dehani — Sorrelspots | HighClan | DOW (NO LONGER IN USE)

Published: 2015-03-06 01:35:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 7034; Favourites: 54; Downloads: 4
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Description 7.9.18 WEEPS I left DOW, so this boy and the rest of the fam (excluding precious Goosefeather) have officially disappeared from the DOW 'verse :c  I updated this as best as I could, though!
6.2.17 This update is so late,,,, I'm sORRY. @ bee YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO (she knows what I mean.) ALSO CAN YA'LL BELIEVE HERBSHIPPING/SO RIGHT INVENTED LOVE? I AM IN A STATE OF DISBELIEF. His song has been updated (bc apparently I can't ever keep it the same.) Thoughts and relationships on his fam also updated (still laughing about wasp tbh), and I feel like I've given up taking his history seriously LOL Though by the way, even for cats who just went missing and/or disappeared, they're crossed out bc Sorrel thinks they're as good as dead (isn't he so optimistic?) And one day I'll finish his personality...<_< I'm so lazy, ya'll

"I am made of bullets, shrapnel; you are solar flares and
 soft lips. Better creatures could love you, I know, but
now they'll have to get through me."

- My Love Should Wear A Warning Sign (e.j. )

Name: Sorrelkit || Sorrelpaw || Sorrelspots
Nicknames: Sorrel, Freckles, Boss, Relish, Soy
    Sorrel — Named after a herb, a nod to Splashleaf's former profession
    Spots — His patience and dedication; also references his ginger-spotted back
    Freckles — For the freckles on his face; anyone can call him this
    Soy — His name shortened; anyone can call him this
    Boss — Inside joke that's hilariously ironic (and has killed him inside, funny enough); Fennelroot's nickname only
    Relish — Inside joke that Carrot relishes the pain she brings him; Blossom's nickname only
Gender: Cis Male (He/Him/His)
Orientation: Biromantic Homosexual
Age: 35+ Moons
Theme: Angel by the Wings  by Sia ("You can, you can do anything, anything. You can do anything. Look up, call the sky; oh, look up and don't ask why.")
Voice: Killian Jones, played by Colin O'Donoghue on Once Upon A Time

Affiliation: HighClan
Bloodline: Kittypet (Shiningwing) x NightClan (Splashleaf)
Rank: Kit, Apprentice, Young Warrior, Warrior
Mentor: Waspgaze
Apprentice(s): FennelrootDustbunny

StarClan Belief: ★★★★☆
    "They haven't really let me down. I guess I understand now that it just was my dad's—and anyone else who has died—time to join Silverpelt."

Dark Forest Belief: ★★★★☆
    "I mean...I guess they exist??"

Short Description: Pale ginger tom dusted with darker ginger spots along his back and white markings
    Breed: Moggy (Splashleaf; American Curl, Domesticated Short-Hair) x Moggy (Shiningwing; Egyptian Mau)
    Height: A little shorter than average; he's taller than his mother but not as tall as his father
    Build: Average
    Pelt: Short-furred, with a wiry undercoat
    Eyes: Light blue
    Scent: Blue spruce and hay
    ‣ Along his shoulder where he slammed into a rock during the rockslide
    ‣ Pale scraps on his hindleg due to landing awkwardly for the reason as above

Notable Characteristics:
    ‣ Unusually long tail
    ‣ Knobby little elbows and ankles
    ‣ Made up of lean, lithe muscle
    ‣ Bits of pink on his paws and ankles
    ‣ Almost "circlish" face and muzzle
    ‣ Visible scar on shoulder and barely-visible scar on hindleg
    ‣ The "dusted" darker ginger-brown along his spine

Notable Conditions:
    ‣ N/A

Notable Genes: (not applicable to future kits!)
    ‣ Dominant blue eyes
    ‣ Dominant ginger pelt
    ‣ Dominant freckles
    ‣ Dominant chance of spots
    ‣ Dominant curled ears
    ‣ Recessive cobweb mutation
    ‣ Recessive docked tail
    ‣ Recessive kinked tail
    ‣ Recessive "pale purple" coloring

Alignment: Neutral Good (more info )
    ‣ A neutral good character typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. A neutral good character has no problems with cooperating with lawful officials, but does not feel beholden to them. In the event that doing the right thing requires the bending or breaking of rules, they do not suffer the same inner conflict that a lawful good character would.

MBTI: INFP — "The Mediator" (more info )
    ‣ Unlike their Extraverted cousins though, INFPs will focus their attention on just a few people, a single worthy cause – spread too thinly, they’ll run out of energy, and even become dejected and overwhelmed by all the bad in the world that they can’t fix. This is a sad sight for INFPs’ friends, who will come to depend on their rosy outlook. If they are not careful, INFPs can lose themselves in their quest for good and neglect the day-to-day upkeep that life demands. INFPs often drift into deep thought, enjoying contemplating the hypothetical and the philosophical more than any other personality type. Left unchecked, INFPs may start to lose touch, withdrawing into "hermit mode," and it can take a great deal of energy from their friends or partner to bring them back to the real world.

Fatal Flaw(s): Insecurity, Feared Lack of Self Worth
    ‣ This has been proven many, many times over in interactions with his closest friends. It might be the death of him one day, not believing that something he's done (even if he's completely capable of performing that task wonderfully) is good enough, if he's given an important enough job and fudges it up because of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Over the moons, however, he is beginning to regain the self-confidence he used to have back when he was a kit and apprentice. Still, he finds himself doubting his worth every now and then.

Trait Summary:
     Positive: Wholehearted - Sweet - Goofy - Protective
     Neutral: Patient - Dedicated (Obsessive) - Beneficial - Indecisive
     Negative: Immature - Selfish - Insecure - Self Reproachful

    Wholehearted — "With unconditional and enthusiastic devotion."
    Sweet — "Having a kind personality, befitting an angel or cherub."
    Goofy — "Ludicrous, or foolish."
    Protective — "Showing care; solicitously caring or mindful."

    Patient — "Enduring trying circumstances with an even temper or characterized by such endurance."
    Dedicated (or Obsessive) — "An irrational characterization motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions, even against your will; an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone."
    Beneficial — "Promoting or enhancing one's own well-being, sometimes at the expense of or above others."
    Indecisive — "Characterized by a lack of decision and firmness."

    Immature — "Characteristic of a lack of maturity; not yet adult."
    Selfish — "Concerned chiefly or only with one's self and one's advantage to the exclusion of others."
    Insecure — "Lacking self-confidence or assurance in one's self."
    Self-Reproachful — "The act or an instance of charging oneself with a fault or mistake."

    ✔ Make it through kithood with a friend
    ✔ Become an apprentice
    ✘ Pass his warrior assessment on the first try (FAILED; did not pass) 
    ✔ Receive his full warrior name
    ✔ Become a mentor (COMPLETED; 2x)
    ✔ Have his apprentice graduate as a warrior (COMPLETED; 2x)
    ✔ Befriend at least 3 other cats that are not his littermates or older siblings
    ☐ Approve one of Pollencloud's suitors...not happening but ok we can dream
    ✘ Ensure his younger siblings make it to warriorhood (FAILED; Sunpaw died, Wingpaw and Brightkit are missing)
    ☐ Overcome his bad fear of thunderstorms
    ✔ Nut up and confess to Fennelroot 
    ✔ Raise a family one day (COMPLETED)
    ☐ When he dies, to do so honorably, such as on the battlefield in a just fight or protecting someone

    ‣ Quick-witted and never shuts his mouth; this can throw off cats when he's taunting them unrelentingly, even after being knocked down
    ‣ Swift on his paws
    ‣ Has the strength to basically be a nag, so tires cats down by darting in and out of striking range relentlessly, since he's swift on his paws
    ‣ Pretty adaptive toward various situations concerning the battlefield and off
    ‣ Good stamina allows him endure longer than some cats
    ‣ Will almost always follow orders, and follows them down to the letter (as long as he believes the cat giving them knows what they're doing)
    ‣ Claws are exceptionally sharp (hones them on trees and stone once or twice a half-moon to make sure they don't get dull from all the trekking HighClan cats do)
    ‣ Has no problems with heights, and genuinely enjoys climbing the highest peaks, trees, mountains, etc.

    ‣ No body mass to speak of, so easily knocked over, but can take a few hits before going down
    ‣ Does not how to read cats in battle (relies purely on his own instinct and quick paws, not by reading what the other cat is about to do)
    ‣ His nose is a dud, so tracking is not his foray
    ‣ Is not very good at coming up with tactics
    ‣ Does not have the proper strength to keep someone pinned down
    ‣ Sense of direction is off
    ‣ Does not do well in unusually cold conditions in the long term (his fur is too thin/not much protection against the more rough elements)
    ‣ His old (psychosomatic) shoulder wound, which acts up sometimes

    ‣ Hunting for the Clan
    ‣ Climbing for fun, or building up his endurance
    ‣ Snowy days (as long as it doesn't stick around 5ever)
    ‣ Chilling with Fennelroot
    ‣ Chilling with Carrotblossom
    ‣ Sharing tongues with Pollencloud
    ‣ Running through the forest with Polly, Fen, and Carrie
    ‣ Races of any kind
    ‣ Sleeping
    ‣ Being loud about his opinions
    ‣ Playing in leaf piles (has no qualms about acting like a kit)
    ‣ Mock battles with his denmates
    ‣ Play-wrestling with his kits

    ‣ Most top dog authority (feels they've become untrustworthy, considering the Talon, Deep, Burning, Owl, Faint, Rook, Black thing like wtf)
    ‣ Being compared to Shiningwing (thinks being compared has bad implications to his own character)
    ‣ Extremely hot days bc wtf
    ‣ Being ill/stuck in the medicine cat den
    ‣ Twolegs and anything to do with them
    ‣ Thunderstorms
    ‣ Someone he loves being angry and/or disappointed with him
    ‣ The fact that so much of his family is in StarClan or missing
    ‣ When his kits do something foolish that could put them in danger

    ‣ Thunderstorms
    ‣ Thunderstorms
    ‣ Thunderstorms
    ‣ Lightning
    ‣ Thunder
    ‣ Loud rumbling noises
    ‣ All of his family dying
    ‣ Wolves
    ‣ Letting down his kits (he loves them, but omg he has so many lil lives in his paws, ya'll; the dude is STRESSED)
    ‣ Letting down anyone in his family (Carrie, Fen, Polly, etc.)
    ‣ Aforementioned family dying because he couldn't protect them

Top Favorites: 
    Prey: Rabbit (especially baby rabbit...delish!!)
    Cat: Fennelroot, no doubt, man...Polly, Carrie, and his kits are all very close second
    Season: Leaf-bare (he likes the snow...noT THE COLD WEATHER THAT COMES WITH IT)
    Color: Green
    Time of Day: Moonhigh (can look at the stars and imagine his family up there)
    Activity: Sunbathing or sharing tongues with his family
    Scent: A mishmash of his kits' various scents!
    Place: Any tall tree he can climb, tbh

Least Favorites: 
    Prey: Fish ("it tastes like death. wtf is wrong with those seaclanners")
    Cat: Gingerblaze (+ any cat that's ever looked at his sister, Pollencloud, bc fuck that noise, my guy)
    Season: Greenleaf ("it's too fRIGGEN HOT. IT'S LIKE I'M IN HELL.")
    Color: Blood-red
    Time of Day: Moonhigh (looking at the stars also makes him sad, seeing as most of his fam are in Silverpelt)
    Activity: Being forced to patrol out in the rain ("IT FEELS LIKE PUNISHMENT AND DEATH")
    Scent: The iron-tang of blood
    Place: The warriors' den (it's so crowded these days; he has to basically be an acrobat to get out without stepping on someone's tail or ear or muzzle)

Speech Habits:
    ‣ Tends to stammer a lot whenever Fen's around, bc he's a dork
    ‣ His words become somewhat more formal around cats outside his Clan
    ‣ The dad jokes are eNDLESS LIKE THOSE POOR KITS OF HIS
    ‣ If his kits ask him for permission for something, he automatically says, "Go ask your father," and Fen does the same, so the poor kits end up in an endless loop

Father: Shiningwing
Mother: Splashleaf
Littermates: Laurelfrost , Ivyleap , PollencloudNightpaw
Older Siblings: Scorchfrost , Faintstar , Emberwing , Burningdust
Half-Siblings: Poppybriar, DaydreamerWaspgaze , Owlstar
Younger Siblings: Brightkit , Sunkit , WingpawDustbunny

Current Crush: Fen  ; v ;
Former Crush(s): Melodykit (kithood crush), Coal
Mate: Fennelroot  //squints, ear tips going red// Yeah, man. Dat handsome Fen guy <3
Offspring: ShrikefrostLarkspurRyeflowerGoosefeatherJuniperclaw

 = Kin by Default ||  = Kin by Choice
 = No Contact ||  = Acquaintance
 = Curiosity ||  = Suspicion
 = Dislike ||  = Hate
 = Likes ||  = Love (Platonic)
 = Uncertain ||  = Misses
 = Friend ||  = Best Friend
 = Respect ||  = Idolize
 = Infatuation (Unrealized) ||  = Crush
 = Love (Romantic) ||  = Mate
Strikethrough = Deceased

I've accepted that he's gone. There was nothing anybody could do for him, and I know that now. It wasn't any cat's fault for what happened. He wasn't a stand-up cat, which I didn't understand for a long time...he was also kinda bad about the whole parenting thing, and he certainly wasn't someone you want to strive to become, but he did his best by us. I want to be better for my kits than he did with us.

Until recently I hadn't realized that things with my mother...I mean...she tried her best??? She was a good mother. She just up and vanished one day, and that definitely hurts, don't get me wrong. If she's dead, I hope she made it to StarClan safely.

I loved Ivyleap, even though she was a bit finicky at times (or all the time.) She used to sort of flutter from one thing to the next, depending on who or what captured her attention; the only thing that always remained stable with her was family, but she was one of my closest friends and confidantes. Laurelfrost and I never bonded all that well, and while she wasn't the bravest cat, she had seemed to become more sure of herself in the last few moons she last seen. Nightpaw disappeared way before, back when we were all apprentices. One day he was there, and the next he was gone. I hope they're okay.

I can't believe she's gone...

Yeaaahh...remember how I said I'd keep an eye on Burningdust's kits and mate now that he's gone? Um...that didn't work out. Like...his whole line is sort of...dead. Granted, I didn't owe him anything, since we never even spoke, but still. As for Scorchfrost and Emberwing...I was never close to them, so...then Owlstar disappeared around the same time as Nightpaw. It's so strange. In Faintstar's case, I had hoped that he would be the last leader we had for a while, 'cause this going back and forth nonsense was getting ridiculous. Then he decided to stay behind at the Rosenest! Seriously??

HE LOST A FRIGGEN EYE AND, LIKE, HALF HIS EAR? FROM FALLING DOWN A MOUNTAIN. DID I STUTTER? YOU HEARD ME. A MOUNTAIN. The guy already had a kinked tail! Stop beating him up, StarClan, jeez!! And I didn't even find out until way later??

Wingpaw and Brightkit disappeared, and Sunkit's dead. Sunkit and Brightkit got so ill...

Not only is he younger brother, but he was my apprentice! I'm so proud of him.

Things didn't work out as well as I had hoped for him.

//SWEATS// It feels like everything we've been through was just a dream or something, and now we're mates?? I never thought he'd feel the same way as me, and yet, here we are. I feel like I'm going to wake up at any moment and someone's gonna tell me that I've been sleeping. I've always felt strong with him, like we can get through anything we set our minds to. Now we're raising kits! Can you believe that?? I'm still in a state of disbelief! We're so domestic now...I've never been so ridiculously happy in my life. I love him so much.

|| | BLACKSTAR | ???
She changed her name around the same time that Fennelroot did, and she's Blackhawk (...er...Blackstar) now; it's so weird that we've grown apart so much, so she isn't the little Sharpkit, then Sharppaw, that I knew. I'd like to go hunting with her sometime and maybe clear the air for whatever reason? I don't know what happened to us, and I don't know how she'd feel about me asking her to hang out...she's leader now, though, so I hope she's all right and isn't too stressed.

| | COAL | ???
I haven't seen him since we met in the clearing several moons ago. He's kind of why Fen and I fought, but it's not as though it was really his fault. I need to check up on him again to be sure he's okay...I'm not even sure he made the journey with us.

Don't even get me started on this...this vixen. She's a mastermind! I swear, it's like she just knows thing. It's only thanks to her that Fen and I got together at all. She's given us an amazing chance to be parents, and I honestly can't thank her enough for that. Because of her, I have my sons and daughters. She's incredible -- a goddess among mortals. These kits have the best aunt anyone could ever ask for.

He came back! I honestly couldn't believe my eyes.

I suppose he and Polly are a thing now?? I can't really tell. At least he had the decency to introduce himself to me, unlike other cats I could mention (coughGingercough), so I suppose he's got some sliver of manners somewhere in him...somewhere deep...like, maybe his small toe. Okay, let's be real: he's awful. I really need to have a talk with Polly about her standards, because yikes...

They're warriors now, but in my eyes, they'll always be the kits that we rescued from that awful place. I'm so proud of how far they've come and what they've accomplished.

By the grace of StarClan, I swear that my sons are the greatest, most caring cats in the world! Their antics never fail to cheer me up, and sometimes I wonder if Larkspur is Fen reborn. I mean, I have to call him Fen Jr.! Thank StarClan none of them seem too much like me. Juniperclaw takes after Fen, too, and how deadpanned he can be, but you can obviously tell that he cares. Goosefeather's an amazing brother, and always helping his siblings whenever they need him. He and Larkspur have that in common, though all three of them are close with their sisters. They're warriors now, and I still struggle with not hovering...Blossom keeps saying that Fen and I have to let our sons and daughters mistakes and bumbles, but I just wanna smooth their paths of any thorns.

My beautiful, wonderful daughters are more than I could have ever hoped for. Ryeflower is a force to be reckoned with (I really worry about her...she's way too much like myself and Blossom, and that stresses me out so much), while Shrikefrost is so gentle and adorable. She's my sweet baby girl; she's much more careful than Ryeflower, or any of her siblings, really. I want to give both of them the world. I love that they're so close with their brothers, and seem to have a great bond with each other, too.  I'm also a bit too quick to react whenever I think they've been hurt, so it's a good thing Fen is somewhat more laid back (read: not much, but he's better at hiding it than me.) I might be overprotective, but only 'cause I care!

    Kithood, 1-6 Moons || March 10th, 2015
- Born to Splashleaf and Shiningwing
- Is the oldest tom in their second litter
- Has four littermates: Ivykit, Laurelkit, Pollenkit, and Nightkit
- Met Waspgaze, his older half-brother, as well as Crashkit, Carrotkit, and a couple other kits
- "Hunted" monsters with Crashkit, who was from the illegal litter between a medicine cat and Clanmate
- Grew infatuated with Melodykit, one of Crashkit's twin sisters, who teased him mercilessly

    Apprenticeship, 6-12 Moons || July 10th, 2015
- Became an apprentice alongside his littermates
- Given to Waspgaze as his half-brother's first apprentice
- Melodykit died suddenly, and he grieved heavily for her
- Got lost in NightClan territory when venturing outside HighClan territory and Marblepaw had to help him back home
- Talonstar died due to an incident on the mountain, partially because of Shiningwing; Deepsea became leader
- Befriended Sharpkit, one of his Clanmates, and helped her get back at her mean siblings by pranking them
- Taught Flightkit, Sharpkit's brother, to groom himself and spoke with him, becoming friends
- Burningdust, his older full brother, became Burningstar when Deepstar died of very unusual circumstances
- The Clan was told about a prophecy that spoke of wolves coming to attack them
- Was set on the lower mountain patrol to cause a rockslide to block the tunnels so that the wolves couldn't get through
- Injured his shoulder and leg on the patrol and had to be rescued by Shiningwing out of a cavern
- Sent back to the group of queens and kits who ran away to avoid the wolves near the top of the mountain
- Learned that Ivypaw was injured on her patrol, too, and panicked
- Burningstar stepped down as leader for his mate, Cherrybloom, and Owlmoon took his place
- Was instructed to stay in the medicine cat den to heal, and his leg was put in a bind
- While stuck in the medicine cat den and feeling miserable, met Clarkpaw, who he has a weird thing with
- Owlstar became leader of the Clan, naming Fainthope his deputy; Sorrelpaw sort of disapproved
- Feeling useless, he snapped at Sharpkit and quarreled with her when she came to visit him; she stormed off
- Hung out with Ivypaw and Crashpaw, and Ivypaw wove flowers into their pelts
- Made an effort to reconcile with Sharpkit after their quarrel
- Flightkit checked up on him in the medicine cat den
- Tried to learn about herbs with Ivypaw and Crashpaw while in the medicine cat den
- Faithkit came to the medicine cat den searching for Fleetingbite, and he hung out with her briefly
- Met Nettlekit soon afterward and she offended him initially by being nosy about his wound
- Had a panic attack during the night that Flightkit had to calm him down from; broke down finally
- Was released from the medicine cat den
- Given an early warrior assessment from Waspgaze, but failed due to his (psychosomatic) wound
- Had a talk with Ivypaw about her also not becoming a warrior, and they tried to cheer each other up
- Took Flightkit just outside of camp so he could show him the territory from a ledge by the camp

    Young Warrior, 12+ Moons || December 20th, 2015
- Became a warrior early by Owlstar, to his surprise, and named Sorrelspots
- Sat for his warrior vigil alongside his siblings with little to no issues
- Owlstar disappeared with Fainthope a little while later; Fainthope returned as Faintstar
- There was an accident during a rockslide, and Burningdust and Shiningwing were caught in it
- Was there to see Shiningwing die, joining their warrior ancestors, and became bitter at StarClan
- Heard his mother was expecting her third litter of kits
- Named mentor of Flightpaw when his friend reached six moons
- His younger siblings (Dustkit, Wingkit, and Sunkit) were born
- Very quickly realized his apprentice was unhealthily attached to training
- Helped Carrotblossom when she broke down in front of him about her relationship with Crashsong
- Got ill due to staying out in all bad types of weather because Flightpaw wanted to train; had to stay in the medicine cat den
- Flightpaw brought him flowers in the medicine cat den
- Sneezed on aforementioned flowers, and so Flightpaw went to get some more for him
- The Clans became aware of strange noises across the lake
- Finally left the medicine cat den (FOR HOPEFULLY THE LAST TIME EVER BC SRSLY)
- Started neglecting training with Flightpaw due to personal reasons he's a jackass
- Met a few of the other HighClan cats, including Boneclaw
- Flightpaw caught him meeting with Coal about the increased border patrols and they had a falling out
- Spoke with Flightpaw to figure things out, and then Flightpaw told him they couldn't be friends
- Flightpaw then had a breakdown and Sorrel (of course) freaked, then tried to calm him down, bc wtf, Flight
- The threats from the Twolegs had LightningClan and part of LeafClan residing in the HighClan camp
- He and Flightpaw made up and had their last training session together, during which Sorrel freaked, bc dude Flight is handsome af
- Sat to watch Flightpaw's warrior ceremony, and was caught off guard when Flightpaw was named Fennelroot like dat boi is hot
- Tasked to be put on one of the warrior patrols to help Screepaw, the medicine cat apprentice, restock herbs

    Warrior, 20+ Moons || November 1st, 2016
- Found out that Splashleaf, Brightkit, and Wingpaw had disappeared, and that Sunkit was dead
- Grieved for his mother and two younger siblings
- Discovered that Waspgaze had had an incident and lost his eye, resulting in him moving to the elders' den
- Spoke with his sister's current crush-mate-guy-cat-whatever, Charredoak, but ugh like screw that guy tbh
- Decided to grow some courage and asked Rookfeather if he could court Fennelroot
- Was pleasantly surprised when Rookfeather was like "lmao ur business but sure, my guy, go ahead. be good to him, son"
- Placed on patrol with Fennelroot and Carrotblossom one evening...Blossom left bc wHY
- Unfortunately got stuck in a cave with Fennelroot during a bad thunderstorm
- While there, Fennelroot confessed how he felt; Sorrelspots was overcome with feelios
- Promptly admitted how he felt, too, SO EXCHANGES OF LOVE WERE MADE AT LAST OMG I'M SHOOK
- Became mates with Fennelroot, and was too lovestruck to care when Blossom found out and was like "lmao told u fools"
- The Clancats all met and were told by StarClan that destruction was coming from the Twolegs and they had to leave
- Was able to see Shiningwing and the rest of his deceased family but holy crap everybody's dead why is all his fam dead
- It was announced out that several young cats had been contacted about where to go bc apparently that's how StarClan rolls?? @ starclan why
- (Lowkey was still high on love so lbr: he didn't care then and doesn't care now bc he's got the guy. he kissed the guy!!)
- His youngest (and only present) sibling, Dustkit, was made an apprentice and was assigned to him like omg this one might survive ya'll???
- Had a conversation with Blossom, where she offered to be a surrogate if he wanted kits with Fennelroot
- The Clans began their journey; on the way there, they came upon a kitten mill, and a couple of their cats were captured
- After rescuing the captured Clancats, several more of the cats from the mill joined the Clans, and he was amazed at how terrible Twolegs were lolol
- Blossom adopted two kittens from the mill, whose mother decided to stay behind at the Rosenest and their father joined StoneClan
- One quiet night, he and Fennelroot decided to take Blossom up on her offer to be a surrogate for their litter??? IT'S HAPPENING, GUISE
- Blossom visited a medicine cat, and found out that she was pregnant!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE SORREL'S GONNA BE A DAD. WHO GAVE HIM PERMISSION
- Evolved into Dad Mode™ and not really joking basically practiced his dad skills on Blossom's adopted kits
- (Poor Blite and Flight are kinda smothered with love by him, and he frets over them like a mama bear...still, they don't seem to mind, so it's ok)
- Was out on a hunting patrol when he received news that Blossom had gone into labor
- Cue Sorrel literally working himself up into a panic attack...like, someone help him, pls
- Acted like a typical father in the waiting room of a hospital while he and Fennel impatiently sat there for news of how the birthing went
- They were finally retrieved so they could see their kits; Blossom's birthing had no complications
- Sorrel didn't cry, ya'll, when he first caught sight of his and Fennel's kits. His eyes went for a swim, that's all...he just sweated from his eyes 'cause the den was hot
- He and Fennel went with the usual plant-related or bird-based names, as was tradition in their families: Shrikekit, Goosekit, Ryekit, Juniperkit, and Larkkit
- Promptly (and somewhat aggressively) took to fatherhood, and has taken an evolution into Worrying Father of Five™
- Ran into his sister and they caught up with one another; he reassured her that he would take her to meet his kits soon
- Fortunately, Pollencloud calmed him down when he (once again :'D) expressed worry that cats outside HighClan might hurt his litter
- Things went on as per normal, with the moons passing quickly bc wow time does that
- The Clans reached their new homes, which was p cool!
- HighClan established itself, and one morning, he met Wispflake, who's a sweetheart, tbh :')
- He received news that Pollencloud disappeared and honestly what the hell who even knows what to do at this point?? not sorrel, that's who
- BUT THEN his nieces, Blitekit and Flightkit, became apprentices, which helped him forget the bad stuff
- Then So Right kits became apprentices, too! More exciting stuff to forget the bad shenanigans
- Began quickly and happily cheering his kits on (including Blite and Flight) whenever they did literally anything in their training, bc he's a lame soccer dad now
- Blitepaw and Flightpaw became warriors, and were named Bliteberry and Flightless!! Bless
- He and Fen are as in love as ever, and so friggen happy guys like it's both ridiculous and wonderful

    Disappearance, 35+ Moons || June 23, 2018
- Disappeared with Fennelroot, their kits (excluding Goosefeather), as well as Carrotblossom and his nieces :c

TRIVIA    ‣ Human!AU, his name is Soren, and he's dating human!Fennel, Flaithrí
    ‣ Hogwarts!AU, he's in Slytherin. He's a half-blood with a witch mum and Muggle father
    ‣ He didn't really expect the name that he got. He thought it'd be something like Sorrelwing or Sorrelfrost or Sorrelclaw, but he likes the one Owlstar chose
    ‣ Is 100% done with all these leader changes in HighClan. What the actual heck, ya'll
    ‣ Due to his long tail, his balance has always been exceptionally good, and he loves heights. Obsessed with them, tbh
    ‣ Huge troublemaker as a kit, but grew out of it (...to some degree)
    ‣ Will never approve of any of Pollencloud's suitors. Ever. He has ridiculous hoops they'd have to jump through to get his approval
    ‣ At this point, he hardly reacts when finding out a family member is dead or missing. Not sure if he's numb or has "gotten used to it," as sad as that sounds. Neither option sounds good :c
    ‣ He still gets phantom, psychosomatic pain from the injured shoulder that landed him in the medicine cat den during the rockslide. It acts up during cold weather especially (bc he "imagines" it'd hurt more during this time, therefore it does)
    ‣ To date, he's had at least 3x panic attacks. Two of them were witnessed by Fennelroot; one was down in that cavern he fell into during the rockslide
    ‣ Primary Disney character counterpart is Simba from The Lion King
    ‣ Secondary Disney character counterpart is Todd from The Fox and the Hound Fennel is Copper
    ‣ The moment that his kits were weaned, he took over Blossom's nest in the nursery
    ‣ His oldest, Lark, sometimes calls him 'Mama Sorrel' and Sorrel always gigglesnorts when he hears it...he can't help it. It's so cute! Anyone else besides his kits calling him that gets a death glare, though (including Fen, who Sorrel has glared and hissed at more than once when he said it)
    ‣ For quite some time after the kits were born, he and Fen didn't allow anyone except Carrie and their nieces near...they literally growled and snarled at anyone else getting within a fox-length of the nest
    ‣ When his kits were younger, he would instinctively bare his teeth and bristle at anyone (except Carrie, Blite, and Flight) getting close to the kits, as does Fen; they've obviously calmed down...they sorta had no choice, considering their kits are warriors now!

Character © Me
Art © the perf bridgenose
Code © Me (pls ask to use and not just take it and/or adjust as your own!)

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Comments: 314

dehani In reply to ??? [2018-07-28 16:31:46 +0000 UTC]

don't you dARE CRY IN THE CLUB

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XuJames [2017-12-03 05:46:19 +0000 UTC]

I kinda want to see Sorrel asking Rookfeather if he could court Fen xD
(unless there already is something and I'm missing it, then sorri)

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dehani In reply to XuJames [2018-01-31 22:26:56 +0000 UTC]

AHA I actually wrote it forever ago! :') It wasn't uploaded, but here you go, fam

a courting for the agesThere was a roaring in Sorrelspots's ears. He stalked back and forth in front of the nursery, pelt bristling, tail lashing from side to side with anxiety. He continually glanced over at the entrance to the nursery, trying not to look as nervous as he felt. He was half-hoping to see the cat that he'd been waiting for all morning to appear, half-dreading it, and still all parts extremely tempted to make a run for it.
There! A tall familiar silver tabby was stepping out of the nursery, sweeping his tail around himself to avoid whacking it against the nursery entrance.
Sorrelspots rushed over before he could stop himself, almost tripping over his paws. It had been a long time since he had felt intimated by anyone, and it wasn't as though he were a young, newly-named warrior or anything. But for what he was about to do--
"Sir?" he blurted out. Now or nothing. "May I speak with you?"
The cat stopped short and stared at Sorrelspots in clear surprise. Sorrelspots waited tensely for

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XuJames In reply to dehani [2018-02-03 00:57:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much!
(so much cute fluff!!! >v<)

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dehani In reply to XuJames [2018-02-03 21:21:11 +0000 UTC]

All the fluff!!!!! >////< Rook and Sorrel had a good father-in-law/son-in-law relationship. Sorrel genuinely grieved when he heard about Rook's incident. Amber and I are actually rping Sorrel and Wisp, and they seem to get along pretty well! He is also (of course) friends with Black, from back when they were all much younger. Sorrel loves Fennel's family, 'cause pretty much all of his are deceased except his half-brother (MAY WASP LIVE 5EVER) and half-sister, who he's never spoken to OTL So he adores his family-in-laws!

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XuJames In reply to dehani [2018-02-06 15:00:30 +0000 UTC]

Aw Dat's always good! (Rip sorrel's family)

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dehani In reply to XuJames [2018-02-07 13:47:11 +0000 UTC]

(Also, I actually remembered that only one of his younger siblings, Dustbunny, is alive LMAO)

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XuJames In reply to dehani [2018-02-08 06:22:09 +0000 UTC]

(Dat's better than nobody right? xD)

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dehani In reply to XuJames [2018-06-21 15:37:04 +0000 UTC]

(tbh, he's not too fussed about it, though, considering he's made his own family of friends, as well as has a mate and kits <3)

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Hvneybun [2017-10-20 21:01:10 +0000 UTC]

"For quite some time after the kits were born, he and Fen didn't allow anyone except Carrie and their nieces near...they literally growled and snarled at anyone else getting within a fox-length of the nest."

Goose: I love that you're trying to protect us, Papa, but this may be a little too much! //giggle

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dehani In reply to Hvneybun [2017-11-02 21:06:44 +0000 UTC]

Sorrel: //aggressively loves his kids// NOBODY IS ALLOWED NEAR THE CHILDREN. EVER. EVEN AS APPRENTICES. //shoves his kits @ Fen so he can hold onto them while Sorrel floofs out his fur and growls at everyone// B)

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Hvneybun In reply to dehani [2017-11-05 00:03:11 +0000 UTC]

Goose: //snuggles with Daddy Fen, while giggling at his Papa//

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dehani In reply to Hvneybun [2017-11-06 15:17:37 +0000 UTC]

Gosh Goose is the cutest cutie pie to ever cute. He makes me so happy. He and Sorrel need to totes mcgoats chat so that Sorrel can hug him and tell him how proud he is

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Hvneybun In reply to dehani [2017-11-07 01:06:46 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad he makes you happy! Also, we absolutely need a Papa/Goose chat asap

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dehani In reply to Hvneybun [2018-02-07 13:53:52 +0000 UTC]

WE DO <3 D'you have telegram? B)

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Hvneybun In reply to dehani [2018-04-04 17:17:41 +0000 UTC]


I've had issues that are just now simmering down, and I'm trying to get back in the swing of things! ;v;

also, whats telegram?

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sheldrakes [2017-09-27 05:37:15 +0000 UTC]

half of me wants to throw wisp at her adopted son in law tiny mom needs to officially meet sunshine boy

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dehani In reply to sheldrakes [2017-10-11 11:51:22 +0000 UTC]


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sheldrakes In reply to dehani [2017-10-11 11:57:12 +0000 UTC]

!!!!!! SUNSHINE BOY! ABSOLUTELY!!! She's been super curious about this spot boy for a while now. Wouuuld you like me to send a little starterooni note your way? :3c

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dehani In reply to sheldrakes [2017-10-11 13:34:22 +0000 UTC]



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Sage-2018 [2017-07-14 22:29:32 +0000 UTC]

shy: //offers a flower with a smile

;; v;;

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dehani In reply to Sage-2018 [2017-07-15 00:36:08 +0000 UTC]

Sorrel: //gasps softly with tears in his eyes bc his daughter is so friggen CUTE//

YES PLS!!!!!!! Where d'you wanna rp 'em? :')

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Sage-2018 In reply to dehani [2017-07-15 00:55:47 +0000 UTC]

Shy: //giggling, climbs up and places the flower on head before falling against his chest

ANYWHERETBHUMM im dying to rp the quiet babe

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dehani In reply to Sage-2018 [2017-07-16 21:08:09 +0000 UTC]

Sorrel: //vows to always keep the flower on his head until the end of time// :') //SNOOGLES HIS BABY GIRL//


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Sage-2018 In reply to dehani [2017-07-16 22:10:25 +0000 UTC]

sorrel please you know it will never stay there XDD

sure!!!! <333

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Miukitty [2017-06-13 02:48:00 +0000 UTC]

juni: papa papa papa paPAPA pa pp pap pap apap papappapa pa

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dehani In reply to Miukitty [2017-06-13 13:18:40 +0000 UTC]

Sorrel: SON. //aggressively snoogles and hisses at anyone getting too close// :')

lowkey can imagine Sorrel humming Dear Theodosia to his kits, with Burr's part for his daughters and Alexander's part for his sons LOL
totally singing to lark: when you smile, I am undone, my son. look at my ssoonnn. pride is not the word i'm looking for; there is so much more inside me now.
then juni: you outshine the morning sun, my son. when you smile, i fall apart, and i thought i was so smart

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Miukitty In reply to dehani [2017-06-16 21:15:56 +0000 UTC]

Juni: oof //flails//

oK but my heart wasn't prepared for this beautiful and pure image?? i'm screaming, sorrel is too pure, he must be protected

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suicunetobigaara [2017-06-03 05:47:50 +0000 UTC]

He will make a great father

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dehani In reply to suicunetobigaara [2017-06-03 21:36:16 +0000 UTC]

Sorrelspots: I'm doing my best, but these kits are giving me gray hairs

Srsly, he's already had to scold Ryekit for nearly climbing a tree and dYING (and what's she gonna do now? GO BACK AND TRY TO CLIMB AGAIN, OF COURSE)

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suicunetobigaara In reply to dehani [2017-06-06 05:40:03 +0000 UTC]

It's hard work being a parent, but I think Sorrel will be awesome. Rye is in good paws, and at least he is ready to catch her if she falls out of a tree?

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dehani In reply to suicunetobigaara [2017-06-06 08:56:18 +0000 UTC]

I mean, then there's the concern of how truly ridiculous she is, and what she does when she knows he isn't around, if you put it side-by-side with what she does when she's aware he's within earshot LOL

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suicunetobigaara In reply to dehani [2017-06-06 12:43:51 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, Rye sounds amazing though? I love her already.

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jackdawjay [2017-06-03 05:26:44 +0000 UTC]

"HE LOST A FRIGGEN EYE AND, LIKE, HALF HIS EAR? FROM FALLING DOWN A MOUNTAIN. DID I STUTTER? YOU HEARD ME. A MOUNTAIN. WHAT THE HELL. The guy already had a kinked tail! Stop beating him up, StarClan, jeez!! And I didn't even find out until way later??"

he was just rolling in the deep dude stop kinkshaming

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dehani In reply to jackdawjay [2017-06-03 21:38:15 +0000 UTC]


I find it kinda funny that when Fen asked to court Wasp, he totally didn't mention to Sorrel later, "Oh yeah and I went to see your half-bro about us dating. He's, like, in the elders' den" LOL

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jackdawjay In reply to dehani [2017-07-06 03:03:33 +0000 UTC]


fen's honestly the best and also the worst i swea r. wasp was just like under the assumption that sorrel knew so it's like "oh okay so i guess this means i dont have to tell him myself score"

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Hvneybun [2017-06-03 01:34:22 +0000 UTC]

Goosekit: //HONKS PAPA

also sobs bc I love him so much <3

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dehani In reply to Hvneybun [2017-06-03 21:38:52 +0000 UTC]

Sorrel: //bundles his son into a moss nest to make sure no harm ever comes to him, like, ever// <3333

Goose's tendency to honk at everything, including his father, honestly gives me life LOL AND SORREL LOVES YOU, TOO

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Hvneybun In reply to dehani [2017-06-03 21:48:02 +0000 UTC]

Goose: //Cuddles Papa lovingly// <3


also //smooches sorrel// ;v;

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viovinn [2017-03-03 08:33:33 +0000 UTC]

holds him b/c i love him and distantly sobs because i do

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dehani In reply to viovinn [2017-03-04 13:25:46 +0000 UTC]

//allows you to hold him// weeps
I need to update him. He misses his sis ; v ; <3

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M1LK-CH3RRY [2017-02-15 00:16:35 +0000 UTC]

hello dearest associate, would you possible like to rrrpppppp B)?

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dehani In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2017-02-23 14:25:43 +0000 UTC]

But yes! I would love to, if you're still free >////< I need this bab to meet your Harrierbae

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to dehani [2017-02-24 02:57:31 +0000 UTC]

so how do you want to do it? comments, skype, etc. etc.? who begins?

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dehani In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2017-03-01 15:58:09 +0000 UTC]

OHH will notes work for you? And I can begin, if you'd like? B)

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to dehani [2017-03-02 02:53:16 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry, notes don't work for me |D I lose them immediately, my friend.

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dehani In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2017-03-02 08:21:52 +0000 UTC]

LOL that's fine, lovely! What about skype? Or FB messenger?

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to dehani [2017-03-03 03:55:43 +0000 UTC]

I can do skype o0o )!!
My skype is cherrybungalo !

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dehani In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2017-06-03 21:23:04 +0000 UTC]

I just realized,,,, I never added you on skype WEEPS IM SO LAME IM SORRY IM ADDING YOU NOW

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to dehani [2017-06-03 21:33:53 +0000 UTC]

it's cool my friend uwu)s

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