DolceMinerva — Little Xavier's dilemma

#brasil #colonial #hetalia
Published: 2015-05-18 02:15:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 6266; Favourites: 142; Downloads: 5
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Some coloured traditional pictures, sorry that they're messy. They're just a simple drawing.

I have the headcanon that whenever Portugal wasn't around to supervise him, little Brazil would sneak in and try to help the african slaves that were working in his lands. He wasn't black, nor white, he was a mulatto and he didn't understand why some people were treated differently from other people just because they looked different. As a child, he always suffered a lot whenever he saw the slaves in poor conditions and badly treated. I think he probably had a woman who took care of him in Portugal's absence, and that was the closest thing to a maternal figure for him. As the representative of such a diverse country, he has always loved everyone. Xavier was very compassionate ever since he was little.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone! Sorry if that's what I made anyone feel.

characters © me
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Comments: 44

chapolim45 [2018-08-18 15:36:52 +0000 UTC]

The Brazilian Emperors (Pedro I, Pedro II and Isabel) were actually against slavery. Pedro I always said that his blood was the same color that the blood of the slaves, he tried to end slavery on the idependence but it wasnt succeciful bc it was a constitutional parlamentarist monarchy and the parlament was against it. Pedro II liberated all the slaves that the imperial family had and employeed them as salarial employees. Pedro II always said that slavery was the great evil that threatened Brazil. When Pedro II recived the notice that his daughter (Isabel) abolish slavery he cried of happines (one of Pedro II teachers was a liberated slave that was chosen by Pedro I personal orders). They were creating projects to reeintegrate the liberated slaves intro society but it was interrupted due to the republican state coup (republicans were against slavery abolishment)
When the slavery was abolished 4 republicans parlamentars said to isabel:
"Congratulations your majesty! You have just abolished slavery and LOST THE THRONE"

(so the picture is kinda accturate i guess?)

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DolceMinerva In reply to chapolim45 [2018-08-18 17:27:03 +0000 UTC]

Wow! thank you for the info, that's a pretty significant insight. I imagine my character Brazil struggled a lot with racism and his self-perception as he was a mixed person, although this picture (such an old drawing haha) is set during colonial times when Brazil was a little boy and a bit more clueless of the world around him; he was a teenager by the times of the Empire. I'm sure he would have appreciated the views of his emperors on this matter!

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chapolim45 In reply to DolceMinerva [2018-08-18 20:01:57 +0000 UTC]

there are a lot of things that the imperial family did to support or even finance the abolishment moviment, the ones that i said early were just a few and mst of them resulted in a scandal and journals criticizing the imperial family
Some things they did to finance were:
The Empress Teresa Cristina sold all of her jewels to finance the moviment

D.Pedro II and Isabel hid slaves that runned away from their owners and bought their manumission

D. Pedro II used to separate part of his salary to buy manumission for slaves and support the moviment

Unfortunaly most of things that i told you are uknown by most of brazilians due to the republican brainwash that portrayed D.Pedro II as a pro-slavery old and lazy man that did absolutely nothing (they LITTERALY blame england for the abolishion due to their prohibition of trading slaves on africa that if they saw a boat trafficking slaves they would capture the boat and judge their crew under britan law. they basicly exclude the abolitionist moviment and the imperial family involviment on it) fortunnaly the monarchist moviment is growing to restaure the monarchy and restaure brazil's glory.

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DolceMinerva In reply to chapolim45 [2018-09-08 18:28:33 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for the late reply! Thank you for all this information. May I know what your sources are?
Also I notice you have a monarchist point of view. I saw a facebook page that is in favour of monarchism and against the republic, could you tell me more about this movement? What is wrong with the Republic? what values does the monarchist movement stand for? is it right-wing or conservative in some way? is it religious? I'm interested to understand your point of view. Although I'd appreciate if you tried to be the least biased possible 

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chapolim45 In reply to DolceMinerva [2018-09-09 00:47:51 +0000 UTC]

Books (Sources): Do sucesso monárquico ao fracasso republicano
-Paulo Victor Gomes Rodrigues

A democracia coroada
-João camilo de oliveira torres

D Pedro I Navegando pelos Açores
-Cândida Arruda Botelho

A legitimidade monarquica no Brasil
-Armando Alexandre dos Santos

História do Brasil-Reino e do Brasil-Imperio
-Mello Moraes

O reino que não era deste mundo
-Marcos Costa

D Pedro II. Ser ou não ser
-José Murilo Carvalho

Imperador Cidadão
-Roderick J. Barman

As barbas do Imperador. D.Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos
-Lilia Moritz Schwartz

Revivendo o Brasil-Imperio: Coletanea
-Leopoldo Bibiano Xavier

Parlamentarismo Sim! Mas à Brasileira
-Armando Alexandre dos Santos

(I dont know if any of these books have a translated version to english)
Yea, im a monarchist (ave Império) the monarchist moviment started after the exile of our emperor (Pedro II), these moviments were repressed by our first and second ""presidents"" (dictators) Marechal Deodoro da Fonseca and Floriano Peixoto by decrets, the most famous was the 85° decree promulgated on december 23 in 1889 famous known as "decreto rolha" that punished people who supported the monarchy or manifested against the republic with a 30-50 years in jail or death penalty (in Deodoro goverment most of the captured monarchists were sent to jail but in floriano's goverment basicly all of them were executed by gun shooting in the Anhatomirim Island), and the Hard clausules
** Legal terms that do not admit of reform, petrified, and untouchable, in the legal body of a nation are called "Hard clauses". From the first Republican Constitution, from 1891 until the penultimate one, 1967, the "Stone clauses" were maintained against the monarchists, who, in practice, were put out of the law, because they could not organize or work for the restoration of the Monarchy. Due to these laws the monarchist ideal and the monarchists were considered "illegal" between 1889 and 1988. But that was not all. The authorities of the Republic promoted violent persecutions and murders to illustrious men and people of the people, with the aim of imposing the new form of government. It would be lengthy to detail the laws of exception promulgated by the republican authorities in the late nineteenth century. It is the theme for an upcoming work. Let us speak, albeit succinctly, of the human victims sacrificed to consolidate the new government imposed on Brazil in 1889. In fact, many Brazilians were murdered for their ideals and convictions, especially in the lead years of Marechal Floriano Peixoto, the 2nd president of the Republic. All done with the aim of drowning in the blood any attempt of restoration of the Monarchy in Brazil. Among the victims of the Republic are: Admiral Saldanha da Gama, assassinated in Campo Osório (RS) in 1895; the Marechal Barão de Batovi, hero of the War of Paraguay, shot with some fellow monarchists in Santa Catarina; the Baron de Serro Azul and five of his companions murdered in May 1894 at Km 65 of the Curitiba-Paranaguá Railroad; the Colonel Gentil de Castro, barbarously slaughtered in Rio de Janeiro, after several months of imprisonment in a dungeon. We can not fail to register (the fact is reported in the book "Order and Progress", Gilberto Freyre) the murders of numerous former slaves , trucidated by fanatical republicans, in the city of Rio de Janeiro because they were fond of Princess Isabel.**
Since the foundation, the republic has drowned brazil in crisis, coups, oligarchs and revolutions, one worse than the other, one more brainwashing than the other. in the monarchy we had the 4th best ecconomy, 2nd greatest navy, we made the so powerful england bow to our knees (search for the christie question that u will found out) our inflation was  1,08% per year, the economical grow was of 8,81% per year, the brazilian coin (réis) valued the same as the pound sterling, we only had 14 taxes (now are 98), brazil was the first country in latin america and the second in the world to have schools for people with visual and auditive defeciencies, when D.Pedro II was crowned 92% of brazilians weren't alphabetized and when he was exiled 52% weren't due to his big education incnetive we were the 9° greastest empire of history, we were the country that most built iron roads with more than 26.000 km, in 1887 D.Pedro II recived the honorary diploms of botanics and astronomy by the cambridge university, D.Pedro II donated 50% of his salary to charity institutions and educational incentives our emperors had moral and were against slavery, never lived a luxurious life (and were criticized by the european courts for that), were pro free speech, even permiting the existance of the republican party on the county (witch ocupped only 4 chairs in the penultimate parlamental election and only 2 in the last before the republican coup). "Media is combated with media" he always said, 90% of our parlamentars had a college degree. "Brazil is, next to us, the great power in the American continent." said James Watson webb (united states's minister) to brazil in 1867. 
There are LOOOOTS of other thing that i could keep talking about how good the empire was but by the sake of convinience i will stop here 

About the monarchist moviment: is a right wing christian conservative moviment (doesnt mean that people of other beliefs cant be, but the focus of the moviment is the christianity) that wants to restore the monarchy and modify the constitution using the 1822's constitution as a "base" but modifiying it to the actual necessities, whe defend a constitutional monarchy with the house of orleans & bragança ( direct descendants of D.Pedro I, II and princess izabel) but with the 4th power (moderator power), that gives the monarch the powers to: dissolve the parlament and convene new elections, take out or fire the any minister or parlamentar according to the will of the people (corruption or high dissaproval) and some other things. the sources are the same books, members of the imperial family speeches and informations in their website: www.monarquia.org.br/
if you have any more questions please do not hesitate in contact me!

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DolceMinerva In reply to chapolim45 [2018-09-09 01:29:40 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much! I wish I had time to read about this, sadly I have to study other things, so I'm sorry if the questions I'm gonna ask can be answered in the books you mentioned

Why was the monarchy abolished? (what sector had the idea, what were their interests?)

If, in an hypothetic case, the current monarchist movement was successfull and Brazil became a monarchy again, what would happen to non-christian individuals and communities? Would there be religion-free education? Would heretic manifestations of behaviour (homosexuality, promiscuity, atheism, etc) be persecuted, or would people have inidivual freedom to act as they please? Would christianity be reinforced as a core element of brazilian national identity? What about the other indigenous cultures that make part of this so diverse country? Would they be "accepted" , even though they're not Christian? (I'm making assumptions here, I don't know a single thing about indigenous societies in Brazil)

sorry if it's too much haha

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chapolim45 In reply to DolceMinerva [2018-09-09 18:53:36 +0000 UTC]

 -About the hypothetical restauration and non christian groups:
They would have all their rights of freedom, free-speech etc guaranteed since the moviment is a christian one (due to the fact that most of the monarchists are christians) but still wants brazil to be a laic state, but this could change (bc who decides this is the congress) and if it was changed and brazil was a christian state the minorities and other religious groups would still have their rights, due to the people's and our royal house chief's beliefs that the rights of everyone should be granted, and the fact that they want to remake the constitution based on the constitution of the empire (which is that of 1824) which says:

TITLE 1o From the Empire of Brazil, its Territory, Government, Dynasty and Religion

Article 5  The Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion will continue to be the religion of the Empire. All other religions will be allowed with their domestic or private worship in homes for this purpose, without form some outside temple.

(they will let the other temples be built since they will use the constitution of 1824 as a base but will change some things for what most fits in the current models and according to the will of the population) 

  -About the abolishment of the monarchy:
when slavery was abolished in 1888 and the crown proposed to cede state lands to the former slaves, plans to reintegrate former slaves into society and indemnify them, slaveowners were really angry and Republicans also stayed as they were pro-slavery, join this with some positivist military with dictatorial dreams and you have the "proclamation" (coup) of the republic, which occurred without any popular participation. On the proclamation of the republic José Murilo de Carvalho, political historian and scientist born in 2004, said: "The people watched the bestialized proclamation, they thought it was a military parade, not the republic. In hindsight it can be said that, ironically, the monarchy fell at the time of its greater divorce with the elite and its greater rapprochement with the people." The republic was nothing more than a coup d'etat, if you take up arms against a legally constituted government, kidnap the country's head of state, together with your family and hold them hostage and without any judgment expel them from your this country is literally a coup d'état, and this is how the republic was born, as a coup, the first in the history of independent Brazil, and the republic was also the beginning of our first dictatorship. In the monarchy the republican ideas barely leave the circles of intellectuals. For the people to end the monarchy would be a betrayal against Dom Pedro II and especially against Dona Isabel, daughter of D. Pedro II and who ended slavery, popularly known as "the redeemer" (the idea of ​​originally building the redeeming Christ was to construct a stay of Dona Isabel the "redeemer" but she denied and asked that instead they build a statue of Christ, hence the redeeming Christ). And as I said before, the idea of ​​ending the monarchy and proclaiming the republic was not popular, but it was not only denied by the poorest but also by the middle class of the time. One of the proofs of this is that in the last elections to the parliament of the empire, which had a census vote (that is, it was not everyone who voted but the required income was 100 contos de reis per month, so low income that even the profession the lowest of the time that was that of janitor could vote, since it earned 600 contos of réis per month) occurred months before the coup only 2, yes 2, Republican deputies were elected. The republican party was so disorganized that there was no union in its objectives, in fact, nor what kind of republic to be adopted (presidential, parliamentary, civil or military) was a consensus. Among the military only a part of the officers, the younger ones, who had no contacts with republican countries during the Paraguayan war, defended the fall of the crown, while the elders defended a reform in the monarchy precisely because they knew how to know how a Latin monarchy -American. The civilian republics did not welcome the union with the positivist military, and one of the major themes: the abolition of slavery even defended by several of them were not in the republican party programs since according to their leaderships this was the problem of the monarchist parties. In fact, not even how the republic would be proclaimed, they already knew that the party was politically weak, so the plebiscite was out of the question and a coup was difficult since they were dealing with a popular emperor and this would certainly cause revolts, the fear of it was so evident that they sent the imperial family into exile at dawn.  Everyone knows that day 15 and November is the day of the proclamation of the republic, but the movements began on November 11 at a meeting of civilians and republican militaries, who counted people like Rui barbosa and Beijamin Constant (known for their participation in the proclamation) to choose a date: November 16 or 20 to make an intervention in the meantime on the 14th a rumor arrives at Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca (proclaimer of the republic) this rumor said that the president of the council of ministers, the prime minister, Viscount de black gold had ordered the arrest of the Marshal and the dissolution of the army, which would be replaced by the national guard. In response, on the night of the same day the troops rebelled. Viscount of Ouro preto transfers to the navy's arsenal from where he dispatched a telegram to the emperor who was in Petropolis warning of the revolt and on the morning of November 15 Visconde de Ouro preto departs for the barracks of Campo de Santana, where would organize the resistance. There he ordered Marshal Floriano Peixoto (second dictator of the future republic and who was also a republic) to attack the rebels, at the time he would have said that "There was no need for such an act since they were only Brazilians", then Floriano changed sides and arrested the Viscount.
  As I said before the republics had no political force but they wanted the republic at any price and if it were not for the legal route would be via weapons, from there they got the support of a prestigious military man, here comes the figure of Marshal Deodoro Fonseca (proclaimer of the republic), veteran of the Paraguayan war and that with the death of soldiers like: Duke of Caxias, was the great name of the Brazilian army, however he was declared Moanrquist, was like an adopted son of the emperor, was his friend , owed him favors, and wished to have the honor of being able to hold a clasp of his majesty's coffin; otherwise he saw the republic in Brazil as a complete disgrace. But then you ask me: If Deodoro was a monarchist why did he proclaim the republic? I'll explain to you, remember when I told you that that move of the 15th administration overturned the Viscount's rule of black gold? so should come another name to succeed it right? a rumor, another rumor, spread by Beijamin Constant, Quintinho Bocaiuva, Adestino Lobo, Rui barbosa (fathers of the republic) and others that the name chosen would be Gaspar da Silveira Martins (the problem is that he played with deodoro the heart of Adelaide also known as the baroness of triumph and won)  when in fact D. Pedro II had summoned Councilor of Ministers Councilor Saraiva. When they told Deodoro, who was sick, in bed, on the evening of November 15 that the prime minister, the president of the council of ministers would be Gaspar da Silveira Martins, Deodoro said:
"Not this one!" "This man for nothing in this world!" "I do not accept that!" The republic is regrettably a regime that was born of a dispute of two men by a lover
  When it came time to tell Dom Pedro II that the empire was over, and not even the republics knew who they were going to say, until they asked Marshal Deodoro: "Sir, you made the republic, why do not you go and tell him yourself ? " and he replied, "If I go, then the old man cries, and I cry too, and then it's all over." At the time the following was raised: What if the royal family refused to accept the orders? A certain Alfers Cardoso, the grandfather of former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, proposed to shoot the emperor and the royal family, but Deodoro punched the table and said that it would never happen. It was then they named Major Solom Ribeiro to deliver the message and even nervous, stuttering and getting in the way, delivered the news. The reports say that the Empress Dona Cristina cried, that the Princess Isabel was silent and that Pedro II exclaimed: "They are all crazy!"  As for the republican coup, those who did this shit promised to be democratic and that the first decree made official that: "Article 1. It is provisionally proclaimed and decreed as a form of government of the Brazilian nation - the Federative Republic." And right after the seventh article  "Article 7. Since the Brazilian federal republic is the proclaimed form of government, the provisional government does not recognize and recognize any local government contrary to the republican form, and awaits, as it does, the definitive pronouncement of the nation's vote freely expressed by popular suffrage. " ie a referendum (since the republic was already made) and that would approve, or not the new system. So far okay, cool, they were going to ask the people which government they preferred, and that would have been perfect, IF THE PLEBISCIT DOES NOT LAST 104 YEARS AGO. This voting, which was to take place at the most in 1890, only happened on April 21, 1993, that is, 104 years after the decree.  The departure of the Imperial Family was scheduled for November 17, but the provisional government was afraid that there would be popular riots and so they scheduled the embarkation for the night of November 16 to 17. D. Pedro II did not want to leave like this, but in the end he agreed, and so at 3 o'clock in the morning the imperial family left for exile on their way to portugal, it was still on this occasion that his Majesty ruled out the pension of 4 tons of gold that the republicans offered him as a retirement. In addition to denying it, he said that no one from his family would receive him and asked him if the money had already been withdrawn, that a document be made that would prove his return and ended with the phrase:"By what authority do these gentlemen dispose of public money?"

Hope you liked the history class!

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DolceMinerva In reply to chapolim45 [2018-09-09 23:10:34 +0000 UTC]

wow! brazilian history is so thrilling! thank you very much for your elaborated reply  

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chapolim45 In reply to DolceMinerva [2018-09-13 19:51:11 +0000 UTC]

(Sorry for the late reply) 
No Problem!
if you want to know more of the history of the empire of brazil dont hesitate in contact me!

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chapolim45 In reply to DolceMinerva [2018-08-18 18:16:07 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome
actually even before the abolishment there were lots of blacks that occupied high rankson the politics like parlamentars and senators
some examples are:

Machado de Assis (Really famous poet and writer who is highly recognized even today)

Francisco Paulo de Almeida, formely known as Baron (yes, baron) of Guaraciaba

Francisco Jê Acaiaba de Montezuma, a lawer, and formely known as Viscount (yep,you eyes arent tricking you) of Jequitinhonha

Francisco de Paula Brito ( transformed his cousin's little book store intro one of the greatests book publishers of the empire wich among its shareholders was the D. Pedro II, who in 1851 granted him the title of printer of the Imperial House. Paula Brito's importance was not limited to hir business success: he printed one of the first periodicals in defense of the rights of blacks, and later published the first works by the writers Teixeira e Sousa e Machado de Assis.)

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Cheddar23 [2016-01-17 15:24:22 +0000 UTC]

I thought Xavier was pardo, which is the mix between natives, blacks, whites and japaneses just like majority of the brazilians.

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Cheddar23 In reply to Cheddar23 [2016-01-19 18:35:26 +0000 UTC]

You're the artist, it's your creation and I have to say that you have a good point, I just thought that Hetalia OC were stereotypes and characteristics of the countries in general, also the Brazil Census points that pardos are in a bigger percentage than whites and mulattoes, also pardo is the mixed race, just as show in this chart you posted, but "cafuzos" and "mulatos", an example, aren't part of the group called "pardos".

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Cheddar23 In reply to Cheddar23 [2016-01-19 18:36:20 +0000 UTC]

I took two days to answer, I'm really sorry.

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DolceMinerva In reply to Cheddar23 [2016-01-17 18:03:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh, when I say that Xavier wasn't genetically impacted by immigration, I'm referring to his own physical body. But of course his population was genetically impacted
It's.. confusing

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DolceMinerva In reply to Cheddar23 [2016-01-17 18:00:46 +0000 UTC]

Oh, sorry, I thought they were similar things. I did a quick research again and a mulato is a type of pardo, so he is officially a pardo because he is mixed. I originally chose this word because that’s what I saw in some ethnic group charts (most of them said the majority of the population is white and the second majority is mulato). Sorry for the confusion, here are some examples I found






I imagined he was conceived by a white portuguese man and a black woman, while i was wondering what would happen with the native communities genes. My interpretation is that there are separate characters that represent every different native community, because, well, how can he genetically be all of them at the same time? It would be a bit confusing, and potentially erase the identities of pre-colonial tribes. (Xavier represents Brazil from the colonial times and beyond, not before, this is my own interpretation).


Honestly, there's nothing confirmed about how nations are born, maybe they don't need to come from a pregnant woman. Maybe he suddenly popped out of a plant one day and there he was as a baby   so he mysteriously has all those genes. There are many ways to see it


I don’t agree that he would have Japanese genes, though, he has existed since the 16th century and Japanese immigration became significant in the 20th century. For example, neither he, Agustina(Arg) or Damián(Uru) have Italian genes, even though Italian immigration influenced them greatly, the impact was not genetic in their physical bodies. It was cultural, and symbolic (like my Argentina, who only started to have her little curl and changed her last name to an Italian one for the immigration, and didn’t have them before). Perhaps the same happened to Xavier with Japanese, German immigration, etc; he learnt their languages, his culture was influenced, but he didn’t necessarily start having German and Japanese genes. What do you think?

Sorry for the long reply, it’s an interesting topic with many ways to see it.

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Canlo In reply to DolceMinerva [2017-12-17 19:27:53 +0000 UTC]

Well, I think that one of Xavier's parent could be the descendant of a quilombola (fugitive slave) and of a Indigenous, but then the quilombo where his mother lived in, got destroyed by the Portuguese and she was raped by one. After that, she got re-enslaved.

So basically, Xavier's mother is cafuza and his father is portuguese, thus making Xavier a pardo.

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DolceMinerva In reply to Canlo [2018-01-03 14:18:48 +0000 UTC]

I hadn't thought of that! Very interesting output. And quite tragic, too.

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Canlo In reply to DolceMinerva [2018-01-05 02:59:34 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome !
Also, to be more specific, the Portuguese, who destroyed her quilombo, were bandeirantes.

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Whitelili123 [2015-12-19 23:01:33 +0000 UTC]

so sweet yet said. ;w;

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FroztBitez [2015-09-25 13:25:27 +0000 UTC]

Can I cry now? ;-; 

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mahooe-desenhos-12 [2015-07-21 17:53:02 +0000 UTC]

[Feels in portuguese]

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W1nd-und-Serebr0 [2015-07-17 19:17:53 +0000 UTC]

Muy tierno y muy triste...  :,3
Deberías de enviarlo a Honestly hetalia, esta imagen realmente hace reflexionar sobre los niños y su forma de ver su entorno.

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Ravelium [2015-06-17 01:46:37 +0000 UTC]

Agridulce. Este tipo de fanarts, los que te dejan pensando y dan otro tono a Hetalia, me encantan (si, soy complicada).
Flor, tenes que seguir dibujando!!! Lo tuyo es talento :3

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DolceMinerva In reply to Ravelium [2015-07-10 20:37:57 +0000 UTC]

Gracias! Aunque no sea la intención del concepto original de hetalia, me encanta hacer este tipo de dibujos más serios y que tratan temas más controversiales

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Ravelium In reply to DolceMinerva [2015-07-17 21:29:00 +0000 UTC]

Los artistas están para interpretar las cosas y expresar a esas ideas a su gusto y criterio  
Creo que mientras a nadie se le falte el respeto, toda representación tendría que marchar ligera y tranquila; no sé si es cosa de ahora, pero noto que la gente de los fandoms esta mas susceptible/belicosa que antes (posta, llegue a enterarme que a dos traductoras de manga les mandaron anónimos agresivos en tumblr O.o). 
Siempre va a haber alguien ofendido o en desacuerdo, es así.
Decime, porfa, que no recibís mucho odio en tumblr >.<

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DolceMinerva In reply to Ravelium [2015-07-17 21:50:57 +0000 UTC]

antes sí recibía mucho comentario malintencionado y cuestionamientos, por suerte ya no es tan frecuente. Además, desactivé la opción de anónimo en el askblog por eso

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Ravelium In reply to DolceMinerva [2015-07-18 00:37:20 +0000 UTC]

Uuuuuuh, Bajon. A la gente no le cuesta nada ser educada :/
Deben ser fangirls de 15/16 años, nadie con poco tiempo libre lo va a pasar mandando anónimos al dope -.-' Igual, debe ser tremendo bajón leer eso.
Con el anon desactivado ya no joderan tanto   

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Meowsos [2015-05-31 03:01:16 +0000 UTC]

I feel sad

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Rodikaa [2015-05-27 14:58:44 +0000 UTC]

You're getting better and better giving feels through your arts,Flopy!! ; w ; 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DolceMinerva In reply to Rodikaa [2015-07-10 20:38:09 +0000 UTC]

aww thank you uvu

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Hippokonstai [2015-05-25 02:25:46 +0000 UTC]


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DehFentom [2015-05-19 20:44:47 +0000 UTC]

T___T E..direto nos sentimentos!

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XxHikaru00Xx [2015-05-19 06:19:27 +0000 UTC]

;;v;; aww brazil....
es feo, pero igual me gustan
este tipo de cosa, ademas
son reales uvu

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DolceMinerva In reply to XxHikaru00Xx [2015-07-10 20:39:11 +0000 UTC]

gracias, sí, a mí también me gustan (seré medio masoquista jaja)

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X-I-L2048 [2015-05-19 05:41:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness, what a sweetheart. ;A;

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DolceMinerva In reply to X-I-L2048 [2015-07-10 20:39:36 +0000 UTC]

I know ;v; he was a very sensitive child

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APH-Vene [2015-05-18 20:22:48 +0000 UTC]

( aww nuu brazil ;;; n ;;; ! )

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Yukow [2015-05-18 12:35:03 +0000 UTC]

Hermoso! Me encanta!

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DolceMinerva In reply to Yukow [2015-07-10 20:39:44 +0000 UTC]


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Yukow In reply to DolceMinerva [2015-07-11 11:04:09 +0000 UTC]

De nada!

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durakoko-chan [2015-05-18 11:03:34 +0000 UTC]

estas son las clases de imagenes que considero le dan realidad a hetalia, no todo fue malo en la epoca colonial pero tampoco fue un jardin de rosas

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DolceMinerva In reply to durakoko-chan [2015-07-10 20:42:07 +0000 UTC]

Gracias! Hay que ver la realidad como es, sin blancos y negros sino un matiz de grises; la época colonial no es la excepción.

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Cupcakequeen16 [2015-05-18 10:54:33 +0000 UTC]

Poor brazil...

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RobbieCave [2015-05-18 03:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Wow! This is so... wow... So emotional.

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