In the heart of a hedge maze bathed in luminous moonlight, an elf and a vampire join in a private harmonious dance. The light graceful steps of the elf contrast the haunting glide of the vampire. Both elegant and mesmerizing, they intertwine in a delicate balance of their vastly differing worlds. It is a dance that speaks of forbidden connections and secrets whispered in the night.
I've been working on this piece for at least a month now, along with it I've been in a very supernatural mood. Shows, movies, stories, you name it I've indulged in it all. With this phase, the one I had back in highschool, and the ever persisting love of paranormal fantasy, I'm surprised I haven't created more vampiric art, or stories. Who's to say that won't change as I continue on my art journey 😉
I'm always looking for book recommendations so for anyone who has some favorite vampiric stories throw them in the comments!
That being said, I haven't come across anything where there is a connection between an elf and a vampire. Two sides of the same coin really...minus the bloodlust 😅 so I took it up on myself to make one myself with this piece.
I usually name my pieces the characters name, and since there are two here I need help coming up with ideas! It can either be names for these two or something that symbolizes this piece. All suggestions are welcome