DecidingNebula — Supreme Commander Thora 'Marumee 4th Revision

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Published: 2019-12-23 23:43:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 4707; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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Franchise: Halo

Faction: The Sangheili Commonwealth, The Disciples, The Forerunner Ecumene (Formerly), The Galactic Coalition (Formerly), The Covenant (Formerly), The Vassal Movement (Formerly), Commando Unit (Formerly), The Dominant Crusaders (Formerly), Covenant Separatists (Formerly), Allied Sangheili Houses, Sangheilian Armed Forces, Trident of Revelation

Age: 57

Rank: Supreme Commander, Kaidon

Height: 8.2ft

Flagship: CSO Undeniable Vengeance, a heavily armoured and modified Covenant CSO-Class Supercarrier fitted with heavy fuel rod batteries, Heavy Needler Cannons, Plasma Batteries and a Glassing Cannon only used if a whole world is doomed. Undeniable Vengeance has been Thora's ship ever since he became a Supreme Commander. Though Thora has debated with himself over the ship's aggressive name and that it no longer reflects its purpose, he has been reminded by Fleetmaster Rykas 'Refumee that Undeniable Vengeance is still a fitting name, for if the Tridents fail to defend freedom, then it will not be denied it's vengeance.

Fleet: The Fleet of Unstoppable Carnage

Species: Sangheili

Birthplace: Marum, Sanghellios

Job: Leader of Trident of Revelation, Vice-Kaidon of the Allied Sangheili Houses, Kaidon of Marum, Librarian (Formerly), Disciple Leader (Formerly)

Nicknames/Titles: The Fist of Justice (Disciple Title), Leader of the Free Galaxy, Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy, The Greatest Leader, Hero, Optimus Prime, Superman, Destroyer of Ten Worlds, Saviour of the Universe, Book-Clerk, The Reader, The Poster-Boy For All that is Good, The Inspiration, The Mightiest of Warriors, Leader of T.O.R, Heretic, Master (By his most loyal friends and allies), SP (Abbreviation for Supreme), Boss-Man, The Peacekeeper, 'Marumee, Librarian, The Best Man, Librarian, Vassal, Weakling, Upholder of the Righteous, Protector of the Weak, The Redeemed, The Paragon, The Prime

Gender: Male

Vehicles: 'The Riptide'- Space-Capable Type-26B Banshee, CSO Undeniable Vengeance, Fleet of Unstoppable Carnage, 2551 Peterbilt 18-Wheeler Truck, 'Advance to Victory'- A Type-52 Sword Phantom, 'Swift Expedition'- Type-46 Spectre

Voice: Similar to Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, mixed vaguely with Keith David as The Arbiter

Eye Colour: Orange Reptillian eyes

Skin Colour: Dark and Black, Scaly texture due to being a Sanghelli

Scars/Damage/Markings/Unusual Features: Mark of Shame for committing heresy, small burn on his left shoulder from an Energy Sword, Numerous scars and wounds, Energy burns, Fusion Cannon scorches

Enemies/Rivals: Turok Nar 'Mdragath, Desticrons, UEG (Formerly), UNSC (Formerly), Dromund Empire (Formerly), Agranam 'Vuzi/Nightfall, Vuzi Alliance, The Covenant, Stationism, The Prophet of Reliance, The Prophet of Burden, Covenant Remnants, Office of Naval Intelligence, The Dread Alliance, The Flood, Chieftain of the Jiralhanae Barcus, The Jiralhanae Covenant, The Forerunner Ecumene (Formerly), The Xeptosson Pan-Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, The Dark Ascendant Empire

Status: Alive and Healthy on duty


The Celestial Saber (Formerly)- This sword was a weapon unlike any other. Though several other swords throughout the multiverse share somewhat similar power, only one could snuff out stars and crumble the stuff of planets into dust. Many legends swirl around this blade of blades, from its origin to its precise nature to the circumstances surrounding its disappearance into the annals of history, but somewhere between fiction and fact, the Celestial Saber waits to be discovered again by one worthy enough to wield its power...

'Saviour of Innocents': Now, Thora 'Marumee may thoroughly believe his credo of "freedom is the right of all", but he tends to revoke that in the case of evils. Thus, when entering combat, 'Marumee will use his assault rifle, his Ionshots, his Needle rifle, and his Dual Energy Swords. This one, Saviour of Innocents is his sword made exclusively for attack. This makes it a pretty handy weapon. Especially if you have a preference for going after your enemy's face. A Modified, Customised Energy Sword with thorns protruding from the sides and Golden Markings that has served him well ever since he created it. 

'Smite of Marum': This one in particular is designed for defence, and it damn well does work as a defence weapon. But really its mostly been used for attack. With a wrist guard and a small but noticeable crystal protruding from the hilt. The crystal may or may not power the blade, even though it uses battery units, but then again, it never seems to run out. Another Modified Customised Energy Sword with a Shielded hilt and a crystal embedded in the hilt. Purple Markings. Smite has also served him well ever since.

'Judicial Barrage': A Modified, Customised Misriah Armoury MA-37 Assault Rifle, Judicial Barrage is a semi explosive kind of assault rifle, and the primary weapon of Thora 'Marumee. Only used by the leader of T.O.R when all attempts at peace have failed, Judicial Barrage ensures that freedom and fairness is the right of all beings, and strikes fear in the hearts of those who are foolish enough to challenge him. Except Turok Nar 'Mdragath. God knows how many times Thora has shot Turok and failed to kill him. 

'The Last Lines of Defense'- Two Modified UNSC Ion Path Blasters that release powerful, radioactive rocket shells that will destroy anything in their path. They can be set to fire high calibre bullets however. 

'Shooting Star'- A modified Triple barrelled variant Concussion Rifle firing powerful, radioactive shells that travel in a straight path as opposed the the typical nature of the concussion rifle to function as a grenade launcher. Shooting Star is used often by 'Marumee when in extremely difficult situations.

'Tried and Tested'- Two Handheld Concussion Blasters firing the same shells as Shooting Star.

Two Standard issue Energy Daggers mounted on his wrist armour plate

Two Forerunner Hardlight-Energy Swords

'Trident of Revelation': A custom-made, technologically advanced Trident that can fire beams of righteous plasma to attack his foes with, though it consumes large amounts of power.

Standard Issue Type-34 Needle Sidearm

Two Standard Issue Suppressed Plasma Rifles

Two Standard Issue Covenant Scatter Blasters

Standard Issue Type-51 Compact Needle Rifle

Standard Issue Covenant Carbine

Standard Issue Blood of Suban Carbine

'Burning Justice'- A Customised and Modified Needle Rifle that when fired, burns the victims armour and skin.

'Dangerous but Necessary'- A Fuel Rod Gun Thora uses for anti-vehicle combat.

Dual Custom-Bladed Energy Swords stored in his armour gauntlets like regular energy daggers.

Equipment/Paraphernalia/Personal Belongings: Corpus of Leadership (Formerly), Retractable Mandible Guard, Personal Energy Shield Generator, Holocommunicator, Doamir-Fur Shipmaster Cloak, Shipmaster's Gravity Throne, Rations, Stylus, Massive Collection of Covenant and Sangheili Literature and Documents, Amulet of Marum

Specialisation/Skills: Leadership, Heroism, Indomitable Will, Inspiration, Politician, Tactical Genius, Historian, Librarian, Warrior, Hand to Hand Combat, Swordsmanship, Strength, Commando, Wisdom, Empathy, Restraint, Responsible, Courageous, Compassion, Teacher, Assault, Protecting, CQC, Rifleman, Driver, Pilot, Public Speaker, Small Arms, Marksmanship, Demolitions

Powers/Abilities: The Power Genesis (With Corpus of Leadership), Creation (With Corpus of Leadership), Vitokinesis (With Corpus of Leadership), Activating the Celestial Saber, Access to the Corpus of Leadership, Cosmically-Enhanced Strength and Durability, Regenerative Healing Factor (Lower tier), Resurrection (With Corpus of Leadership)

Personality: Thora 'Marumee is the awe-inspiring Leader of Trident of Revelation and Vice Kaidon of the Allied Sangheili Houses, who believes freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Selfless and endlessly courageous, he is the complete opposite of his mortal enemy Turok Nar 'Mdragath. His experience has taught him that all beings, no matter their species deserve liberty and equity, and he will stop at nothing to make sure the Galaxy is safe from annihilation or worse. Even in times of ordeal, Thora speaks patriotically and ensures that justice will be upheld for as long as possible, he would gladly sacrifice his own life to ensure the safety of others. As the Poster boy for all that is good and righteous, Thora, unlike many Sangheili, holds no grudge towards anyone if they have mistreated him, however, his sense of justice kicks in when they have done the same to others. Thora holds no visible interest in romantic relationships or helping himself instead of others. 

As obsessively as Turok Nar 'Mdragath strives to achieve his objective, Thora is equally as dedicated to stopping him, even at the cost of his life, his world, and—if necessary—his own people. It was on his order that the core of High Charity was deactivated, dooming High Charity to a slow death and its people to a nomadic life. The sacrifices he has made weigh heavily on his heart, but they must be made, for there is no other choice. He knows the ambitions that lurk in Turok's heart, and they must never see the light of day. Lives must be kept free from the threat of 'Mdragath's tyranny, no matter the cost. This obsession with the defeat of Turok has robbed 'Marumee of some of his early idealism. This has created a certain ruthlessness beneath his otherwise honest and caring personality. 

Leadership was the first in a number of heavy burdens he has been forced to bear. Another is his bringing of death and total destruction to the people of humanity when he was a Covenant Supreme Commander. Every casualty, human or Sangheili, Jiralhanae or Unggoy, all casualties have piled upon his soul, but does not show this side to his soldiers and never succumbs to despair. The Trident of Revelation needs a decisive, charismatic leader and that is what he gives them. It was that leadership which turned the tide of the Great Schism.

He is not invincible, perhaps Thora's greatest weakness is his need to protect others, his need to save the innocent, which can backfire on him and be used to the advantage of a foe. He can be played like a game in this respect to get him killed or for him to fail at something miserably.

Eventually, he found his place as a simple librarian, satisfied with his job. He was always anxious of the inequality amongst Covenant citizens and thus, after gaining inspiration from an outspoken gladiator named Turok call for an upheaval of the Covenant's society, took a stand to rid the oppressive caste system which hindered the freedom of all the species in the Covenant. Once Thora and Turok discovered they did not have as much in common as they once believed however, they grew apart and their conflicting methods on what should be done to establish an equal utopia led the two, who once considered each other brothers, to fight as enemies. 

Over the years, loss and war have led Thora to appear stern and serious to most. But scratch the surface, and you'll find an individual who greatly cares for his fellow living beings, with a warmth and kindness his closest friends can rely on. But you'll also find regret over the loss of a comrade to darkness, and the faintest glimmer of hope that he can be saved.

(Grab a whole load of popcorn, like, a whole load, 'cause there's basically a novel here to read on the leader of the free galaxy: docs.google.com/document/d/1yB… )


"The trees of freedom were planted from the seeds of unity."

"Fate rarely calls upon us at a time of our choosing."

"There is a line between being a hero and being a memory."

Turok: "Not bad for a librarian, but perhaps you should have spent more time in the pit!" Thora: "And perhaps you should have spent more time in the library."

"You may lose your faith in us, but never in yourselves."

“We have all lost a brave comrade in our lives today and throughout these two long wars, but gained new ones along the way. Thank you, all of you, you honour us with your bravery. We take strength in the bonds we have forged with one another- in that respect, everyone here is a true warrior. If not in body, then in spirit. Let today be a reminder that even under the worst conditions, even under oppressive regimes, the Trident can always, will always reveal itself. In the name of all that is good, the Trident of Revelation will forever be a symbol, that hope always prevails, for freedom is the right of all beings, never forget that! Tridents, it’s been an honour serving with you all.”

"I cannot allow more humans to die for my mistakes."

"There is more than what meets the eye."

"You have to have it all don't you Turok?"

Thora: "Whatever ends you are pursuing, the means will consume them. How a thing is done becomes the thing itself. You will become the means you employ, Turok.” Turok: “There are times when we must become the dragons that we intend to slay in order to achieve victory.” 

"Wisdom cannot be granted, only earned, sometimes at a cost."

"Disciples are born Turok! Not made. YOU were betrayed!"

”Blind hate is just as dangerous as blind faith.”- To Xytan ‘Ventamee/Blade Demonslayer on his hatred of the Kig-Yar

"The Covenant, our home. Once grand and honourable, but pride and a lust for power divided us, now we fight, enemies, who were once our brothers."

Thora: "Our tragic war has ravaged worlds." Turok: "It is a necessary war, to return us to glory." Thora: "We will never sacrifice freedom." Turok: "I will bring this world to order!" Thora: "Our defeat would mean the end of everything." Turok: "My victory will mark a brilliant new beginning!" Thora: "One shall stand." Turok: "And one shall fall."

"When night falls, my Trident shall be Revealed!"

"You may have power beyond your wildest dreams, but evil doesn't pay."

"There is little point covering the truth in history, for the past always claws it's way out."

"Abiding by just laws makes you innocent, bringing justice to those who don't, including unjust lawmakers, makes you a hero."

"Though they fought for injustice once, even Dark Alchemists posses the quality of change. But we will take precautions."

"The honour, is mine."

"No. The people there deserve freedom, it is a right. However difficult it may be to liberate them, we will go, and we will ensure that right is honoured."

"Turok!!! Today you answer for your crimes against the Sangheili, and against Humanity."

"Freedom and survival are effective only when together."

"I believe I am innocent, but you believe I am guilty of treason. May I ask you, Grand Council of Kaidons, is it treason to fight for a better tomorrow? Is it treason to stand for peace and justice? Is it treason to want for a galaxy that we may one day look back on as a Golden Age once again? Is it treason for freedom to be the right of all sentient beings? I have read a great many texts on the history of our universe, I have learned about the creator Prominus and the Chaos Bringer Omikrus, I have learned about the Precursors and their invasions, conquering galaxy after galaxy, I have learned of the origins of Dark Alchemy, that it helped bring down the Precursors from their mighty height, and I have read of the Forerunner Ecumene placing themselves in higher regard than the rest of us in the galaxy, giving us the illusion that we are all equal. I know that Maethrillian was once utopia, but it was divided against itself, and because of that, this war goes on even to this day. Do you know what the common theme in all this is? It is pride and a lust for power. And the Mantle of Responsibility has been the downfall of this universe more times than can be counted! If today, we silence peace, shut our hearts to sympathy and focus on putting ourselves on top, then we will only be continuing that damnable trend, and if we do not learn that lesson now, we will all be taught it, in blood, fire, and anguish. This war, this millennia long war, must come to an end, and it will not end well if we destroy our last chances at peace. Your honour, for wanting all of this...you tell me what I am....guilty? Or innocent?"- Thora's speech in his original life to the Grand Council of Kaidons

"What have I done?"

"You were the one you taught me freedom is everyone's right, AARRRRGHH!"

Thora: "At the end of this day, on-" Turok: "Oh, shut up!"

“Turok did not turn evil. He merely….disagreed with my tactics.”

“So beautiful is your planet...unlike the final days of High Charity."- To Fleet Admiral Robert Williams, Spartan-627 Captain Tyrese Bluford and Spartan-605 Peter Venture/The Gambler about the beauty of their homeworld, Earth.

“Before the Trident...I was part of the problem. Things were changing in the Covenant...too fast for some...and far too slowly for the rest. I thought the new Hierarchs were different. I told myself Reliance was different. Things were getting better. I told myself that, too."

"Give me your face!"

"In this Universe there is good and evil, but the line between can be almost impossible to find, does one deed for good make a hero? Is a villain forged from a simple mistake? In the End, answers never come easy, it's supposed to be simple, but it is not."

"In this Universe, there are two sides to every story, there is an equal, and an opposite, good, and evil, for every hero, a villain, for every light, darkness, and for every victory...defeat."

“This is Rom ‘Jarkumai. He broke the law, and yet officers of the same law arrested me because they wanted me to overlook that fact, and I didn’t. Two good Unggoy soldiers nearly died as a result. I want you all to look at him and realise that even the smallest of actions have consequences. You sit in session, detached from the real world giving orders designed to keep the rest of us in check. And if any one of us steps out of line, if any of us think rogue thoughts, you tighten the screws...and I didn’t even realise the extent of this until I met a miner and gladiator from Karrovar, a friend who had so much to say that he couldn’t even find the words. A gladiator by placement, not by choice. He wanted the freedom to choose his own fate- not have it decided for him by a ruling elite who presumed to know best. And only now do I realise the limits that you put on our freedom, and you do it because you’re terrified of anything you can’t control. They have a name for us you know, the Heretics who continually rebel against this hegemony- they call us vassals- servants who lead monotonous lives, slaving away, controlled by their masters. And that’s all we are to you isn’t it? Vassals. Our lives even more circumscribed from birth to death, from cradle to grave. It doesn’t have to be like this: all of us, we can be so much more! Vassals: Freethinking servants of our own destiny. So as of right now, I am laying claim to that name. I am a vassal, and it is vassals--like me, who will outlive institutions such as this one, unless you change your ways. My friend’s name is Turok, and he had three questions! Three things he said you should demand to know of any powerful institution! Question one: In whose interests do you exercise your power? Question two, to whom are you--Just let me finish!-To whom are you accountable? And three--And three: How can we get rid of you if need be?”- His speech to the Covenant High Council on equality

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