Devil621 — Life as a School Girl P5 [NSFW]
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Description On Monday I enter the school ready for the last rehearsal that wasn’t in costume, with 15 outfits to wear for different parts, all the dresses Sarah and Lara made for me were designed for a bust like Sarah’s and during the time I tried them on they were loose, knowing now that I had a 34 inch bust meant they would work. I arrive at school and the principal waves at me and I smile back. I head to role and after that move towards English, Miss Jefferies walks past and stares at me, since I won’t have her until Wednesday, I was safe from classes with her, she continues walking confused. I arrive for English to notice Lara and Angus were giggling and holding hands, Sarah and Hollie were looking at me with interest and Cuba smiles sweetly. Luckily Cuba hasn’t noticed the similarity between my lips and Jasmine’s. I check my reflection and notice that in my haste, my top to buttons are undone and I realise that with the padding and the flesh, I have created cleavage. I quickly button them up and blush at the thought that a boy could have noticed. We take our positions and start from where we left off. By the time the bell rings, we are confident in our actions.
“Remember Wednesday come dressed in the clothes for scene one and bring the change of clothes. You have permission since majority of 11th Grade will be wearing mufti.” I head towards my quiet spot when Sarah comes over and whispers.
“Nice cleavage, what are you using, inserts, padding?”
“Both.” which is true but not at the same time, I didn’t want to admit I had ‘breasts’ I eat my snack and after Chemistry and Maths, Blaire calls me over during A&C Club.
“Jaime, Lawrence isn’t here today so you will dance by yourself, we have just over two weeks before the fundraiser.”
So after dancing solo, I move to Arts and Craft and Mrs Phabric smiles when I enter.
“I have heard from Mrs Loukey, the baby is growing big, she looks like her.”
“Great to hear” I start painting a new art work and half way through, Sarah calls me over.
“Jaime, are you taking home your costumes, they are all here in the closet?”
“I guess I will take them with me.” I say “I don’t want to lose them.”
The day ends and I catch the bus home, I do my homework and have tea, before having a bath and removing my gaff, I notice how floppy my manhood is. I wash myself and step out of the bath, the A-cup breasts are sensitive, and my skin is soft thanks to the soap. I notice my hair is longer by half an inch and the dye was finally washed out, so that meant I had to redo it tomorrow before school. The dye still had plenty in there. I tell Juliet and she agrees to help before school. I go to bed knowing that I only had just over 30 days left of being Jaime.
The next morning, I wake up early, have my hair dyed black and I have breakfast before getting dropped off at school. I walk to class at 9:00 after being marked at present. Double Maths was slow and by the time the bell rings, I was urging to the go to the toilet. Entering the girl’s toilets, I went without removing the gaff. I had my snack in my private section and when I go to class for Art and Craft, I remember that yesterday I didn’t collect the costumes. I put them in a box and have Sarah remind me to pick them up after Chemistry. Hospitality I was cooking again. Lunch Lawrence was back and so I dance with him. Chemistry was quick and when Sarah helps me carry the boxes to the car. I realise that tomorrow I am wearing mufti, for part of the day. At least I get to go home early.
First of February and I get up and look in the mirror, my face is framed by the dark hair, my feminine body is enhanced with the small bumps and smooth groin (left the gaff on) and the pierced ears and long nails complete the look. I have breakfast before a shower, then I step into the first day at school clothes I am wearing as Kathy. Since she is a tomboy at least they are shorts and sneakers, however the blouse is still female and the make-up may be light but still evident. I take the clothes for the change and head to the car. Juliet drops me off and I notice everyone in costumes, Lara dressed as Bree, Angus dressed as Romeo’s friend, Kane dressed as Romeo. The first two hours go by and after break, we were in the classroom ready to begin our lesson. Being Jaime or Kathy for the last month was to prove to Angus I was reluctant to be a girl at first, over time I had to act more and more natural, to prevent him from releasing I was Jasmine, by now I was acting more feminine than masculine and since I was upset during the Safety Classes, hurt by the teasing, Angus has no clue I was Jasmine and neither does Cuba.
Lara and I walk across the floor and say our lines.
“Bree, let’s hope this school accepts us, I don’t know why daddy had to move locations.”
“Kathy, Dad needs the work, so just accept it, you will find friends, and just don’t act like yourself.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you insist on playing football and wearing shorts and sneakers all day, you won’t get any friends, be the girl you are.”
“I hate heels, and I am not trying out for cheerleading or netball”
“Very well, make friends with the nerds, losers or loners for all I care, if you rather be act like a boy than the girl you are, fine by me.”
“I don’t like dresses, I am not wearing anything I boy can look up.” we continue the first part, with introductions and first class. We get changed while the Dad does his part. He comes home and asks ‘how was school’, we do the last day of the week and Dad’s reaction to Kathy’s bad marks.
“One week and you already fail two simple tests.”
“I am sorry.”
“That’s a wrap, thank you, we will start tomorrow with meeting the tutor and the scheme to change Kathy.”
We move to Family studies after putting on casual clothes, dressed in a dress and leggings, I enter Family Studies and Miss Jefferies turns.
“I saw you on Monday, you are?”
“Jaime Myler, James sorry.”
“That’s right you are playing Kathy for your play so you are keeping up with appearances, okay wanting to be treated like a girl. No worries.”
The rest of the class enters and Miss Jefferies pulls out from the many boxes what appears to be a specialise suit.
“These ‘Pregnancy-Empathy-Suits’ will give the wearer realistic symptoms of being pregnant, for today we will have the three boys in our class wear them while three girls will act like the fathers. If we have time we will let the girls try them on. However I have arranged for these to be used as an assessment. I will explain that on Friday.”
So I watch as Lisa and Xavier pair up, Katy and Randol and the last boy was with Gracie. They put on the suits that were skin colour and walked around. The suits are designed for under clothes but they wore them above. By the time they got on, they had less than 15 minutes each to do their scene. The bells rings and with no time for the girls to put them on, we were told that there will be opportunities to wear them.
I get home and prepare myself for the next day, picking the outfit for the scene and by the time I have my bath, I am wondering what the task for Family Studies is.
Thursday starts with Family Studies and the girls that were playing boys were the ones to wear the suits first, they were given them and told to put them under their dresses. They returned looking 8 months pregnant with big bust and big belly. They took turns doing a scenario and then two other girls got a chance.
“Tomorrow I will explain the task, see you then.” We leave and move to have break. After the break was double hospitality which was theory, we leave early to get change into our costumes and move to English. We arrive and continue from where we left off. ‘Dad’ hires a tutor, tutor comes over and the next day Kathy is in detention. Bree pays Nathan and before we have Nathan and Kathy meet the bell goes. After returning to school uniform, I dance with Lawrence before having double Maths to end the day. I return home do my homework and after dinner go to bed wondering what tomorrow will bring.
Friday I get up, and after reluctantly putting on the make-up after breakfast I head to Mum’s car to be dropped off.
“Remember Lync is coming to pick me up around 6:00, I won’t be back until 10, and I will be home when you return, to help you with homework and the like.” I arrive in time for roll and move onto Arts and Craft, where Mrs Phabric has told us to a photo of ourselves and then paint the picture with us looking different.
I therefore paint myself as the boy I original am, removing the skirt and leggings, the long hair and the make-up face. The hour and a half seemed to drag on, but when the bell rings for break, I pack up and move to my spot. Chemistry was fast and it ended early to allow us to get changed for English. In costume, we walk in and find Mr Plairite smiling.
“Where we left off, Jaime and Cuba places.”
So after Bree pays Nathan to talk to her Monday afternoon, I walk in and sit down waiting for the bell to start the school day. Cuba walks over to me
“Hello, you are Kathy right, I am in your English class, why did you get detention yesterday?”
“I handed my essay in the style of a paper aeroplane, she wasn’t amused.”
“Oh, well did you finish it.”
“I didn’t even start it.”
“If you want some help, I could offer a few tips.”
“Are you willing to do it all?”
“80 percent.”
“Great, I will meet you after the first hour in the library, I will give you what I have which is nothing, how am I meant to catch up in these chapter essays when I haven’t even caught up in the readings, I only finished chapter 3”
“Wow, I better give you the cliff notes, I will see you in the library”
We walk off and walk back on and sit down pretending this is a library.
“So what do you think of the book so far.”
“Ha ha ha, okay then let me give you the summarised version of each chapter to read, while I write down some notes you can expand for the chapter we meant to have done by tomorrow.”
“Remember it has to be 80%”
The scene continues and when Kathy gets home Bree smiles.
“Looks like you like someone.”
“Do not, I just have a better tutor than your crush.”
“Lovely, we will start on Monday first thing continuing on from where we left off.”
We go to get changed and by the time we are finished the bell rings and we are moving to our next class. After theory for Hospitality, I have dancing with Lawrence today was the 10th six more days until the dance show. I head to Maths and that was faster that Chemistry, I head to Family Studies with Kim and we enter seeing the boxes on our desks.
“Before you sit down, I would like you open your boxes and put on the suits, the task I am assigned will be involving them; which will be a pregnancy diary starting on now, ending Monday Morning.”
“Monday morning, wait what does that mean.”
“Starting once you put it on, you will write a diary in the shoes of a pregnant mother, the symptoms, the troubles, the feelings and on Monday morning you will write a short paragraph and then remove them before school. I have enough for every girl…” and Miss Jefferies looks at me as if to say ‘you are one of them’ “and I also have got three sympathy bras for the boys, they will wear them to give them the feel of having breasts. You will wear them under your clothes starting tonight, they can be washed. Any questions?”
“Why do we have to wear bras?” Xavier asked
“So you can see what having breasts both normal size and huge feels like so you can be emphatic and understanding. Put them on and we will begin writing.”
I open the box and see the suit, the belly was the size for an eight month, and the breasts were hollow inside but big and weighed the size of an E-cup. I put on the suit and automatically feel the weight in my chest and the pressure on my groin. I sit down and begin to write, noticing that my distance is further due to the belly. The forty-five minutes were painfully slow and when it ended, Miss Jefferies says. “Okay, time to go home, I will see you on Wednesday then Mr Patre is back on Thursday.” We walk out and I see Jordon, who smirks, I walk over and say “Is Juliet picking us up?”
We wait and when we get home at 4:00, Mum was in the bedroom preparing for her business date. I remove the suit and then once I am wearing nothing but the gaff, I look and see the A-cup breasts and as soon I put on the pregnancy suit the skin colour was close to mine that it gave me the illusion of a pregnant teen. I couldn’t wear jeans or pants, so I was forced to wear leggings and a loose dress. The suit had a built in bra to cover the fake nipples so I didn’t have to wear a bra, but the belly was realistic and therefore when I put on the dress that belonged to Jordon, I looked like I was 8-months pregnant. I stagger out of the room and Mum comes out and spots me.
“The Family studies task, I have to wear this for the weekend and write a diary, but right now I need to use the loo.” I dash off and with trouble I go. I couldn’t believe how the suit put pressure on all the right places to be realistic. I do my homework write a couple of lines based on my feelings and then the door bells rings at 5:55. I am in the living room when Juliet opens the door and lets Lync in he walks into the living room and spots me sitting hands on the belly.
“Hi Lync”
“You went from being on periods to pregnant?”
“Homework, it’s a pregnant suit, go to wear it for the weekend.”
Makes sense and then Mum walks in and blushes when Lync comments and they walk out together. Juliet smiles and says to me “We might have a new dad by the end of the year.” And walks away leaving me speechless. After dinner, I got to bed and with the weight on my chest and bladder, it took three toilet breaks to finally fall asleep. Mum wakes me up the next day and tells me that we are going out. Looking at my belly, I try to get out of it but we all go shopping and when I spot Lisa in the same boat I feel a little bit better. The kicks, the frequent toilet spots, the sore legs and back, for the entire weekend was four pages worth and when I woke up on Monday Morning, I was glad to remove it. That morning Mum helps me with the suit and tells me that she is going on a date tomorrow with Lync not for business and he is coming here around 7:00, she then reminds me in a whisper that I am meant to be on my periods and to act like it. Before I could ask any more, she was off to work and I was heading to school for English, dressed in the costume with school uniform in the bag. Next week was President’s Day break so with that in mind, I knew I was going to have time off school. The rehearsal continues with the weeks leading up to the holidays, and the lessons of being a girl with Bree. This was a singing part and Lara sings while she teaches me to walk in heels, dresses and how to do my make-up. The rest of the day is smooth sailing except with dance lessons with Lawrence, with only a few days left, Blaire was trying to make the chemistry real and I was feeling something alright but it wasn’t making me feel loved for grossed out. I come home to find Mum in my room, she was looking around and pulls out a box of what looks like pads.
“Ah Jaime, wear one of these tonight and wear another tomorrow.”
“You want me to wear a pad?”
“I got a call from Lync, hoping you are feeling well since it’s been 28 days since your last period. If you don’t act like you have one, he will question it.”
“Tell him the truth”
“I will later!” and after bath, I put on the gaff and under Mum’s watchful I am put a pad on with the panties. Walking in them was uncomfortable and I guess if Lync sees me walking like this he can guess I am wearing one. Going to bed, he dreams of being pregnant and when James feels his groin, he feels an absence of his penis. I wake up screaming and sees that it was 2:00 in the morning. I go back to bed and by morning the dream is long forgotten. I head to school and with a fresh pad between my legs, I shuffle around the school between classes. Lara, Sarah and Blaire question my awkwardness and Lara winked when she said “Time of the month ha.” After dance lessons with Lawrence, I needed to change the pad since I wet myself somehow. I return home after Chemistry via bus and get back in time to find Mum talking on the phone.
“Yes, Jaime is doing a fundraiser at school, Thursday the 16th, I know…..I will be there on Wednesday for the manicure and facial.”
“Who was that Mum?”
“The salon, you are going there before the Dance on Thursday.”
Before I could say anything else, she sent me to do my homework and prepare a bath. After homework – which took more time than I wanted- I go and have bath, it was approaching 7:00, so I step out and realise I need to put on a pad for Mum’s sake. I put on the night-time one and use the wings to secure them. I put on my nightie which is slightly transparent when the door opens.
“Jaime, Lync’s here, hurry up and put on your top.” I slip on a jacket to cover the top half and walk out looking like a teenage girl. I step out and walk uncomfortably towards the living room, I sit down (legs slightly apart) and lean back to rest. Lync enters from the kitchen and glances at my legs. I quickly close them but he already got a glance and coughed. I feel realised embarrassed but before I could apologise, Mum comes in and the two walk through the living room hand in hand. Lync looks over and I sit up and blush with a look of apology, he just winks and then leaves the room. Juliet in charge allows us to watch TV before bed at 9:30. I go to bed still feeling embarrassed about what happened that fall asleep picturing his face. I have a dream that I am looking in a mirror and my body transforms into the girl I am pretending to be. I notice that again I am fully woman and when I wake up, between my legs are damp. After a few weeks of the gaff am I finally at the stage that girls make me feel this way again; after all the days spending time with girls as if they were my sister and them treating me like I was a girl too? With a change of underwear I notice a wingless pad in the panties I was going to wear and a note “Use it until Friday.”
I have breakfast and catch the bus to school, arrive and after roll, enter my first class Maths, with Break going to be when I change into the costume, we are doing the scene where I confront Cuba. I also had to take the pregnancy suit to hand that back in. I finish Maths and Chemistry and head to the toilet to get changed into the heels, skirt and blouse he was wearing as Kathy. It was the same costume I tried on first in Lara’s house, the short skirt and the blouse, it filled much better this time with the padded bra giving me the chest the blouse was designed for. I step out and head to my spot for Lunch and then when the bell rings, I move to the classroom and notice Cuba already there. He was dressed in a tank top that was tight and despite the fact Cuba was scrawny, it showed off his biceps. Cuba turns around and notices what I was wearing,
“WOW, Jaime, you really look the part, but isn’t that skirt short.”
“It’s the heels that are annoying me, they are too narrow.” I stumble and land on my bottom revealing the panties and the flat groin.
“Um, Jaime your panties, um your crotch is showing.” Cuba looks away and I blush realising wih the gaff, I am more girl-like than man. The rest of the class enters and I sit down while Cuba waits outside.
“Kathy, there is something I need to tell you.”
“Nathan what is the meaning of this.” I ask holding the fake wad of cash we decided to use as the prop.
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“You telling me you weren’t paid to act nice, to help me with my homework, to treat me like a person.” I put a lot of emotion into my lines I get upset picturing yelling at my sisters and the next few lines go flawlessly.
“The only reason I changed my clothes and used manners was because my sister told me it would make me likable.” Saying the lines with emotion since I was truly doing this because of my sisters.
“I liked you no matter what you wore, I was afraid of your attitude, but after you were sweet to me, I realised….” Cuba looked at me this time, the last few times he kept looking at his feet, this time he stares into my eyes with sincerity that I look away for a second and start my lines.
“Realised what, that I am just a tomboy, a sport loving, game playing, action seeking, sneaker wearing, heel hating….” I spill and before I finish my lines Cuba on cue kisses me, I keep my mouth shut so he just kisses my gloss covered lips.
“Kathy, I don’t care if you are a tomboy or love sports, I play games or if you don’t wear heels, I fell for you and I love you.”
“Nathan, will you like me with shorts and t-shirt, will you love me without make-up.”
“Kathy I love you regardless, so will you go out with me.”
“I love you too” I say and he holds my hand and we walk out of the room allowing Lara and Trystan to walk in and start their lines. We let go once we step out and look away, we awkwardly enter the classroom and join the back to watch Lara and Trystan kiss and celebrate their success. We walk back to stage and play out the rest of the play.
“Perfect, we will have next week off, so tomorrow we will just do dialogue and then Monday we have the final practice for parts that need tweaking but we are on Thursday, starting at 9:15 and ending at Lunch. We watch the other class on Wednesday and Friday. We head off and return to school uniform and at Lunch, I try not to look Lawrence in the eye. I finish the day thankful that I returned the suit to Miss Jefferies and that she didn’t read my diary out loud, but Mr Patre might. I find Mum waiting and I remember I have an appointment at the Salon. She drives me there and by two o’clock we arrive. This time it wasn’t the place I went where Paulie works it was a smaller one, it was an actually Salon, inside was posters of Male Models and the seats had pink leather.
“Josephine, Long time no see.”
“Hey Rosa, this is my second eldest Jaime, I told you about, he is doing a dance comp for school, can you give him a manicure, facial and fix up his hair. He really needs to look like a young lady for the dance.”
“I can fix his nails, style his hair and give him a facial, he will be the prettiest girl at the school when I am done.”
I am told to sit on a chair and soon Rosa and three other girls gather around and work on me. Rosa styles my 10.5 inch hair and gives it some curls at the ends and another girl gives my nails a fresh coat after a file and trim. Another two work on my toes and while my hair was drying, Rosa works on my face, she fixes my eyebrows, applies the make-up and after a few minutes she even give my lips an injection that lasts 24 hours. She applies lipstick and reveals the new me: My hair was styled to cover one side and pulled over the ear, the ends were curled up to bounce against my neck, my eyebrows are thinner and neater, my lashes were extended with stick-ons and mascara and my lips were fuller and bright red; my hands were cleaner and softer with nimble fingers and the tips were as red as my lips. My toes were the same despite them going to be in shoes. I didn’t even know what I was wearing tomorrow for the competition, I assuming it’s a dress.
“The hairspray, collagen, make-up and nails will last 24 hours, so by 3:00 tomorrow, everything will be able to come off and back to normal, your eyebrows will grow back.”
“Thanks” I was completely prettified and it scares me, I am more girl-like than before and Mum is beaming. We drive home and I notice Jordon was on a phone, it wasn’t hers and she was smiling. She puts it in her pocket when she spots me and her jaw drops.
“You look fabulous, I can’t believe you are my brother.”
I storm into my room and I do my homework, tomorrow was the dance and then another two weeks and I will be back to James, I remove my clothes and notice the breasts seem to be a little bigger but not enough to change the cup size. I put on simple clothes and after dinner have a bath to keep my hair and nails out of the water. I go to bed dreading the fact that I am dancing with Lawrence in front of the school and guests during Lunch. I dream of dancing with Lawrence, then it becomes Cuba and then it becomes me. I wake up hot and bothered. Worse I soiled the night pad I am still forced to wear. I sneak to the bathroom to change it and then after cleaning the gaff, I return to bed and sleep.
The next morning, I go to school aware that I am looking prettier than before and with a pad between my legs and the gaff not really protecting it, I feel more like a girl. The boys turn to look at me and even Lara and Sarah’s jaw drop. I enter Family Studies after the roll was called and Mr Patre enters.
“I have read your diaries, well majority, Miss Jefferies was impressed and so am I.” He looks at me with a look of surprise and pride. “The detail in them were realistic, one in particular, gave a real feel of the drama a mother to be experiences, especially a teenager, let me read a line from Jaime’s” I close my eyes in shame as he reads part of my diary. “Today I had to go shopping with the family, people were staring at me like I was a freak, disgust of my age and behaviour, however in the toilet where I am spent majority of my time, an old lady, a complete stranger, says the kindest thing… ‘The pain is worth the love in the end….’” He stops and looks at me. “I will hand them back tomorrow with their marks.”
After break, I was hospitality and by the time that was over, we move to English.
“We will read your lines in pairs, so Cuba with Jaime and so on, since some have to go for the dance off, we will end ten minutes early.”
So Cuba and I read our lines and when the 30 minutes are up, Lara and Sarah stand up and I follow them out.
“Blaire has your dress, you are going to love it.”
“Wait, she has a dress for me!” I gasp as I am dragged to the Hall and behind the stage, is a rack of dresses and suits.
“Blaire, Jaime’s here, we can get changed!” Blaire steps out dressed in a black gown that covers her feet. With a V neck and short sleeves her body is covered in the black silk. She gracefully walks over and looks at me.
“Okay, girls find your dresses, they have your names, and we have less than 5 minutes to be dressed, nice hair Jaime.”
Lara drags me to the racks and pulls out a blue dress labelled Lara and then pulls out a silver dress labelled Jaime. We enter the change rooms and she tells me to strip. I turn around and take off my school uniform as she pulls out the dress.
“Jaime, this has been prepared for you, you will need to remove your bra, this dress is strapless.”
“What, I am not…”
“Jaime, come on, we haven’t got long, Blaire ordered this dress with you in mind, I am guessing, it has padding to give your small breasts the bigger look.”
I remove my bra and Lara hands me the dress, I step into it and notice it hugs my body but doesn’t’ squeeze, it flows to my knees and stops. It pushes up my breasts with the support and forms cleavage out of the small mounds I have. I am meant to be replacing a girl, but I didn’t realise they made me look like one. I put on the heels and with four inch spikes, make it hard to walk but after weeks of practice, I twirl and notice Lara in the blue dress that reaches her ankles and covers one side exposing a breasts on the left side. After putting away our clothes, she takes my hand and we walk out the door, leaving our clothes in our school bags. I step out and find Sarah and the rest of the girls dressed in their gowns, it’s like prom has come early. Blaire smiles when she sees me.
“Perfect, now we are dancing in groups of two, seven minutes or so each.” She hands out the numbers and I was given number three, meaning I am dancing last and dancing with Lara and Angus. A cough makes me turn around and I see Lawrence and Angus in their suits.
“Looking smart” Lara smiles and the introduction starts. I stand beside Lawrence who towers over me and on my other side is Lara and Angus. We wait for the first two groups and with the crowd judging each round with claps, 20 minutes later, and it was our turn. We walk on the stage and see the whole school with parents and friends. I look and see my sister Jordon with Mum and behind them I spot LYNC. What was he doing here? We take our positions and Lawrence looks down and smiles, he blushes as he stares at my chest and I suddenly feel scared.
“Last two teams, Lawrence with Jaime and Lara and Angus, the winner of this will dance off with the winners of the other two rounds, after this feel free to buy at the stalls outside. Let the music play.”
The music starts and Lawrence leads me around the stage, we glide from one side to the other and in time with the music we dance. I notice Mum and Jordon clapping, Lync smiling, one hand was on Mum’s shoulder and with myself dressed like this, it was hard to convince Lync I was a boy. Lawrence spins me and draws me close before dipping me and after doing that twice, he pulls me close and whispers. “I believe in order to win, I have to do a lift so do you trust me?”
I gulp and glance at Lara and Angus dancing flawlessly across the stage.
“Lawrence, please d…” I begin my response and he smiles and with a simple step away from me, Lawrence lifts me in the air, flying three feet into the air, I try to keep my legs apart, as Lawrence looks up to get ready to catch me. I put my arms out and he catches me under the armpits and dips me so I am staring at the ceiling, my legs on either side of his, my cleavage in view of the front rows, he raises me up and draws me close and dips me to one side and start dancing normally again. The seven minutes end and I am out of breath, knees shaking after being tossed like I was a doll, Lawrence was strong and I am way small and light. Being only 120 pounds or even less, Lawrence didn’t even struggle. The audience claps the loudest for us and that means we have to dance against Blaire and Kurtis and Sarah and Joe, a boy joined the group later and was with one of the old girls but they didn’t have time to dance. Since the girl was injured. Hence why am I with Lawrence, and now I am dancing with him for money.
“Okay, thank you for coming, the three finalist, are ready to dance, the winner will be selected by you, the audience, so let the dancing begin.”
The music was for the Tango and Lawrence pulls me in close and raises his left hand and wraps his right arm around his partner, placing his hand on my back, cantered slightly below my shoulder blades. I response due to practice by raises my right hand so he can hold it and I place my left arm with my hand on the center of his back. Once in this position, we start with the simple steps: backward with my right; backward with my left, backward with my right, to the left with my left and feet together, moving right to meet left. We do this several times, before we start to mix it up and quicken the dance, sometimes lifting me up so my feet aren’t on the ground. After a while, he spins and has me face the audience, so my right is in his right hand. With my back against his front, we dance for a few minutes and I start to feel his body betray itself as his mind begins to forget who I am, l blush and smile and hide the true feeling of grossness but my Mum sees me and smiles. We turn back so were are face to face and I look at him with disgust, we keep dancing – once his hand taps my rear to push me closer, and with the pressure against my hip, I start to lose track of the song and when he turns me so I am against facing the audience, I squirm a little trying to keep him away from my rear. The music ends and I stand beside him and with my heels I step on his toe and he sees my look of disgust and mouths “Sorry”. The results are tallied and with Blaire and Kurtis third, we are placed second making Sarah and Joe first. We head back stage, I grab my clothes and strip off, I wasn’t nominated for the blind dates so I was lucky enough to be able to leave early, I look pull on my clothes and storm out, bumping into Mum and Lync near the exit.
“You danced wonderfully Jaime.” Lync tells me and I notice his hand is around Mum’s waist.
“Thank you.”
“Listen Jaime, I am proud of you stepping up, second is not bad, I will see you at home, we have to get back to work and finish our partnership with his project.”
During Maths, everyone was talking about me and Lawrence, Kim and Kane were staring at me with interest and Lara was looking pleased while Angus was upset. At the end of the day Cuba comes over and congrats me before saying.
“I heard you are going away this weekend.” Before I could ask him, he leaves and Jordon drags me to the car park where Juliet is waiting. At home with my hair and face returned to normal (as normal as it could be), I go over to Jordon and ask about what Cuba said.
“Oh, well do you remember what you got from Cuba on the 2nd?”
“A kiss on the lips?
“I was with you when on the third he asked if you heard from Jasmine, well that afternoon I found the number he gave you.”
“So, I thought I tossed that in the bin, I wasn’t going to send him a message.”
“Well I did, well after I bought a phone on the Saturday and on the Sunday while you were out, I messaged him ‘First week back at school was borrow, how’s yours?’ and he replied ‘Boring, rehearsals, homework and the usual’ and after that I have been messaged him every couple of days.”
“You did what?”
“Well I, at first kept it simple and not romantic, asking about school and weather and weekends, it wasn’t until he asked ‘you’ about the kiss on New Year’s Eve and the kiss on the 2nd, did I stop replying after a message saying ‘I am not sure.’”
“Okay so you stop communicating but I saw you on a phone on the 15th.”
“Well he messaged me on the 14th, well you saying, Happy Valentine’s Day and it had a picture of him holding flowers. I guess he took that after school. I replied thank you and he then asked me when I am back in town, I didn’t response until yesterday when I realised you owe me the double date. So I replied this weekend while James goes skiing with Uncle.”
“You did what, I am meant to be Jasmine this weekend.”
“Yep, you and I are double dating this weekend Saturday night.”
“No, no…”
“Yes, this was the deal, now if you want to break Cuba’s heart by texting him you aren’t coming, go ahead.” She hands me the second phone and I notice that it has a screen saver of me as at New Year’s Eve and Cuba is the number one contact. I go to bed early and dream of me dancing with Lawrence and then with Cuba.
Friday was hard to avoid Cuba, but after English rehearsal, it got easier. After school I get a message on ‘Jasmine’ phone.
“When you do arrive, is it by train, I can meet you at the station.”
I don’t reply and when I get home, the phone rings. Mum being notified by Jordon and Juliet who figured it out on her own earlier, tells me to answer it.
“Tell him, you are getting here around 10:00, tell him to wait outside the station.”
“That way, we can get you ready tonight and tomorrow morning and drop you off at the station around 9:50 and you can walk out around 10:00 to match the train timetable.”
“Really, you want me to meet him at the station.”
“Either that, or he comes here and catches you in the middle of the process.”
“Fine.” I answer the phone and Juliet mouths “Use your other female voice.” And into the phone I say
Hello.” and Cuba speaks in the other end.
“Jasmine, sorry to call but Mum suggested I call instead of sending another text, so what time do you come in tomorrow and is it by train.”
Um, I am getting a train, I will be there at 10:00, if you wait outside, I will come out and you can carry my bag. I don’t know why I say that but Mum nods with approval and Juliet gives me the thumbs up. Cuba says okay and hangs up.
“So, I better create a bag for the weekend and how am I meant to be Jasmine.”
“I have kept the extension, we wash your hair and remove the dye and we use the fake breasts to give you the Cs and finally you use that other voice.” And with that, I wash my hair and after bath, I find the suitcase I used on the 2nd and find the clothes still in it. I go to bed, wondering what is going on and when I wake up at 6:30, I am told to shower, shave my legs and wash my hair to remove the dye and meet in Juliet’s bedroom. After the wash, I find myself with my light brown hair and smooth legs. I enter the bedroom to find my extensions on the bed and the breasts too.  
“Okay, we will get you in clothes that you wore previous, now let’s start with your hair.” and she weaves the extensions in and gives me the 16 inches of hair. After that, the breasts were glued to my chest and once the bra was on, I looked like Jasmine again. Make-up, heels and shirt and leggings were last and with a cardigan to finish. It was time to have breakfast and head to the station. We arrive at 9:45, leaving me 15 minutes to wait. The train pulls up and I blend in with the people leaving and head out. I step outside and scan the parking lot and see a familiar car.
“Jasmine, Jasmine!” Cuba calls and runs over, he hugs me and drags me to the car, other hand carrying my suitcase. “So you are staying over, I didn’t see James, guess he left earlier, well I will drive you to the Myler’s and on the way you can tell me about school.”
Thanks for the lift Cuba, listen is it possible we don’t talk, I rather just sit.
“Sure, I will tell you about my time at school.” And in the car he tells me about rehearsals for the school play, doing the safety classes and everything I already know. I nod and listen politely and when he pulls over outside my house, he walks me to the door and knocks. Juliet opens the door and smiles at us.
“Jasmine, come on in, you too Cuba, thank you for dropping her off, she didn’t tell us when she was coming.”
No reception on train” I mutter and we sit in the living room. Jordon comes in and since it was 10:50, she smiles and offers Cuba a drink and me a water.
“So, listen I know this is short notice but I am going out with Kane this afternoon do you and Jasmine want to join us.” She looks at me and I can tell I am meant to answer but Cuba asks a question first.
“Is that alright Jasmine?”
I guess we can join you.” and after Cuba drinks his drink, he promises to meet us at the diner at 7:00. With him gone, I turn to my sisters and snarl.
“Thanks, a lot now I am going to put the suitcase in my room and be on my laptop, hope you two are having fun.”
Around 5:50, I step out of the shower, hoping the breasts will come off but no luck and the hair being long again brushes my shoulders and back. With the gaff on, I look ridiculous, I wrap the towel around my legs and walk to my room when Jordon spots me.
“Um, Jasmine towels go around your breasts not your legs, listen since you are out, let me help you select an outfit and get you ready for your date.”
I remove the towel and toss it at her, before I go to my room and let her help me pick out an outfit, she finds the one from New Year’s Eve, the green strapless one, but I shake my head.
“Very well, what about this one.” and pulls out a black and silver dress, it was V neck and had a back, it had a slit on one side but it stopped halfway down the calf.
“Fine, that one.”
“Well then, I suggest you wear black underwear and those three inch heels.”
I am soon dressed in the clothes and looking very pretty, she gives me a silver jacket and we head to the car.
“Kane is picking us up, he should be here soon.”
It took just under hour to do my hair, make-up and get dressed, it was now 6:40 and with the time to meet Cuba 7:00, Kane arrives two minute later and we drive to the diner where Cuba was waiting.
“Whoa, Jasmine you look beautiful, shall we go in?”
I blush at the comment and we enter the diner to our reserved seats. Cuba pulls my chair back and I sit down, straightening my dress. He sits across from me and Kane is next to him, Kane has no clue that I am his best friend, Jordon hasn’t told him and he can’t see the difference, even though I spent a month and a half as Jaime. Kane tells me that James is pretending to be Jaime for a school play and I remain speechless at the fact he can’t tell I am James. Jordon next to me smiles and winks when she asks if I like the view and then when the waiter turns up. He stares at my sister and I and then asks for our order. After asking for a Caesar salad with no dressing, I notice Cuba staring into my eyes and looking away.
Something on your mind” I ask him, and he blushes.
“You and James have the same eye colour and hair colour, well at the moment his hair is black, but I keep picturing him when I look at you, I kiss him for the school play and I had to picture you when I kissed him.”
Oh” I didn’t know what to say, Cuba was picturing different version of me when he kissed me and he keeps picture James/Jaime.
“I know it’s silly, but I really like you Jasmine, let’s eat and then we can leave Kane and Jordon for a bit, maybe take a drive to the park.”
The food arrives before I could respond and I look at him and nod, thinking getting away from Kane is a good idea. I slowly eat to avoid conversation and when desert comes I order strawberry slice. Two hours of eating and listening to Jordon talk to Kane about summer plans later, Kane goes to get the bill and Cuba pulls my chair back and points to the exit. “Shall we go to the park, I will drop you off home before 10:30.”
He leads me to his car and opens the door for me, I sit down carefully to avoid showing him the panties underneath and after 10 minutes arrive at the park. The snow is letting off and the weather is warming up but still cold. He offers me his jacket and pulls out his school one to wear himself. We find a bench and he sits down and looks at the trees and turns to me once I am down.
“I know how we met was accidental and the kiss at New Year’s Eve was a shock to you, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I used your face to kiss James during the rehearsals and since then I picture him at times so I am going to ask if I can experiment, I am going to kiss you and I am going to see how I picture when I do.”
I try to think of a way to avoid this, but he puts his hand on my leg and shuffles closer, his other hand goes behind my head and pulls me toward him. I close my eyes and brace myself, I feel his hand move down to my neck and his lips meet mine, I am surprised by the difference in the kiss compared to the kisses at school, at school his lips are closed, here they are parted and surprising I find myself parting mine. His hand moves from my thigh to my back and the kiss lasts a long time as his tongue enters my parted lips. I can’t back out and when he pulls away, he opens his eyes and smiles.
“That was you, not James.” He informs me “James kisses me with his mouth closed, like he is avoiding my lips.” Great so as Jaime I make my kissing difficult and uncomfortable but as Jasmine I am accepting it. He kisses me again and his time our lips are stacked and soon we were exchanging saliva. We break off and he looks at me and says. “I better get you home.”
He drives me home and my heart is still pounding from the kiss, I couldn’t believe I let him kiss me. I go to bed removing my dress and removing the make-up. I stay in bed the next morning and I get   message from Cuba around 10:00.
“Is it true, you are staying this week, James is allowed to be himself for the week so he is staying with his Uncle?”
That wakes me up, I run to the kitchen to find Jordon on my phone, my actual phone.
“Hey Jasmine, Justine and Jade want to spend some time with you and Mum is going away for a few days, so Juliet suggested and Mum agreed that you can stay as Jasmine, Juliet will remove the extensions on Saturday. Then you can dye your hair black for the play the following week. Besides the breasts are still on you aren’t they.”
I look down and notice the breasts are still on and I am still wearing the night bra and nightie.
“But don’t worry, I am going to buy something for you so you can regain some masculinity, you can start taking them tomorrow.”
“What kind of help?”
“Tablets to help remove those breasts you are growing, that way by March you will normal.”
“Thanks, I guess, so for one week from now to Saturday I am Jasmine.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, you don’t have to sound like Jasmine unless guests are around, now have breakfast it’s late.”
Mum and my sisters were already dressed and enjoying the weekend, Mum was leaving, Monday around lunch and will be back Thursday night. I finish breakfast, get changed into autumn clothes and read a novel. It was 2:00, when the phone Jasmine owns rings.
“Hey Jasmine, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a drive, I can swing by?”
Jade was talking to Justine about bras and things, Jordon was giving Juliet tips about fashion and Mum was on the phone with Lync.
Sure, a drive might be good
“Be there in 10 to 15 minutes.”
I find a coat and wait outside, Cuba picks me up and we drive to coast and look at the ocean. We return after a late lunch and this time he doesn’t kiss me on the lips, just my cheek. I return home and after watching a movie, I have a bath, eat my dinner and then go to bed. The breasts come off during the night and my small breasts seem to be sensitive. I wake up and have breakfast, Jordon kept her promise. She tells me to take the tablet after lunch, it will be the packet of 28 on the vanity. “Take one every day at 1:00 until they are finished or when you decide to stop.”
“Thanks” Mum was packing for her business meeting and she told us that while Juliet was in charge, she must keep the house tidy, in other words no parties. She heads to the bathroom and packs the toiletries and with her having lunch out, she leaves at 12:10 with kisses and hugs. We wave goodbye and once she leaves, Juliet turns and smiles. “She said no parties, doesn’t mean no sleep overs, you can invite one friend to sleep over, Jordon and Jasmine Tuesday night, Justine tonight and Jade on Wednesday night, now I will prepare lunch in 30 minutes.” It was 1:00, when I enter the bathroom and see on the vanity a packet of 28 white tablets with days of the numbers on them 1-28. I take the first one and put the packet in my bedroom. I miss a packet on the top shelf and return to the living room to have lunch.
Thursday arrives, and I wake up and remember the past two days, having Lara over for a ‘sleep over’ she talked about Angus and how he doesn’t know my secret, talked about my look and how realistic it is, she talked about her period and her family. Wednesday Justine and Jade took me to the movies and we watched Rock Dog, and after that Justine had me help her pick new bras. Jade’s friend came over around 5 and they went to bed around 10:00. I had the tablets each day and Lara didn’t even know about them. So this morning, after waking up, I have breakfast and decide to call Cuba. I wanted to get out of the house, I pack the tablet for day four and make the call.
Can you pick me up, I want to get out of the house, shall we go to the amusement park?
“Sure, be there in 30 minutes.” And after telling Juliet I will be back before six, I put on a pair of boots and a necklace and freshen up the make-up (I don’t know why) and wait for Cuba. Spending the day with Cuba, I saw the fun side and the non-geeky side, he was treating me differently and avoided kissing me and after holding hands on the Ferris wheel, we stop for lunch and after I take the tablet in the girl’s toilets. He turns and asks me a question.
“What are we, the reason I am asking, is we kissed but we haven’t been dating, I don’t want you to be my girlfriend if we can’t see each other, so what are we?”
Interesting, let’s not label it, I like you and you like me.
“Very well, can I kiss you?”
If you want” after all I need the practice kissing Cuba for the play. So we kiss, we leave around 5:20 and get back home before six. Mum will be home in 4 hours. She called while I was away, she and Lync managed to successfully win big, their project was a hit and it is getting built, being a female architect, she is coming up with new ideas. She helped design our home. Lync and her are going to start going out starting in March, as official couple, now that he is no longer a client. Juliet might be right about a new dad. After dinner, I have a bath and Mum returns smiling and glowing, she never looked this happy. She mumbles something about a close call and too much alcohol. Friday comes and goes with mum talking about the house she designed and the money she got to design in. She asks about her tablets and Juliet mentions putting them in the bin. Apparently mum called about leaving tablets in the bathroom after noticing they were expired, she called while I sometime Monday night. Saturday arrives and after lunch, Cuba comes to see me off, Juliet takes me for a drive and stopping to remove my extensions, we return home in the afternoon with my hair black and wearing smaller bra and different clothes. I now have to make up a holiday where I am a boy. We do have an uncle, but he’s eccentric and distant. With four days until March and 5 days until the play, I begin to worry about kissing Cuba like Jasmine on the day.

Monday arrives and it’s the final rehearsal, we start from the beginning and go right through, skipping parts that we don’t need to rehearse, with my black hair and small bust, I am no longer Jasmine and Cuba sees me as James or Jaime. We finish just before the kissing scene with the bell saving the day. Mr Plairite smiles. “The best yet, with Romeo and Juliet on Wednesday, then us on Thursday, we have this week off with most classes, on Friday we have Macbeth, best of luck, see you in the hall Wednesday. The rest of the day, I avoid Cuba and Lara comes up to me during A&C club.
“Listen, Angus was wondering when you are getting your hair cut?”
“Tell him, March” and with that, I leave the club and go to class, I paint for the hour and fifteen minutes before waiting for my sister to pick me up. I had the tablet during Maths, sneaking off to the toilet to have it. I am stopping after the play’s end on the Saturday. Tuesday comes and goes and with tomorrow the first of March, I am looking forward to returning back to James when the plays end. I go to bed removing the bra and noticing the swelling in the breasts and hope that they will start to shrink after the play.
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Comments: 8

Stephona [2017-02-11 23:34:54 +0000 UTC]

Can I just say, I LOVE THIS STORY! It is keeping me on the edge of my seat with each new addition & I really love how your characters are not just 2D personalities. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Devil621 In reply to Stephona [2017-02-12 02:42:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. Glad you enjoy it, there is plenty more to come.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cracked19 [2017-01-23 23:57:58 +0000 UTC]

Finally got caught up work made it hard to read and keep track of where I was

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Devil621 In reply to Cracked19 [2017-01-24 03:37:00 +0000 UTC]

Wondered if you were reading, working on the next part this week.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cracked19 In reply to Devil621 [2017-01-24 06:05:06 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I have been here and there when I can

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nami214 [2017-01-16 06:06:07 +0000 UTC]

I wonder what the pills he taking?😉

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Devil621 In reply to Nami214 [2017-01-16 10:00:49 +0000 UTC]

Time will tell, and reading between the lines.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nami214 In reply to Nami214 [2017-01-16 06:09:05 +0000 UTC]

Ohh I'm so so excited for part 6 🤞that it comes soon I don't think I can hold my breath for to long😥

👍: 0 ⏩: 0