, you don't have to stay here anymore." Her father told her softly one day. "Having you around is very helpful, and your mother and I will miss you very much but... I can tell that the city life isn't for you." The 3 legged cat looked away, she couldn't meet her fathers now cold eyes. "If you head to the west for a long, long time you should run into the place of your mother's stories. Please Opal, you should go and live a life that your mother and I never could." Glancing up at her dad, she saw that he was crying, a sad smile on his face. "You're going to have to grow up some day Opal. Ill stay with your mother and make sure she lives a happy life. Ill stay by her for the rest of my days, you know that.."

        "Can I at least go say goodbye to mom?"

    Young life ..
        Days blended into weeks. Paws constantly aching, shoulder stiff from fear of attack and wings acheing. Eyes constantly roaming to check her surroundings for danger. West. Sunset. Keep walking. Fellow winged cats.. The words rang in her head like a mantra. Any sense of self dissolved, and Opal slowly felt like an ameba, no longer feeling alive. Concerns flooded her brain. Is this the right way? Will mom be okay? What was I like as a kid again? What am i?
    The only solid thing left in Opal's life was ironically untouchable, and lacked any solidity. The stars that shined down on her pelt, Opal prayed to them every night. "Magic star, please let mom be okay. Please let me be okay. Please." 
        Jumpy and unorganised, Opal would forget to eat or drink only to wonder why her head was swimming and their throat tearing her apart from the inside out. The only way that Opal could keep going was to get lost in her fantasies. Often she would talk out loud, telling tales that she made up as they went, sometimes singing the words. The cat found joy in the little things, and the moments that really shined bright in the blurry future she held.

        One night, Rose had been walking when she stumbled across an old stray cat. The cat sat on top of a fence, loud white animals moving slowly behind him in the night. His chin whiskers practically swept the floor, but his eyes held the same mischief as a young tom flirting with the ladies. "my my," his voice rang out, startling the young cat who hadnt spotted him at first. "I havent seen wings like yours in ages." At that Opal stood with a jolt. "You mean- wait, do you know of other winged cats?" She darted over to him. "Excuse me sir, do you know where they are? I've been traveling for days looking for them." Opal said, voice polite and a forced smile on her face. He smiled with a gleam in his eye. "Id never forget their beauty... Ill tell you where to go, but only if you sit down with me and have a chat."
     With a sigh, Opal flew up onto the fence. "What do you want to talk about?" She mumbled, confused about why he would want to talk about. "Its not very often that I run across winged cats that look like they've traveled months to go live in an unknown land." He turned and smiled at her, amber eyes glittering in the moon light. "I want to hear some of them tales you must have. An old cat like me cant go explorin now, so the only adventure i get is through foolhardy young cats like you."
    Opal was worried that he'd want something where she would actually have to think, but at the prospect of sharing one of her tales they shot right up. "A story? Deal! Get ready to hear the tales of the best story teller you've ever met!" And off she went, rambling on and on. Her words wove scenes like magic rolling off their tongue. The old cat would chuckle or nod as Opal went, always listening and never interrupting.
        "You know, young lad, you sure weren't lying when you said I was in for an adventure. And look at that, the suns already comin up! You sure do get lost in the clouds as you talk." He chuckled, looking over at the smiling pink cat. "Now for my part of the deal..."

    Early Winghood / Trainee ..

    "Hello? Anyone?" 
        Rose wandered through the grassy land, wings flittering to avoid holes in the dirt, arms tense and on guard for any movement. If the old man wasn't lying, she had just wandered right into the territory of hostile and very territorial cats. "Please, I've traveled for many moons to get here! Is this where the winged cats and the Magic star in the sky li-" and with that Rose's words were cut off, a tan cat slamming into her. The two cats rolled, Opal yelling out in surprise. Before she knew it, Opal was pinned under the cat. "What are you doing in den territory, you stray!" Rose winced as their claws dug into her shoulder. "Please, Please! Ive traveled here all the way from the big city, I've walked for months just on the words of my mother! Please tell me, are you a forest cat? Is there really a magic star in the night sky?! Ive prayed to the gods for years, and I just... Please, I want to join you! I want to be in these lands!" At this point, Opal was crying, both out of fear and out of joy that this may really be it. 
        "Magic sta... " The tan cat trailed off, face paleing as they spotted Opals wings. "oh." The cat got off of her, body still tense. "Come with me." They said, voice crisp in the early morning air. They walked together through the unknown land, silence the only thing they shared. "Uh,,, sorry if this is rude, or something, but what is your name..? Im Opal." The cat sighed. "Lierre. Leader of soldier wing." Rose's jaw dropped. Leader? Like, the cat that ran it all? Could let her join? They may be someone that would decide- "Yes, I am. Now be quiet." 
        Whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud.

        I cant believe that this is really happening... Opal thought as she stood, gazing up at a beautiful white cat who stood ontop of a tall rock, calling for the 'den'. Rose's paws trembled with excitement, the murmurs of the other cats hitting her ears. Opal glanced over at the one friend they had made during the few days that she stayed here as a guest (or more like a prisoner) as the high ranks had decided what to do with her. Im really going to join. I'm going to be a part of the den! And with a few words it was set in motion, being assigned into a form of appreniceship. 
        Opal imediately took intrest to the healer wing, having been though much healing to get back on her (now) 3 legs. Her ballance and stealth was not great due to her missing leg, and found herself soaking in the words of other healers. Sadly, she often drifted off, and what was supposed to be a short apprenticeship to get her going and not keep her cooped up with younger cats was quickly ignored. "How can you keep forgetting? Its really not that hard-" was something she often heard, and would sigh and gaze off. 

    Senior Winghood ..

        Eventually, her wings were earned and she was accepted as a full member of healer wing. Opal wore her sapphire around her neck with pride, pleased that the golden metal matched the gold from her city earrings pretty well. She let the long fur on her paws grow more and more, loving the graceful swoops it made in the air as she flew, and stopped plucking the blue-toned long feathers from her wings which used to make hiding her wings harder in the city. Her long feathers trailed behind her on the soft grass, and all was well. 
        Despite the fact that the north star was not in the sky, Opal held onto her prayer as an important part of her day. Now knowing the full story of the north star and its lover gods, Opal was saddened for the sun and moon, growing more respect for them. "I know you are lonely" She would pray. "But we are not doing very well. Please, please be kind to the crops and prey. Please dont loose hope". She was sometimes labeled a 'religious freak', but did not care, dreaming of one day seeing the star in its full glory. Opal made it a habit to visit the pastor every few days, talk to him about the rituals of old times and keep him company. 

    history ongoing !!

    Retirement ..
    history ongoing !!


    Timezone: EST

    RP Method:

    ✘ ✔ ||Notes  || Only if you cannot do anything else

    ✔ ||Comments || On app is preferred, but if the story is related to a piece then maybe

    ✔ ||Skype || The group is skype based so duh, my user is super cringey but its creeptehkittey shdfjsdhf 
                        I MADE IT WHEN I WAS 10 OKAY GIVE ME A BREAK HERE 

    ✔ || Discord || Yes! shark//creepsalote78#8833

    ✘ ||Chatrooms/Chatzy || Under no circumstances

    RP Form:

    ✔ ||Paragraph || Highly prefered

    ✘ ✔ ||Script (1-2 sentences) || On occasion, only maybe in skype or discord

    ✘ ||First Person || No thanks

    ✔ ||Third Person || This is how i write

    RP Rating:

    ✔ ||G/PG

    ✔ ||PG + 13

    ✔ ||M (not in comments!)

    Art (c) Creepsalote78  
    Original Design by mothsighs  
    Made on Paint Tool sai, Intous tablet

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    Comments: 4

    furrista [2017-12-29 08:30:00 +0000 UTC]

    would you like to rp w/ zuri or anya? :^o !!

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to furrista [2017-12-29 23:01:52 +0000 UTC]

    sure !!! either is fine to rp with, u can pick :--0 
    discord or comments?? 

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    furrista In reply to Creepsalote78 [2017-12-30 03:58:59 +0000 UTC]

    discord please !! are you in the chat?:-0

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Creepsalote78 In reply to furrista [2017-12-30 17:36:57 +0000 UTC]

    yep i am !!! 
    my user is shark//creepsalote78#8833

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0