DecidingNebula — The Inheritor 2nd Revision

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Description Franchise: Halo

Real Name: Unknown

Faction: Ancient Human Empire (Formerly), The Forerunner Ecumene (Formerly), The Disciples (Formerly), Agranam Vuzi 'Nightfall' (Formerly), Vuzis (Original Incarnation, Formerly), Himself, 'Hell', 'Satan', ONI (Hired)

Age: Unknown

Rank: Disciple (Formerly), Second (Formerly), Prince, Agent

Height: 6.7ft

Species: Human, American/Spanish (With Mimic gene and internal demonic mutations)

Birthplace: Unknown

Job: Disciple, Second-in-Command, Prince of Hell, Agent of Satan, ONI Agent

Nicknames/Titles: The Inheritor (Disciple Title), Wilhem Roarke (Undercover Name), Son of Satan, Devil's Bris, Demon, Prince of Hell, Hellrider, Hellboy

Gender: Male

Vehicles: X-80ZA Vindicator Starship

Voice: Similar to Tom Ellis or Peter Fonda (Depends, In his most commonly used appearances), Voice can change as part of his Mimic abilities

Eye Colour: Yellow (Can turn Ethereal Purple)

Scars/Damage/Markings: Numerous Energy sword scars and a mark of Satan on his chest which can either move around his body or disappear and reappear entirely.

Enemies: The Forerunner Ecumene, Ancient Human Empire, Luminous Empire of Janjur Quom, The Prometheans, The Sangheili Commonwealth, The Dark Ascendant Empire, The Paragons, The Ruinous, The Desticrons Thora 'Marumee, Spectra, April, Altaazak, UCA, ASH, Dromund Empire, T.O.R, The Bachelors, 'Heaven', Hellriders

Status: Unknown


'My Inheritance'- A Twin Jewels of Maethrillian Binary Rifle 'Inherited' from a Forerunner. By 'Inherited' he actually murdered a Forerunner soldier. Like all his weapons, he is able to modify the weapon with his Ethereal Hellflame powers as well as his Satanic power.

The Mind Mask- A Precursor Mask that is able to detect brainwaves and even see into the literal consciousness of any being to determine their true thoughts, plans, truths and lies.

Hidden Dart Launchers

An ornamental cane/staff made of unknown metals

A custom-built black and silver bolt action rifle with some red gemstones inside

Customised SRS99-AM sniper rifle

Customised M45 Shotgun

Standard Issue M6H Tactical Magnum


'Furious Burn'- An Energy Sword taken from a Sanghelli he killed. 

Any items he terraforms with Ethereal Hellflame or Satanforce

Specialisation/Skills: Hellish Mastery, Leadership, Tactician, Mastermind, Martial Arts, CQC, Swordsmanship, Sniper, Marksman, Manipulation, Pilot, Assassin, Stealth

Powers: Ethereal Hellflame Manipulation, Satanforce Manipulation, Hellrider Transformation, Shapeshifting, Apparel Shapeshifting, Empathic Reading, Supernatural Awareness, Sin Perception, Hellflame Manipultion, Hellflame Infusion, Hellflame Projection, Hellflame Forgery, Hellflame Attacks, Hellflame Firerstorm, Soul Reading, Soul Consumption, Flash Step, Resurrection, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Fireballs, Fire Beam, Heat Manipulation, Fire Shield, Fire Clap, Flame Manipulation, Flame Release, Flame Intensify, Magma Rain, White Lightning, White Lightning Storms, White Lightning Maelstrom, Thermal Energy Absorption, Astral Projection, Invisibility, Interdimensional Communication, Cloud Thoughts, Reality Traverse, Dimensional Transportation, Dimensional Negation, Functional Immortality, Truth Detection (With Mind Mask), Lie Detection (With Mind Mask), Thought Reading (With Mind Mask), Thought Perception (With Mind Mask), Psychokinesis (With Mind Mask), Chains of Scoria, Hellrider Curse

Personality: Often people will tell you to live and let live, they will tell you to help others out and, if need be, save others from terrible fates. However, when you have a superiority complex as big as the Inheritor's, you really can't have such a healthy attitude to life. Helping people, being kind-hearted, doing the right thing, nope. All others are nothing more than tools in The Inheritor's eyes, personal vendettas and a galaxy-sized sense of entitlement are all that drive this unruly agent of discord. He's extremely wealthy and he wants you to know it, but still, that isn't enough, he would gladly plunder the whole universe if it will satiate his hunger for more even for just a few moments.

The Inheritor is constantly on a mission to be on top of everyone else, so naturally, the Inheritor feels that the galaxy itself should belong to him, the Mantle of Responsibility is a waver for him to sign. Why does he believe so? Because he was one of the ancient Disciples that the Forerunner Paragons chose to help protect and preserve the Progenitor, the power of Prominus and Maethrillian. The Inheritor was the agent of the group, selected to discover secrets and hidden agendas of each member of the Disciples using the Mind Mask- a pychokinetic device. He was also selected to be the one that would inherit the Forerunner Ecumene should all other Disciples fall. The Inheritor would take the Mantle of Responsibility, as he had extremely good survival skills, so the Paragons believed he would be their best hope. 

Unfortunately, promise of ultimate power and custodianship corrupts ultimately, and what once made the Inheritor a good soul simply struggling with his own pride and superiority complex was soon transformed into black desires, thoughts for only himself and nothing else, and just another reason to put others down. And so the Inheritor became obsessed with his own personal wants, the very reason the Paragons chose him became the very reason that they shouldn't have.

The Inheritor was born on an Ancient Human world, but it is unknown which. His name is also unknown. The man who became the Inheritor always used to struggle with his superiority complex and his constant need to make it known that he is no pushover. A highly intellectual and star student at school, in addition to this, he had many friends and was very socially successful. He was known for being a good kid, however, not without his faults of being quite hedonistic at times and self-important. He himself was able to acknowledge that he had a problem, and he always tried his best to deal with it. 

Once he reached adulthood he became an intelligence officer within the Ancient Human Empire during the 2nd Dark Wars, a capable and well trained master of espionage, he was a quick study and was able to identify all his opponent's weaknesses with relative ease. 

As the 2nd Dark Wars took a turn for the worse on most sides as the Flood's Strength increased, the Didact split from the Forerunner Ecumene to form his Promethean Faction and the Dark Alchemists gained more and more power and support, this spy had become the most effective in the Ancient Human Empire, if not the galaxy, which drew attention from the Forerunner Paragons. Able to look within his soul, the Paragons were able to determine that deep down he wanted peace and wish that this war was not going on. The Paragons thus had him brought to them when he was captured by Warrior-Servants. 

The Paragon Legion-of-Refined-Stars was particularly interested in the man, and when the Paragons gave him the choice to join them on their mission to unite the galaxy and restore it to its former glory, he accepted. 

When the Disciples were assembled for the first time, they were great allies, always united and an unstoppable force of justice against the Dark Alchemists and the other forces of evil in the universe. Each were given a Precursor relic which corresponded to the cosmic force/long term task of the assigned Disciple. The man was known colloquially by his first name, but he went by the title of The Inheritor.

The Inheritor was the 'Agent' of the group, the Keeper of Secrets, he alone was able to discover secret motives of each member using his special mask, which allowed him sight into the very thoughts of his peers. Due to his great survival instincts, he was selected to be the member that would, if need be, inherit the remains of the Forerunner Ecumene and the Mantle of Responsibility as its main proprietor, should the other Disciples be defeated. Ironically, despite his position worthy of trust, what seemed to be promises inflated his ego and desire for superiority, and he was not loyal enough to report the more dangerous members, as he was also the most cunning and treacherous of the Disciples.

The group was composed of: 

Thora 'Marum, the Fist of Justice
Spectra, the Time Keeper
April, the Space Warden
Nightfall, the Master of War
The Inheritor, the Keeper of the Secrets
Fell Madragatan, the Artist of the Ancients
Alltazaak Tapaal Sadaag 'Wukjarl, the Ageless Watcher

The group was subservient to a group of Thirteen Forerunners, who all oversaw the group, some of its members having equal roles to Disciples, however, as there were 13 Forerunner Paragons and 7 Disciples, the remaining 6 Paragons held entirely different roles altogether. The Paragons were the ancient progeny of Prominus and the very first Forerunners who ever came to exist.

Spectra was the Time Keeper, and thus was the team's Prophet.

April, along with Fell was the creator, April was responsible for the actual making with her mighty Forge of Valiance-and-Soul, one of the overseers. 

Nightfall was like an Ares among the Disciples, as their 'Master of War', he was the strategist and tactician of the Disciples, who made many bids for leadership.

Fell's original purpose as one of the Disciples was to be the searcher of things, the artist, visionary, and to oversee entropy, the orderly dissolution of all things in preparation for the next creation. But the concept of destruction fascinated him too much, and he lost sight of the goal of rebirth and the necessity of restraint. His investigations into the dark sciences led him to Unikrus, to whom he gave himself. 

Alltazaak however, was a different case. The team's 'Ageless Watcher'- loyal servant of the Overseers, by far the wisest of them all. He was the one who recorded the Disciple's adventures.

Thora 'Marum was the last to be brought in to the original Seven. He was the leader of the group, the mediator and visionary, passing among them all as a calm, inspiring, thoughtful, unifying and well-liked friend. It was his unique personality and his inspiring reassurance that "All are One" that allowed the Disciples to rally and succeed in their battle against the forces of evil and the Chaos Bringer Unikrus. 

When Fell Madragatan's Paragon Overseer had been killed in combat, and he and Valiance-and-Soul fell in love, the Inheritor became suspicious of Fell and began monitoring his thoughts more often. But the Inheritor, unbeknownst to him had his judgement clouded, as he was unable to truly read Fell's mind, he read his most innocent thoughts only, Fell had learned to protect his thoughts from even the Inheritor's mask.

Fell was accused of being a Dark Alchemist. Fell was the scientist, searcher and hunter, responsible for finding most of the odd entities they discovered, and along with April, was responsible for most of the creations of the group. Despite this, no one knew how he did this. The Inheritor began speaking with Nightfall more and more often, and the two became, at least what appeared to be, close friends. 

The Disciples were placed in command of Ecumene-Affiliated Pilgrims and workers of different species in similar fashion to the Paragons choosing the Disciples, to find stars and replenish the Progenitor with their energy. Fell began to court some followers to his side. He selected a small number of Builders, Pilgrims and Soldiers to do his bidding in private, ultimately in service of subverting the Disciples in favour of his own agenda. Jaltavak Fiokar 'Wukjarl, Altazaak's brother and Fell's most trusted and capable Pilgrim, devoted allegiance to him, and so Fell began to sow seeds of mistrust in Jaltavak. He claimed the Disciples' refusal to sacrifice to save their own agendas would be their downfall, and that an army had to be readied in case the Disciples betrayed them all. Fell began seeing himself as the Progenitor's chosen one and began destroying solar systems with sentient life to replenish the Cube. His "brothers" in the Disciples warned him not to do it again, so Fell, being the great listener he was, was keen to try it again on Earth to lure them. However, when Valiance-of-Soul discovered his plans, after the treacherous Legion-of-Refined-Stars had been manipulating the two to drive a schism between the two lovers, their disagreement eventually grew into a full-fledged fight after Fell revealed how deeply he hated his brothers. In the resulting chaos, Madragatan fired his Entropic Blaster without thinking, fatally wounding Valiance-of-Soul. Before Soul passed away however, she professed her love for him, which made the Abyssian's seated heart knock at his ribs, and cast a look of horror over his face as he realised what he had just done. And Fell's name forevermore was...the Ruinous.

The Inheritor was accused of lying and co-conspiring with the Ruinous, but he revealed, with ample proof that he had no knowledge of Fell's true intentions and his views, this new twist of fates was just as much a shock to him as it was to anyone. This bred an unhealthy rivalry between him and Spectra, the latter feeling unable to trust him. Nightfall felt obliged to defend his friend, breeding strife between the Disciples.

The Ruinous founded his new faction: The Desticrons. He used an ancient machine known as the Devourer, a Precursor machine that could consume every form of energy on an entire world, primarily by harvesting their sun. The range of the machine however could be increased to consume more. The energy would be contained inside of the Devourer, and seemed to have an infinite storage. It needed the Corpus of Leadership to activate however. 

The Inheritor's constant study of his purpose in the Disciples led him to truly believe that he would one day rule the galaxy. It was a notion he did not initially accept, but after thinking about the possibilities, he was all for it. He began to see Nightfall as a close confidante, but did not reveal any of his intentions even to him. He did however, note that he would one day use Nightfall for his own personal gain. 

His pride and ego inflated as he acquired a new girlfriend, the Inheritor began losing sight of his goodness and instead started to embrace his darker side.

As Jaltavak joined the Desticrons, The Ruinous' plan was to build Devourers all across the Galaxy to harvest the energy of stars galaxywide, to kill off all enemy life, recharge the Progenitor's depleting power supply and bring a victory to the Desticrons. The Paragons and the Disciples would never let this happen. They brought an army of their own to Earth. One thousand Forerunner Warrior-Servants, backed by hundreds of thousands of Pilgrims and other soldiers to assist them in Ancient Earth Egypt (not Ancient Egypt). The battle was costly, and  seemed to never end, They did not expect The Ruinous to have so much power, and one by one they fell by his wretched hand. He had "expanded [his] consciousness—absorbed the mental mass of a hive intelligence seventy trillion strong, probed the neural functions of creatures that swim in unrefined thought..." Since last they met, he was "so much more" than they were. He was able to grab weapons from his stockpile through personal dimensional portals, and used therm to slay the troops standing against him, not one was able to lay a finger upon him. And when the Disciples stood against him, the Ruinous fought them all off and stopped them from coming anywhere close to harming him. No charge with a sword from Thora 'Marum could slice him, no Time Manipulation from Spectra could be weaponised against him, no spacial pressure from April could crush him, no mental attack from the Inheritor could drive him mad, no fossilising smite from Nightfall could keep him down, no burning gaze from Altazaak could disorient him, the Ruinous was all-powerful. The Paragons saw their Disciples being absolutely dominated by one of their own, and decided to take them out of combat with the tragic alien-Judas. The Paragons all drew their weapons on who they previously deemed good and honourable, the Ruinous only laughed, and one by one he murdered his brothers until there was only one Paragon left to oppose him- Prime-Warrior-of-Light. With one last desperate gamble, Prime-Warrior fled, and he and The Ruinous warped from location to location; The Ruinous thought this Paragon was merely stalling, but he was gravely mistaken. Prime was funnelling dimensional energy into his fallen brothers to revive them and give them the lifeforce they need to help him defeat the Ruinous. The Ruinous survived the resulting blast of energy, but he was severely weakened and his powers were diminished. The Corpus was stolen from him by the Paragons. 

The Ruinous was injured, with several staves keeping him from moving, he was brought before the leader of the Paragons, who, speaking on behalf of Prominus, banished him to an eternity inside an interdimensional prison which could only be accessed by way of his Sarcophagus. To hide the Corpus from getting into the wrong hands, the Paragons, save for Sands-of-Time and Last-Words-of-Eternal-Song gave their lives to seal away the Corpus inside a tomb made of their very own, weakened bodies, a tomb, nobody could find, and their souls would transcend and live on as cosmic beings in the process. 

The Disciples thought this was their biggest challenge, yet their challenges were just beginning.

Without most of the Paragons to guide them any longer, the Disciples bickered longer and harder than ever before, forcing Sands-of-Time and Last-Words-of-Eternal-Song to calm their arguments often. The leader of the Ecumene Optimal-Light-of-Infinite-Stars pledged his full loyalty to helping the Paragons keep the Disciples from splintering, and he did all he could to help their mission of restoring peace. 

By the time that the Allied Coalition had began the assault on Xavok, Nightfall began to question Spectra and April's relationship, stating there should be no romance in the group. He had also questioned Thora's leadership, and the Paragons' approach to peace. The Inheritor discovered he had plans on betrayal, and Nightfall offered him a place in his new vision, convinced that Nightfall was right, he seized the opportunity, and joined him. This incited the Disciple infighting conflict.

Thora, Spectra, April and Alltazaak all still allies, found what Nightfall was planning: The total oblivion of the living creatures that defied him, seeing Martial Law as the only way to save the galaxy. With the Inheritor at his right hand, the remaining Disciples had to fight their own allies. Nightfall broadcast to the Galaxy, telling them to obey him, or die. The Inheritor hunted down those in high places who refused. Their followers took the name: Vuzis, after Nightfall's real name- Agranam 'Vuzi. The Vuzis gained much support, as the Sangheili Commonwealth, Human Empire and Empire of Janjur Quom's people began to lose hope in their leaders, them too seeing Nightfall's vision as the only way to save the Galaxy. 

Great battles were fought between Vuzis and the newly formed Coalition, the Dark Alchemists, Flood and Prometheans. Nightfall managed to seize a large amount of Promethean supplies from the Didact, as well as access to his Composer. By this time, the AK-Series Assassination Drones had begun their rebellion against the Forerunner Ecumene and the Coalition, the purge of the Ecumene Council began and the government started to collapse. With the perfect weapon to instil fear and force servitude among the stars in his possession, and his most formidable foe in the Ecumene falling to shambles, Nightfall, with the Inheritor, boarded the majority of their allies on board the Composer, and took to the stars to complete their mission.

The final stand was at the Battle of Dafalmar, which would see the end of the Disciples and the encouragement of a vengeful evil. Altazaak and April battled the Inheritor, pinning him down and forcing him to surrender. Spectra and Thora took Nightfall head on, Nightfall kicking and tossing the Time Keeper aside, 'Marum was forced to jump in before he could rain down terror with the Composer. Sands-of-Time fought alongside Thora, and, knowing that this was the only way to one day restore absolute peace and utopia to the galaxy, the universe even one day, created a wormhole that would take the Disciples into the future. Last-Words-of-Eternal-Song questioned his action, but soon realised that it really was the only way. 

Thora and Nightfall battled relentlessly against each other. Nightfall downing the Fist of Justice more times than he could down the Master of War. But, as Sands-of-Time tackled Nightfall, forcing him to recover, 'Marum pulled Nightfall's own weapon away from him, aiming at the Master of War's right eye and firing at him, destroying his face and causing him to scream in pain. Thora then engaged in a fistfight that saw him kicking Nightfall into the wormhole, defeating him at last. The Inheritor saw how everything had crumbled before him, and swiftly escaped Altazaak, injuring him with his hand to hand combat skills. Spectra tried to stop him escaping, but the Inheritor was able to defeat him with ease. He saw his chances of winning now as very low, but realised that if he were to escape now, he could pull the strings just a little longer and then take the Mantle of Responsibility for himself. But before he could make his retreat, he was hit by a blow from April's Forge of Valiance-and-Soul, knocking him into the wormhole.

Sands-of-Time closed the wormhole, and the remaining Disciples reported to their remaining Paragons. Sands and Last-Song lamented that things had turned out this way, and told them that all hope, for the time being, was lost, and that they would need to be reincarnated one day to ever have hope again.

When tragedy at last ended the era of the Forerunners, Halo was activated. The Paragons bode one final farewell to their Disciples as they were swiftly destroyed. Thora, April and Spectra would be reborn however, as Last-Song used the coveted Scroll of Fate, writing down that Thora, April and Spectra must all be reincarnated and reborn in the 26th Century, all at different times, using Sands' determinate of when the best times would be. This became a Cosmological Certainty. However, Altazaak was given eternal longevity to ensure he could keep watch of the course of events in time so that Spectra, April and Thora would be reborn at the intended times. Sands implanted a genesong in all the ancestors of the three that would mean the three are given a genetic command to seek out certain futures in their lives.

The wormhole spat an enraged Inheritor out in 18th Century Spain, while he initially hadn't a clue what to do, he used his Mind Mask to learn about the current state of affairs. He learned that he would need to disguise himself among people, and so he used his abilities of shapeshifting given to him by the Forerunner Paragon Amalgamation-of-Knowledge-and-Innovation with the mimic gene to disguise his armour and his appearance. He chose the appearance of a tall man in his 30s with black hair, wearing a long black coat. The Inheritor was angered by the fact that if he had just watched from the front he could've had the Mantle of Responsibility by now. Thus, he began his quest to rebuild.

One day, the Inheritor would stumble upon a cult worshipping a being named 'Satan'. The Inheritor asked these 'Satanists' about their affiliations, but he was selected as a sacrifice. During a ritual, meant to summon Satan's attention, the Inheritor was in fact brought to the extradimensional realm of 'Hell', and before the throne of Satan. 

Satan, who claimed to be the King of Hell, spared the Inheritor Hell's burning intensity, and offered him a deal. The Inheritor asked what he could possibly offer him, and Satan replied "You were promised the Mantle of Responsibility. To inherit all that the Forerunners left behind. I am here to tell you that the Ecumene has collapsed, everything is ready for you to claim for yourself, with my help of course." The Inheritor smiled and asked the Devil to point him in the direction to Maethrillian, but Satan responded "But, I need you to do something for me first. I need you to become my new Earthly Agent. To meet with mortal beings, and take their souls, make them into my servants for my final return. Once you do all this for me, and I am ready to come back, you will have your Mantle. Do we have a deal?" The Inheritor pondered on this, but he soon shook hands with the Devil and was returned to his earthly form, with new powers. 

The Satanists sacrificing him noticed something about his body, it was heating up to far more extreme temperatures, and his body started burning with a purple/blue, ethereal flame, his body transformed into a fiery skeleton, and he killed the Satanists and freed himself from their grasp.

The Inheritor would spend the next few centuries building a tremendous power base for himself. He had captured several Essences of Vengeance, the original Hellriders and the angelic spirits from 'Heaven' who were essentially 'God's Black Ops Squad'. The Inheritor, who already had powers resembling that of these Essences of Vengeance, but with purple and blue Hellflame, learned how the Hellriders worked and was soon able to create his own Hellriders for his own benefit, as his agents. These Hellriders would become disgraced by the Heavenly Essences of Vengeance, though some would be accepted among their ranks once they proved their good-heartedness.

The Inheritor made deals with many mortals of many species universe-wide, amassing followers of Satan, Hellriders, agents and personal supporters to his side. The Inheritor soon achieved such high esteem with Satan that he became his right hand man, and the Prince of Hell. 

The Inheritor made many Hellriders, but the first one to outrun him was Preston Blade, a cowboy, one the Inheritor had never caught for a long time. 

In the modern day 26th century, the Inheritor joined ONI as an agent and consultant. Assigned to ONI Section III, 'Wilhem Roarke' kidnapped children for the Spartan-II and Spartan-III projects, one of which would be Jason Blyth, Spectra reincarnated. Interestingly, the project Blyth would be assigned to was named Project: Spectra (possibly part of Sands-of-Time's intervention?). Roarke would be one of the trainers of these special Spartan-IIIs. Satan revealed to the Inheritor the current status of his fellow Disciples, and he learned that Jason was Spectra and one of the other Spartans, April, was in fact, the Disciple April.

Roarke held one on one sessions with Jason and April often, trying to learn as much as possible about them for the day he would fight the two. When they were ready for active service alongside Anita Blyth and Paladius, Roarke was satisfied that he had manipulated their training for his own ends.

When ONI was disbanded following the Great Schism, Wilhem joined it's rebranded version of itself as a galactic syndicate as, again, an agent and consultant, but he revealed his true self as the Inheritor to its leadership. Charles Kaiser, the current ONI director made a deal with the Inheritor, promising him that if he used his power to usurp and undermine the UNSC leadership stationed on the colony world of Convention, they would supply the Inheritor with access to their most top secret research, which they guaranteed would allow him to perform his supposed 'Criminal Activities' more easily. Thinking that they would only have to give him an army to invade Convention, and once he had done that they would be able to incapacitate and mind control him with his own Mind Mask, ONI made him the offer which he could not turn down. However, the Inheritor himself only ever revealed that he was a criminal mastermind with 'special powers' who needed access to higher technology. He never revealed that he was in fact trying to take the whole galaxy for himself. He also did not reveal some of his more clandestine powers, which he was using to usurp ONI's leadership so he could one day have control over one of the most dangerous agencies in the galaxy. 

The Inheritor is now doing just that, manipulating, making deals, usurping and undermining the UNSC leadership on Convention. A small step towards victory yes but, a necessary one for certain. And soon, the galaxy will belong to him!


"I am the Inheritor of all they left behind."

"You play with the Wind - and use it to toss Toys at me? Pah! I'm not impressed!"

"My Inheritance shall not be stopped!"

"They tried, they failed."

"Your commander deceived you into thinking you could stop me."

"They tried to capture me...that was their end."

"Well, it's like I say if you can't beat them...turn them against each other."

Jason Blyth: "You seem familiar." The Inheritor: "My name's Wilhem Roarke, Jason." Jason: "Do I know you?" The Inheritor: "No, but I know you..."
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