DragonHunterX16 — SJ-Shadow App

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Description 03/08/23-Updated App with Digital Art


Name: Alexa Lawrence
Nickname: Alex
Age:  19(S2), 21(S3)
Birthday: May 15, 1997
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic
Main Universe: Mainly Young Justice, DCAU

   Alex’s father was from England and her mother from Scotland. They had both been runaways that had been kidnapped. They were held captive by a group of scientists that ran an organisation called Genetics X, along with many other children. The scientists used the children in many genetic experiments causing them to develop abilities and visual traits. Her father was injected and tested with Snowy Owl DNA and her mother Peregrine Falcon DNA. Causing them both to gain wings. They were also used in many different tests, causing them to develop unnatural abilities as well. After many years of being held captive, her parents and many other children managed to escape. Unfortunately they were chased and followed everywhere they went. Genetics X wanted them back. The group came to a decision and split up making it harder for them to get caught. Alex’s parents stayed together and settled down in Scotland, moving frequently and keeping a low profile.
Eventually they wanted to start a family and Alex was born. Her parents weren’t sure if Alex would have inherited any traits and thought it would be better if Alex didn’t know about their past and abilities and kept it a secret from her. Alex grew up like a normal child. Since her family moved a lot she was homeschooled. It was a bit difficult for Alex and she often asked her parents why they had to move all the time. They never answered why and just said they had to. When Alex was eight years old their home was attacked. A group of men dressed in black with guns attacked and tried to capture them. Her father told her mother and Alex to run and that he would catch up to them later. As Alex and her mother turned to run Alex saw giant white wings explode from her father’s back and he started fighting off the men.
Alex waited with her mother for hours, she asked her mother what was happening and why her father had wings. Her mother explained and showed to her what had happened to them when they had been kids. Now Alex understood why they were always moving and she was homeschooled. Eventually her mother decided to go and look for her father, she told Alex to stay where she was and not to make a sound. Then she opened her dark grey wings and took off. She came back an hour later crying. When Alex asked what was wrong, she was told that her Dad would not be meeting them. Alex understood what her mother meant.
Alex and her mother moved to America. They kept a low profile and were cautious of everyone. As Alex grew up she secretly wished that she could fly like her mum, once she had told her mother that and been scolded. “It wasn’t a gift,” she would say, “it’s a curse.”    
One day Alex was walking in the woods. She was walking along a ravine when her foot slipped from under her and she fell. As she was falling, wings burst from her back and she glided roughly down. At the bottom Alex looked behind her and admired her wings; they were a mixture of greys and silver. Unfortunately Alex didn’t know how to fly and had to climb out of the ravine. When she finally got home she showed her mother. Her Mum wasn’t too happy about it but began teaching Alex everything she needed to know.
When Alex was twelve their home was once again attacked. They had been found and Genetics X wanted Alex too. Her mother told Alex to run and fought back against the intruders. Alex looked back as she ran and saw her mother get shot and crumple to the ground. Knowing that she couldn’t fight all those men she ran off.
Alex was alone and with no money or family Alex lived in the streets and forests. She would get small jobs so she could buy tools and clothes but never stayed in one place for long. A couple times Genetics X would catch up to her but she managed to escape. Alex kept her wings hidden and avoided taking them out and she relayed on staying hidden in the shadows.
During her first winter alone Alex got caught in a blizzard. It was dark and cold and Alex was hungry. She stumbled around in the woods and came upon a monastery. She snuck inside and was grabbing food when a boy attacked her. Alex held him off for a while but was losing. An old Chinese man entered and stopped the boy. He asked if she was ok and what she was doing. Alex explained and apologized the best she could and the man invited her to stay. He promised food, warmth, family and safety so Alex stayed. The man was Master Shenzu and he became like a father to her. He trained her in many forms of martial arts and combat. She learnt meditation and Bow Staff fighting. Alex excelled and loved her new home. The only one who knew about her wings was Master Shenzu. He promised to keep it a secret and he did. For many years she was happy.
One weekend when Alex was 15, the monastery was attacked. Genetics X had found her again. They had guns and the people of the monastery could not compete. Master Shenzu told Alex to run just before he was shot in front of her eyes. Alex grabbed her bag and staff and ran. She took off to the skies and didn’t look back. After that Alex made a vow to never put anyone in harm's way. One day she would take down Genetics X, expose them to the world and avenge her family.
She continued traveling not knowing where or when she would stop. During her travels Alex would stop petty criminals and bad guys. She didn’t believe in the Justice League. They were supposed to be super heroes but they hadn’t stopped Genetics X from experimenting on children and families, from killing her friends and family. She disliked them and had no intentions of ever having anything to do with them.
One day she was in Happy Harbour, she attempted to stop a robbery that turned out to be an ambush. The men had been hired by Genetics X to capture her. Luckily Nightwing and Robin had been on patrol and jumped in to help her defeat them. Alex got clipped in the shoulder with a shot during the fight but fled from the hero's anyway. She ended up in more trouble and it was thanks to Nightwing and the Team that she survived.
They gave her medical treatment and tried to find out more about her. Alex refused to speak and tried to escape from them but got caught. Eventually Alex told them that she was a runaway with a meta gene. They accepted this answer and invited her to join the team. Alex accepted, hoping to use their resources to put a stop to Genetics X.
While Alex was with the team she adopted the name Shadow. After a while she began to like the team a lot. In fact she developed quite a crush on Nightwing. But not wanting to have any attachments to anyone and not wanting to put them in danger she never showed her feelings for him.
During a battle against the team Onslaught, Alex was telepathically attacked by Psimon. He discovered Alex’s worst fears and put her in a catatonic state. Psimon made her remember and watch all the deaths of her friends and family over and over again. Plus he made it so that she had to watch herself kill Nightwing.
Miss Martian spent 2 weeks trying to snap her out of it, but no matter what she tried Alex couldn’t hear her. Nightwing, who had developed a crush on Alex since he first saw her, was angry and worried.
Miss Martian didn’t know what to try next, so when Nightwing volunteered to try she said yes. Nightwing turned out to be exactly what Alex needed. He stopped her from killing him and comforted her and explained that the things that had happened to her were not her fault. This snapped her out of Psimon’s loop. Of course in the process of saving Alex, Miss Martian and Nightwing found out about her past and finally understood her. Alex opened up to the team and together they took down the Genetics X.
Eventually Nightwing will ask Alex out and they will start dating. Alex will become Dick’s right hand and become a main leader of the team.
At some point in the future, Alex and Dick will move in together but for now Alex lives at the cave. Alex will work as a martial arts instructor when she is older.

Personality: Sarcastic, Loyal, Stubborn, Alert, Brave, Determined
At first, Alex was a hostile untrusting person. After losing her family and friends many times she didn’t want to have it happen again. But she couldn’t help crushing on Nightwing and although she kept a distance from the team, Alex liked a lot of the members.
After the attack from Psimon she opened up. Alex let herself trust and love the team and quickly made many friends. She is a naturally funny and sarcastic person. Alex is quite stubborn and once her mind is set on something it is difficult to make her let go. Alex is a pretty open person and loves to tease and make fun of people, although she always means it in a good way. Because of how her childhood went Alex is cautious and always alert for danger.  
In battle Alex is serious and focused. She makes a great field leader and can instruct the group tactfully and calmly. Alex doesn’t hesitate to take control of a situation and for this some people find her a bit bossy. Alex is so used to hiding her wings that she actually relies on her combat training more than her wings.
Alex also has a light Scottish accent and she tends to switch to Gaelic when really angry.

Occupation: Team Leader, Martial Arts Instructor

Teasing people, especially Dick Grayson(Nightwing)
Sitting quietly and watching nature(flowing rivers, animals, sun rises and sunsets)
Training, the monks taught her that you can always improve
Working alone, she is used to being alone and prefers it that way so she only has to worry about herself.
Meat, Alex practically lived off wild game when she was alone. She loves meat and wouldn’t think of a meal without it.
Sparring with Nightwing.

Being told what to do, after being on her own for so long Alex doesn't like being told what she can or can’t do.
Dressing up, Alex always wears simple comfortable clothes and doesn’t like wearing tight, restricted clothes or dresses, let alone make up!
Being made fun of for her accent.
Ignorant people

Hobbies: Hunting, reading, sparring
Fears: Losing those she cares and loves about, Psimon getting in her head, restricted spaces
Talents: Hand to hand combat, problem solving, dagger throwing, multilingual(English, French and Gaelic)
Bad Habits: Blurting out the first thing that comes to mind, never lets others see she is hurt, ignores injuries to keep fighting, smart mouthing

Height: 5’9”
Skin Tone: Caucasion
Blood Type: O negative
Eye Colour: Dark green, grey
Hair Description: Very dark brown, slightly curly and thick. Alex likes her hair to be out of the way and often keeps it tied up with clips, elastics, hair sticks or pencils. Whatever she can find. In uniform she wears hair sticks that double as a gadget to pick locks with.
Ethnicity: Celtic
Nationality: Scottish, American
Species: Human
Style: Alex likes simple, loose and comfy clothes. She generally wears a t-shirt with a baggy jacket(so she can always have her equipment with her), gloves, loose and stretchy jeans and comfortable running shoes or combat boots. She always carries a knife in her sock or boot.
In uniform Alex wears hair sticks that double as a gadget to pick locks with.
Her gloves have a built-in computer system with a holographic interface. The torso part of her uniform has padding to cushion her against attacks. She occasionally uses stealth tech. And also has worn darkwear when working with Nightwing.

Father: Daniel Lawrence (english)deceased)
Mother: Caitlin (Armstrong) Lawrence(scottish)deceased)
Other:  Master Shenzu(deceased)
Siblings: None
Best Friends: M'gann M’orzz (Miss Martian), Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Friends: Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm), Tim Drake (Robin III), Artemis Crock, (Artemis/Tigress)
Love Interest: Dick Grayson,(Nightwing)
Dick and Alex were both attracted to each other from the beginning. Dick didn’t want to push Alex too fast and kept his feelings for her hidden. Alex was worried about losing those she cared about and didn't want to risk admitting her feelings for Dick. After a mission that left both Alex and Dick injured they both realized how much they loved each other. They started teasing and flirting with each other. They kept this friendly relationship up for quite a while before Dick finally asked Alex out. Dick was always a gentleman and Alex loved that about him. They were both strong leaders and often seen eye to eye. They were both skilled in combat and loved sparring. There were the occasional problems but all in all they loved each other. Dick and Alex didn’t need to talk to each other in battle, they just knew what to do, making them great partners in covert missions.
Rivalsarbara Gordon (Batgirl)
   Alex knew about Dick’s previous relationships and knew that Barbara still had feelings for him. Alex spoke to Barbara about Dick and both agreed to let Dick choose and not begrudge each other. Barbara and Alex’s relationship did not change when Dick and Alex started dating,in fact they became even closer. Barbara was very happy for the both of them. They were also always trying to beat each other in combat and training. Alex, having more experience in sparring, often beat Barbara.
Enemies: Ra’s al Ghul, Deathstroke, Psimon, Cheshire
Hawk Girl, teaches Alex new ways to fly and glide as well as fighting while in flight
Black Canary, teaches Alex team combat and often spars with her

Idols: Black Canary, Hawk Girl, Batman

Hero Info
Code Name: Shadow
Place of Origin: Glencoe, Highlands of Scotland
Residence: Mount Justice
Affiliations:The Team, Nightwing’s Team, Bat Family, Teen Titans
Designation: B15
Powers and Abilities:

Expert  in hand to hand combat and in bow staff fighting
Expert in many forms of martial arts and fighting techniques
Expert in stealth
She can harden her wing tips and throw them like daggers.
She can create large gusts of wind with her wings
She can fly up to 80km/hr
She can wrap her wings around herself and harden them to create a shield
Above average endurance, strength and reflexes
High pain tolerance

Extendable bow staff which she can electrify
Throwing daggers
Tactical knife
2 hair stick, lock pickers
Small assorted  bombs
Many gadgets in her utility belt(similar to those carried by Nightwing and Robin)
Year/Time of Joining Team: 2015
Year/Time of Leaving Team: Alex never officially left, she worked with Dick and came back with him.
Small enclosed spaces(claustrophobic)
People she cares about getting hurt
Hollow bones, easier to sprain or break bones
Pushes herself to far

Strength 5/10
Speed 3/10
Agility 4/10
Intelligence 6/10

Extra Information
Quotes: “Taigh Nam Gasta Ort!” (Gaelic for Fuck off)
Theme Song: Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
Food: Chicken Poutine
Drink: Ice Tea
Colour: Dark Green
Animal: Northern Mockingbird
Element: Air
Gem: Emerald
Fun Fact: Alex chose Shadow as her code name because Dick would joke that she moved like a Shadow.

Application for: StarlightJustice-OCs
Template made by: C0SMICAL
Young Justice and the DCAU belong to DC
Shadow is mine

"Copyright 2021 FionaMassie(draginhunterX16) All Rights Reserved."


"No part of this gallery may be reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of  FionaMassie(dragonhunterX16)"

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Comments: 6

bananamarioslamma234 [2022-02-08 18:11:57 +0000 UTC]

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dovenoire [2021-09-09 18:21:08 +0000 UTC]

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DragonHunterX16 In reply to dovenoire [2021-09-09 19:16:13 +0000 UTC]

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dovenoire In reply to DragonHunterX16 [2021-09-09 19:29:34 +0000 UTC]

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DragonHunterX16 In reply to dovenoire [2021-09-09 19:55:30 +0000 UTC]

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dovenoire In reply to DragonHunterX16 [2021-09-09 20:01:01 +0000 UTC]

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