Dottwing — just wasting time

Published: 2010-01-14 23:36:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1022; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 18
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Description hi everyone, so after some time off, I'm submitting something new and actually these aren't exactly finished things even though they seem so they're just possibilities and doodles

the first started just as a figure without purpose and turned into something resembling Wonder Woman (I wasn't really going for her but hey u know how it works, sometimes u just hold the pencil and it moves on its own)

the second - nothing much to say about her, just a sort of typical elven mage

the third and the fourth were a real fun to do - I was trying to come up with a cute girl type of character (and because I was at the time trying out the MMORPG Dofus - to which the awesome draws the characters - I think they do resemble his a little, or have some of the feel about them) to use them as another or shall I better say as a replacement for one of the cardgame girls I made in 2009. But that is another matter.

So enjoy, comment if u like and rest assured that I will be back with more
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Comments: 50

strokedgta [2011-01-03 04:37:27 +0000 UTC]

i like your wonder woman im going to think about picking i for my tatoo

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Dottwing In reply to strokedgta [2011-01-03 22:59:25 +0000 UTC]

wow, really? I'd honored if you picked it, that would be awesome

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oOToetjeOo [2010-01-17 14:04:16 +0000 UTC]

xD lol for 'a waste of time' drawing is it great very well done ^^ (i like the one with the birds and flames the most :3)

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Dottwing In reply to oOToetjeOo [2010-01-18 15:04:52 +0000 UTC]

thanks, the one with the birds is may favorite too

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oOToetjeOo In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-19 20:19:17 +0000 UTC]

jeej ^^ go bird :3 my fav animal ish a bird= quetzal (no one knows that animal though xD)

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vampRaziel [2010-01-17 01:22:16 +0000 UTC]

oooooo, taková doba...
Ale krásné těším se na další .))

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Dottwing In reply to vampRaziel [2010-01-17 19:06:28 +0000 UTC]

budu je muset jen naskenovat

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vampRaziel In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-18 11:35:59 +0000 UTC]

sem s nimi

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Dottwing In reply to vampRaziel [2010-01-18 13:57:31 +0000 UTC]

už je tam máš

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Kenshobu [2010-01-15 23:11:25 +0000 UTC]

!! Try the 300 Type, with a little god of war mix maybe !! Im realy into that stuff so id love to see the outcome of your work =3
( Try keeping him topless no shirt etc, you have to draw the 300 helmet tho! )
A sword/spear and Shield, you can decide if he is going to have Cloak
Not to femine, and hes gotta be RIPPED xD
Sounds like alot of demands, sorry :S

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Dottwing In reply to Kenshobu [2010-01-16 00:22:08 +0000 UTC]

no it doesn't, u just know what u would like to see and to tell u the truth I would go with the 300 type of Spartan anyway (or at least I would tried him also ) - this is going to be fun and a hell lot of work (haven't drawn many guys lately, hmm more like ever )

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Feinobi [2010-01-15 19:57:57 +0000 UTC]

Vida, v českých kruzích se Wonder Woman moc nekreslí. To je dobře, že na ní alespoň někdo myslí ^__^

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Dottwing In reply to Feinobi [2010-01-15 20:44:25 +0000 UTC]

no, ale vskutku jen okrajově

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Feinobi In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-15 21:07:08 +0000 UTC]

To je jedno. Je to z DC universe a to se počítá ^__^

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Dottwing In reply to Feinobi [2010-01-15 21:16:58 +0000 UTC]

oki, tim padem budu muset asi udělat i zbytek pseudo fanartů

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Feinobi In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-16 09:08:22 +0000 UTC]

Čím víc netopírů a kryptoňanů, tím lepe ^__^

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Dottwing In reply to Feinobi [2010-01-19 18:49:15 +0000 UTC]

no ......i když bych to považoval za nemožné, tak teď by mě takový fanart Supermana nebo Batmana lákal .................. uvidíme

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geoffreydean [2010-01-15 12:41:14 +0000 UTC]

Some really fun designs! It seems you were working from a really creative place.

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Dottwing In reply to geoffreydean [2010-01-17 19:06:04 +0000 UTC]

not really - the student dorm and my room don't qualify as a creative place (nor not that much to me) but thanks

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geoffreydean In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-17 22:53:15 +0000 UTC]

hahaha, I meant internally

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Dottwing In reply to geoffreydean [2010-01-18 01:52:25 +0000 UTC]

just creatively teasing

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geoffreydean In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-18 12:00:37 +0000 UTC]

you're creatively cute

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Dottwing In reply to geoffreydean [2010-01-19 18:49:40 +0000 UTC]

oh thank u, finally someone noticed

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geoffreydean In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-20 00:05:32 +0000 UTC]

the people of the Czech Republic must be blind not to notice...

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Dottwing In reply to geoffreydean [2010-01-20 20:32:51 +0000 UTC]

maybe it's because I hang out with the cute gang, so no one really notices little oh me

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geoffreydean In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-20 23:02:58 +0000 UTC]

That must be some group!

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Dottwing In reply to geoffreydean [2010-01-21 01:12:39 +0000 UTC]

yeah, u should see their cute attack

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geoffreydean In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-21 10:34:49 +0000 UTC]

Indeed! XD

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VeneaGlorthiel [2010-01-15 11:49:05 +0000 UTC]

Ta první má takový divný obličej.... ale o to hezčí má zadek xD

a ta elfí čarodějka je opravdu líbezná

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pet-kyval [2010-01-15 11:07:09 +0000 UTC]

Teď jak na to koukám, tak mi začíná být líto, že nemám čas už druhý měsíc udělat alespoň čárku.
A přidávám hlas pro "elfí kouzelnici". Moc povedená!

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Dottwing In reply to pet-kyval [2010-01-15 15:40:50 +0000 UTC]

tak nějak to se mnou jde delší dobu, vždycky bych kreslil když nemůžu a když můžu tak nevim co a nebo nemam vůbec čas (no spíš si ho neumim udělat)
hmm, ty kouzelnice nějak vedou

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pet-kyval In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-18 18:19:32 +0000 UTC]

Kouzelnice jsou prostě kozelné. Tak to je a vždy bude.

PS: Rozhodnutí, že bez tabletu sem nic barevného nehodím. X) Leda linearty a to podle nové knihy, kterou jsem si vyloženě vydupala. Tak mi snad pomůže se probojovat k vytouženému cíly.

Jinak, znáš/čteš Kulhánka? Docela by mě zajímalo, jak bys vytvořil hlavní charaktery. Jestli bys měl někdy čas na Noční klub. Myslím, že by to do tvé techniky pěkně sedlo. I když literatura je to značně sadistická, charakterově by to nemuselo být šatné.

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Dottwing In reply to pet-kyval [2010-01-18 20:40:49 +0000 UTC]

teda abych se přiznal tak Kulhánka neznam, jméno mi sice něco říká, ale to bude asi tím, že jsem ho někde slyšel nebo si prostě nespojim dvě věci dohromady (Noční klub je asi název knihy, že? - úlně stupidní otázka )

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pet-kyval In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-19 09:00:01 +0000 UTC]

Jiří Kulhánek. Píše sci-fi literaturu s upíry a přidává do toho humor. Je to samá useknutá ruka a noha a všude "klokotá krev". Sice poslední jeho kniha se čtě hodně šatně, ale ty předchozí... Zrovna před Vánoci znovu vydali Noční klub I.

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arevin [2010-01-15 05:53:19 +0000 UTC]

wow! Mě osobně se nejvíc líbí dáma číslo dvě

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Dottwing In reply to arevin [2010-01-17 19:08:54 +0000 UTC]

musim říct, že když na ně tak koukam, že se mi čarodějka líbí víc naskenovaná než jen na papíře........zajímavé

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arevin In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-18 16:38:20 +0000 UTC]

to jsi asi prvni clovek, kterej nenadava, ze mu scanner znicil obrazek

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Dottwing In reply to arevin [2010-01-18 17:46:56 +0000 UTC]

asi to bude tim, že skenuju jen tužku, nic barveného v ruce, a na tom se toho moc zkazit nedá

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arevin In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-18 17:59:40 +0000 UTC]

mno, ono to nežere jen barvy, ono to totiž žere i anatomii. Copakže to máš za scanner? :-D

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Dottwing In reply to arevin [2010-01-18 20:38:40 +0000 UTC]

no mam už několik let multifunkci od Cannonu, nic přepychovýho, ale svojí práci to udělá

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arevin In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-19 06:21:29 +0000 UTC]

Hm, tak to já mám HP.. měla bych asi začít uvažovat o změně.. scanner, kterej mi vylepší dílka je můj velkej sen

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Dottwing In reply to arevin [2010-01-19 18:47:58 +0000 UTC]

no tak to mi dej vědět až ho najdeš, protože ho budu chtít taky

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arevin In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-21 14:14:48 +0000 UTC]

No a já si myslela, že už ho máš

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Dottwing In reply to arevin [2010-01-21 20:31:25 +0000 UTC]

oh, jo tak

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NiamCK [2010-01-15 00:25:33 +0000 UTC]

Myslím, že to je moc pěkná práce..já osobně raději svoje tužkovky z poslední doby ani neukazuju.

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Dottwing In reply to NiamCK [2010-01-17 19:10:51 +0000 UTC]

díky a je to škoda, měla bys je ukázat a nechat projít kritikou, aby mohly být ještě lepší

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NiamCK In reply to Dottwing [2010-01-17 21:57:25 +0000 UTC]

snad ani raději ne...scaner to bere blbě a já se poslední roky nezlepšuju ani o píď

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Dottwing In reply to NiamCK [2010-01-18 13:57:54 +0000 UTC]


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Kenshobu [2010-01-14 23:45:40 +0000 UTC]

You call this wasting some time?
Dude, i like your drawings, very much Detailed! (those babes smoking me man!)

Dottwing, i wonder if you could do a cool drawing of a guy holding a sword-
and a shield, he would be "spartan" like looking (ancient greek look, not too femine)
Because id love to see something like that in your style of drawing
You dont have to but, i think it would blow my B@lls off :0

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Dottwing In reply to Kenshobu [2010-01-15 09:24:36 +0000 UTC]

hmm, sounds like fun
And how would u like him to look like? The 300 type of Spartan or more the Gladiator (I mean the film with Russel Crowe) type?

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