I've been practicing drawing the Ultra Beasts from Pokémon Generation 7, and here are the first batch I've come up with - a Guzzlord, Nihilego, Xurkitree, Kartana, Blacephalon and Naganadel. I'm hoping to draw the others sometime too (Celesteela, Pheromosa, Stakkaton and Buzzwole), but these were the first ones I came up with and I wanted to submit them first before I finalise my ideas on the other Ultra Beast characters.
I'm thinking that this group of Ultra Beasts (along with the other Ultra Beast characters I'll be drawing in the future) are allies of the Fellowship of Four (the Oricorio tribe that Aolani descended from who are in charge of observing the balance of energy that comes from Ultra Space and making sure that any Pokémon who fall through can make it safely home - I came up with the idea before playing Ultra Sun, so I didn't know about the Ultra Recon Squad when I came up with that idea, but they could be seen as Pokémon equivalents from our dimension as opposed to coming from Ultra Space. These Ultra Beast characters have taken an interest in the Alola region and the real dimension and wish to prevent any harm from coming to their kind or any they come into contact with.
In classic alien speak - they come in peace - mostly. Needless to say, I wish to make them come into contact with our heroes, and the villains too.
I'll try coming up with more information on their backgrounds in the future, but for now, here are some little ideas I have – seen as I have a habit of writing down ideas as they come (writing by the seat of my pants at times ), I’m sure more ideas will come to me as Alolan Adventure progresses. I know that technically speaking, Ultra Beasts are genderless in the game, but similar to some other fan artists who give genders to Pokemon who are genderless in the game (I’ve seen fanart where people assign genders to Pokemon like Type:Null, for example), I don’t really like the idea of calling Pokemon ‘it’, as it makes them sound inferior (there are cases in the anime and games where Pokemon who have VOICES or clear genders are still referred to as ‘it’ – it rubs me the wrong way a bit), and I will admit when it comes to animals in real life, when I get attached to them, I give them genders too. I know it sounds weird, but I hope my reasoning makes sense.
(Speaking of Type:Null, that’s another Pokemon I may draw soon. )
King Ulysees the Guzzlord (I thought the name sounded cool for him – and I have a thing for taking scary Pokemon – like the Ghost and some Dark types – and trying to make them more approachable )- Despite his rather frightening appearance and his species’ habit for a voracious appetite, Ulysees is a benevolent protector of his Ultra Beast brethren, and is seeking out a method of peacefully integrating his followers into Alolan society, as they have a keen interest in the ‘bizarre dimension’ that takes an interest in them in turn. It turns out that there is someone in the Alola region that is trying to harness the energies from Ultra Space for their own purposes, and Ulysees wishes to put a stop to their crimes with any help he can from the other dimension, which can prove quite problematic with how bizarre the other dimension is in turn to his kind and the fact that many Ultra Beasts who are sighted in the Alola region are relatively combative with those who act with hostility towards them. He has been trying to formulate a way to cross over between dimensions more willingly, as opposed to being pulled between dimensions at random, as is the case with many Ultra Beasts.
While he does mean well, Ulysees, as is to be expected with Ultra Beasts, simply does not understand a lot about the Alola region, and as such, doesn’t know that his kinds’ ways are generally not acceptable in the other dimension – case in point, his naturally large hunger. While he does show a surprising amount of frustration at this fact, he’s trying to adapt for the time when he does cross over between dimensions and visit – he sends out a representative to visit the Fellowship of Four when he wishes to communicate, but in a way, he does sometimes wish that the Fellowship of Four wouldn’t constantly pray to his kind when they come over, almost like they’re better than they are.
Cotylorhiza the Nihilego (Named after a type of jellyfish)- (Seen as Nihilego already kind of looks like a large bonnet, I came up with an idea – what if the bonnet wore a bonnet? Now, the thing about Nihilego that confuses me a bit is that I heard from a friend that in the post game for Sun/Moon, apparently Guzma was infected by a Nihilego and said that for the first time in his life he was afraid and couldn’t control his actions, but when talking to Wicke, Wicke says that it’s reported that Nihilego does NOT EFFECT IT’S HOST’S ACTIONS DIRECTLY, rather removing their inhibitions and thus causing them to act more like their true selves – it seems like rather conflicting information, so I’m not entirely sure which one to believe, but to be honest, I’m tempted to think that Guzma was simply bottling up his fear all his life and after being infected by Nihilego’s neurotoxin, he was shocked by how he truly felt – maybe he was lying to himself about his fears being contained? I just say this because in my Pokemon story, the Nihilego neurotoxin will play an important role, and if a character does get infected by it, I’m thinking that Nihilegos simply act out of self protection)
Almost like Ulysees’ adoptive daughter, Cotylorhiza is his most common representative in visiting the other dimension and visiting the Fellowship of Four. While it may sound rather sinister, there have been some odd reports of Pokemon in the Fellowship of Four trying to use Nihilego’s neurotoxin to determine a Pokemon’s true nature – the neurotoxin removes inhibitions, so if someone is infected, it may draw out their true nature. In ancient times past, there have been incidents of the Fellowship of Four forcing the truth out of traitors using this method with the assistance of an Nihilego, but nowadays, the practice has been deemed rather barbaric and has been banned. However, there have been cases where this practice has become something of a forbidden art, where traces of the toxin in a ‘non-deadly concentration’ has been used to act as a kind of lie detector in a sense through this very method…. Headed by Cotylorhiza herself. While some Nihilego from alternate dimenions may be unaware of their neurotoxin, Cotylorhiza is completely aware of hers.
Cotylorhiza is a naturally suspicious individual, often contemplating using her own neurotoxin to worm out anyone she believes to possess ulterior motives, but despite being rather stubborn in that regard, she is well meaning and believes protecting her kind by possessing someone is a necessary evil, especially if it would draw out their true nature. She does believe that everyone has hidden demons, but is a bit too eager to press and draw out information if she does not trust anyone. But in spite of her suspicious nature, she does have some kind of an interest in the Alola region, and as a peace offering from the Fellowship of Four, she once accepted a bonnet, which she wears happily. Another thing she wishes to do is to be able to smile… without a face, showing emotions can be tough.
Tesla the Xurkitree (Named after the Tesla coil) – As is par for his species’ reputation, Tesla is an energy thief who feeds off electricity, and uses the energy to act as a guide for his fellow Ultra Beasts to find their way – often acting as a source of weird blinking lights at night. He would use his own electricity, but it drains so quickly that he needs to find new sources often – at night, reports have been made of lights of various sorts disappearing from Alolan cities – be it light bulbs, traffic lights or spotlights. Tesla can be a bit of a scavenger of lights, which causes a bit of distress from those he inadvertently steals from – there is a bit of a culture gap here, as in Ultra Space, any odd luminescent objects are for the taking, unlike in the Alola region.
Leiomano the Kartana (named after an ancient Polynesian weapon) – Despite his small size, Leiomano, like his Kartana brethren, is a strong and fierce warrior who wishes for his fellow Ultra Beasts to be respected like any other Pokemon. However, it can be a bit embarrassing for him to visit alternate dimensions – due to his form being like a paper fortune teller, and being born with strange markings on his ‘face’ that resemble numbers, he unfortunately doesn’t get taken seriously as much as he would like. He’s someone who wishes to be taken more seriously than he receives – while he can come across as comically serious, he doesn’t really enjoy the wrong kind of attention.
Jangles the Blacephalon (I thought it sounded like a good clown name – and I would like to come up with a ‘Non-Ironic Clown’ character ) – A jolly prankster, Jangles is the morale booster of this group of Ultra Beasts, and has a habit of speaking in rhyme when communicating (but he can be known to try and force his rhymes through when he struggles – he tries to dodge the word ‘orange’ for this reason. ), often appearing to the Fellowship of Four as an entertainer. Unfortunately, his favourite ‘trick’, blowing up his own head, has a tendency to disturb the locals and lead to noise complaints. Finding a mask to strap onto his head in his act, he jokingly offers it to Cotylorhiza at times, which is troublesome, seen as the mask has both a happy and sad face painted onto it.
Simply wanting to put on a good act, but not knowing a lot of the customs of the Alola region, Jangles can innocently contemplate some kinds of comedy that wouldn’t be passable outside of Ultra Space, sometimes causing friction.
Sir Pergliue the Naganadel (Named after... superglue )- Sen as Naganadel can learn Leech Life, and seen as I have a thing for making vampiric characters (which I haven't made a new one of for a while), I just had to make the Naganadel of the group a vampire. Being an Ultra Beast, I had an idea that his vampirism has affected him in a different way than Dracula, Lucy and Aggie. Interestingly, he's a well renowned healer in Ultra Space, and Pokémon in that dimension are more accepting of vampires openly feeding on them to satiate their thirst - they often offer it as 'payment' for him healing them. His adhesive glue has a kind of healing affect in that it can close wounds - when he feeds, he often closes the wound afterwards to avoid infection, and when drinking others' blood, he can sense any ailments they may have, and sucks the toxins out to add to the poison he needs to use when fending off anyone harmful. The poison is visible on vein like strands on his body, and gives him a rather eerie appearance to those unfamiliar with him, but despite his reclusive and observant nature, he means well, but that doesn’t make it any more weird when he has a habit of sometimes flying up to random strangers and asking to drink their blood, and his odd behaviour may make him a little off putting at times.
Part 2 -