Zexy-n-me [2011-06-02 21:05:35 +0000 UTC]
Alright! I have finally gotten to critiquing this as you requested. I am so sorry that it took me this long. I mean, it's been months. I'm sorry!!! But I'm doing it now, so yay. Let's just get started then, shall we? This is going to be very, VERY long. Please keep in mind that every suggestion and comment in this critique is purely my opinion, and don't feel obligated to take any of it. If you like something that I don't, that is perfectly fine! It's a part of being an artist, you make whatever you want and if you like it, your audience will like it too. Oh, and one last thing, I am doing this critique sentence by sentence, as a reader would read it. I will not read it all over and then critique it all. I feel that doing it this way produces better results and shows how I feel as I read it, not how I feel after I read it and now am rereading it. =] Onward!
The first paragraph really sets the stage nicely for the rest of the story. I like the repetition in the beginning, with real examples. With your second example, the flower, I feel like "its vibrant stage" is a bit awkward and unspecific. The butterfly is a great start, stating that how it dances intricately in the wind is part of what makes it beautiful. "Its vibrant stage" isn't very specific. Maybe talk about the petals, though that could be seen as cliche. Maybe bring in the slenderness of the stem or the veins in the leaves. Pick a small detail that most people don't notice and throw it out there. Your reader will be caught off guard by the assumption, and then see that "oh hey, that's true!" I love your instant use of examples and specificity, it really stands out and makes a powerful entrance.
Now when you say "Me. I am not beautiful." I feel that the "Me" could be easily left out without being missed. I think you were trying to clarify that the girl watching through her window is you, but that is clearly explained with the use of "I" in the next sentence. Less is more! Also, you say "I am not beautiful. I never will be." This is grammatically correct, but it also feels slightly cliche. I like how it is these two strong statements, but I feel that it would be even stronger as one. "I am not beautiful, and I never will be." This gives the connection that no, she is not beautiful, and no, she won't ever be. Instead of, she's not beautiful. She won't ever be. Does this make sense?
"At one point I was gifted with beautiful music..." I'm pretty sure you are saying that she was very talented. The way this is worded it sounds like maybe she heard beautiful music every day or something like that. This could be reworded. What did she play? At this point I'm feeling piano, but it hasn't been stated yet. If it is piano, mention it! Say that she used to be gifted with a talent in playing the piano. If you would like to leave this unknown to the reader at this point, say "gifted IN music" instead of "gifted WITH music" this gives that subtle hint that it's playing the music that she is talented in, not listening to it. Also, at this point, the word beautiful is starting to lose it's meaning. It starts to be too repetitive. Try to stick with the rule of three. After three times, it becomes overkill. Again, less is more! "but that time is gone now" is a very good line. It makes the reader think "why? What happened?" So, kudos to you! =]
"When I would perform it was the music..." should have a comma after perform. "When I would perform, it was the music. This gives the sentence a lead in and makes it flow better. "I was the girl who could blend in even if she was shouting." Same thing, comma after "in." Also, the word shouting seems like a bland verb in this context. Maybe try something more descriptive, "screaming at the top of her lungs" or something humorous, "throwing a tantrum on the floor" or something like that.
Try adding "but" in front of the next sentence. It makes it more continuous with the previous sentence, even though they are quite different. "But I wanted to be the girl that no one ignored." See the difference? I also feel that the next two sentences could be completely removed. I think you're trying to create interest, but you already have! This just makes it seem like you're trying too hard to draw the reader in. I will keep saying this, but less is more! I do LOVE ending the paragraph with "I wish that I was beautiful." It is a powerful ending, and it is especially great since this is written as a separate intro paragraph. Great line, and that is a strong lead in, so having this also helps so you don't need the two sentences before it.
Next paragraph! (I told you this would be long, haha!) Alright. So "It started when I was six" sounds really cliche to me. Try saying, "when I was six, I would go to my Grandma's house every school holiday." This makes it sound like you're not trying so hard to make it interesting. I love the next sentence, it is great and I love the little detail of freshly baked bread. The next lines, the descriptions are, well, beautiful, and I just love them to pieces. I don't say that very often so great work!! I also love how you brought back music talking about the sky blue mask with music notes. Wonderful! That whole paragraph is really good and I also love what the Grandma said. It just sounds perfect, it interests the reader without being like "oh my god, what is this, a prophecy?" It's great. Don't change a thing!
The next line after that seems off to me. "As a six year old, I didn't understand, but I promised her I would do as she said." For this I would suggest putting a period before "but." I know most english teachers always say not to start a sentence with and or but, but in a case like this I think it is a necessary evil. Otherwise the sentence looks clunky and reads awkwardly.
A random sidenote that I know I will forget to add later so I'll just stick it here: Try double spacing between paragraphs. Because of the way DeviantArt is set up, it squishes the text together and makes it seem a lot longer than it is, which may unnerve some readers. I have found that double spacing on this site really breaks it up and makes it more readable.
Anyway, next paragraph! The entire paragraph is great, just add a comma between "sleep" and "but" in the second sentence. "She died peacefully in her sleep, but I was distraut." And then it's good! =]
So when you're talking about how good te music mask looked in the sun, maybe use beautiful instead of good. That way you can bring it back to the title and remind the audience of what you're getting at. That paragraph and the next are great, I love that you remind everyone how old the narrator is. It grabs the readers attention again.
Next when you're talking about how secluded she has become, you "say I didn't have a friend" maybe try "a single friend." It will drive the point home more. The next few paragraphs are wonderful, I actually got lost in them and forgot I was supposed to be critiquing! It's really intense, without being over the top. Right before the word beautiful is mentioned in relation to the masks, I just thought "oh no, one must say beautiful" and then there it was! I love that you didn't rush the part where you're talking about the other masks, but you didn't drag it out either. It was just like the suspense in a television show, when the camera is going over each of the masks until it finally stops at the beautiful one. It is amazingly well done! The only nitpicky thing I have here is in the last sentence, "I like all the other girls" sounds like she likes them. I think you're point here is "I, like all the other girls, was beautiful." This shows that she is like all of the other girls in being beautiful. Make sense?
I love ending this section with the quote from the grandmother. It's really powerful! So powerful that I'm not sure if you even need the concluding paragraph after that. I think that very last paragraph dampens the power of the quote and makes it drag on a little bit.
Okay! That was super long, wasn't it? I'm sorry for any typos, I don't have the time to read it over and I am using a new laptop. I'm not used to the keyboard yet. Anyway, you have a strong talent here. The flow of your sentences is something very difficult to achieve, and you have it down wonderfully. You have a great balance in descriptive subtlety. It was a pleasure to read this! If you have any questions, please, please ask! I would love to help. And remember, all of the comments here are just my opinions. Anything that you like, please keep. It's not my decision, it's yours as the artist.
Thank you for asking me to critique this! It was a great pleasure and I would love to critique anything else if you want me to! =] Keep writing!!!
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