Hello everyone; I’m back! ^^
This drawing is meant as a celebration for the soon arrival of the Snyder Cut Justice League. I really hope the film will be what it could be; my hopes are high for this film and I’m REALLY looking forward to it! There are so many ways that it could turn out to be! When I first heard of it I was rather unsure as the previous Justice League film that had came out not so long ago had disappointed quite a bit. This film is going to be long but long isn’t always bad guys; films like The Lord of the rings trilogy and endgame were still well received. But what that does mean is that they NEED to do this right! Otherwise it’ll be a whole lot of hours sitting on your butt watching eye acid. In this film I hope to see all of them done well; as there are so many of them that are amazing actors! Some of the actors have even won Oscars! So they have great characters, they have great actors, they have a great set up, they just need to do it right. I’m really hoping to see more of Superman and Batman; and I hope they finally do them justice... Yes the pun was intended.