3 of the movies in my ASBCU (Animated Smash Bros Cinematic Universe) will be a series of movies known as The Donkey Kong Country Trilogy. It serves as a bit of a spin-off to the Super Mario movies (since DK and Diddy will appear in the first Super Mario Movie), and each movie will follow the adventures of Donkey Kong and his 3 friends; Diddy Kong, Funky Kong, and Dixie Kong; as they defend their home of DK Island from King K Rool and his Kremling Krew. However, with each movie, the Kongs will meet some new friends in their journeys outside of DK Island, and find out that K Rool plans to pillage and plunder every corner of the world with the help of his new partner, Risky Boots, who together plan to become the Supreme Rulers of the Seven Seas. The Kongs and their new friends will together stop K Rool and Risky’s heinous plans, and not only save DK Island, but also the world.
Here are each of the 3 movies
1. Donkey Kong Country
2. Donkey Kong Country 2: Journey To Spiral Mountain
3. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dancing Through The Danger
And the main cast of characters include
Bill Fagerbakke as Donkey Kong
Tom Kenny as Diddy Kong
Rob Paulsen as Funky Kong
Tara Strong as Dixie Kong
Chris Sutherland as Banjo and Kazooie
Cristina Vee as Shantae and Risky Boots
Cherami Leigh as Rottytops
Ross O’Donovan as Bolo
Karen Strassman as Sky
Xander Mobus as Uncle Mimic
Benedict Campbell as King K Rool
Chris Seavor(?) as Gruntilda