DanceOfAngels — Umbra Character: The Dollsmith

#darkfantasy #dolls #dolloc #umbraseries #dollsmith #macabrehorror #horrorcharacter
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Full Name: Isaac J. Douglass
Full Name Meaning:
Isaac - Laughter; He will laugh
 Jay - Win, Victory; Jaybird
Douglass - Black stream

Alias: The Dollsmith, Dollman, Designer of puppets, Hot grandpa, Father of mannequins

Sex/Gender: Male

Age: physically (35s-45s) Fake identity age (65) Actual age (166 years)

Species: (Cursed) Human

Blood Type: O+

Body Type: Very built

Skin colour: Pale

Hair colour: Dark gray (with white-gray )

Eye colour: Right eye (Ghostly blue), left eye (Dark jade or emerald)

Height: 6'7

Weight: 244

Birthday: January 13 1853

Birthplace: Liverpool, England
Attracted to: Dolls, Women

Currently living in: Human Realm and Umbra Realm

Occupation/s: Dollsmith, Prosthetic designer and Prosthetist, Ruler of Mannequins

Type of Personality: Simple yet gentleman like, Isaac is a man of few words. He will simply speak when spoken too. But outside that, he never really bothers to get very personal with those around him. He really doesn't see the need, since he is most of the time preoccupied with what perfect new design of dolls or human parts he will make for his customers. Those who know him, describe him as a very aloof individual with great mannerism but extremely distant and very confined within his personal space. Even so, trying to figure out his personality has proven to be quite the hassle for those wanting to understand him on a intimate level. But it is best they don't, because the ones who already have, never like the end result nor live to tell it.

Likes: His mother, Antique Dolls, British tea, Occasional snacks, Comfortable clothes, Casual work-outs, Classic music Collecting fresh human parts, studying human anatomy, Assorted-flowers

Dislikes: Imperfect dolls, bitter tea, Victims getting away, People calling his work 'creepy', People who destroy his dolls, Nights trying to eat him/The Chosen trying to capture him, his past

Romantic Relationships?:
Previously 2 girlfriends - both are deceased

Daniel L. Aubert - Father (Killed/Deceased)
Margery M. Douglass - Mother (Deceased)
Bertha Connors - Stepmother (Killed/Deceased)
Alverta Harrison - Stepsister (Deceased)

Friends/Allies: His dolls, itsy Bitsy

Neutral with: Most people who don't get in his way

Enemies: Those who are imperfect, And those who destroy his perfected dolls, Marionetta (Sees her as a rival do to the both of them being skilled at doll making)

[Basic Skills]Strength - He has not displayed much how far he can go with his strength but is best to note, he is a cursed human. It can be assumed, his strength goes beyond human level.

Speed - He is surprisingly quick on his feet when compared to other humans. He could possibly be faster than what he shows as well.

Senses - His senses are beyond most things. They are sharper than a sharpened knife. This man will feel things as well as spiritually feel them from anywhere he might be.

Durability - He is unmistakably durable to great extend. His odd complex human like body, won't shatter and even if it does, it poses of no damage to him directly.

Endurance - his endurance is limitless. He is not swayed by most things. He has one of the most powerful mental powers there is. So his bearings are also quite supernatural. Because of his impressive tolerance, enemies trying to possess him have the hardest times.

Reflexes - His reflexes are as sharp as his normal senses. It is rare the times his enemies or anyone takes him by surprise. For the most part, he is always wary, even if he doesn't look like it.

Agility - While he seems to look heavy, he is actually quite the agile individual. Capable of pulling stunts you wouldn't of guessed he could pull in the first place.

Lung capacity - He can be underwater for long periods of time. Maybe, for even hours.

Intelligence - He is a very smart man. He knows what he is doing. He knows what's going on and he knows what he must do in order to deal with said things.

Perception - While he has most great senses, Perception is one of his best ones. He has good skill to hear and to see things supernatural means. Making it hard for people to hide from him.

Basic Doll creation - He can create dolls using normal tools. Yet, he does have an unusual tactic of doing it. Making him one of the greatest toy, prosthetic and doll makers there is.

[Inhuman Skills] 

Psychokinetic - He has the power to manipulate objects and people alike with his mental power. It requires a lot of his mental control. However, he does possess dangerous telekinetic properties. And this can be seen once his mismatched eyes turn red, along with the markings on his prosthetic arms, which do start to glow as red as his eyes.

Levitation - He can make objects or people levitate off the ground or any surface said individual or thing is on.

Pushing and Pulling - He can push or pull whatever onto himself or away using his mental power.

Anger empowerment - His powers does increase when he is emotionally moved in a certain strong and negative way that may affect him psychologically. His anger is quite fierce and dangerous.

Ballistic scream - Usually when upset, he tends to scream and said scream does send out a force of energy pushing things or people far away from him. 

Telekinetic compression - He can compress and crush people with his odd psychokinetic strength. It doesn't matter the constitution of the object or person, he will compress it in attempts on getting rid of it.

Power growth - It is unknown why or how exactly but his powers seem to be growing as time passes. It is most likely do to the curse manifesting within him as his semi-immortal life progresses, the more in control and the more he finds more skills in himself, the more his power grows. Slowly but surely, he may lose control over it eventually.

Paichnídikinesis: He doesn't only possess the great and mysterious power of telekinesis but also power to control toys and manipulate them as he sees fit.

Doll Possession: He can possess any of the dolls he has ever made. The longest is a doll he himself made by his hand, he can take over their body and even conceal himself with them.

Marionettakinesis Manipulation: He can manipulate his dolls or puppets in any shape or form. It is not limited as to how many he can take over and control as he chooses. He can also give out a command and said command will be obeyed by his dolls.

Soul Sealing: He can seal the souls of the living or dead within any of his dolls. He can simply rip the soul of a person via physical touch in close proximity. This may also have to do how his mannequins seem to have their own will, do to previous souls being trapped in them, however it is not always the case. Since some dolls of his, are simply sustained and animated do to his massive mental aura and curse which already gives them some kind of independent consciousness and will. But the option of trapped souls within remains.

Toy Projectiles: He can use his dolls as projectiles and overall attacks that requires some kind of release.

Doll Transmutation: He can transform real human body parts as parts of actual dolls or mannequins or even antique dolls. He can even use this on himself, to replace any part that may or may not start to rot away do to the transmuted human flesh becoming useless over time.

Doll Network/hivemind: His consciousness is shared massively among his endless amount of dolls. This may have to do with his very own feelings and current state of mind.  If angry, his dolls will behave according to said negative mood.

The Dollsmith: Dollsmith is a transformation he suffer from. His body cracks, like the wooden body of a puppet and once it cracks, something more horrid and terrifying is birthed from it. It is possible, this transformation is when his curse displays itself for what it is.

Dearest Mother - 
Dearest mother is one of his many creations. This dolls takes after his mother in almost every aspect. She possesses many supernatural qualities he can use himself. She is possibly some kind of representative who has part of Isaac's cursed super abilities. She is also his largest doll.

Other dolls/Mannequins/Figurines: He can use other of his creations in many kinds of different ways. Regardless, they are all for the most part terrifying.

Character Info (Long): Born in Jan 13 1853 in Liverpool England, Isaac was a very sick child who suffered from 2 rare diseases that came from his mother's side of the family. He ached from hypochondroplasia and phocomelia. Phocomelia caused for his limbs to come out underdeveloped with only one of his arms developed but possible hypochondroplasia caused it to be extremely short and dwarf like. Because of this, his mother was given the option to get him dispatched do to his few disabilities, which would surely bring stress to her life and her family economically and maybe...even emotionally. But his mother decided to keep him regardless and give Isaac the best life she could. Unfortunately, because his mother was a very sick person herself; She passed away when he was the bare age of 7.

Her death and complete absence from his life affected him greatly and psychologically. Since his mother was always present and consistently took good care of him. He couldn't do much for himself. He was always stuck to his antique-like wheelchair which costed a fortune for his father during such times where medicine and other treatments were still very poorly developed. But regardless, life continued on and so did his father, who surprisingly did try his best to balance out his daily responsibilities at work while looking after him. 4 years later, his father decides to re-marry a refined lady who went by the name of Bertha Connors.
Bertha also happened to have a daughter who was 2 year younger than Isaac. Her name was Alverta Harrison. Once his father was officially re-married and in a new relationship, both Bertha and Alverta became his stepmother and stepsister. To his dismay, due to the sudden change in the household, he was forced to leave his room in order for his new little sister to have it. He didn't agree to this, but his coaxed and newly in love again father decided to give the child the commodity because she was much younger than him. Isaac was moved to the attic, where space was a little smaller than his previous room. He hated being up there but at least he had a nice two pair of large windows that gave him a nice view to the sky and the streets.

Soon after, as his father seems to be going back to his daily regular life, his stepmother is the one who looks after him now. She needed to bath him, dress him and feed him everyday. At first this didn't seem to be a problem, until she began to become a little careless overtime. When Isaac needed for someone to help him get to the bathroom to do his necessities he would have to wait long hours. And sometimes when he couldn't hold himself, he had to urinate or defecate on himself. When his stepmother felt like it was time to tend to his needs, it would almost and always be too late. She would complain and whine about how frustrating and annoying it was to have to deal with him. Making Isaac feel like a unwanted weight on the family at times. But nevertheless, he simply swallowed how he felt and moved on.

Isaac wished for better days and wanted to spend some time with his father instead of his condescending stepmother but he was always too busy or at work. He is stuck at home, having to deal with his obnoxious and curious stepsister, who wasn't necessarily all that bad. However, she did picked up the casual habit on picking on him because of his lacking ability to do things for himself. She would also make fun of his body deformity and called him other horrible names. Whenever he tried to tell Bertha of her daughters rude behavior, she simply shrugged it off. Of course, this was her daughter. And at this point, it was pretty evident that he was indeed a burden in her life, as well as a pest she had to look after in order to gain possible love points with his dad. But if it wasn't for that, he felt that she would probably let him rot in the corner. So no matter what bad Alverta did, her mother always found a silly way to excuse it. And one of them was always ''She is younger than you, Isaac. Be considerate''

Day after day would pass. Isaac would spend his hours watching children with perfect limbs play outside. There would be several cases where he asked Alverta if he could play with her and her friends but Alverta always looked at him in disgust and would say things like ''There's no way I'm letting my friends see your ugly face. They would be terrified to see you.'' Her words always hurt him so much. But in his mind, he knew that it wasn't like she was wrong. Part of him was terrified to go to the outside world and meet what he deemed ''normal'' people. He felt, he would most likely be judged. So he simply submitted to his solitude and confinement within his attic room. Yet, the loneliness was eating at away at him. And sometimes it was just too hard for him to bear. He felt jealous, he felt incompetent that he couldn't be like the other kids and needed adults to be looking after him all the time. He wanted to be normal too. He wanted to have as much fun as the others. And most importantly, he wanted to make friends like his stepsister, Alverta. But he simply could not.

One day, when he is simply spending another lonesome, aggravating and consuming day in his attic watching other kids play with his stepsister, he takes notice of a chest box he has never seen before. Or perhaps, he didn't really pay enough attention to his surroundings to even know it was there from the beginning. With great and unimagible difficulties, he bends his almost limbless body and uses his dwarf deformed hand to move his wooden wheelchair little by little towards the box.  What felt like forever to move, he finally reached the box. He noticed it didn't require any key or anything to get it opened. Luckily, all he had to do was flip the little front compartment or lock for it to open. He flipped it open and as soon as he did he lifted the top slowly and carefully. To his great surprise, within this box, he discovered his mother's old antique dolls. He was quick to remember every single one of them. These dolls triggered for him to have so many flashbacks of his loving mother. He remembered how she loved dolls so much she told him a story about how she went to another country just to get the rare antique doll she wanted. All because she found dolls beautiful and surreal.

When all these heartwarming memories came crashing into his mind, he has briefly forgotten how important and significant his mother was. How she would always read him stories before bed. How she would always sit him on her lap and show him the dolls she had or dolls she would recently obtain from somewhere else. Or how she would simply and always remind him how special he was to her. All of this brought him into silent tears. He choked on his grief and faintly sobbed. This was a reminder how miserable his life has become overtime. If his mother was there, he knew things would be so much different. Even with his father always and almost missing throughout his life do to work and such. He is now trapped with two uncaring individuals who are cruel to him just because he is different from them. But nevertheless, he regain a bit of his composure and smiled with puffy eyes. Perhaps he could make his own fun, he thought. He had the best part of his mother's possessions. He had something she loved and cherished very much. And now he will love and cherish them just as much.

Isaac started to assemble all of his mothers dolls across his attic room. One by one. Slowly but surely. Using his small and frail short arm and hand. He was going to make these dolls take over his room one way or another. He refused to ask his stepmother for help. He didn't want her to touch them or even acknowledge them. Besides, she wouldn't even care either way. Because he was a heavy weight on her shoulders. When he was finally done organizing all of the dolls. He felt a different ambient within the attic room. All he could feel was memory after memory filling his mind. Good and wholesome memories that made him smile now and then. Even after watching the kids from the outside play with his stepsister, while he was all alone and locked up in his attic room. The previous feeling of self-loath and self-helplessness isn't as harsh anymore. He was still a little hurt here and there. But these dolls... They were there with him. These dolls that belonged to his mama. The person he has loved the most in his life. He felt like a part of her was there with him. And that is all he needed. Those grieving days won't be as bad anymore.

A late afternoon, his stepsister comes running into his room to announce to him that dinner was ready. This was the first time in a long time she ever visited him up there. So to her surprise, to see all of these weird and creepy dolls assembled across his attic room weirded her out. She caught isaac roleplaying with himself. Talking to a doll as if it was alive. As if it was another person. She decides to sneak on him and startle the peace he had in his mind. Isaac jumps up in fear, nearly dropping the doll he was holding with his dwarf hand. The stepsister proceeded to laugh and ask what he was doing. He simply didn't answer and turned around, so she could take him downstairs for dinner. However, his stepsister insisted on wanting to know what he was doing with all the creepy dolls he had in his room. He told her to not call them creepy. Once she saw how sensitive he got over some dolls, she began to once again call him names and make fun of him further for playing with girly toys. She took hold of the doll he had on his frail hand and attempted to snatch it away from his grip. In fear and in a panic that his step sister might break or do something to his mother's doll, he began to fight back against her and actually pull back. She didn't expect for a disabled boy to even put up some kind of physical resistance against her. For some reason this frustrated her and she ended up kicking his wheelchair back, knocking Isaac to the floor and out of his wheelchair. This caused for him to unfortunately let go of the doll, he has named  Margery. Evidently, the name his mother possessed when she used to be alive.

He yelled at her to please let go of his doll and to that, the girl responded with giggling and laughter. She was so mean spirited and ill-willed against him for fighting back against her that she decided to rip the dolls arms and legs off and went on to say ''Now she looks just like you, ugly and useless''. For the first time, Isaac felt something within himself, he has never ever experienced. A new kind of feeling. A hostile kind of sentiment. However, this was a little different. It was a strong desire of negativity that ran through his heart. He crawled on the floor like a caterpillar towards her and began to headbutt and use his dwarf hand the best he could to make her let go of the doll. This stranger can't just come into his room and mistreat his mother's possessions like that. The most damage that he did, was bite her on the leg but that did nothing much and the girl kicked him on the face so hard, she broke his nose. The girl laughed again and called him crazy for his abrupt actions. She liked seeing how worked up he was over a doll and for the first she spotted tears in his face. She couldn't help but just bully him for being so pathetic over something she saw as trivial and meaningless. However, what happens next is something she didn't see coming. She could see the anger in his eyes. She could see how they began to turn crimson red, almost like blood. She thought she was seeing things,but she wasn't once. He screamed at her, his scream almost not sounding human at all and suddenly, this odd wave of energy almost pushed her back. The doll in her hands itself, reacted to said energy and seemingly gained life. The doll's expression became demonic. So demonic the girl was petrified in place to see its facial features. The doll grew a large mouth on its face and bit hard into the girls arm, ripping a chunk of her flesh away.

The girl dropped the doll and screamed in pain, quickly running downstairs while blood trailed behind her. After a few minutes of voices downstairs and rustling. The stepmother came upstairs looking distraught and in complete disbelief. She already had something against  Isaac and with this incident, things probably would get worse from there on. And it sure did. After a very dislikable exchange of words between her and Isaac. She slammed the door shut of the attic and locked him up there. She didn't even bother to help him back up on his wheelchair. Her main concern was her daughter right now. Isaac looked around for the doll and crawled to it. He saw how damaged it was thanks to his stepsister. He was still confused as to what just happened. He didn't even realize what he just did. But he knew, something in him has changed. He didn't know what but the feeling was faint. He picked up the doll and stared at it with frustration and sadness. One of his favorite dolls was now broken. He wanted to fix her...he wanted to apologize to her for not protecting her enough. He wanted her to be perfect and not imperfect like himself. Nothing about his mother's possessions should ever look so lacking and ugly. He hid the doll away in a corner of his room and tried to get back up on his wheelchair but his many attempts ended up in failure. He would fall down over and over again. He has forgotten he had a broken nose and was bleeding from it. But he didn't concern himself enough to acknowledge the pain. He remained on the floor, with a numb expression. Tearing away, in silence. Night time came and he heard arguments going on outside. His father suddenly unlocks the attic's door and comes to check on him. He was so shocked to see the conditions he was in. He was quick to help his son  and clean the blood away from his nose. 

After that, things between his stepmother and father became a little...troublesome and problematic. Their love relationship  became quite impacted, due to both being on a strong disagreement with the actions Isaac took against his stepsister and his stepmother's actions against Isaac himself. Actions his father did not agree with. His stepmother claimed he is an aggressive boy and his ''conditions'' is slowly turning him into some kind of delinquent. She believed it was Isaac who bit her daughter. Even tho, it wasn't him, it was the doll who did it. But regardless, to her, it was Isaac's doing. Isaac ignored what was going on altogether and concerned himself with his now damaged doll. When he was finally back to having his privacy, he began to try and fix the doll in numerous ways. But because he is disabled, he never got very far. This began to eat away at him. If only he had two hands he could use to glue the doll back together again. If only he could make fake hands for himself. If only...he could be as replaceable and fixable as a doll. He was in so much distress. If he could just attach the doll together again. He stared at it deeply. His desire to make it better unlike him, increasing. He was at the verge of crying again like always but suddenly, in his unending bitterness of wanting to help this doll, the same energy he previously released on his stepsister several weeks ago, slowly makes itself known again. This time it's a little different from before. For it is not manifesting out from anger but if not, from his strong desire and wishes to repair the doll. He begins to explore it. Test it and see how far he can go. Soon, he found himself making things levitate. Manipulating them. Grabbing pieces of the doll, one by one and putting them together. Attaching it with what was seemingly his very own life force. After a while of playing with such mysterious power that one would say is straight out from some fairytale, he finally fixed the doll. He unconsciously even changed its appearance. The aspect and form he gave to it was that of his mother. It felt like he was staring at a miniature version of his mama. For whatever the reason, he felt very tired. Possibly due to him using this new found power. He took the tools he used for the doll and hid them away. And simply returned to look at the kids through his window. But at the back of his head, he felt something new has begun.

3 years later, He is now 14 years of age and his stepsister birthday was coming around. She was going to turn 12 and of course, as always her mother was very excited over her daughters incoming birthday. She sent out all kinds of invitations. From family members, to close friends, Her neighbors, her husband's coworkers and other people she knew. She was excited doing all kinds of preparations for her little princess. She was driving his dad on edge with how perfect she wanted this party to go. And speaking of Alverta, after the confrontation that took place between Isaac and herself. She never again went to bother him. She doesn't even look at him. She simply acts as if he didn't exist. This did bring relief to  Isaac. He didn't need to worry about her much. However, his stepmother's treatment towards him did get a little worse overtime. When his father wasn't looking or wasn't really aware of what was going on when he was away. She would take the opportunity to always do something bad to him. She even threw his food on the floor and forced him to eat it off the ground. And Isaac, not wanting to starve to death would usually do it. Her constant punishments and unfairness was something he could ignore. Specially since he could now fix his dolls, and play with them in his own kind of way without anyone knowing about it. Or at least questioning it very much.

His father wanted him to become part of the incoming party. He wanted for Isaac to come out from the room he is always confined too and meet other young boys or girls like himself. Isaac felt very nervous and uncomfortable with this idea. He refused multiple times and preferred to stay in his room playing with his dolls but in the end, wanting to please his father, he gave in and assisted the incoming party. There he saw all kinds of beautiful people. With somewhat fancy clothes, nice adornments and beautiful hairstyles. He felt like an outcast just being around people who were so abled looking, unlike himself. He tried his best to not let this get him down but still, this wasn't something he wasn't used too. He felt his father pushed his wheelchair to where Alverta and the other kids were at. His father introduced him to them and the kids all looked somewhat interested yet confused to see him without any proper limbs. He asked Alverta to make him feel welcomed and include him into whatever she had going on with her friends. At first, Alverta was pretty hesitant on this idea, she didn't want Isaac near her or her friends. Specially since she now viewed him as some kind of demon from hell. But she gave in, because ultimately, he is her father figure now. She knew her mother would wail if she made him unhappy in some kind of shape or form. Alverta went behind Isaac and pushed him close to her friends. Her friends began to touch and explore his limbless areas. Some were perplexed but others did somewhat laugh at him and how crippled he looked.  Isaac didn't say anything for he was too scared to talk to these other kids. And besides, he always felt like he really didn't belong there. But still he put up with them and acted with a complete facade that he was alright with it.

The kids suddenly get the idea to go play at the back of the house, deep into the woods. Where a river was located. They wanted to go water fighting as one would say. But, Isaac did remember something his father always warned him about. It's been a long time since that but he still clearly remembered how his father warned him how crocodiles loved to swim in said river. It was never wise to ever get near it because of that. He tried to persuade the kids out from this idea but Alverta quickly cut him off and treated what he said as unimportant. The kids followed Alverta's lead and soon all arrived at the river. Alverta left Isaac parked next to a tree. From the distance, Isaac watched how the other kids began to have fun. Kicking around water, jumping on it and overall splashing each other with it. He looked down and just tried not to think how he was just...there. Treated as the helpless spectator. He hated the position he was in and he wanted to go back home already. But couldn't. All he could do was just watch. Suddenly, Alverta gets the great idea that whoever can swim deeper into the river shall win a price once they go back to the her party. The prize would be 50% candy from her pinata. The kids weren't exactly comfortable with her plan. And did complain about it. It was too dangerous they said. But Alverta rolled her eyes and would proceed to show them that nothing would go wrong. Alverta took off her clothes and began to swim deep into the river, until she reached the middle. She laughed and waved at the other kids, encouraging them to partake on her fun game for some candy prize.

Seeing how much of a show off Alverta was acting the kids soon took off their shoes and shirt and jumped in. But as they are making their way to her, suddenly Alverta feels a strong tug on her leg. What became yelps became screams as she began to try and swim to her friends but she couldn't. The force of something grasping her leg was too strong. Her friends were confused to just see Alverta be dragged and shooked all over the place. Alverta screamed for their help but her friends were scared as her and everyone swam out of the river for their lives. There's no way they would go back for her at this point. Isaac stared at his stepsister screamed for help and the kids would ignore her. No one would at least attempt to pull her out. He screamed at the other kids to go and aid her but they all ran past him. He was shocked to see them just leave her like that. Some friends they were he thought. He quickly tried to go to her as she actually screamed out his name to help her. But as he is going down the mini hill he falls out of his wheelchair onto the floor. He attempted to his powers to somehow pull her out from the water but he could not focus. He was in a state of panic. Eventually, her screams suddenly faded away. The crocodile underneath dragged her down and her fate was already very clear. At least to Isaac, it was. In his sadness and fear, Isaac looked down, almost tearing up. Feeling incompetent that he couldn't save her. Sure, he was mad at her for a lot of things she has done but he never truly desired her to just vanish. The idea of having a sister was nice. Even if they weren't blood related. But now she was gone. And there was nothing he could do.

After just a few minutes, a group of adults came to him and they all scattered throughout the area to look for Alverta. So it appears the kids at least did something good and called for the adults help. Isaac felt his father pick him up and put him back on his wheelchair. He didn't say anything after that and went on to help the others search for the girl. When they didn't find her. They already knew of the possibilities of her being alive to be very slim and impossible. Bertha broke down crying and couldn't believe what just happened to her daughter on her 12th birthday. Isaac's father went back to interrogate the kids as to what exactly happened. When he asked who's idea was to come to the river?,nervous and scared any of them would get blamed. Most of the kids all pointed at Isaac. The father was confused with their answer and told them that's impossible. Since he knows his son is well aware of what the river contained. When Bertha heard this and the possibilities of Isaac being responsible for what just happened. She nearly attempted to assault Isaac but his father and some others got in the way, telling her that it is unlikely Isaac would do such a thing, as to encourage the children to come to a dangerous place to swim. But the kids cowardly kept saying it was Isaac's doing. Of course, Isaac didn't remain quiet, he went on to say how they were all bad friends for letting their own friend behind and didn't even try to help her somehow in time. He also went on to say that he was the one who warned them in the first place but none of them listened and decided to follow Alverta's lead.

Subsequently, everyone packed up their things and mourned over Alverta's death on her birthday. The state of the situation as to how exactly the incident happened remained unclear for most. But not to Bertha, in her mind, she knew Isaac had something against her and her now deceased daughter. He most likely planned to kill her since the start. After all, she has taken his dead mother's place now. 1 year later, Isaac has managed to forget all about the situation altogether with his recently dead sister. However, the same can't be said about his stepmother. The way she treated him now, was possibly the lowest of the lowest. She stopped doing chores normally, she barely ever cooked or did anything around the house. She has became pretty unstable. This was heavily affecting the relationship his father had with her. But he wasn't going to preoccupy himself with something that was not for him to wonder about or concern himself with. The remembrance of his mother was coming up and he planned on making this day very special. Unlike his unfortunate sisters birthday, at least no one would die here. He stole some candles from his stepsisters last birthday and used them as decoration for his room. He assembled all of his mothers dolls in a new order now. With of course, Margery (the main doll) being the center of attention. He sat her on the rocking chair. While the smaller and medium sized dolls circled around her.

A tired and despondent Bertha hears giggling coming from Isaac's room. She slowly made herself go upstairs and pressed her ear against his door. She could hear him talking about his mother. Celebrating her birthday. Singing the traditional happy birthday song to his doll happily. This brought so much anger to Bertha. Because it reminded her how her daughter once had a birthday just like that but because of Isaac she couldn't enjoy it. Her daughter couldn't live to celebrate and enjoy the entirety of her party. So, neither will Isaac. She burst through the door enraged and looked around in disgust. She gave a deranged smile at him and she began to destroy and break the dolls he had in a circle. Grabbing a black bag and dumping all of them in there. She went on to say ''The party is over. No more.'' Isaac tried to stop her and begged her to please stop but he watched as this crazed woman trashed his dolls like garbage. And upon his stepmother noticing that the candles he used were his daughters own birthday candles, this just further infuriated her. She took notice of the much bigger doll on the rocking chair. And she went to get it. Isaac tried to get in her way but he was smacked hard across the face and pushed back while his stepmother yelled at him to not touch her with his filthy deformed hand. She took possession of the doll and stared at it.
''So this is your mama? Isaac? Is this your little mama?'' Isaac began to panic and pleaded for her to not do anything to the doll. To not hurt any more of his mothers belongings. Upon hearing this, she took even a greater pleasure he doing exactly what he asked her not too. He ripped his mother looking doll part. Smashing the thing against the floor over and over. And once she did she got all up in his face reminding him how his mother is dead and long gone and will never come back. She then proceeded to grip him by his hair and drag him as he scream loudly for help and cried at the top of his lungs.

His distress, grief and pain, took him over. But most importantly, he was beyond furious. He was tired of having to be punished and treated the way he was. He was tired of having to deal with this imperfection. He never asked for this, he never meant to hurt anyone. But no more. He was tired. And he was not having it. This woman destroyed everything he deemed dear. His only escape-goat. The only thing that helps him get through another day. And now, he is going to make her pay. Isaac let out possibly the largest roar his throat could create and when he did the entire room shook. He blasted his stepmother away from him. Sending her flying to the wall behind her. The stepmother was in shock. As she saw everything around him floating. She saw how the broken dolls, now began to come together on their own again. Bertha stood up and screamed while calling him a monster. A cold and emotionless  Isaac stared at her, as if she was some kind of insignificant pathetic worm. She ran for the door and attempted to leave the attic room but whatever force Isaac was controlling, seemed to keep it shut to keep her inside. Soon, Bertha found herself surrounded by the dolls she previously destroyed, while Margery was the first one to rush at her while possessing the most inhuman smile one could ever see.

2 weeks later, everything seems to be back to normal. Bertha has become very active again on the chores and overall life she left behind. She even seemed to have grown much closer to Isaac. Isaac was loving how she fed him his food now. How she would clean him and tell him wonderful bedtime stories just like his mother would do once upon a time. Daniel, Isaac's father didn't know when exactly Bertha changed into this nice person all of the sudden. She wasn't ok  not so long ago but now, she seemed like a new entire person. Almost like a perfect version of herself. Perhaps this is a new chapter in his and his son's life. He felt content to not have to end his relationship with her. And is positive that from here on out, things would get better for everyone. Night time came and Bertha placed her loving stepson in bed and kissed him goodnight. She went downstairs to her husbands room and laid next to him. She gave him a smile and also gave him his good night kiss. When Daniel felt his wife his kiss him, her mouth sure taste a little odd and bitter but he didn't put much attention. Perhaps she ate something. 

After a few days, Daniel began to smell something very unpleasant and he was wondering where the smell was coming from. He could smell something just died inside of their house. He complained to Bertha about it. But she said it was most likely a rat. Since they would usually get a lot of them a particular season of the year. Daniel shrugged it off but every time he came home from work the smell just seemed to getting stronger. He tried to ignore to the best of his abilities but the smell was become unbearable. It was time for bed once again and smiled at his wife who happily came to lay by his side. He made a brief comment about the smell but his wife shook him off those thoughts with a passionate kiss. He was in shock to see her this active. But he didn't complain. It's been long since they have been this loving with each other. He felt her crawl on top of him and he gently placed his hands on her waist. He could feel her lips touching his neck. As he gently made his hands slide to her back, to attempt and take her dress off. But when he did this, he felt something odd on her back. He began to rub it in curiosity as he could feel his wife smooching him all over. He could feel her back stitched up. Almost as if she had a wound and it was recently closed off. As he began exploring her back, he came to touch a very squishy part of his wound and when he did, with edge of his eye he turned his head slightly to look at it. When he did, his passionate expression faded away as he saw clotted blood, with a few maggots trapped inside.

He pushed his wife off him and stared at her in confusion, while he stared at his hand then back at her. When he smelled his fingers he coughed in disgust to how bad it smelled. It was the same smell he has been picking on for days but stronger. When he looked at his wife's face again, he could see her face falling apart. Her skin rotting away very slowly, as her eyes were as white as the clouds. She asked him what was wrong while she approached him, seeking out his love. But he rolled out of bed and ran out of the room while shutting the door behind him. He could hear his wife banging on it and asking him to come back in a demonic-like tone of voice. He ran upstairs to get Isaac. And when he did he found Isaac staring up at the stars through his window with a smile across his face. He went to him quickly and explained what just happened.

However, Isaac didn't seem bothered by it. And instead, he proceeded to tell him that things would get better. He has made his stepmother the way she should be. He has made her ''Perfect''. Puzzled by his choice of words, he took several steps away from his son and asked him as to what he was talking about. As he is stepping back, he feels the back of his legs hit something. It was his ex-wife's doll who looked just like her. It was sitting in his wife's old rocking chair. The rocking chair began to rock back and forth by itself and he slowly took several steps away from it in disbelief to see a inanimate object behaving as if it had life. From behind, a small figure closes in. It was Isaac. He gently leans in and tells his loving father the following: 

''It's alright papa, you'll become as perfect as mama and stepmama. We're all going to be perfect from now on''

Many decades later, now as an adult, Isaac has gotten himself prosthetics under mysterious means. He now possesses dolls that resemble his family members. He has the entire set. From his mother, to his father, to his step mother and finally his stepsister. He has displayed them in his recently opened ''Margery Antic shop'' and awaits to get as many customers as possible. He needs some new parts.

I'll make you perfect.
So much to do in such little time
Imperfections aren't an option.

To Night Terrors
When a puppet master, wants to control another puppet master. Let's see who becomes the puppet first.

Character's soundtracks/themes:
[link]  Omri - Demons
[link]  Mephisto's lullaby

Comments:  Holy cow, writing this guy down took me awhile. Sorry for the semi-long story but I've planned this dude for quite sometime now. It was only a matter of submitting him at last. Anyways, i hope you all enjoy and like my newest umbra oc. Also new umbra page is up. Incase, any of you have missed it. >  The Umbra: (Beginnings) Pg. 12

The dollsmith (c) DanceOfAngels  

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Comments: 10

OctoberOpal123 [2019-08-06 18:17:35 +0000 UTC]

This is cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MysticalSorcery [2019-08-06 05:36:46 +0000 UTC]

Oooooo! I love this boi! Great work fam!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Promptus [2019-08-06 04:20:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DanceOfAngels In reply to Promptus [2019-08-06 04:21:00 +0000 UTC]

 N O 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IvyDarkRose [2019-08-06 04:04:25 +0000 UTC]

Whoa! +3+ he looks so cool and too spooky D,: I hide now

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DanceOfAngels In reply to IvyDarkRose [2019-08-06 04:19:11 +0000 UTC]

>~> is ok he doesn't always bite the peach and thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to DanceOfAngels [2019-08-07 10:44:33 +0000 UTC]

e3e once is too many >~> xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GalaxyGinger [2019-08-06 03:40:04 +0000 UTC]

Holy fuck he is awesome jest! You did an amazing job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DanceOfAngels In reply to GalaxyGinger [2019-08-06 04:18:42 +0000 UTC]

thank u!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GalaxyGinger In reply to DanceOfAngels [2019-08-06 04:21:04 +0000 UTC]

Np <3

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