DeREXslayer — Honda's Bio

#bio #honda
Published: 2015-12-27 12:52:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 770; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 1
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Name: Alexanderson "Behemort" Malicianor

Nickname(s): Honda

Age: 79

Species/Race: Feral Demon and Angel Offspring

Gender: Male

Birthplace: The Inferno Chaos Realm of Hell


Physical Description: Honda is a thin slightly athletic stature of a man. Wearing a long black leather like jacket he made from a old lab coat that reaches his knees. He also wears blue denim jeans with a white t-shirt underneath the coat, equipped with spiked steel toed black boots. In placement of his head is a dark gray television set, with the screen being blue with his usual expressions. He also has a pair of large black like angelic wings, but he rarely has them out. Only using them for convenience.

Eye Type/Color: Left Eye is a normal angelic blue, while the right eye is a yellow demon eye

Hairstyle/Color: n/a

Skin Type: Peach

Blood Type: n/a

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 160 pounds. Plus an extra 40 pounds for his tv head.

Bust(optional): n/a


Personality: Honda is a manipulative, mean, and quite frankly a cocky son of a bitch. He's not above using a person as a stepping stone to further his own goals, and proceeding to tossing them aside if they prove their worthlessness to him. He also likes to make remarks about a person, usually when he sees them do stupid shit, or when he hears about, proceeding to ridicule the person. Though lately he's shown to have a slight (though it's a tad bit small) change in heart on occasion, usually helping out a person in need, namely kids who are in a serious dangerous peril. He usually excuses this action with the phrase. "Don't get the wrong idea, you being alive is just furthering my goals kid." Honda is easily annoyed when witnessing a person's complete stupidity, someone messing with his equipment, and when he's bugged constantly while experimenting. Honda can get angry and damn near pissed if a person makes a comment on his head, usually going as far as brutally hurting a person emotionally or deeply should he be set off. Honda won't admit it, but he has a slight mother complex. This complex sometimes hinders him, pisses him off, or makes him do certain acts, like rescuing kids. Deep down though he wishes to have a slight amount of company, as he admits himself that loneliness is an annoying factor to have at times. If you're a friend of Honda, don't be surprised to not see him coming to your aid at times. Only when he sees you in a very critical and life threatening situation wold he attempt to save you. Though getting to be Honda's friend is harder, considering his attitude and ways.

Likes/Loves: Honda likes spending his time in his lab, experimenting and cooking up wild ideas, concoctions, and equipment. He also enjoys testing these equipment on people, mostly the people he's had most contact with. Mostly against their will mind you. He also enjoys seeing their reactions from his experiments and test, whether it be pain or pleasure. Honda also has an affinity with snakes, finding their form and behavior very intriguing, which resulted in him making a pet for himself from mixed DNA of large snakes and certain demonic entities.

Dislikes/Hates: Honda hates it when people annoy him greatly, which ends with him kicking them out of his lab. He also despises people tampering or messing with his equipment, usually resulting in them getting into accidents, sometimes fatal depending on the equipment or creature they messed with.

Fear(s): Honda has a complete phobia on succubi, due to a little trauma he had as a child from nearly being eaten by one. He can always tell a succubi apart as his antennae on his tv head would spark and his head screen would fizz slightly when one is near.

Diet: Honda is an omnivore. He rarely eats, but he doesn't care what type of food it is, if its edible he's eating it.

Favorite Food/Beverage: Honda seems to take a liking to beer (mostly the bottled ones). Drinking one down always seems to put him in a slightly better mood, though when he has too much he almost has a complete personality change, resulting in him being mostly nice.

Occupation: n/a

Hobbies: Experimenting, testing his inventions, ridiculing a person, travelling about, making new breeds of creatures to mesh with.

Habits: Honda has a habit of insulting a person, whether you did something good, bad, annoy him, or show your affection for him. You will never leave without getting an insult from him

Friend(s): Honda rarely ever accepts a friend, but the people he somewhat has a slight friendship or mostly had contact with is Rex, Kendria, Akosmia, Maki, Nergal.

Family: His family is made of himself. His older and stronger brother Wrath. And his mother, the queen and demon lord of the chaos realm of hell, Delona.

Rival(s): The only rival Honda has is his older brother. The two get into fights on occasion, usually either the both of them starting it, or when they are usually tricked into doing so, but thats hard to do so. But on occasion the two brothers would work cooperatively, but you will rarely see that.

Enemies: Honda has many enemies he's made since coming to the mortal plane, too many to list.

Personal Phrase(s):

1. "What the devil's taint?!"
2. "Get out of my lab you nuisance!"
3. "Hm, this requires a few worthy tests~"


Abilities Info: Being part feral demon, Honda is gifted with the traits of one. Using his own rage to fuel and empower his attacks and abilities tenfold and enables extreme adrenaline. His angel side of his genes also allows him to form a unique weapon for himself in the form of two purity gauntlets on his arms he dubs "Jekyll and Hyde" . He also has a beast form as well that is unique to the feral demon race. Though instead of it being monstrous and creature like, his beast form makes him look like a somewhat dark angelic deity, his television head being turned back into his true head that isn't all scarred and disfigured, getting a full long set of snow white long straight hair. His left eye also glows a bright blue while his demon eye glows a blood red. His abilities are strengthened tremendously in this form, but the form only lasts a short while as massive stamina is required to keep his beast form active, and with him being part angel, the form itself will cripple him severely when he transforms back.

Special/Unique Abilities: Unique to Honda himself that's not related to being a feral demon or angel, he can call forth the use of demonic black hell fire, used to incinerate and burn a person's soul instead of their body as well as causing extreme physical damage. He can also fire a large beam straight from his television screen of a head, though this is only when he reaches the very maximum peak of his rage, the move being very destructive to everyone being hit by it, and to himself.

Weapons/Tools: Honda has small syringe along with a unique arsenal of vials he keeps on his person under his jacket. He keeps these handy to use to either strengthen himself or his friends, or to hinder and cripple his opponents or enemies. Some of these vials also contain DNA of certain creatures, allowing him to transform anything he injects to a partial degree. His angelic weapon called "Jekyll and Hyde" are two heavenly black gauntlets he can form due to him being part angel. These gauntlets offer no increase to his strength what so ever in any way shape or form. What they do offer is the ability to purify demonic essence of those who are hit by it or touched and redirect it in a powerful short burst. Using this Honda can go toe to toe with a very strong demonic being. Though with him being half demon, these gauntlets will absorb and purify his demonic energy, making the use of the weapon very short.

Strength(s): Honda is extremely quick on his feet and very maneuverable. He has perfect balance despite the extra weight caused by his head, is able to make use of whatever items he can get his hands on.

Weakness(s): Honda has the strength of a normal human, despite being part feral demon whose race is all about strength. Not to mention he has very little stamina, so long bursts will tire him out greatly. Some of his abilities also take a good portion of his stamina as well. Not to mention the boosts from his vials will wear off eventually, making him very sluggish. Once his stamina has reached its max, anything else he does that requires his strength could potentially endanger his life.


1. Dire Inferno: A unique move developed by Honda using his demonic dark hell fire. Honda calls forth a massive whirlwind of black flame that surrounds him in a spiraling vortex. The radius of this move extends up to 5 meters around him as the flames move upward. Honda usually uses this move when he tosses a person in the air above him and they have no way of avoiding it.

2. Raiser Special: This require the use of Honda's vials that boosts his speed. Honda, after injecting himself, will dash around madly in repeated directions around his foes, using insane speed to confuse them and keep them from moving. In the process he is injecting them with good dose neurotoxin to keep them paralyzed, which is also mixed in with nitroglycerin. After his extreme boost of speed, all he has to do is cause an extreme amount of force or heat on his foes and watch them explode. The after effects of the vial will make him extremely sluggish afterwards.

3. Feral Link Chaos: This little technique require's Honda's cooperation with his older brother. After having injecting himself and his brother with a strength/stamina boost serum, the two go completely bat-shit on their surroundings and anyone who stands in their way. They end this burst of strength by Wrath tearing out a piece of earth or structure from the ground and tossing it in the air, Honda throwing a couple of nitroglycerin vials at it making it explode, sending a bunch of chunks scattering about.

4. Knuckle Breaker: This move Honda uses when he has his gauntlets "Jekyll and Hyde" out. Honda raises his fist, converting his demonic essence into the gauntlets, he rushes to a opponent and does a complete straight lunge to the person's gut, making them hunch over. He then follows it up with uppercut to the person's jawline, the demonic essence converted into a massive burst that's released onto the person's chin.

5. Tele-Beam: This move Honda has no control over what so ever. Once his rage reaches an extremely high peak, the screen on his television head will begin to glow brightly. In a short while, a massive beam of energy is fired off in a huge direction, going as far as a 10 mile radius in terms of range. The beam incinerates anything that comes into contact with it. Those who are hit by it or are merely grazed by the beam will feel their body (or any part that touches it) disintegrate. When the beam is done, the screen on Honda's head turns off, putting him in a coma like state, rendering him absolutely weak and defenseless.  


Life Story: Growing up, Alexanderson was a very timid child, usually resulting on getting picked on by his older brother. It didn't help much as well that he was half angel as well. This has resulted in him being teased and ridiculed by all other demons of the realms, though they all feared his mother and wouldn't dare confront or say anything while he was in her presence, in fear of their lives.

Wanting to prove himself, to show that he could be just as good as any demon despite being an half angel, Alexanderson went out and tried to take on a higher form of demon. But this quickly backfired on him greatly when he ran into a very powerful succubus while venturing into the lust realm. Being mortally wounded, Alexanderson was almost about to be devoured when his older brother came to the rescue, but even he wasn't enough and only fed fuel to the fire as the succubi toyed with Wrath and placed him in a state just like Honda.

Thinking she had an easy meal to be had, the succubi attempted to devour both Alexanderson and his brother, but eventually their mother came in and in a extreme state of aggression, incinerated the succubus to a pile of ashes. Outraged by this action, the demon lord of the lust realm demanded that Delona offer up her youngest son's life as an apology or risk taking charges and dethroned off her position as the demon lord of the chaos realm. In a sense of pride, Delona had no choice but to adhere to the decree and agreed. Taking Alexanderson to the chaos realm's execution grounds, she admittedly apologized for what she was about to do tears flowing down her face. Changing into her titanic monstrous beast form, Delona called forth a wall of lava surrounding Alexanderson, his cries soon being unheard as his body was soon engulfed in the sea of molten magma.

Though fortunately, Alexanderson's body didn't get burned to a mere crisp. Waking up, he found himself on the mortal plain in an abandoned forest. Reaching a lake, he gasped. Though his body looked completely unharmed, his face and head had suffered a badly degree of scars and burns, disfiguring him. His emotions went completely ballistic from the mere sight. Soon days turned to months, and months turned to years. Honda lived in hiding in the mortal plain, having no way to get back home to hell and no love to be had from his family to come and get him, believing him to be dead. He eventually changed. The once sweet boy, now a cold hearted heathen. Soon he replaced his head with a television set he had acquired, and donned a new attire and a new name for himself, Honda.

Throughout the years, he picked up on experimentation. Using new abilities he had learned in the process and techniques he acquired to further his tests and experiments. Many years later, he eventually came into contact with a person name Bruce, now residing in his local basement of his manor.  

History: Not much is known about Honda's history, though his exploits to further his gains had left him with quite a few grudges from people of the mortal world. People, he couldn't give a rat's ass about....


There ya go, my completely updated and revamped bio of my character Honda, he really needed the adjustment from his old bio, lol

Man, this took a fucking long while to type up. Mostly I was looking at my old bio and adjusting and making changes. Now I'm beat and tired.

The next on the to do list for bios is my character Kendria. So keep an eye open later on for hers to be up guys.

Oh, and a mention for the characters that Honda interacts with they are as followed below:

Rex, and Kendria (c) Me

Akosmia (c)

Maki (c)

Nergal (c)
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Comments: 16

behemort [2016-05-13 17:09:15 +0000 UTC]

No spoko

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeREXslayer In reply to behemort [2016-05-13 21:23:35 +0000 UTC]

no what?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

behemort In reply to DeREXslayer [2016-06-19 16:59:31 +0000 UTC]

"Yo, it's alright" in english Check my username

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SailorEnergy [2015-12-27 20:43:44 +0000 UTC]

That's so much better and I love that part about children.  Did Energeia rub off him?

It gives me an idea for our RP in the note...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeREXslayer In reply to SailorEnergy [2015-12-27 23:38:35 +0000 UTC]

Not really, he's just has a mother complex that compels him to save a child unwillingly. This is especially thorough when the child cries for help for their mom in the process.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to DeREXslayer [2015-12-28 02:41:30 +0000 UTC]

Yep, that's be an annoying flaw on his part.

So beer can make him be a bit nicer? (I hate "pee drinks" by the way).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeREXslayer In reply to SailorEnergy [2015-12-28 03:17:34 +0000 UTC]

(pee drinks?)

Yep, if he's had enough.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to DeREXslayer [2015-12-28 03:34:58 +0000 UTC]

(That's what AKosmia calls the beer "Pee Drinks")

with out getting drunke... how does he drink?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeREXslayer In reply to SailorEnergy [2015-12-28 03:44:01 +0000 UTC]


Oh he gets drunk, he only gets nice when he's drunk and it takes a lot of beer to get him drunk.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to DeREXslayer [2015-12-28 03:55:06 +0000 UTC]

(yep, I hate them too.)

AKosmia: "He has finally updated your profile so celebration time! A 50-gallon tank of beer coming up!"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeREXslayer In reply to SailorEnergy [2015-12-28 04:51:42 +0000 UTC]

Honda: ... "You're not trying to bribe me with that are you?..."

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to DeREXslayer [2015-12-28 05:04:14 +0000 UTC]

Akosmia: "You don't love beer?"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeREXslayer In reply to SailorEnergy [2015-12-28 05:28:16 +0000 UTC]

Honda: *grabbed the beer* "I never said I didn't love beer ya nitwit. I just don't like being bribed with it~" *starts drinking a bottle*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to DeREXslayer [2015-12-28 05:37:17 +0000 UTC]

Akosmia: "It's not a bribe, TV-Head."

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeREXslayer In reply to SailorEnergy [2015-12-28 05:56:36 +0000 UTC]

Honda: .... "I would mutilate you for that comment, but you gave me this beer so I'll let you slide." *drinks again*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to DeREXslayer [2015-12-28 06:15:38 +0000 UTC]

Akosmia chuckles.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0