Ebbarie — SA | Pilgrim | Talori | PERMANENTLY RETIRED

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Pilgrim | The Evader | Owner of the "Crystal Pearl"

"But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hideNo matter what we breed, we still are made of greed"

SA | Pilgrim | Astral Tracker    Moodboard  

Current Status:  Pissed in TorrineCurrent Location:  Aquore | Torrine | Flock Territory


Character Basics


name: Pilgrim

  • pronunciation: "pil" rhymes with "will" , "grim" like "grimreaper"
  • meaning: one who who journeys in foreign places
  • nicknames : Grim

age: 27

gender: Stallion

orientation: heterosexuell

species: Butterfly Koi Hippocampus

breed: PRE (30%) , Gypsy Vanner (70%)
voice : youtu.be/DkHJoMy7TNM?t=85
theme song: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9itwt_…
pan flute example : www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_W7fM…

height: 168 cm
zodiac sign: The Winged Serpent - Sign of Luck
herd: Talori (born Vagabond Cultist)

rank: Craftsman (Owner of a luxurious bathhouse the "Crystal Pearl")

patron god: Digend, Cascade (feigned, to not attract attention)

first blessing: Lullaby (born blessed)



coat color: Dapple grey with Tobiano

mane and tail: white with a yellowish hue
eyes: ice-blue

  • a very light type of Gypsy Vanner (draft horse) due to his PRE blood
  • strong, elegant neck
  • long, wavy mane and tail
injuries/scares: there is probably something hidden under that mane
accessories: Seashells, Flowers, Prayer Idol, Piercing Pack, Fabric (dark blue scarf), Pan Flute, Saddlebag, Lantern

weapons: Kunai


  • Kankra | Hippocampus| Disciple | Mother - ALIVE
  • Lofan   | Pegasus | Pirate | Father - Unknown
  • ???       | ??? | Disciple | Best Friend - Alive
  • Voidra  | Disciple | Enemy | Alive (pls be dead soon okay?)
  • Helios  | Indentured Servant - Accountant | Employee & Friend | Alive

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The secret side of me I never let you see I keep it caged, but I can't control it
Personality Type:  Virtuoso | (ISTP; - A/ -T)
  Jumpy | dislikes commitment | easily bored | stubborn | insensitive | Private & Reserved | Trust Issues
  Energetic | Creative & Practical | Observant | Great in a crisis | Spontaneous and Rational | humorous 

Jumpy |anxious and uneasy|
A trait that manifested really early in his life. Explainable when you know how children and members in general are treated in the Cult. A little nervousness and alertness can safe your life more often than a weapon or muscles.
Get’s worse when he meets strangers on otherwise empty places, or at night.

Dislikes Commitment | onerous feeling about long-term commitments |
Pilgrim had known a mostly nomadic lifestyle for almost his whole life and therefore feels really uneasy if he is forced to make a long-term commitment for whatever reason. He prefers to live day-by-day.
The Bathhouse he owns meanwhile for several years is probably the only exception for this.

Easily Bored | feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity|
A quick mind is a key to survival, especially if you had to grow up as Cultist. Nowadays he don’t has to work as hard as before to survive and that can lead him to become easily bored when he feels like there is not enough to do for him. Another reason why he decided to go with a big project like a Bathhouse.

Stubborn | showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something |
Stubbornness is a trait you could probably overcome if you try to work on it...but Pilgrim never had the intention to do so. Once he made a decision or an opinion about something it is very unlikely for him to change it again, even if there is clear evidence that he is wrong.

Insensitive | showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings |
Again the roots of this nasty personality trait lie in his past. No one ( well except one) ever cared about his feelings and he so he never did for other people. It’s something that slowly starts to shift, really slowly.

Reserved | slow to reveal emotion or opinions |
Just as he has no concern for other’s feeling, he also don’t want other’s to know how he feels. First of all he has the deep believe that no one really cares, even if they act like they do, it is fake. Deep in their heart it doesn’t matter to them. And so Pilgrim believes that the only one that really cares about his feelings is himself. That’s why he seldom talks about those things.

Trust Issues | ...you would have them too if your old “family” had tried to kill you..or is still trying |
Have you ever heard of someone that left the Cult? NO OF COURSE NOT. Because Cultists don’t really like being left.
Pilgrim will get nervous and suspicious very quickly and will often turn to look around. (Just in case an old friend came by to stab him in the back.)

Energetic | showing or involving great activity or vitality |
Another reason why he becomes so easily bored is that he is really energetic. He can barely sit or stand still for more than a few minutes. Not only because he is always a little nervous about being spotted by a Disciple, but because of his urge to do something challenging.

Creative | relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work |  & Practical | of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas
Pilgrim is very creative, both artistic and when it comes to practical things. He loves music and even writes his own songs. Most of them no one will ever hear. Sometimes, when he is singing, he completely forgets the world around him. These are the only few moments where he isn’t afraid of his past or future.

Observant | quick to notice things |
Just because he don’t show or care for emotions, it doesn’t mean that he don’t notice a lot of things. He is very sensitive for movement, if something is happening within his field of view, even if it’s just on the edge, he will notice and react.

Great in a Crisi | no risk no fun |
His creativity and spontaneity (as well as his past) makes Pilgrim a natural in crisis situations. Also he never has a problem with a little physical risk. Chaos can’t blossom without engagement.

Spontaneous | performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus |
Yes some things in life will need some intensive planning, but sometimes only spontaneity will save your butt.  The worst (mostly spontaneous) ideas make the best memories. If you survive long enough to laugh.

Humorous | causing lighthearted laughter and amusement; comic |
Okay, you won’t get Grim with every joke, but usually he enjoys life as far as possible and for him is humour a big part of that life.
Okay I will also admit that his humor can get really dark. He loves jokes at others expense.

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On a gathering storm comes
A tall handsome man
In a dusty black coat with
A red right hand


  • born in Onea from a Cultist mother and an (since the act absent) Pirate father

  • raised as Nothing in the Cult of Digend

  • born blessed with Lullaby ( and a beautiful singing voice)

  • joined a group of Nothings after his mother cased him aside after his weaning

  • forged a strong bond with a foreigner that joined the cult, they also had their proving 

  • named himself "Faun" after the proving

  • abused his blessing regularly to steel from strangers and fellow Disciples or to harm/kill them for his advantage

  • over time he fell into disfavor with many other Cult members what eventually ended in them trying to kill him

  • together with his only real friend, who wanted to leave the Cult as well (although for way other reasons) they made a plan and escaped, making it look like they have been killed on a mission

  • the friends parted way for their own safety, Pilgrim went to Aquore

  • on his way he kept acting like a peacefully bard and eventually reached Aquores Borders

  • payed the right people to fake his papers and started his "new life" as a citizen of Aquore

  • with the money he had hoarded in his past and with what he managed to earn in Aquore over the years with his...many talents he purchased a shabby old building and renovated it completly

  • today he is the proud (and shady) owner of one of Aquores most luxurious Bathhouses the "Crystal Pearl"

Childhood & Teens

He was born a Nothing. And with that I don’t mean that he was born extremely poor, or a slave or whatever else you thought could have happened to little baby Pilgrim. No, he was born as a Nothing in the Cult of Digend. You need to understand that the Cultist want to grow on numbers, but on the other hand they don’t seem to like kids too much.

Pilgrims life began in the harsh lands of Onea, just on the edge between spring and summer. He wasn’t planned, or really wanted, but the Cult wanted more members, so his mother decided to keep him. At least as long as she had to to give him a fair chance of survival.

And she did. For a short time in his life he really had a mother. She even stayed away from any dangerous cultist activities until he was weaned.
That time is long gone and duo to his young age Pilgrim has almost no memory about it, so I’ll make it short.
From one day to the other Grims mother left him alone. It was not long after she had discovered that he was blessed by Alya. She had sung him a goodnight song and he tried to replicate it. When he started singing he simultaneously used his blessing accidently. His mother had quite a hard time to fight against the sleep.
A few days later she was gone. Purposefully she had stayed close to a small group of other Nothings, that were already abandoned by their parents.
To be fair she wasn’t as heartless as some other Cultist parents.
She made sure that he would find them.
And Pilgrim did.

Or probably they found him instead. Attracted by his heartbreaking calls for his mother, they came to pick him up.

One should assume that a group of abandoned foals, of different ages, should forge some kind of bond between them in a situation like theirs, but even if the group stayed together to survive, there was always some kind of rivalry and distrust between them.
They moved as a group, but everyone was separated. 
Most of the time they tried to follow a larger group of disciples, watching from the side when they attacked others, ransacking what was left by the adults. And they learned.

Today Pilgrim couldn’t remember the exact time when a friend, his only friend, entered his life.
The adults brought a stranger to them. He was in Grims age. Maybe a little older, or even younger. It didn’t mattered, because he managed to do something that no one else had achieved before. He earned Pilgrims trust. And friendship. Something he had never known before.
The bond between them grew stronger everyday and they even overcame the challenge of the proving together.
Pilgrim named himself “Faun” afterwards.

Just like most of the other former Nothings he consumed an Aging Potion after the proving. He skipped an average amount of years and immediately grew to a 17 year old stallion. In the following years he grew more and more into the life of an cultist. He wasn’t young and helpless anymore. And he would let the world know.
Usually he would travel as a Bard, using his voice to bend other horses to his will. Chaos and Destruction was the only thing he left behind after an attack.
Eventually he parted ways with his friend. Gradually they had evolved into different directions. His friend became attached, and didn’t participated in their raids anymore. They’d still speak from time to time, but their bond and friendship slowly faded.

However, over time he became greedy. Faun was deeply devoted to his pagan god, Digend, but he was also devoted to himself. The older he became, the more ridiculous it appeared to him to waste all his time just to please Digend. He wanted something for himself. The nomadic lifestyle of the cult didn’t allowed great wealth and lot of property. This bothered him more day by day.


Eventually his, in the eyes of the Disciples, misbehavior, became steadily more obvious. Faun had no scruple to harm or kill other Cult members, something that wasn’t clearly forbidden but also not really appreciated since the Cultist wanted to grow in numbers. Also he spent more time to work for his own property, instead of fulfilling his duties before Digend.

And so the inevitable happened. Faun attracted too much attention from some other Disciples that shared the same opinion. The young stallion was annoying, dangerous and definitely not devoted enough.
Long story short, they decided to get rid of him. Thanks to his observant character he noticed that something was wrong before it was too late. Roughly around that time, his childhood friend came into his life again. He had heard of Faun’s “problems” as well, and revealed to him that he wanted to leave the Cult. For good. Together they forged an escape plan to make it, hopefully, out alive.

They started to spend time together again and ensured that they were seen by as many Disciples as possible. Everyone should think that they paired up again, so no one would question the fact later that they were going on a mission together.
Once they deemed the time ready, they left, well equipped and again, before the eyes of some other Cultist.
Deep in the dark Onean forest they staged an attack. They spread some stuff like broken weapons, food and other things together with something that clearly belonged to them, on a small space and added some blood, their own and from some animals to make it look like a fight took place there. If any of the other Disciples should even make the effort to come to look for them (what was definitely possible since they had still plans to kill Faun), they hopefully would assume that someone else had already done the job for them.

Then the real escape began.
Even if their plan worked and the rest of the Cult would assume them to be death, they always had to keep alert. If any of them would see them ever again, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill.
The two friends left Onea on a Bloody-Flank ship, with two different goals. Faun was aiming to reach Aquore. He knew almost nothing about the water herd, but it should be easy to integrate into their land for he himself was a Hippocampus. Also there were zero Cultists in Aquore. At least as far as he knew. The chances to get recognized and killed there were extremely low.

Fauns friend had different plans. They decided early to split off as soon as possible, for safety reasons, but he was still surprised when he revealed that he would search a new life in Breim. Faun didn’t even tried to argue with him. His friend new just as good as him that Sirith was a place where it wasn’t too surprising to meet a Cultist. He surely would have his reasons why he wanted to go there nonetheless.
The friends said goodbye and parted ways. Faun haven’t heard any word from his friend since then.

The Flanks brought him close to the Isles of the dead, were Faun spend some time looking for the right person to fake the needed papers for his stay in Aquore. It took him a few months, but eventually he got what he wanted.
On the Isles of the Death Faun died, and Pilgrim was born.

Once he reached the mainland, his way led him to a rather big village called Moonshore. He wanted to make his first steps as Entertainer, using his beautiful voice to earn enough money for a bigger project. He didn’t dared to enter Inaria just jet, for he was still afraid that someone could identify his papers as what they really are, a fake.
And so he decided to start at Moonshore, a touristic village where it was easier to earn money as entertainer than in most other.
Additional he did any other paid work he could find.

Again, over time, he wanted more. The small house he had wasn’t enough. The money he made was not enough for him. This life was not enough. Pilgrim still worshiped Digend. And he was always afraid that someone could find out about that, or even worse, that a Diciple could find him.

One day, suddenly, he made a strange decision. He sold his small house, and took all his money and other little belongings with him to the great city of Inaria. There he was looking for something special.
For some weeks he lived on the streets, again earning his money by singing and doing any work he could possibly find, until...until he found it.
A massive building, old and decrepit, any beauty that it might inherited earlier had been faded away in the ravages of time.

To him it was perfect.
Because of it bad state, the building was extraordinary cheap and Pilgrim bought it. Over the course of three years, all of his funds have gone into restore it.
It had been a rocky road, but around five years after Faun died and Pilgrim entered Aquore, the great Bath House known as “The Crystal Pearl” opened it’s doors for customers.

And behind closed doors, in the backrooms of the Crystal Pearl, a Cultist was smiling and pledged himself to Digend once again.

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Other (Trivia & Quirks)

  • was known as "Faun" before he had to escape the Cult and will properly still turn around accidentally if someone nearby calls someone else "Faun" or by similar name
  • plays the pan-flute, he let it be imbued from time to time so he can use it instead of his voice to force people to sleep
  • has a beautiful singing voice (and uses it together with the Lullaby Blessing to his advantage)
  • has panic attacks from time to time (fear of other cultists to find him)
  • values dream interpretations really high
  • will take drugs sometimes to intensify his dreams 
  • sings from time to time in his bathhouse (for a surcharge of course)
  • will also let horses with sleep disturbance pay him for singing them to sleep 
  • still celebrates the Night of Bloodletting (either with purchasing a soon-to-be slave from a Rouge, a horse no one will miss, or if he finds nothing fitting in time an animal has to be enough. The victim will be released and killed in the wilds.)
  • is a quiet experienced thief
  • has no problem solving things with violence
  • still worships Digend over all other gods

 ⊙ The Crystal Pearl ⊙

The Crystal Pearl is a luxurious Bathhouse located in the Shopping District. 


Marmor statues of Cascade and mighty pillars line the entrance of the Bathhouse. Inside you will find several separated areas. Pools with warm saltwater, with different kinds of aromatic oils and even saunas. There is also an separated area that is forbidden for Pegasi. 

Outside you will find some more pools between beautiful gardens, aside from the busy streets of Inaria. Musicians and Singers are playing in some rooms.

After Chapter 5, the Pearl turns into a meeting point for like mined by night. Not everyone agrees with the current changes that are going on in their homeland. In the Pearl you can express your feelings freely. Not everyone is allowed to enter those meetings, participants undergo strict checks before they are a considered trustworthy.

Employes - open!

Open for Craftsmen, Brewers, Entertainers, Guardians...etc

  • Helios  - The Pearls faithful Accountant and Pilgrim's close friend | OPEN FOR ADOPTION

Reference Template(c)Starborn-Alignment

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Comments: 24

JeanGal247 [2018-11-20 14:35:13 +0000 UTC]

Will be sad to see him go, but I understand retiring characters <3 he's got such a lovely design omg 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to JeanGal247 [2018-11-22 16:01:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah it was kinda hard to make that decision. I really really liked his history and personality, but somehow it just didn't clicked. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JeanGal247 In reply to Ebbarie [2018-12-05 20:34:25 +0000 UTC]

I can understand that though, hope you find the muse for another!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

viv-ee [2017-11-05 11:38:25 +0000 UTC]

what a hunk i love him

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

marinedoq [2017-10-24 08:06:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to marinedoq [2017-10-31 08:53:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

megamasters11 [2017-10-24 00:54:27 +0000 UTC]

Low key want to all him butterfly face

but in all seriousness, a fantastic design, as are all of your characters <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to megamasters11 [2017-10-31 08:53:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so really much

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

star-gutz [2017-10-06 11:16:28 +0000 UTC]

i love this guy, his design is sO freaking good

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to star-gutz [2017-10-07 05:20:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much ;____;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ehrendi [2017-09-18 08:34:01 +0000 UTC]

I keep coming back to ogle at this guy. He is gorgeous. I literally cannot stop looking. I just...love these colours and your art never ceases to have me in awe. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to Ehrendi [2017-09-18 09:27:13 +0000 UTC]

Omg thank you so so really much, thats awesome to hear from you. I love every single of your characters

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IcefireStarfire [2017-09-17 22:15:46 +0000 UTC]


if hes ever umm... looking for a wife  there's a pretty girl im working on that may be suitable lmao

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to IcefireStarfire [2017-09-18 09:26:27 +0000 UTC]

Hm yeah I'm sure Pilgrim would have nothing against it  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Royaltrix [2017-09-17 20:44:33 +0000 UTC]

sweet jesus what a handsome fella

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sansatine [2017-09-17 20:24:44 +0000 UTC]

Laurens: oh my

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to sansatine [2017-09-18 09:25:37 +0000 UTC]

well hello   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Silverfallingstar [2017-09-17 19:35:15 +0000 UTC]

*narrows eyes @ deities*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to Silverfallingstar [2017-09-18 09:25:28 +0000 UTC]

Shady past is shady  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

seechem [2017-09-17 19:07:11 +0000 UTC]


he is so stunning and looks so cheeky <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to seechem [2017-09-18 09:25:16 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you so much! That means a lot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zomburr [2017-09-17 17:48:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ebbarie In reply to Zomburr [2017-09-18 09:25:03 +0000 UTC]


*lures Ciardha into the bathhouse*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zomburr In reply to Ebbarie [2017-09-18 14:54:56 +0000 UTC]

Ciardha: *clings to table leg* NO
Me: *kicks him in there anyways*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0