Introducing Thundaclap's most powerful variant of Shock & Awe: Storm Install! This is her ulimtate ability, or "Metaclimax" for short; this form is used for very dangerous emergencies or occurs during extreme circumstances, which transforms Thundaclap's physical form into that of a storm elemental! A being of pure storm energy, her main abilities are drastically increased several times over and she gains access to storm manipulation powers and instant teleportation!
Her suit is inspired by jonpadraws ' wrestler OC Berta , which acts as an inhibitor system that maintains her humanoid form and storm energy as it's unpredictable and dangerous to control and master right away without causing serious damage and collapsing her very being completely. I also had her fighting stance and "mist ribbon" based on the ancient Niō guardians of Buddhist mythology!
Made with Clip Studio Paint!