This self portrait is me trying to finish my acrylic painting for the Deviant Art “Split” competition. The finished painting is titled “It's Not the Reflection”. Hey James McAvoy no offense but this is not a photo of me worshiping your face.
My studio was a disaster while trying to finish my painting, you can see parts of it on the floor. Most artists I know will fly through a spectrum of emotion when working on a significant piece. Self doubt is the biggest hurdle most of us have to struggle with. I don’t imagine that this entry will win, but I guessing a few artist out there will relate to this photo. (I am a bit embarrassed to submit this, but oh well.)
Detail notes: This is a self portrait using a timer. All logos on the paint tubes are removed. There’s a hint at “Split” logo at the top but mostly covered and incomplete, technically I’m following the rules.