Daizua123 — Phelorna's Plan

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Published: 2020-10-11 04:59:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 3914; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 2
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Daizua Neo: Saurian Hearts (Non-Canon)

Arc 2: The Hunt
Episode 10


    The submarine continues its journey to Sweden.  Ronald and Tora look outside the window, seeing if they can find anything of interest.

Ronald: So you think there will be more on the Norse legends?
Tora: I'm not sure.

    She gets out a book and she reads it, it's White Snake.

Tora: This was my favorite story when I was little.  I always did like romance stories.
Ezra: Granted wasn't she imprisoned?
Tora: That's what people want you to think.  The two lovers remained with each other.  There are two sides of the story.  Fictionalization from the human side, and what yokai know.
Ronald: Yeah, the yokai know things you humans don't.
Tora: Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen remained together, her sister and the monk that was hunting Bai saw their love, and let them be together.
Ezra: I see.
Ronald: You got any favorite legend stories?
Ezra: The book of Exodus.  Mom would read it to me every night.
Xion: It's the story of Moses, right?
Ezra: Yeah.  How he led his people to the Promised Land.  What about you, Xion?  What's your favorite story?
Xion: Riku and I would always listen to the Song of Daizua.  It reminds me of what the old Alayssia was like.  You got a favorite story, Ronald?
Ronald: A book my dad wrote.  He called it "Born to Be Wild".  He always read it to me, and I liked the animals in the story.
Xion: I also got some other legendary bloodlines.  White Rose, and even Count Dracula.
Ezra: Never thought you had vampire in you. But that true?
Xion: My ancestor Musra married a vampire from Romania during the Ekons War.
Tora: Wow.

    After their little moment, they go to the deck.  They look out the window and see what looks like a giant rib cage.

Ronald: Any chance to see a skull?
Ezra: I can't tell.  It's too gloomy.

    They follow the ribcage, and they see the skull of Jomungandr.

Ezra: Just as I thought.  We're close to Sweden.  How long before we're at Tyr's temple?
Jock: Let me check our GPS and see.  Just a couple miles inland.  It's better if we travel on foot. We land near the coast.
Wild Star: Finally.  I need to stretch my legs.
Elion: You're one to talk.  I'm the biggest thing in this sub.

    The submarine lands.  The humans are the first to get out onto dry land.  The dinosaurs and Wild Star follow.  As they stop, Elion shoves them out of the way as she squeezes out of the large door.

Elion: Finally!
York: Yeah, being cramped in that submarine can do a number.
Ike: If we weren't fugitives, transportation would have been easier for you.
Elion: Right... Anyways, we got a long two miles.

    They see Elion get a head start.

Ezra: And why not follow the longneck?

    They all make the journey.  Cotton and Lambalos land and observe them from a distance.

Cotton: What's going on?
Lambalos: They are going to Tyr's temple.  We cut them off.
Cotton: But aren't there wolves, bears and moose here?
Lambalos: Just do as I say, or I'll feed you to them.
Cotton: But moose are plant eaters.
Lambalos: MOVE!!!

    Ezra and company hear that, and they make a hurry, knowing they are on them.  From afar, Maka observes them and flies in.

Maka: It's time to make my move.

    Lambalos and Cotton manage to cut off the group.

Ezra: Get out of the way!
Cotton: You're coming with us, Ezra-Senpai.  You deserve me instead of that savage blue-head.
Xion: You get your ass kicked in my country for calling us that.
Cotton: Is that supposed to scare me?  Half your country is underwater.  And if I recall, the people living there now?  Savages as well.
Xion: How about I melt your mouth shut?!  Then who's the savage, you Barbie wannabe?!?

    Enraged, Xion charges at Cotton, her fists full of blue fire.  A fight ensues, and this time, Cotton is on the defensive.  Cotton is knocked down, and she is now scared for her life.  Xion beats Cotton mercilessly until Lambalos throws a knife that hits and impales her hand.  Lambalos then grabs Xion by the neck and chokes her.

Lambalos: Now for the line of Daizua to end.

    Canthar tails Lambalos, making him let go of Xion.  Lambalos lunges again, but a blast of light strikes him, and it wasn't from Ezra.  Maka has arrived.

Canthar: The Virgin Oracle.
Lambalos: Angels intercept me everytime, not today!

    He tries to attack again, but Maka deflects his attacks.  Ezra and the others take the chance to escape.  Despite Lambalos' efforts, he is no match for a pure-blood angel.  He coughs blue blood as he struggles to get up.

Maka: Tell your priestess that the boy is mine and mine alone.

    Lambalos growls, then retreats.  Cotton tries to escape, but is pinned down by Canthar.

Canthar: Not so fast.

    Canthar prepares to eat her, but Verum is able to stop him.

Verum: Canthar, wait.  This one we keep alive.
Ezra: Alive?  She tried to kill us like ten times!
Verum: Not you.  She mostly wants to kill Xion, to be with you.
Cotton: True.
Verum: And if watched closely and kept on a leash, she might be useful.
Xion: Keep the bitch away from me.. or else...

    She ignites her hand.

Ike: Verum, what are you getting at?
Verum: She's got skills, so possibly, she may be useful.
Xion: If she tries to make a move on Ezra or tries to kill me, I'm turning her to cinders.

    Cotton gulps.


    They carry on to the lake.  For the moment, they are safe, but they keep watch, since they know Lambalos will travel enormous distances to find his target.  Cotton is kept close by and in shackles.  Cotton tries to say something.

Xion: No you can't have Ezra...
Cotton: I was going to ask if anyone wanted cotton candy...
Xion: We're not falling for that.  And just so you know, I already claimed Ezra, and he acknowledges me.

    Xion kisses Ezra in front of Cotton.  And to add insult to injury, Xion flips the bird on Cotton while they kiss.

Zap: Don't antagonize her, Verum's orders.
York: Knowing human females, they know how to piss each other off...
Bobcat: Well, she did try to kill her.  If somebody tried to kill me, I'd be upset too.

    Cotton tries to pet Anoka, but the mink almost bites her.  Ashura and Thunder keep an eye on the bounty hunter as well.

Cotton: This is my best dress... please don't bite into it.
Ronald: Careful, might give them ideas.

    Thunder snorts and turns away.  Ashura growls as well.  Before long, the group arrives at the lake.  They look around.

Ezra: The lake Karrus was talking about.  Now what?
Snefru: I'm going to check, for I all know the temple could be underwater. In the meantime, you guys check for any evidence of some old Norse temple.

    He goes into the water to investigate.  While on land, the others search for any possible clues.

Ronald: Welp, might as well start looking.
Skimmer: Guys look, this way.

    They find what looks like a lever in with old Norse symbols on it.  Snefru, meanwhile, dives when he sees what looks like a point of interest.  He uses his claws to dig at it.  He finds a statue of Tyr, as if he's welcoming someone.  Suddenly, the statue starts rising, taking Snefru for the ride to the surface.  He finds he's at the main bridge to the temple.

Verum: Enjoy the ride to the surface?
Snefru: Surprised the heck out of me, that's what it did!  I was going to report to you guys until this all came to the surface.
Ezra: This could lead to the second half of the key.

    They enter the temple, their at awe at the interior.

Ike: Look at this, it makes me wonder if this was another point for how the immigrants got here.  I mean, there are gateways.  Even a replica of the World Tree.
Ezra: Cotton, we're looking for a piece.  We think your tracking can help find it.  It looks like this.

    He holds up the key piece they found in the sunken city.

Cotton: What's in it for me, Ezra-Senpai?
Ezra: First off, Xion's my girlfriend.  Second, given how many times you tried to kill her, I'm going to say this once, let it go.  If you help us retrieve the Golden Armor, King Ike and King Verum will find another way to compensate you.
Cotton: Fine.

    Cotton starts searching for the second piece of the key.  Thunder and Ashura keep an eye on her in case she tries to escape.  She looks around and climbs up the World Tree replica.  So far, nothing.  She sees symbols on the gates, and a golden piece in the middle of it.

Cotton: Is this the piece your looking for?
Ezra: It looks like it.
Jock: Yup, it matches the other piece.  We got the key.
Cotton: Now what?
Xion: Stonehenge.
Cotton: Why there?  There are gateways here.
Jock: Karrus said Stonehenge.
Ike: But maybe this is the gateway.
Xion: Unless this gateway is just a decoy to fool potential threats.

    Cotton puts the key together, then installs it into the slot.  Nothing happens.  Suddenly, a portal sucks them all in.  Lambalos, who had been stalking them, also goes through, but finds a place to hide to avoid detection.  Maka senses this and teleports to their location.  They look around and see they are at Stonehenge, and the key is glowing brightly.  Nine circles form from the stones.

Xion: Whoa.
Maka: You made it.

    Maka descends before them.

Ezra: To Stonehenge.
Maka: This is the true gateway to the Nine Realms.  In each of them, you will find one piece of the Golden Dragon Armor.  We should rest tomorrow before the journey.  These are alien worlds you are all going into.  Some of you may not return.
Ezra: We'll do whatever it takes.

    Lambalos watches them from a distance, but keeps hidden.  He contacts Phelorna about the situation.

Lambalos: My Lady, he has the key to the Gate of the Nine Realms, and the Virgin Oracle is with them.  What are your orders?
Phelorna: Proceed as instructed.

    Lambalos doesn't say anything at first.

Lambalos: I will not return until I have your target.
Phelorna: As you wish.  Do whatever you have to, as long as Ezra is brought back alive.
Lambalos: What's so special about him?!  He's evaded you for what?
Phelorna: He is the prophet that will lead Earth's people to divine victory.  Do not fail me.

    Phelorna hangs up.  She looks outside her window to see the Dinosaurian landscape before her.  Claudandus shows concern.

Dr. Claudandus: The Hunter has a point.  This brat has proven to be a major threat to Organization 24 already.  This changes everything.
Phelorna: This changes nothing, Doctor.  While they are away, this is our chance to find and crush the rebellion.
Dr. Claudandus: What if they're not on this island?
Phelorna: Then expand your search to the others.  Or onto the continents if you have to.
Ecelu: When we find them, they will give themselves in to universal intelligence.
Nanzod: We must all be as one.  Until the promised day God descends upon us.

    Back at Stonehenge, the others rest.  Ezra and Xion watch the stars, looking at constellations.  Cotton joins them.

Cotton: So... something you do all the time?
Ezra: Yeah.
Cotton: I know you got Xion as your girlfriend, but personal life... my folks just saw me as part of a match set...
Xion: What do you mean by that?
Cotton: I had a lot of sisters, all of them older than me, and I had a brother, and he supported me no matter what my parents said.. but then they sent him away... they said it was for a Skybax mission, but something was off about their tone.
Ezra: Were they part of the Dokklafar religion?
Cotton: They didn't say anything, but after that... I didn't want anything to do with them... All the remarks were, "Why can't you be more like your sisters? Why can you be more like them?" THE ONLY THING I DON'T HAVE IS A GOOD BREAST SIZE! They wanted me to be beautiful like my sisters...  My parents always criticized me.  One day, I had enough.  I enlisted as a bounty hunter so I could go find my brother on my own.  You kind of remind me of him, Ezra.
Xion: You tried to capture him.
Cotton: Claudandus put a fancy price on him.  No hunter could resist that.
Ezra: I see.

    Cotton gets up and leaves.

Xion: Are you sure it's a good idea to trust her, even after hearing that?
Ezra: Not entirely, but everyone deserves a second chance.
Cotton: And just for the record, I didn't kill him.  I only said I did so I could protect him.  He had my back.

    She goes to sleep.  Ezra starts to feel sympathy for the hunter, though Xion is still quite wary.  The next morning, everyone gathers together as Verum gives a speech, as they prepare to activate the portals.

Verum: Alright.  We have a plan.  Nine pieces, teams of two or three, nine realms.  When the Dokklafar came, everything changed.  All of us were affected.  We lost friends.  We lost family.  We a part of ourselves.  Today we have a chance to avenge them.  You know your teams, you know your missions.  Get the Golden Armor.  One round trip each, no mistakes, no do overs.  We're venturing into unknown territory, so expect the unexpected.  Be careful.  Look out for each other.  This is the fight of our lives and we're gonna win.  Whatever it takes.  Good luck.

    The key is put in the center of the field, and nine portals with different symbols appear.  The groups split up, with two or three going into each portal.  Lambalos follows Ezra into his portal, still determined to claim his trophy.  This time, there will be no holding back.  The hunt for the Golden Dragon Armor has begun.


End Arc 2
Arc 3 Coming Soon

Characters & Story (c) Me, Dinossword  , BornToBeWild2016  

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Comments: 9

KingGodAmeraMan [2020-10-11 20:35:57 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Daizua123 In reply to KingGodAmeraMan [2020-10-11 20:37:02 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dst105 [2020-10-11 05:17:23 +0000 UTC]

I made something like that, but not using the Nordic runes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Daizua123 In reply to Dst105 [2020-10-11 05:29:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dominickarmstrong2 [2020-10-11 05:08:38 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Daizua123 In reply to dominickarmstrong2 [2020-10-11 05:30:09 +0000 UTC]

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dominickarmstrong2 In reply to Daizua123 [2020-10-11 05:31:51 +0000 UTC]

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Kurotitan7125 [2020-10-11 05:07:55 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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Daizua123 In reply to Kurotitan7125 [2020-10-11 05:29:58 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kurotitan7125 In reply to Daizua123 [2020-10-11 05:34:49 +0000 UTC]

Well, still disappointed. Oh well.

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