Dx33x — AB .:. Ralis Orison

Published: 2017-04-08 20:06:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 739; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 3
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Name: Ralis Jonathan Orison

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Height: 1.84m

Wing Size: 7.50m when spread, one tip to another.

Job: Author and Monster Researcher

Race: Angel-Fairy-Hybrid

Ralis' father is an angel from Itherion, his mother a season-fairy from the Forest of Season. His 'season' is winter, thus his ice abilities, but he has most of his outer appearance from his father. He does have angel wings, but he is still having a hard time walking through towns or villages with them out, accidentally knocking things over, so he usually has them drawn in. Due to his part fairy blood, the feathers, when light shines at them from behind, look like dragonfly wings.

Fragrance: Pink peppercorn, vanilla, osmanthus, guaiac wood and geranium.

Voice Sample: www.youtube.com/watch?v=25SLTt…

(yes, I picked this special clip on purpose xD)

Fitting Theme Music Theme , Spacing out... , Winter/Battle Theme

Weapons: None


  • Winter Magic: Ralis' most potent ability is to summon ice spikes. As descendant of the winter fairies, if he stays in one place too long or uses too much of his magic, the season of the area will change to winter slowly. His magic is easily growing out of control when Ralis gets too emotional about something... that can be anger just as easily as joy or fear.

  • Fairy Aura: Due to being partly fairy, monsters usually don't see Ralis as threat. In contrary, his presence can calm many creatures down. This ability helps him in being a monster researcher, coming close to even dangerous monsters that usually would grow aggressive toward outsiders.


A very warm and kindhearted person, but also trusting in the good of others way too easily. Ralis spends most of his time in the wild, surrounded by monsters that others deem 'aggressive' and 'dangerous'. Due to that, he simply never learned how dangerous the world truly is, taking everything way too easy, spacing out a lot and putting more trust in other people's word than is good for him... If something bothers him he usually has no problem speaking that out aloud, but in return, if he is grateful for something, is wrong or did a mistake, he doesn't hold any of that back either. He has an untameable curiousness, especially when it comes to fantastic creatures and beasts, that gets him into trouble easily.


  • Childhood: Ralis grew up with his father on the Drifting Islands. His mother, an autumn fairy from the Forest of Seasons, was forced to leave them when he was only 6 years old. He never learned why she truly left, but it doesn't matter... she left him and that is all that matters! His father, Jared Orison, didn't really support the boy continuing to have contact with his mother due to their difficulties, so it really was him and his boy. The angel became Ralis' big idol, the little kid wanting to become a monster researcher and strong fighter just like his Dad some day, but unfortunately, whenever he participated in any sort of physical training, he hurt himself and others, unable to wield even simple weapons. It was a coincidence that one day they realized he had a natural talent with ice magic, unable to control it properly and the Drifting Islands barely having any mages at all he could train under, so the boy tried his hardest to teach himself his own abilities, especially with Jared leaving early in the morning and coming home only late. Ralis had to learn how to take care of himself at a very young age already, usually going to school and back alone, making lunch for himself, training magic and staying alone at home until his father returned long past sundown.

  • Youth: Once Ralis was old enough to work after school, he helped at the monster research institute his father worked at. Since he was part fairy, the monsters didn't seem to mind his presence at all, which meant he was far more capable of nearing hurt and thus aggressive creatures than others. News about his abilities spread quickly, earning him a spot in the Ice Watch of the Drifting Islands, a group of very high ranked guards that defended the towns and villages of the area against the many hostile creatures and demons of the area. This fame and approval easily got to the young angel's head, celebrating a lot, surrounding himself by people that admired him and living the high life.

  • Adolescence: Eventually, Ralis was granted a position as lead researcher in the royal castle. He met Capalinda's princess Kaia Bari that way, nursing her pet caterpillar Opu and becoming friends with her. When he was 21, his life was turning upside down suddenly though. Finding out about one of the demon clans of the islands planning to take over the capital completely, many high ranked politicians already being taken over, he went to meet the king to warn him... only to find out he was too late. Frozen and locked away, he was supposed to stay frozen forever, but after over a year Kaia eventually learned of the man's fate. Sneaking into the dungeon with the help of some of the loyal members of the Ice Watch, they managed to free him, but without proof, they couldn't do anything against the fake King. With a huge bounty on his head, Ralis was forced to go into hiding, heading to the crystal islands of Athos, living in complete isolation for 8 years, researching the local monsters as well as picking up the hobby of writing adventure books, dreaming of distant places.

  • Adulthood: The 8 years of being completely alone were rather humbling to the angel, having matured quite a bit from being that out of control, self-centered playboy he used to be in his youth. News finally reached him that the fake King of the Drifting Islands had been found out, executed and that all judgments issued under his rule were revoked and undone. He was finally free to return from his long isolation, wandering to Capalinda and realizing just how much time had passed... finding his old friend Kaia being queen, married and mother by now. He tried to get back into living amongst society, though found himself growing tired of it rather quickly, preferring being back in nature with all sorts of creatures and studying their behavior. To financially keep supporting himself, he contracted a publisher in Capalinda (partly with Kaia's help), to sell his adventure books. One of Kaia's friends contacted him eventually, asking for his help with his little brother-in-law, a 13 year old boy that had been kidnapped and saved but ever since was rather locked in and weary of others. Ralis thought it was just going to be a quick favor, but he actually liked the young boy named Leith, offering to send him his stories before he send them to the publisher and such... Over the past 5 years, they grew into rather close friends, Ralis trusting the young man with his life if necessary.

  • Present: Ralis was having a rather hard time with his abilities, growing out of control. After hiding and even suppressing his fairy side for the past 35 years, it finally went out of control, almost freezing Yuukio over in a sudden snow storm. Leith fortunately was able to help him though, bringing him to the season-fairies where Ralis learned that he was indeed a fairy of winter. Going through a rite to awaken his powers, he finally gained actual control over his magic, being able to summon ice with precision and at will rather than just freezing everything around him over. He finally learned to accept both his halves, embracing his fairy half rather than trying to suppress and hide it.

NEW: Ralis accepted his fairy heritage, helping the season fairies of Kartha by taking over the winter reign of the season forest, causing the seasons to change. He also came across a man named Zeis Feli and tried to become friends with him. After spending a lot of time together and finding out the truth behind Zeis' strange abilities, they grew fond of each other, eventually becoming a couple. During the battles against Namtara, Ralis stood by his lover's side the best he could. Leith, who made a deal with a demon, grew out of control of his powers and emotions. In an attempt to calm his friend, the demon tore one of his wings out. Zeis fortunately managed to stop Leith and the demon before they could kill Ralis. After trying to help Leith for a long time they finally managed to make it impossible for the demon to control Leith or harm others anymore.

Likes: Monsters, writing, reading scientific reports and papers, snowy or breezy weather,...

Dislikes: Hunters and monster smugglers, hot weather, loud, crowded places, dancing and singing fairies...


  • The horns on Ralis' head grow with every ice spell he uses. If they grow too large he has to break them off to not get neck aches... The broken horns keep emitting cold energy even after being broken off.

  • Despite using his fairy abilities a -lot- he is still a bit shy about it, not wanting to be thought of a dancing, singing tree hugger...

  • Ralis isn't too good in flying yet... He can manage short distances, but considering he never used his wings much, they usually give out after a few minutes.

  • When light shines at Ralis' wings from behind, the dragonfly wing-like structure of his feathers becomes visible.

  • Despite being back from Athos and traveling a lot now, Ralis is still writing on his adventure novels in his free time.

  • He constantly clashes with Neri... The woman is hired to kill monsters that attack villages or towns, proving a threat to people... and Ralis usually tries to save them. Monsters are such misunderstood poor creatures...

  • Ralis never noticed his presence causing the weather changing to winter because the drifting islands and the crystal islands are always covered in ice and snow... Only when his abilities went out of control, he realized what influence his presence had on the local weather.

Deep Relationships:

  • Leith Arethousa-Smith: Probably Ralis' closest friend by now. He started out supporting the shy and intimidated by, trying to make him grow confidence in himself and wanting him to lead a good and happy life... but over the years, he started respecting the boy as equal and as friend, being quite amazed how much he had grown by now. Even though he doesn't approve of Leith spending time on a pirate ship, he understands how important training under a sylph called Mistral is for him... so he will make sure to help him however he can and support him in his training.

New: After being posessed by a demon, Leith tore one of Ralis' wings out. He felt rather guilty about the incident and ever since accompanied his friend when he went on travels. When Zeis disappeared and Ralis went to search for him, Leith accompanied the angel, supporting him in any possible way.

  • Kaia Bari: Ralis met the princess when she was still in caterpillar stage, gladly helping her in taking care of her pet Opu Nilo the 3rd. He will always be grateful for her freeing him from the ice prison, still considering her a very close friend and happily helping her daughter with her pet now, just as he used to with Opu.

  • Neri Arethousa: Ralis and Neri only agree on one thing usually: They can't stand each other. While Ralis tries to preserve monsters, Neri lead a monster hunter guild. Ralis studies creatures and tries to learn from them, Neri hunts them down and captures their essence for charms and equipment... There is little these two will ever agree on... out of pure principle...

  • New: Zeis Feli: Do you know those people that just barge into your life and put everything upside down? Well, to Zeis, Ralis was such a person. Meeting him during a storm in the mountains, Ralis searched for shelter in Zeis' cavern and then seemed to insist on wanting to befriend the man ever since... His efforts and positive attitude eventually caused Zeis to see more in Ralis than just a friend and they got together. Now, they live together in the mountain cave and have a pet called Tama.

Ralis Orison ©

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