DinoDragoZilla17 — Age of Kaiju Ancients: Sugon

#fanfiction #godzilla #jellyfish #kaiju #ageof #sugon
Published: 2021-06-06 18:49:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 6182; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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What is now the Kansai region, Honshu, Japan, 248 million years ago...

Sugon let out an undulating gurgle from his wet, slimy, jelly-like body, letting the tips of his tentacles feel the coolness of the muddy water.
He was grateful for the water’s cool embrace after the hot blaze of the forest fire. The panic, the stress, the rage, all of it was now washed away by the muddy depths. If he had a face, he would have smiled.
Not only did the river have a soothing embrace, but it was effectively his little watchtower. Pressing his tentacles deeper and deeper into the water, he could effectively feel everything happening around him from the ripples that they created: the thunderous footsteps of Pyrosuchoides lumbering off the banks into the water, the damp, moss covered logs drifting lazily down the lagoon, the batting of fish’s tails, the merry little squeals of gliding reptiles as they fell in after misjudging the path of their flight and quickly swam back out.
Sugon had walked this earth for millions of years. He’d seen every corner, every country, every landmass. He had seen it grow, seen it change: he’d walked the Earth since the first plant and animals left the sea. He’d seen legends, become a legend. He’d hunted the gluttonous Shinomura in the desolate deserts of the Permian and fought the enraged Miba in the burning forests of the Carboniferous. But this place, this place was beauty: it was peace, it was wonder, it was home.
It was then that Sugon felt two new ripples.
The old creature focused, trying to trace their origin. Judging by the shape and size, one of them was Anguillas, no doubt up to no good as usual, but the other was different. It was something far larger, far stranger, it felt stronger, felt angry-a burning rage Sugon could just sense, an anger and grief he had felt before.
Sugon’s body ruffled worriedly. For the first time in a few thousand years he felt genuine fear, and concern for this troubled soul. He was needed. 
He leapt from his river, his body compressing and stretching, his tendrils desperately clasping for a hold, allowing him to scramble toward the pair.
Though he did not quite know what to expect, he knew he needed to be there. This place needed him, after all...

Another jet of atomic breath sliced at the forest like a blazing blue sword, setting the trees ablaze.
Godzilla let out a cruel roar of vengeance. He waited for a few moments, the small blaze in the mangrove growing into an inferno. It flowered a brilliant blue as trees burst, smoke beginning to pour upwards, punctuated by the screams of animals caught in the flames.
Godzilla turned away, trying to piece together a smile. He felt around in his head, trying to reap what little satisfaction he could from this poor harvest.
The former King of the Permian once again tried to convince himself this feeling was happiness, but the fact was it wasn’t. But it kept down the pain, blunted the sharp edge of the agonising grief before it stabbed him in the heart, and that had to be a good thing, surely.
Anguillas, however, did not have to try and be happy. She let out a yap of excitement to her apprentice in anarchy, before returning to her new plaything, another temnospondyl who was soon relieved of its head.
Godzilla did not turn to her, instead still working on his heart. He warred with his emotions as he heard the roars and screeches of the temnospondyls as Anguillas set upon them behind him, but still refused to interfere…until an all-too childlike scream filled the throng.
Godzilla furled his hand into a tightly clenched fist.
He turned his head, and saw exactly hat he feared he would.  
It was the family of temnospondyls from before: same scent, same colours, same sizes.
The creatures cowered back from the bank as a large, boulder like club smacked onto the shore, letting out a wet plop along with an explosion of dirt as it made contact with the earth. Anguillas’ mouth almost watered. The child clenched its eyes shut as its parents prepared for combat, before a loud crash echoed across the valley.
All eyes turned to Godzilla, who hugged angrily, standing over the snarling Anguillas, who he had now bowled into the river. The temnospondyls looked up at him in awe.
The former King of the Permian looked back. He didn’t have to make a sound for them to know what to do: the trio scurried into the woods, unsure of how to feel on their saviour.
Anguillas, both irritated and sopping wet, tumbled out of the river, letting out a spluttered roar along with a rather large amount of water from her mouth and glaring at Godzilla with rage.
The former King of the Permian roared back with an equal amount of fury, rearing up as he did so, though he felt some reluctance. Before him was the last link in the chain to his past-a dangerous link, but a link nonetheless.
Godzilla snorted as the rosey tint of nostalgia faded. Anguillas had always been a fiendish creature, a cowardly and sadistic opportunist who attacked those who were weaker than her. A loose urge to follow her example was replaced with boiling rage.
And with that went the feeling holding back the pain.
Godzilla’s heart was absorbed with a long repressed feeling of guilt-a carnival bear set free from it’s cage, rampaging and roaring at its captor, dragging it down to its level. He tried to repress it, desperately trying to push back at it as he had done before, but it continued its rampage, with just as much vigour as the one it was chastising him for.
Anguillas let out an enraged howl, pulling Godzilla out of his head and into his body.
She bent her back, screeching as she waved her tale in the air, in a childish display of power.
Godzilla just growled.
It was like a Mexican stand off, millions of years too early. The pair stood there, just glaring for a second, their eyes filling with emotions which soon spread with even more vigour into their muscles.
Anguillas screeched, flying into a rage and barreling right at her old foe. Godzilla straightened himself even more, tightening his muscles and bracing for impact. He did not shut his eyes.
Before the decaying monster could collide with the former King, a trio of tentacles erupted from the dirty water, entangling Anguillas’ rotting leg. The decomposing demon let out a screech as pain climbed up her leg, and fell into the river once again.
Godzilla let out a confused grunt before he turned his head to the shore.
Stood on the bank clinging to his old enemies leg was what appeared to be a land dwelling jellyfish.
Godzilla did not like the look of this newcomer. Given how he had just attacked Anguillas, he would probably go for him too. Perhaps an alliance was necessary.
The former king of the Permian turned to face Anguillas, prepared to talk it out, only to narrowly avoid what had a striking resemblance to a bleeding, decaying leg being swarmed by insects flying through the air as the festering fiend ran away as fast as she could, her limb already regrowing.
Godzilla stared blankly at the fleeing Kaiju for a few seconds only to shake his head, huff incredulously and turn once more to the jellyfish creature.
He began to lumber over, only for the newcomer to raise his front tentacles, indicating for the former King of the Permian to stop. The jellyfish then gave a sweeping gesture, showing the fiery forest and fleeing animals that Godzilla had left in his wake. It was an appeal to the former King of the Permian to stand down of his own free will.
Godzilla considered this briefly. For a few seconds, he stopped in place, wrestling with his guilt.
The lucidity almost won, but the former King of the Permian had into one goal now: he wanted the pain to stop. And there was only one way how.
Godzilla stomped his foot into the ground, roared thunderously into the heavens, and charged the jellyfish Kaiju head-on. 

The slimy invertebrate slipped out of the former King of the Permian’s way with ease before delivering a nasty jab right into Godzilla’s right flank with the robust flesh wrapping around his tendrils, prompting the archosaur to wince in pain and stumble into the river. 

The former King of the Permian got onto all fours with enraged speed, swinging his crocodilian tail right at the jellyfish’s legs. 

Yet again, the creature dodged, leaping backwards before ramming right at Godzilla. 

The jellyfish was swiftly head-butted away as Godzilla lunged to his full height, but soon bounced back, ensnaring the former King of the Permian’s arms in his tentacles and slamming his hood against the archosaur’s head. 

For a few seconds the two Kaiju grappled with each other, hitting each other with flesh shields and clawed fists as they tumbled through the river. 

Eventually, Godzilla managed to force the jellyfish back with his snapping jaws, and took the opportunity to grab the jellyfish’s hood in his scaly hands. As the slimy creature squirmed in his firm grip, Godzilla smashed the invertebrate’s body against the rocky riverbed and tossed him aside like a rag doll, roaring at him angrily. 

The slimy creature floundered in the muddy waters for a second, desperately trying to move away, only to be stomped into the channel by Godzilla, soon pinned beneath the former King of the Permian’s massive foot. 

The archosaur loomed menacingly over his opponent, giving faint but menacing growls. 

His plates faintly glowed as he charged up his atomic breath, letting it loose on the captured jellyfish creature...only for a thin, weak blast of glowing blue vapour to shoot out. The invertebrate thrashed briefly, but more out of pained irritation than any legitimate danger. 

Godzilla grunted in frustration as he realised his error. His previous bout of atomic fury had left his body depleted of radiation; he could no longer use his atomic breath and nuclear pulse without sapping away the last of his stores and losing all control of his faculties. 

Godzilla’s brief pause was just long enough for the jellyfish to rip himself free of his grasp, prompting the monster king to lunge after his enemy with an outstretched hand, determined to grab onto the invertebrate. 

The boneless creature lurched back, desperately ruffling his body and thrashing his tentacles to produce a loud slapping sound. 

Godzilla briefly tilted his head in confusion, but soon shook it instead, lunging towards his opponent once again...only for the gaping maw of a massive temnospondyl to fly past his face, the former King of the Permian barely being able to dodge the attack. 

Godzilla looked around him in confusion as the same temnospondyl family from before entered the river. 

Ungrateful little bastards. They had rallied at the jellyfish’s call. 

The former King of the Permian charged the two adults, who promptly lashed out their tails, causing him to crash into the channel. 

The invertebrate soon leapt in to make his move, wrapping his tentacles around Godzilla’s maw and attempting to force it open. 

The former King of the Permian snapped his jaws in response, trying to grab ahold of the tendrils, but as they reached inside his mouth it began to feel numb. He felt his tongue cease to move as paralysis began to set in. 

So that’s why Anguillas had ripped her leg off: she was preventing the venom from spreading. 

Godzilla thrashed and snarled, eventually throwing the jellyfish off as he rose to his feet, but he was promptly knocked back down by a charging temnospondyl. As Godzilla struggled in the river, the jellyfish wrapped some of his tentacles around the reptile’s waist, stubbornly clinging on as the former King of the Permian thrashed. 

Fortunately, Godzilla’s thick, scaly skin protected him from the jellyfish’s venom, but he knew it was only a matter of time before the invertebrate breached his defences. 

He writhed in the slimy monster’s grasp, punching at the slippery creature repeatedly and snapping his vicious jaws, but the temnospondyls soon closed in, biting into Godzilla’s arms and legs and pinning him down. 

The jellyfish slid over Godzilla’s scales and finally stabbed its tentacles into the former King of the Permian’s throat. 

The reptile’s thrashing slowed as the venom coursed through his body. He felt the jaws of the temnospondyls let go as he quickly became unable to move, his vision being clouded by black as the paralysis set in...

Anguillas watched from afar as Sugon trilled his thanks to the Pyrosuchoides and began to drag Godzilla away through the mangroves. 

She snorted with frustration. Undoubtedly the jellyfish monster was dragging her former ally off to the same place he’d taken her. Though it had not worked for Anguillas, it would likely work for Godzilla. 

The decaying monster turned back towards the mangroves and began to lumber away. 

Godzilla lacked conviction. Anguillas was not attacking the area out of grief, she had merely come to enjoy it, taking pleasure in the suffering she caused. 

Next time she encountered either him or Sugon, neither would live to see another day. 

With that, Anguillas darted away, making sure to run as fast as her regenerating legs could carry her...


Name: Sugon
Scientific name: Terramedousa armatocrus
Height: 54 meters
Diet: Carnivore
Affiliation: Major Kaiju (Defender)
Originating from the Silurian period, the terrestrial jellyfish Sugon is one of the oldest known Benevolent Kaiju. Naturally, little exists in way of evidence of his exploits, but some of the older Kaiju have mentioned him in passing to Scylla (Godzilla in particularly speaks quite fondly of him), enough for us to figure out what exactly Sugon was and what he did. He seems to have been even older than Godzilla himself, fighting his own various campaigns against a variety of Malevolent Kaiju for millions of years before Godzilla became what he is now, using his paralysing venom to devastating effect. What exactly happened to Sugon is unknown, and no fossil of him has been found, but it is more than likely that he did not last into the present day...


Main Character Inspirations: Sugon, an obscure Godzilla Kaiju from the same manga as Osoros and Zottos
Appearance inspirations: Palaeozoic jellyfish, the original Sugon and my own imagination

Sugon, Godzilla, Osoros and Zottos belong to Toho
Shinomura belongs to Warner Bros
Miba belongs to Tristar
Ameroboto suggested using Sugon for this arc. Thanks to 3lem3ntary once agin for co-writing this! Sorry if the fight scene seems rushed, I was having issues writing it and thus I ultimately decide I needed to end it somehow. 

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Comments: 14

Clonetrooper656 [2021-06-17 06:20:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to Clonetrooper656 [2021-06-17 06:21:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Reydoor [2021-06-08 16:35:55 +0000 UTC]

Pretty nice concept and story. Although i may suggest you don't need to wrote "The former King of the Permian".
I legit had to laugh from the feeling of obnoxiousness i got XD Your readers know who he used to be if you remind them once or with some longer breaks haha.

Anyway a very nice comeback for sure.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to Reydoor [2021-06-08 17:49:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

DCforever28 [2021-06-07 20:26:41 +0000 UTC]

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DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to DCforever28 [2021-06-07 20:59:00 +0000 UTC]

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BluegirlWoomy [2021-06-07 05:50:56 +0000 UTC]

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DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to BluegirlWoomy [2021-06-07 20:58:07 +0000 UTC]

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Malos078 [2021-06-06 19:18:44 +0000 UTC]

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DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to Malos078 [2021-06-06 19:37:27 +0000 UTC]

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Malos078 In reply to DinoDragoZilla17 [2021-06-06 19:45:47 +0000 UTC]

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DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to Malos078 [2021-06-06 19:46:49 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 [2021-06-06 18:57:40 +0000 UTC]

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DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to Daizua123 [2021-06-06 19:37:43 +0000 UTC]

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