DevilDalek — Powersuit Race Course

Published: 2009-08-27 15:11:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1879; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 39
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Description Ok ,a rather rough outline for a race course through a slum sci fi Megaopolis, think high seep powersuits, dodging traffic with daring manouvers around collosal decaying arcologies!

OK, here's the number details

1 :
Limbo Station
This used to be a huge station for zero g public transport, including off world transit.
Now days it has been defunct for a good few decades and is a favoured haunt of gangers and the homeless, since it is still quite dry and light, the green armour glass used in most public buildings back then having lasted remarkably well. Somehow surviving through arson, graffiti and vandalism, it now enjoys particularly protected status from the gangs as one of their large open public meeting spots.

Its vast interior space with left over plastic seating from the old waiting lounges, public spaces and vehicle bays, is littered with debris, but in surprisingly good condition considering. During the day everything is lit by a drab light coming from the massive walls of green glass through which the grey dreary day time light filters. At night its a lot more lively, lit by the flickering glows of stolen neon signs, surviving lighting units and massive banks of public access screens rigged up to show hacked entertainment channels, power suit races, and the occasional Thrash Havoc concerts that are organised. At all times this place contains the scum of the Universe, with the old concession stands and shops claimed by black marketers, pushers, hawkers and many other nefarious people. However, most things can be found for the right price, the trick is knowing where to look.
The massed banks of vehicle bays are very useful on race days, serving as the crew pits for individual power suit racers.

Usual things to be found here, Gang Bangers, Rumbles, Goul Burger concession stands, hawkers, black marketers, drug pushers, Chop Docs, ladies, men and aliens of the night, Impromptu raves

Hospital of the Southern Fifth (diff 18+2 per MA above 20)
A privately run Hospital Arcology Complex covered in white ferrosteel tiles, that caters to all needs, as long as you have the cash. It has its own private and considerable security force that keeps an eye out for intruders, they do not attempt to stop the races as they provide income, free advertising and the occasional jollies for patients.
The Gregor Bank Turn (named after the first person whom died trying to make it) usually catches out most first timers on the course as it calls for a hard 90 degree turn to the right, anyone that hoped to speed ahead with a boost from the start can only hope to start the festivities amongst the watchers early as they crash spectacularly.
Still, its a good bet that anyone failing here will actually and quite literally land in a hospital bed with experienced medical staff on standby.
Just make sure your paid up or have the money to cover it, otherwise its more likely your organs are going to be harvested to pay for the damage.

The Southern Fith Arc (diff 15+1 per MA above 20)
This is the long arc around the eastern edge of the SF Hospital Arcology, feeding into the Spiral Tower, it means a rapid flight through narrow almost ground level streets and a high speed entry through an opening no bigger than that that can accommodate two cars side by side, failing here could either result in a monumental splat on the side of the Spiral Tower, or a spectacular skidding mess of sparks, limbs and igniting fuel as the spiral is missed and the Runner goes careening through the massive Tower Arcologies basement area, probably resulting in the looting of his or her corpse and armour by wannabe technicians and ripper docs that congregate here for such reasons.

Spiral Tower Arcology (diff 16+1 per MA above 20 (x3))
A massive cylindrical tower that has a spiralling traffic tunnel that connects the lower Skyways with the upper Skyways, there are three full turns about its massive girth, each one fraught with peril.
The centre of the cylinder, not viable for living space due to the traffic situation is made up of workshops and build areas of several manufacturing companies, as well as the smaller garages and workshops of many private businesses. All of the above would be more than happy to strip a crashed racing suit of its high spec equipment within a matter of minutes. In fact, several of the smaller companies specialise in racing suits and have had added bonuses from crashed racers, even going so far as to offer those that survive a quick turnaround to get them back on the course, if they have the money that is.. Otherwise its parts stripped to pay for damages.

Heart Attack Turn (Diff 16+2 per MA above 20)
This is a high speed curve into main Skyway oncoming traffic, following the line of the Geriad Homes Arcology.
The reason it has acquired this name is not as some think, due to the nature of high speed flight into oncoming busy traffic, but the propensity for the racers to cut as close to the building as possible to avoid the busier central skyway routes.
This balcony skimming of course brings them along the line of residents along the top of the arcology, a massive residential area for geriatric citizens who have the cash to afford the private care. The close proximity of the surprising and high speed racing suits does of course have the occasional adverse effect on the resident citizens, hence the name. The Arcology is loath to actually do something about it as the death of the old citizens usually means that their estates are received by the Residential Homes. Also, the surviving elderly have it as a matter of pride that they are still tough enough to survive, as well as enjoying possibly one of the best ringside seats of the races.
Failure here could either mean slamming into oncoming traffic or ending up broken in an old persons collection of balcony plants.
The severity of the traffic is entirely down to luck, if you’re lucky, it’s a small compact or one man scooter that the racer would hardly feel, if your unlucky, you could be hitting anything like armoured delivery sky trucks with armed escorts, or huge mega tankers of volatile liquids.

The Long Stretch
Pretty much one of the few places the racers have the chance to let out the stops and accelerate to their maximum speed, its a long straight stretch between the Geriad arcology on the right, and the Tobias Industries Arcology Headquarters on the left.
Of course your still flying into oncoming traffic so its still dependant on luck, bad luck here could lead to a skylane pile up.

The Southern Octagon Power Complex. (Diff 17+2 per MA above 15)
(or 28 to miss all the power banks and get your full MA+10 added)
One of the massive power regulator facilities in the Megaopolis, it has huge arcing banks of pure energy between separate regulator ziggurats, the racers have to zig zag around the outside of these and between the walls of deadly energy. Access is through a large ozone vent, with the racers exiting through a service ramp.
Of course there is a quicker way, to try and time the flickering power releases and actually speed through the whole lot, missing death through sheer timing, but of course that is a dangerous and foolhardy route to take, still it doesn't stop the occasional racer from trying. To date only eight people have pulled it off successfully in the last ten years, they have stopped counting those that end up as a greasy energy fried smear.
Failing here is very hazardous indeed, if you’re unlucky you could go hurtling along one of the energy barriers, the blazing power stripping your protection and frying you inside your armour. Or you could luck out and go slamming into a wall or ziggurat, still painful and potentially fatal, but less likely to kill you than dancing with the energy requirements of an entire Mega City.

The Relief Curve (Diff 14+1 per MA above 20)
A gentle arc that cuts across the main skyway traffic, giving a bit of a breather from the frenetic adrenaline hell of dodging power relay releases, you are still playing chicken with huge amounts of traffic though, so keep your head about you.
Still, if you are unlucky, you’re not hitting the traffic head on, but from the side, that’s gotta count for something.. right? Unless you knock a massive transporter of its route and sending careening through the traffic lanes, taking a huge stretch of skyway traffic with it..

The Monastery of Peace and Protection. (Diff 14+1 per MA above 20)
Anything but my friends, this huge razor sided spike of an edifice arcology stabs up into the sky with its greenish grey angular sides and blue neon highlights. Set up just before Rialus became the huge slum of a crime planet it is now, it is mostly populated by descendants of the original colonists that long for simpler days and a life free from crime. It manages this through simple comforts, prayers to ancestor spirits of the 'ure' colonists.
And through superior fire power.
They do not like anyone upsetting their peace and quiet here, gangs have tried as well as some of the higher placed crime syndicates, all driven by rumours of 'great riches' accumulated before the crime families came to Rialus, all of the attacks have been repelled with considerable ease.
If you’re lucky, you can make the single circuit of the temple with ease, if your unlucky, some of the monasteries residents have taken exception to the loud noise produced by the racing spec armours, and will take pot shots at the racers as they pass.
if you don’t make the circuit you could slam into traffic, or even worse into one of the angular slopes of the temple, a rather unpleasant situation either way.

The Dipping Gap (Diff 18+2 per MA above 20)
Here the racers descend back to the lower levels, squeezing between the huge Alteon-Dell Housing Arcology on their right, and the Industrial plant of Pattarn Systems Space Industries.
As they descend the area they have to squeeze through gets rapidly smaller, not only is it a narrow gap, but they have to jostle with other traffic to make it through safely.
Failure here could mean ending u in the back of a sky lorry carrying women’s undergarments, or smashing into one of the residential apartments, which usually results in the kids with guns therein opening fire on the intruder for messing up daddy's veneer flooring, or some other such hazard.

The Yarrow Scar (Diff 15+1 per MA above 20)
A terrible tragedy occurred here several decades ago, a large pirate ship, coming in for a clandestine meeting and to unload ill gotten gains lost control and slammed down into the city, creating this massive scar across the landscape and destroying half of the Kale Cube Arcology, which was then a very popular entertainment and shopping complex, now of course long abandoned and disused, home to nothing more than scrabbling gangers and homeless.
As a large and now open space, the upper areas of the scar are thick with traffic, so the racers have to descend into the clustered wreckage and twisted metal of destroyed buildings, dodging between and around them to make their way through.
Failing here could mean you catch one of the bits of wreckage and go cart wheeling through the air to land in a heap of broken bits and sparks. or if your unlucky you could go slamming into the rear of the pirate ships wreckage with nothing but bits of armour for the gangers to sell off, and bits of meat to go into tomorrows goulburgers.

The Yarrow Corner (Diff 14+2 per MA above 20)
After passing over the wreckage of the Yarrow Sabre, the Racers have t jink and pass through another narrow gap to rejoin traffic.
On one side is the massive dome of the Arbor Park Arcology, enclosing a large space of supposedly pristine forest land and nature reserve.
In reality its probably just a good place to bury bodies for the local crime family that controls it. Still it does make the trees grow tall.
On the other side is the tall ferocrete complex of the sectors water works, a massive building full of high pressure pipes and sewage treatment works, funnily enough, also a good place to get rid of bodies.
Failure here could mean a collision with traffic, or if unlucky, you could end up ploughing through armoured transperisteel and several acres of trees before irate gardeners feed you to the worms.
And best not mention the unpleasantness that is hitting a sewage works at high speed.

Jinx Jink (Diff 15+2 per MA above 18)
This comes in the middle of a final long straight run into the Limbo station finishing base, a sudden jink that has thrown off many racers on the final legs of an adrenalin rush, tired and wired out, the sudden dog leg throwing them off and causing many a fatal crash into the Office Arcology complex of Beben-Myer Inc. a cover company for one of the local crime families to launder money, needless to say the insurance claims from these crashes is a staple and somewhat legal source of welcome income for the family.
Fail here and its either a skidding mess of sparks and bits within spitting distance of the finish, or a terrible gauntlet of fire and hell through the cubicles and screaming secretaries of an office complex, before security and a combat droid called 'Guido' asks you politely how you think your gonna pay for the damages, either that or your corpse is shuffled off to be recycled and the surviving parts of your armour sold.
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Comments: 5

lavadog420 [2010-05-01 00:45:13 +0000 UTC]

how do i get in on this,loioks fun

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DevilDalek In reply to lavadog420 [2010-06-02 19:19:33 +0000 UTC]

Its also highly dangerous, most end up as rather spectacular and messy bumper stickers in their first year of racing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kairu-Hakubi [2009-08-27 22:07:33 +0000 UTC]

hey it looks pretty believable!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

karanua [2009-08-27 19:56:55 +0000 UTC]

May as well, also put up altitudes and obstacles too. Might get my players doing it in their minimecha.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DevilDalek In reply to karanua [2009-09-09 21:32:56 +0000 UTC]

Well, I wasn't going to post anything until my players had been through it, but now I can post the listings!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0