Comments: 47
helzg [2016-06-04 13:37:43 +0000 UTC]
es gibt da eine Erweiterung (Animatrix) dort gibt es eine Geschichte wo mehre merken das mit der Welt was nicht stimmt und bei deinem, kam der Gedanke es handelt sich um eine Person die die Welt der Matix noch mehr erkannt hat.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to helzg [2016-06-04 13:42:59 +0000 UTC]
Kann man so drüber denken, muss man aber nicht.
Ich finds echt interessant was da alles so rein interpretiert wird. XD
Aber gut. Ich glaube die Iinterpretation liegt an der jeweiligen Person und was die für Lebenserfahrungen hat.
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helzg [2016-06-04 12:37:40 +0000 UTC]
interessant geschrieben.
Es klinkt doof aber ich muss hier sofort an den film Matrix denken (Ist ja fast gleiches Thema). Und mit dem fallen bring ich in Verbindung das die Person sich befreit hat und nun wie im Film weggeschmissen wird.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to helzg [2016-06-04 12:55:08 +0000 UTC]
Uhm kann man so interpretieren. .. wie auch immer du das mit Matrix verbindest. xD
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Pereyga [2016-06-04 11:35:37 +0000 UTC]
Klasse geschrieben. Ich mag das Bild von dem Labyrinth mit den sich verschiebenden Wänden.
Meine Interpretation ist die, dass es sich nicht wirklich direkt um eine Person handelt, die da angesprochen wird. Aber vielleicht irre ich mich da auch.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Pereyga [2016-06-04 11:59:39 +0000 UTC]
Das freut mich. Du hast recht es ist keine Person angesprochen. An was denkst du denn?
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Pereyga In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-04 16:13:40 +0000 UTC]
Hm, ich habe bei den Projektionen nicht an sowas wie Matrix gedacht (da wär ich gar nicht drauf gekommen, find ich aber auch nicht schlecht, die Interpretation), sondern eher, dass die sich in dem eigenen Kopf der Person befinden.
Vielleicht sogar eine psychische Krankheit oder so, das hat ja mitunter auch Auswirkungen auf die Gedanken oder darauf, wie Dinge wahrgenommen werden.
Vielleicht auch nicht unbedingt direkt eine Krankheit, aber der Teil
"Wie ein dunkler Schatten liegst du über mir. Aber nicht nur ich bin es die du quälst, du quälst viele, zu viele. Den meisten sieht man es nicht an, aber du bist da. Tief im Innern." deuten für mich schon darauf hin, dass es etwas ist, dass sich im Inneren der Person abspielt, der Text spricht ja sogar vom 'Innern'.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Pereyga [2016-06-04 17:41:09 +0000 UTC]
Ja das meinte ich.
Ich hatte befürchtet das man das doch nicht erkennt nach der Matrix Theorie bin aber froh das das doch verständlichh ist.
Was denkst du uber den letzten Satz.
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Pereyga In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-08 18:42:56 +0000 UTC]
Finde ich einen guten Abschluss für den Text
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Pereyga [2016-06-12 21:04:50 +0000 UTC]
Ich hatte ihn mit einem Enter getrennt, damit msn ihn auf das letzte beziehen kann oder auf den ersten Satz. Kommt das rüber?
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Pereyga [2016-06-13 18:28:08 +0000 UTC]
Freut mich das es so Rüber kommt wie gedacht
Vielen dank für deine Hilfe
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Nevermoremist [2016-06-03 20:25:46 +0000 UTC]
Is this a poem? All I got was something about water (a river?) and what looks like "I fall". Lol I really need to learn how to at least read German
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-03 21:37:00 +0000 UTC]
I need to find the flashdrive with the poem I had to make in french class on it.
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-03 22:03:56 +0000 UTC]
Lol your thing is interesting and kinda reminds me of a poem that everyone in my french class had to write. Each one was different but they all had to be title J'écris ton nom
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-04 13:46:29 +0000 UTC]
I wanted to take German but my school didn't offer it. It was either Latin, French, or Spanish (I suspect Mexican Spanish). Vatern wanted me to take Spanish but since listening to the Mexican kids speak Spanish always grated on my ears I went with French, much to his disapproval. Muttern supported it though. I'm lucky I had a teacher who lived a few years in southern France. That meant we learned France French instead of Canadian or New Orleans version of French, yes there is a difference.
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-04 18:28:08 +0000 UTC]
With a rival school? That only would work if you signed up and somehow managed to get classes at the career center. Otherwise no, no way at all. We barely got along well enough to sing together for an upper state collaborative concert.
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-04 20:40:09 +0000 UTC]
Lol that's Rebels for ya. We're kinda like the different clans in Scotland where we're always bickering amongst each other until a threat comes up then we band together.....or a big family with lots of ornery kids lol.
The South is an army in itself. The Yankees are lucky we're to lazy to rise up against them again, but if things keep going to hell the USA might have another civil war on its hands. Southern hospitality don't mean nothing when the South means business lol.
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-05 12:59:39 +0000 UTC]
Agreed, one lasting the majority of my life is enough
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-05 21:03:01 +0000 UTC]
But people are stupid in general and politics more so
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-06-06 05:36:08 +0000 UTC]
Jep. Its mostly more like fighting then discussing and looking out for what is best
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-06 14:24:48 +0000 UTC]
Yup it's like when the government did a temporary shut down around 2 years ago. Neither side could agree on why the disagreed. I found a really funny pic about that said Maturity
No wonder the government is sitting down. The ones driving the car are acting like the whiny kids in the back seat.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-06-06 16:29:21 +0000 UTC]
Politicas and diapers have to be changed becausr of the same reason
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-06 20:06:35 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... but both being full of shit is still funny
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-06-06 20:22:22 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes I think that they should stop discus shit and rather do shit because talking won't help any shit
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-06 20:29:57 +0000 UTC]
Yup and yet people don't like Trump because he plans to do that but he isn't very polite in his way of stating it. I find that ironic. Since both USA political parties screw us over and hate him I guess, despite being an arschloch, he has to be some good. Better than the current one anyways.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-06-07 15:10:16 +0000 UTC]
I dunno. I don't life there. I don't know him
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-07 15:19:12 +0000 UTC]
You haven't heard of all the BS the American president has done world wide? He was going to apologize for for Hiroshima despite the fact that they did a mass attack on Pearl Harbor first. America stayed out of the fight until they did that.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-06-07 17:51:39 +0000 UTC]
Either I am cofused because I didn't pay attention to something or the was for someine else but what has the world war to do with Trump? O.o
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Nevermoremist In reply to DrageeKeksi [2016-06-07 18:14:27 +0000 UTC]
Trump is running for president. The current president is an idiot, some say traitor or communist but I don't know. The current ruling idiot is pissing people off, such as letting the opposing party in the war have nuclear weapons or apologizing for defending ourselves when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Trump's own political party doesn't like him since he doesn't go along with their plans and they can't pay him to do so since he has his own money. So since neither party likes him he might actually do a little better than the current ruling idiot.
Do you see how it ties together or are my tangents too much to follow?
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-06-12 21:07:05 +0000 UTC]
And I have asked some friends and they too haven't heard of this obama/japan stuff.
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DrageeKeksi In reply to Nevermoremist [2016-06-13 18:27:29 +0000 UTC]
Googled it. Its there but more at the edge.
But wtf
Srsly I saw tv with granny and saw bews that I saw 3 weeks ago on 9 gag. Srsly on 9gag...
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