DinoDragoZilla17 — Age of Kaiju: Skull Island Wildlife 8

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Published: 2020-01-04 21:18:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 6074; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Cave Phantom
Scientific name: Apiastoepertos mykitoeidis (fungus-haired elusive crawler)
Height: 0.9 meters
Length: 9.4 meters
Diet: Carnivore
Affiliation: Minor Kaiju
Cave phantoms are bizarre derived primates found in Skull Island's Hollow Earth and which are bonded to incredibly sticky, almost plant-like fungi. These predators prey on such creatures as the cave fishers, though they themselves are eaten by cave dragons. The fungi clinging to these primates grow rapidly, taking the form of most single, non-fused strings and a mould that covers their fur, and due to this the cave phantoms have weaponized it. Massive "webs" of often incredibly thin and yet absurdly strong fungi can be found through-out Skull Island's Hollow Earth, and many humans and cave fishers have been caught within them. The cave phantoms detect where their quarry is via the vibrations they make when struggling, and their huge claws allow them to quickly scuttle over to their victim. From there, they will spray their prey with the spores of their fungus, leaving them almost completely tied up in hairy webbing. With the quarry left unable to move, the primate will then seize them in its monstrous claws and drag them away to a safe place to eat. The large, hairless, fleshy dome at the back of the cave phantom's head is believed to be some kind of sensory organ, essentially acting as a giant ear that can pick up even the tiniest of vibrations. These beasts aren't exactly picky eaters and are known to work together on occasion, so should be approached with caution. 

Name: Tendrilbug
Scientific name: Polypocimex casia (lavender octopus bug)
Height: 3 meters (not counting antennae)
Length: 7 meters (not counting antennae)
Diet: Carnivore
Affiliation: Minor Kaiju
Tendrilbugs are massive derived crabs found in Skull Island's Spider Pits. Their limbs have billions of joints (only a minuscule amount of which are visible from a distance), effectively making them tentacles without having to sacrifice any armour. Though slow and cumbersome, these massive malacostracans more than make up for their shortcomings with their great strength and cunning. Tendrilbugs lie in wait in the Spider Pits for quarry who land close to their lairs, which they detect via their extendable antennae. Lumbering out of their grottoes (contained in various heights of the cliffs within the pits, though most are near the bottom for obvious reasons) with as much speed as they can accomplish, the crabs will seize their prey with their massive claws and drag it away before any other inhabitants of the pits can come and try and seize it. If any other opportunists and scavengers attempt to seize the dead or dying creature, the tendrilbug will respond with those same claws, often gaining an extra meal for their trouble. These malacostracans also protect themselves from their fellow pit dwellers using their highly durable armour (capable of withstanding everything short of a rocket launcher, which are obviously way too dangerous to use even on Skull Island), and their durability often allows them to prey on the other opportunists and scavengers in times when food is scarce. In fact, these crabs are amongst the deadliest inhabitants of the Spider Pits thanks to their armour and strength, and are most infamous for having almost killed Carl Denham during the 1973 expedition when one of them almost dragged the famed director into the pits. Tendrilbugs are usually wise enough to take up residence in caves far apart from each other to avoid territorial clashes, only coming into contact with each other during their mating season when two random individuals mate, with the female laying her eggs in the shallow water regions of the Spider Pits where the young tendrilbugs hatch and emerge from as soon as possible to avoid Corman's leeches and other predators. The two individuals who mate may never see each other again.

Name: Ratwing
Scientific name: Pessimanychterida kitrinos
Height: 0.5-1 meter
Length: 1.3-2.5 meters
Wingspan: 2.7-5.3 meters
Diet: Carnivore
Affiliation: Minor Kaiju
Ratwings are giant bats that dwell in matriarchal colonies on Skull Mountain, from where they fly out over the surrounding ash plains in search of prey such as thumbeliphants and magma turtle hatchlings at night. The best way to describe these birds is that they're essentially flying hyenas, being extremely opportunistic and non-picky predators armed with bone-crushing jaws (thanks both to their big, almost buck teeth and mighty jaw muscles) who travel in groups were females are at the top of the hierarchy and the smaller males are often beaten, abused and, in some cases, even left to starve. Ratwings sleep in caves within and on Skull Mountain, and there is at least one flock in the cave of King Kong himself. Females are fiercely territorial, largely because they will not hesitate to kill babies of rival colonies if they get the chance. Oftentimes it seems like these bats are busy playing political war games, with some of the more intelligent ratwing matriarchs even setting up satellite colonies in key strategic locations to one-up their enemies. These flying mammals only act civil around each other during the mating season, when colonies come together en masse to mate in order to avoid a limited gene pool within the colonies. The baby goes to the colony where her mother is from. Ratwings are hardly adverse to hunting and killing humans and are perfectly capable of doing so. The best way to identify when one is near is to listen out for the characteristic harsh screams they release for echolocation, which they will continuously do whilst on the hunt to successfully tail prey. Ratwings are preyed upon by lavaspitters and Major Kaiju, though colonies will viciously swarm and bite any predators in order to protect higher-ranking members.

Name: Hiveripper
Scientific name: Termitosaurus lophorhinus (crest-nosed termite lizard)
Height: 2 meters (5 meters when rearing up)
Length: 8 meters (3 meters when rearing up)
Tongue length: 0.2 meters (can extend up to 20 meters)
Diet: Insectivore
Affiliation: Minor Kaiju
Hiverippers are large therizinosaurs found on Skull Island's plains. They have convergently evolved with giant anteaters, and feed on the various unique termite species and subspecies found in their habitat, many of which create mounds that are well over 20 meters tall. In some cases, these dinosaurs are even known to eat dog termites they've killed who attempted to herd them into a Matango Kingdom. Still, due to being slow and cumbersome they mostly feed on regular-sized termites from actual mounds. As their name implies, the hiverippers mostly utilise their huge claws to break open termite mounds, rearing up to stand on their knees and tails (as they are facultive bipeds) in order to do so. The therizinosaur will then insert its beak into the hole it's already created, further widening it with said beak. The hiveripper has adapted a highly-placed, crest-like nose to prevent themselves from getting suffocated when feeding. The dinosaur mostly seizes its prey with its long, anteater-like tongue, which can extend long enough and is thin enough to access every nook and cranny of the termite mound and snatch up termites with its sticky saliva to drag into the therizinosaur's body. Hiverippers are mostly solitary creatures, and since there is enough food to go around they rarely come into conflict. They are polygamous and will generally mate as soon as they meet a suitable partner. Most creatures that live on the plains prey on hiverippers, though they are difficult prey to bring down thanks to their bristling feathers and sharp claws.

Name: Lavaspitter
Scientific name: Pyrolophosaurus kwani (Kwan's fire-crested lizard, after Amy Kwan, a veterinarian hired by MONARCH to assist in dealing with a disease that afflicted the lavaspitters during the 2000s which she was essential in stopping)
Height: 5 meters (not counting crests)
Length: 16 meters
Diet: Carnivore
Affiliation: Minor Kaiju
Lavaspitters are giant, stocky, biolithic dilophosaurid dinosaurs known from Skull Island's ash plains. These massive hunters have adapted to life in the ash plains by fusing with ash, lava and molten rock and adapting to be able to breathe toxic gases. This biolithic fusion has also assisted the lavaspitters in hunting prey and facing off anything that attacks them, using the sharp, cutting stone and scorching lava within their teeth and claws to slice and burn their quarry. As their name implies, the theropods can also vomit out a mixture of lava and hot blood that sets fire to prey and assailants and scolds their bodies. These dinosaurs prey on thumbeliphants, platehides and even young magma turtles, overpowering them with their greater size and bulk before delivering a fatal blow with either their lava vomit or sharp teeth and claws. Lavaspitters are generally rather solitary, and though they are mildly territorial they can sometimes be seen working together to hunt prey. During their mating season, these dilophosaurids congregate in large groups around the ash plains, with the males putting on impressive "dances" for sexual display in order to show off their crests as much as possible (as larger crests indicate a healthier lavaspitter). The victorious male will then take his mate, and the two will work together over a period of a few months to raise their children before turfing them out and parting ways. Sometimes, this is forever and the lavaspitters are polygamous, though some have been known to return to mates they had a connection with during the mating season in a kind-of pseudo-monogamy. 


Main Character Inspirations:
Cave Phantom: Beast from Haunted Cave
Tendrilbug: The octopus-insect from the Lost Spider Pit sequence of King Kong 1933 and the Deplector from King Kong 2005
Ratwing: The various giant bats of King Kong 2005 and its expanded universe (largest inspirations are the Volucerictis, Terapusmordax, Skinbird and Howler)
Hiveripper: The Termito'saurus from The World of Kong
Lavaspitter: Kong: King of the Apes' depiction of Dilophosaurus and inaccurate venom-spitting depictions of Dilophosaurus (I know Jurassic Park started it, but when you get to the point that this version of Dilophosaurus is all over videogames and random water bottles I think it's safe to say that it's in the public domain)

Appearance inspirations:
Cave Phantom: The original Beast from Haunted Cave, Kaiju Revolution's cave haunt and my own imagination
Tendrilbug: The original octopus-insect, the original Deplector, various crab species and my own imagination
Ratwing: The aforementioned giant bats from King Kong 2005 and The World of Kong, various real-world bat species and my own imagination
Hiveripper: The original Termito'saurus, Therizinosaurus, giant anteaters and my own imagination
Lavaspitter: The Kong: King of the Apes Dilophosaurus, the real Dilophosaurus and my own imagination

King Kong 1933, the magma turtles and the cave fishers belongs to Warner Bros
King Kong 2005, The World of Kong,the Deplectors, the Volucerictis, the Terapusmordax, the Skinbirds, the Howlers and the Termito'saurus belong to Universal
Kong: King of the Apes belongs to Netflix
Kaiju Revolution belongs to
The Matango belong to Toho
Diablo belongs to Time Warner Interactive
I wasn't really sure how to handle the cave phantom and the tendrilbug at first, though I ultimately came across solutions for both. My conflating of the octopus-insect with the Deplector for the tendrilbug wasn't actually inspired by Kaiju Revolution, but was a last-minute decision as I realised that my interpretation of the former was rather similar to the latter. 
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