Elkriens — TPT :: Annie

Published: 2017-12-08 05:48:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 5126; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 5
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Update Log

12/21/17 - Got accepted!
12/12/17 - Done!! Time to wait for the time limit to run out so I can send her in!
12/8/17 - Deciding to post this a tad early. I might as well work on it while it's up, so that way I don't forget about it in my stash. Haha! 

General"Hey brother,"

Name : Annie
Pronunciation : { æ-ni }
Meaning : Grace
Alias(es) : 
        Amaya - An alias, used to conceal her identity when living with the family. Means "Night Rain".
        Ann - An alternative for “Annie”

Age : 4 years total
    Age when joined : 1 year
    Years spent in stasis : 3 years
    Mental Age : 1 year

Sex : DFAB
Gender : Female
Pronouns : She/Her They/Them

Inventory : Mirror Shard - "It's old and sharp...but something about it creeps you out. You find it difficult to look at your own reflection without getting uncomfortable." 

Soul Class : Red
    Level :
Soul Shade : ??? shade
    Soul Bond : ???


"There's an endless road to rediscover."

Breed : Singapura | Tuxedo | Moggy

Notable Features : Kitten build | Small paws | Spotted pads 
Brief Description : Annie has a rather simply colored pelt. She has sleek black fur, that becomes darker closer around her spine, and shines like the morning sun rising over the hills. She has a white chin, that stretches down to her neck and under her belly before finally reaching the end, near her tail, and stopping. Her front paw pads only have white on the toes, while her back paws have the white stretching up her legs, almost like socks. Annie has dark ears, a black nose, and spotted coloration on her paw pads.  She has well-built muscles, showing that she's rather strong. She's sleek, thin, and... Tiny. It's probably the most prominent thing about her; Annie is far smaller than the average cat, almost looking like a kitten in comparison to an adult, and thus is easily mistaken for one. Last but not least, her eyes are a stunning golden green color. The whites of her eyes are a soft chartreuse, and the iris of her eyes are more of a shamrock color. They shimmer brightly, with a spark of determination burning like a flame behind them. Her eyes seem to show all of her emotion, even if she herself doesn't let anybody see it.

Accessories : ---
Scars and Disabilities : ---
Scent : Annie smells like the combination of a rolling river and tar.
Height : 7.8" at the shoulder.


"Hey sister,"

Personality type : Logistician [ISTJ-A]

79% Introverted

66% Observant

58% Thinking

83% Judging

64% Assertive

+ Positive Traits +
| willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.
Friendly | kind and pleasant.
Charismatic | exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others.
Confident | feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.
Reliable | consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.

/ Neutral Traits /
| cruel or severe.
Analytical | relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning.
Fervent | having or displaying a passionate intensity.
Self-sacrificial | the sacrifice of one's own desires, interest, etc, for the sake of duty or for the well-being of others.
Odd | different from what is usual or expected; strange.

- Negative Traits -
| lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.
Stubborn | having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
Violent | using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Solitary | reclusive from others.
Rebellious | showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention.

Annie has always been a rather introverted cat, not interacting much with her peers and often resulting in her excluding herself from social activities and the like, which mostly stems from her distrust in others and fear of losing those she is close to. However, she has learned to move on from this fear, and is now more than willing to help those she knows in any ways that she can, no matter the cost. Once Annie has made an acquaintance, she would end up putting their life before her own, and if they were ever in danger, would instantly go to their rescue. Even if it meant giving up her own life, Annie would do it in a heartbeat to help others. Her disbelief in "paradise" is most likely the key factor in this behavior, but who knows? Perhaps it could be some other reason. Now, even though she's willing to help her friends and work with them, it's not so easy to earn the title as her "friend". It would have to be earned; and earning it is not the easiest thing in the world. Annie is wary of others, defensive, and ready to lash out if she deems it necessary. She has a hard shell to break through, and you would need to absolutely gain her trust before anything else. So, if you want this cat to treat you kindly and trust you, you better believe you're going to have to work for that trust.

Once that trust is gained, not only do you gain her as a companion, but you also get to see a side of her not many others are able to see. While her outside might show a cat who is irritable, violent, and unkind, is actually one of the softest, sweetest cats you could ever befriend. She's loving, caring, and very friendly to those who she trusts. She'll gossip with them, share tongues with them, and even cuddle with them if you're close enough to her. Not only that, but she's one who will never break a promise. She's faithful, loyal, and overall... If you tell her a secret, you better believe that secret is as good as kept. Now, not only do cats who befriend her get to see her kinder side, but they also get to catch her... Weirder side. She loves to give attention to her friends, and if she's overly happy, she'll... Unfortunately begin to drool. She doesn't seem to have any shame in it either, and will even purposefully drool on her friends for fun, even if it disgusts the hell out of them.

Now, moving on. Annie is the type to take bold risks, willing to go on any adventure, and is mostly the first one to volunteer going on a dangerous mission. She's ready to take on a challenge, not only to satisfy her own curiosity, but to satisfy those around her as well. Annie is used to being forced to go on dangerous missions from when she was living with her "family", who would often times have her squeeze through small holes and go on dangerous activities that they couldn't or were unwilling to do. She's one who has quite a unique fire to her eye; a determination she has hidden behind her usually stoic stare. Excitement, anxiety, and fear. Her eyes are the ones that the most about what she's thinking; and usually, that's a good thing, if you're good at reading hidden emotions. 

Her distrust for strangers, unfortunately, often leads to fights or skirmishes with unknown cats. Annie is tough, and is willing to take down those she believes are dangerous and horrible. She's not willing to put her trust in a cat she may need to fight with later on down the road, which in turn causes her to pick and choose her friends. Annie, while loyal to her friends, acquaintances, and family, is also quite rebellious to those of a higher rank than her. Anybody who is a leader, or a supervisor (looking at Oordeel,) she is willing to stand up to and rebel against. She's tough-headed, and is not easy to sway once she has made up her mind. So, if this cat doesn't believe you are in the right, you better believe she is not going to stand and do whatever it is you tell her to do. She'll fight back with all her might until she gets her way... And sadly, most of the time, it fails.

While she isn't the best at following orders from a leader unless she approves of them, she likes to think of herself as a good leader. She's willing to listen to her group, tries her best to inspire them and bring out the best in them, and is wonderful at analyzing situations to come up with a solution. She has a blinding confidence in her abilities, firmly believing that she could win if she sets her mind to it. However, her confidence also comes with a price. Sometimes, her confidence will stack up on her other bad traits, often leaving her disregarding those around her and being unconcerned with the cats and environment around her. 

Likes :

  • Kittens, younger cats.
  • Running
  • Exploring
  • Marcushio
  • Attention (on her terms, of course)
  • Her "family"
  • Tobin

Dislikes :

  • Oordeel
  • "Paradise"
  • Water
  • Loud, obnoxious cats
  • Dogs


"Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker."

Intellect -- 5/10
Charisma -- 4/10
Stamina -- 3/10
Strength -- 5/10
Speed -- 3/10

TOTAL : 20/50



Before Life


The wasteland was a challenge to all who lived in it. It was difficult to survive, with little resources left and cats running savage amongst the streets. In the ruins of a run down city, a somewhat large crowd of cats had decided to band together in hopes of surviving, giving themselves the title of the ‘Wasteland Wanderers”.

The Wasteland Wanderers were strong when they were together, and had divided the cats up to do certain jobs. Some would scavenge for food or resources, others would spy on outside cats, and others were trained for breaking into places to steal and assassinate.

They treated each other like a family. They helped one another, they split their meals, and they cared for the young. And most of the time, they never even referred to themselves as the Wasteland Wanderers; often times, they simply referred to themselves as the “Family”.

Now, working for the family is no easy task. It’s dangerous, it’s daring, and you could very well get yourself killed out there. Kaira and her mate Alegra had heard of stories of the Wasteland Wanderers, tales of cats who hid in shadows and struck at just the right time, in just the right spot. The family could ambush and kill you in a split second, as silent as a mouse, and as quick as a cheetah. They knew it was a risk, but they had to take shelter somewhere.

They came to the family, begging them to let them stay until Kaira gave birth. At first, the family was ready to just simply chase the cats off, but the leader had stopped them. He decided to let the two in, and gave them a place to sleep for the time being.

One night, Alegra had left to go find food… The next morning, his body was found in one of the run-down streets.

The night that Kaira had given birth, she was very frail and weak. She managed to give birth to five kittens, and before she passed, she named them. Nova, Anthony, Ki, Mia… And the runt, Annie.

The next morning, Kaira was buried next to her mate, and the leader had assigned for Marcushio, a grey tabby molly, to care for the kits.

The Wastelands


Annie, of course, wasn’t as strong as her siblings. She was weak, small, and sickly. But thankfully, Marcushio gave her all the love a child could ask for, and made sure she was healthy. She cared for her when she was sick, she trained her, and she gave her all the attention she needed. Marcushio, to Annie, was the best cat in the world.

As time went on, Annie watched as her siblings grew into strong cats. Nova and Ki became scavengers, and Anthony and Mia became spies. Annie… Annie wasn’t sure of what she could do, until one of the cats pulled Marcushio aside and spoke to her.

Yelling soon followed as a result. Marcushio was outraged, frightened, physically shaken as the other cat attempted to reassure her. And when Annie asked what was wrong, she was hit with the realization as to why the cat who had cared and raised her for so long was acting as she did.

The family had found a job for Annie.

They wanted her to be an assassin.

Being an assassin was no easy task. It required stealth, strength, and intelligence. You had to be on your guard at all times, break into places, steal supplies, and kill others for the sake of the family. It was a horrifying job, and to wish it upon a child was just outrageous, but needed. They barely had any assassins, and Annie was just small enough for the job. She was dark, not easy to notice, and able to fit into small crevices. Marcushio hated the idea, but Annie was willing to try it out. How bad could it be?

Apparently, very bad. Early on in her training, she was taught to fit into tight holes, identify escape routes, and taught how to fight. Her fighting techniques were the most demanding. Especially with her size, she had to learn to rely on her intelligence rather than brute strength alone, to analyze instead of charging in head on. And eventually, the time came when she had to perform her first task.

It was simple. All she had to do was follow an old cat to his den, wait till he was gone, and snatch his food. She waited outside the den for the longest time, and when she saw the old cat, she felt her heart ache. He was sickly, had a limp, and was pretty much defenseless. How could she steal from a defenseless old man?

Ready to back out of the mission, she turned to head back, but was stopped by her mentor. She was informed that the deed was necessary, and was reluctant at first, but eventually slinked into the den to retrieve the food. She froze dead in her tracks. Was this really the right thing to do? Was it really…

Her mentor moved into the den and shoved her out, making her hide before the old man came back. Her mentor informed her that no matter what, the family comes first. In the wasteland, the strongest survived, and the weak succumbed to the hungry world. If she was to live, she had to do what was necessary, even if that meant stealing from the weak. She had to fight for the family. The family was her lifeline.

Annie knew this-the family was all she had ever known, and betraying the family was like killing your own blood. And to her, the family was her own blood and more. As time went on, she grew more and more fond of random strangers, often making friends with them and sneaking away from the family to be around these strange cats.

And, unfortunately, each friend she made met the same exact fate.

The family told her the spies had seen her “friends”. The spies had seen them plotting against the family, against Annie, wanting to use her to finally eliminate the dangerous gang.

They killed her friends.

They made her kill them as well.

They would throw her to the ground with a paw against her neck, their icy glare staring straight through the kit's core and hitting her like a knife. The disappointment she received from the family left a hole in her chest. They would bend down to her ear, tail lashing as their claws dug into her skin, whispering to her in an unspoken threat.

“It's for the good of the family,” They said. “Betraying the family would surely land you in a lot of trouble.”

Eventually, she realized, the wasteland wasn't a place for friends. She couldn't make friends here. She shouldn't be so trusting.

She learned that after one of her so-called “friends” attempted to kill her, to persuade her to fork up secrets about her family. They had led her on an "adventure", saying how they found a really cool object and how they wanted to show her. A ring, perhaps left behind by the humans that had come here so long ago... But the "ring" was a lie. What was laying there, really, was a dog. A large, vicious dog with teeth that snapped and eyes that shone with hunger. Annie, frightened, was about to turn tail and run, but her friend had pinned her before she could.

She could feel claws pushing down on her head to keep her still as she struggled, and the cat bent down with a devious smile. "Now," they began, "You're gonna tell me where that lil' family of yours is hiding. And if you don't spit those answers up, Roofus over here is gonna catch a little snack. Now ain't that right Roofus?"

Their eyes drifted over to the dog, who had bared its teeth and emitted a low growl. Annie looked around fearfully. An exit, a way out, anything.

Anthony had luckily spotted the struggle, and ran in to protect her. Annie was forced to kill her friend before they fled the scene, the dog barking as it chased them. Eventually, they lost it, but the whole thing had hurt Annie. She was forced to have an alias to protect her identity. so nobody heard rumors of "Annie" being in the Wasteland Wanderers. No; her name on the streets was Amaya, or "Night Rain". But even if she was protected, the memories of the kills... The murders... Her friends...

Each kill hurt her more. Each kill severed her, like a claw running over her throat and slicing her open each time.

It hurt.

She didn't want to be hurt anymore. She began shutting herself off from the outside world, only making friends within the family, not trusting a single cat. After all, making friends only seemed to lead her to pain.

She shut her emotions off, and, only being so young, had matured far quickly than she she should have. The family had made her see the truth about the world; something she could never unsee, something she could never forgive, and something she needed to fight through to survive.

The family was her world, as the outside had proved to be an unworthy home. She vowed to protect the family; after all, they needed her. She was their best assassin.

It wasn't until she heard news that her brother and sister, Ki and Mia, had been found dead. Killed by lone cats in the suburb area, where the tar pits bubbled and gurgled, ready to swallow up cats whole.

They had been drowned in the tar, their fur clumped with the black liquid, with it seeping from their nostrils and mouth… Annie didn't know how to react. Her own kin…

She had only been exposed to losing her friends. But her blood… She’d never had to deal with the loss of her kin. Her parents had died before she was born, she never got to know them. But her siblings had been there for her her entire life. Unsheathing her claws, she dug them into the earth, like taking out her anger on the soil and giving it pain would transfer her own-make it disappear.

But it didn’t.

The pain remained, and the world grew still around her.

She had to continue living.

It’s what Ki and Mia would have wanted.

It’s what they had deserved, and yet so young, the kits had met their end.

The reality left a bitter taste on her tongue. What was she to do? She couldn’t go back in time to save them. She couldn’t do anything other than move on with her life and leave them in the past. She couldn’t afford grieving for too long… The wasteland didn’t waste time. It could kill you in an instant.

And that’s simply that.

A while passed. Annie had been working as an assassin for a long while now, and the family was flourishing. They were all happy, living well, adjusted to the wastelands… But it seemed that the idea of ‘paradise’ was spreading around quite quickly. Whispers swam around like fish in a pond, and a few cats began to turn up missing.

and, eventually, Marcushio was one of the missing cats.

Annie was terrified. Where had the cat that had cared for her for so long gone? Where had she gone too?!

It wasn't long before Annie had overheard whispers about Paradise. Maybe that was where Marcushio and the others had gone. Maybe they had gone to find “paradise”. Maybe “paradise” would be their salvation. A place where the family would be happy. But… the leader was clearly upset by this idea. They didn't believe in paradise. They didn't believe it was real, and that it was simply a kits tale to give them a false sense of hope.

But Annie didn't want to give up. Paradise was wherever Marcushio had gone. Paradise was where they would be happy. Paradise was going to be the only out of this god-forsaken hellhole of a world.

She left in the dead of night.

Days passed, and finally, she came upon a portal. Other cats were gathered around, waiting, watching.

Marcushio wasn't there. Was she already inside?

she waited outside among the others, tail curled in anticipation as the group of cats increasingly grew with time.

The gates open, and Annie held her breath, watching as darkness unfolded before her.


She was falling!

Annie's paws had scrambled through the air as she tried desperately to catch onto anything, anything that might had been able to break her fall. But there was nothing around her, aside from the darkness that plagued every corner of her vision and the empty air as she plummeted to whatever demise she had expected to meet at the bottom.

But she didn't hit the bottom. No, her paws simply landed softly on whatever ground was underneath her. It was still dark, but at least she was no longer falling. Her green eyes had scanned the darkness, but no sight of the other cats who had been sucked into the portal could be seen. But something could be heard.

A voice.

A very loud, booming voice, that seemed to echo on forever. He introduced himself as Oordeel.

He went on to explain how they were all simply half souls, and how they had to find their other half before they could reach paradise. He informed them they would be tested.

Paradise… Was this not paradise?

Who was Oordeel?

Souls? Halves?


...What was going on…

Annie didn't have time to think about what was happening before the ground disappeared once more, and she was once again sent plummeting downward.

Chapter 001 :: The Quivering Forest



Her eyes opened slightly.

She had been laying on the ground, everything around her a blur as she rose from her supposed slumber. They were in a forest, with green grass underpaw and trees soaring high. She had been momentarily convinced that this was paradise. Everyone began to wake around her. What was it that Oordeel had said again? They were to be tested, right? For what?

The larger group of cats had dwindled, and it seemed that they had been split up into separate groups. Annie glanced around at the various cats in her group before she felt the droplets of rain descend from the sky and onto her pelt, onto the ground below. It was raining. A black blur swooped overhead, and as she looked up, she could see the black figure of Oordeel flying above her.

He gave them a riddle. One about water and keys and blah blah blah-Annie didn't care to listen. What kind of sick joke was this any-

He told them to not stop running before flying off. Annie, confused, didn't know what it meant… until the rumbling of the ground frightened her enough to send her into a run.

Of course she wasn't fast enough to escape the powerful wave, none of them really were. But still, as she felt the crash of the water hit her fur and drag her under, she flailed her paws in a desperate attempt to escape. Her paws managed to catch onto something, and immediately she hooked her claws onto it, pulling herself up. She hacked and coughed.

Stupid water.

She coughed again as she looked around, catching a glimpse of a cat diving into the water after someone else. She caught her breath and sat down.

The cat pulled out a kitten-one about her size. She wasn't a kitten, (only twelve moons!) but she had heard the claim far too many times that she was used to it by now. She found herself wondering; why were they doomed to be here? Stuck in this God awful place? This wasn't some stupid trial to get to paradise-no, this was something much more twisted. The cat-Oordeel-he was trying to kill them, wasn't he?

With the way he sounded in that abyss.

The way he addressed them.

The way he so carelessly threw them aside into this game of his.

It was all just for his sick fantasies, wasn't it?

She felt her claws digging into the soft earth, before the voice next to her broke into her thoughts with a deafening yowl.

“Damn this!” the grey cat had said, “How the hell are we supposed to find the rest of our souls split up by all this water? My partner better not turn out to be one of these stupid kits!”

She said the lines with such scorn in her voice, and she gestured over to Annie and the other kid. Annie had given a scoff, glaring at the cat. She wasn't some stupid kit!

One of the cats-the one who had saved the other kid, stepped forward. “We should start searching for those keys,” he had said.

Annie, still angered from being called a stupid kit, turned to the cat, bristling. “Who made you leader?” she had spat.

The cat kept his cool. “Nobody.” he said. He wrapped his tail around the younger cat. “I was just offering a suggestion. You’re perfectly free to stay here and drown.”

She stayed silent. She still wasn't happy with the whole situation.

The group had set off to find the other keys, looking around for any sign of them. The grey cat seemed very unhappy about the water, and continued to shake her paws every chance she got before plunging them right back down in the water. It was at their ankles now.

They soon came across another cat, laying as still as a feather in the rising water. Annie walked forward, over to the cat, and sniffed them, hoping to find a key on them, or at least check to see if they were alive. Nothing.

Annie returned to the group with a shake of her head. They had to keep moving.

It wasn't long before they found the first two keys. Annie had left to climb down a well and retrieve the first one (albeit as scary as it was) as the kid and the cat who saved her left to get one in a treehouse.

The water had gone up before they could scavenge anymore keys. They all came to a ledge. Annie climbed up, then the cat who's name she didn't know. The kit, who she had learned was named Tobineas, and the grey cat, we're the last ones up. Tobin climbed up onto the ledge, while the grey cat attempted to scramble up, before she hit Tobin, sending the poor kit tumbling into the waters.

Annie's eyes had widened, and she was convinced she hadn't felt any fear like that one. No… she couldn't lose him. Not the kit! Just as she was about to jump in, the cat next to her jumped in instead, swimming after Tobin.

They dove under the surface. And for a moment, they didn't come back up. Where were they?

She waited.

The surface broke, and the cats head came up, carrying an unconscious Tobin. They swam over to Annie, against the current, and tried to lift Tobin up to her. Just as Annie grabbed Tobin and pulled him back though… Just before the cat was able to climb back onto the ledge…

A wave had swept through, hitting the cat and sending him away with the current. Annie felt absolute horror, but suppressed it, and turned to Tobin.

He was unconscious. But he was breathing, even if it was faint. She had to save him.

She couldn't let this kit die.

She laid him down, then put her paws on his chest, pressing up and down, over and over.

A few minutes passed. Nothing.

Then, Tobin’s eyes opened and he rolled over to the side, water pouring out of his mouth as he coughed and hacked. Annie sat back and watched with sadness and worry, her ears pinned to her head.

She watched as Tobin gave a few more coughs, before he turned to her.

“Where's Papa Ghost…?” he asked.

He must have been talking about the cat that had saved him. Annie didn't want to see the sadness in his eyes, but she had to tell him the truth. She turned her head to the water.

“He's dead.” she mumbled, green eyes fixated on the water as it flowed. “Went under to save you, but couldn’t swim back up himself.”

The kit seemed shocked. Tobin was staring Annie down. She felt it. “He’s… Dead…?”

Annie didn't say anything. Her heart ached. Death… She thought that paradise would have kept her safe from death. But this wasn't paradise. No… paradise was a lie. This was hell.

Paradise didn't exist. This game was created for them to suffer for another cat’s entertainment.

But how could she ruin that for the others? She couldn't. She wouldn't.

The grey cat had already gone, and they didn't have a single clue where she had vanished to.

They sat in silence for a while. Annie stood up, then looked to Tobin. “We should keep moving. If we just stay here, we're sure to drown. Come on.” she nodded, and began walking. Tobin gave a solemn nod behind her and followed suit.

They followed the trail onward, until they were met with a large cave. Walking inside revealed an array of tunnels, all too confusing for them to navigate correctly.

“Which way now…?” Tobin asked.

Annie parted her lips and tasted the air, but all that she could taste was moisture. The rain outside had masked any scent she could have used to navigate. “...This way.” she instructed, and walked down one of the tunnels. Tobin followed her, sticking to her side.

They finally reached another cave, and there seemed to be a bleeding monster inside. And, as they ventured deeper, keeping as quiet as possible so they didn't disturb the beast, they eventually met up with the grey cat from before. She was bleeding. Her chest was oozing blood from a deep gash, presumably from the monster.

Tobin padded forward, about to help the poor cat before she hissed at him. “stay away!” the grey cat demanded. Tobin’s eyes were wide. He tried once more to get closer to her, but the grey cat swatted at him, fending him off. “I said stay back!”

This cat was far too stubborn. And poor Tobin… She looked on the verge of dying, and she didn't want Tobin to witness it. Quickly, she ushered him along. They had to keep moving.

As they walked, they were silent. It was like that for a few minutes.

...he spoke up.

“Is she going to die?”

The question had caught Annie off guard, and she was silent for a moment. She tried to find the right words, but… she knew she couldn't lie. “...Probably, yes.” she responded, looking to Tobin sadly. “But there’s nothing we can do now. Just keep moving and hope for the best.”

He gave another nod before once again falling silent. They continued forward. It was her own fault she didn't want help… Annie wasn't going to let another cats stubbornness hold them back.

As they continued on, they soon reached the end of the tunnels, and we're greeted with daylight. There were other cats there, and as the two of them approached, Tobin was tackled from behind by what she assumed was his brother.

The two were so happy to find each other alive, and as Annie watched them, she could feel her heart ache. Her and Marcushio used to be like that.

But Marcushio wasn't here. She was gone. Gone gone gone.

Paradise didn't exist.

For all she knew, Marcushio could have died. She probably left the family on her own accord… Or was killed by an outsider…

Annie walked over to another cat-Bagheera-and gave her the black key that she had collected.

Everyone rushed to the gate. They all rushed to put keys in holes and turn them and open the gate. Annie stayed with Tobin, laying next to him as she watched them fiddle with the keys.

They tried to open the gate.

It stayed shut.

Suddenly, the cats erupted into fearful yowls and frustrated yells. Oordeel flew above them, and Annie looked up, meeting his gaze. He was smiling. A sinister smile that stretched from ear to ear was plastered on his face, and from the corner of her eye, she could see as Tobin buried his face in his brother’s shoulder.

The earth trembled and shook as the same roar from before pounded in her ears. There was a great wall of water rushing toward them.

The world seemed to come to a standstill.

Annie, without thinking, did what she thought was right. She stood up and dove in front of Tobin, taking the split second to wrap herself around him and shield him from the wave.

Something hit her, and she could feel herself becoming engulfed in the water.

And just like that, they were all swept off their feet and carried away. Annie flailed her paws, attempting to grab onto anything, but all that can in her path were bodies-countless bodies-rocks, debris, trees, everything, but nothing she could grab onto to catch her breath.

Her head bobbed up and down, only allowing her to take a single breath before she was thrown back underneath the tumbling waters.

A sharp stick jabbed into her side, tearing her flesh and causing her to let out a scream of pain. Blood filled the water as she gasped for air. 

Her head dove under the surface again. Water filled her nostrils.

Her eyes were shut, because everytime she tried to pry her eyes open she got water in them, causing them to sting.

Everything was dark. Water rushed into her lungs as she tried desperately to swim to the surface, but she just continued to be weighed down.

Her lungs burned. She yearned for air.

She gasped and choked as water filled her lungs, and she couldn't seem to focus on anything else.

Help… Someone help!

Help, help, please help!

Nothing. Nobody came to answer her panicked thoughts. More water continued to flow into her nostrils and mouth, and as much as she coughed, as much as her body rejected, it just took in more.


Annie opened her eyes. Everything around her was a blur. Everything hurt. Everything burned.



The water dissipated. Her body hit the ground, and nearby she could hear someone shriek.

She heard a familiar voice calling out. Tobin… Tobin was calling for his brother. Her eyes rolled over to the direction it came from, but it ached to do so. Everything hurt, and her vision was going out.

“Tob…in... “ she croaked, extending a paw in his direction as she coughed. He was crying. She had to get to him, she had to comfort him…

“I’m… I’m coming… Tobin…” she choked on her words, crawling feebly towards him…

She fell limp. She couldn't move. Her head pulsed and pounded, and the darkness that clouded her vision finally consumed her, and she allowed herself to succumb to its welcoming grasp.

Post Stasis :: Entry 1
Where... Am I...?

That seemed to be the only question on her mind. Annie's eyes drifted open and blinked a couple times. Her mind was fuzzy, and a few coughs rattled her body. Where was she? What happened?

Oh, right. Oordeel had given them all a trial. He had wanted them to reach paradise, but in order to do so, they would have had to pass a trial.Annie had realized long ago how it was utter bullshit. 

The cats that were on her team... Ghost, the grey cat...



Annie sat up in a sudden panic at the memory. She had thrown myself in front of the giant water wave to protect him, even if it seemed pointless at the time. Either way, they still ended up getting swept away.
Either way, Annie still ended up breaking a few bones, and quite possibly, the same went for Tobin.
Either way, they were both closer to death.


Shouldn't she have drowned...?
Why was she... Alive? And well?

Was Tobin alive as well?
Annie stood up, aching, almost as if I had been sleeping for centuries. How long was she out for...?

...Why was she given a second chance?


"If the sky keeps falling down,"

Parental Figure : Marcushio | Alive

Mother :
 Kaira | Deceased
Father : Alegra | Deceased

Brother(s) : Nova | Unknown
Anthony | Unknown
Ki | Deceased
Sister(s) : Mia | Deceased

Offspring : ---

Orientation - ????

Activity - Virgin
Experience - Annie has never really had any experiences with love. Having been raised in a tough gang that cares about survival, love is a low priority, especially since during her time with the gang she was only a kit. So, Annie never really came to like anybody romantically, and is currently unsure of what her preferences are, if any at all. Even then, she isn't ready for love, especially with the stress of staying alive eating her from within like a hungry parasite.

Mate - None

Interests - Unknown

Turn ons - Unknown

Turn offs - Unknown


"For you..."

 How has your character emotionally and mentally handled attempting and failing the Trials?

All throughout the first trial, she had a young kit that stuck by her side named Tobin. He was younger than her, but still relatively around her size, and even though she didn't believe in paradise, he did. And she couldn't bring herself to tell him against the idea, and simply kept to herself. Mentally, she wasn't exactly coping with their fate. She was angry, infuriated that they had been toyed with... And yet, as her insides boiled with hatred and anger, her outer emotions stayed intact. While mentally, she wasn't happy, emotionally she was calm and collected; managing to keep a straight face and an even tone throughout the quivering forest with Tobin. And even though she didn't like her fate, she was still willing to accept death. In the face of danger, she didn't hesitate. She climbed down the well with no fights. She was about to jump into rushing waters to save Tobin. She shielded Tobin from the final wave of water without any care for her own life. It seemed that at every moment, she had come to terms with dying or failing the trial, so long as it ended with Tobin surviving. She was willing to throw herself away like a scrap of garbage for someone else, and she feels like that's all that matters in the end; there's no point in living in a hopeless world, so you might as well spend your time worrying about other's rather than yourself.

 What was your character's stance about Paradise before the gate, and how has their opinion changed?

At first, she had thought that paradise was in fact real. She believed that the paradise that everyone had been whispering about would be her family's salvation, and even went to search for it after the disappearance of her adopted mother, Marcushio. But when she met Oordeel and realized how terrible the trials were, she thought; what's the difference? Either way, she's fighting for her life. And for what? What if it was all for absolutely nothing? The more she thought of this speculation, the more she began to believe it, and after not too long, began to lose faith in the so-called "paradise" they had tried to reach. She thinks that paradise is just a rumor to keep everyone's hopes up, when really all the future is inevitable death. Whether it was rotting away in the wastelands until someone either murdered you or you failed to survive the harsh land, or it was failing and dying during the gruesome trials Oordeel had set out to give them. She thinks that the trials aren't some sort of "right of passage", no not at all. She firmly believes that the trials are simply games, played by mortals to doom themselves and entertain a savage and cruel god. She thinks that it's hopeless to even try and get to it. And though she doesn't think paradise exists, she isn't about to ruin somebody else's beliefs just because hers is different. If they all want to get to paradise, so be it; Annie isn't doing the trials for herself, she's doing them for the sake of others.

Roleplay Information

"There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do."

Availability : 10 AM - 12 AM PST

(  = no   = maybe  = yes)

  Notes : too messy

  Forum : Maybe-I've tried forum roleplays before, and I typically cannot keep it lasting long on forums.

 Chatroom : I'm not familiar with chatrooms and I'm not up for them.

  Comments : Sure!

  Docs : Most preferred!

 Skype : Most preferred!

 Discord : Most preferred!


 G/PG : Hell ye 

 PG13 : Sure 

 R : Gore and explicit death scenes are fine! I can handle a lot of gore. 

  M : Sexual/Mature scenes are a no go! Fade to black. 

Roleplay sample

Excerpt taken from Rogue Plague with my character Kedric

It was a very nice day out. Beautiful on the eyes, comfortable temperature, a wonderful morning... Everything felt so peaceful. While on the outside, farther on the outskirts of pack territories and in the neutral lands, infecteds ran wild and savage, hungry to sink their teeth into the flesh of dogs that would serve to be easy food.

Kedric knew he ran the risk of getting tracked down by one and attacked each time he strayed into the neutral lands to take a breather, but he couldn't help but keep coming back. He observed a spider that sat comfortably in the center of its web, waiting patiently for another piece of prey to fall victim to the sticky trap it had spun. A small fly flew past the shiba's muzzle, flying just a tad too close to the web-close enough for it to be ensnared and caught. The spider scurried down the web to the fly, and quickly turned it over and over, tying it up to keep it still.

As he watched it happen, he made sure to focus on his hearing and smelling, keeping his guard out to prevent any risk of getting ambushed by an infected. He always wandered to the neutral lands to get away from the current events happening in Stonetower. Their leader was an unruly tyrant, their pack was succumbing to an illness, and to think that they'd stoop so low... Well, he couldn't blame them. He had to admit that even he himself had to eat as well, with prey being so scarce. It was hard finding anything else. Although Hapsephet was cruel and ruthless, he did understand that she wanted to make the pack better and stronger. And he had nothing to worry about. He was a Raider. Raiders were meant to be smart. He was smart and careful. He fit his role perfectly, and no way in hell would he step up against his leader unless he had to.

As his mind tossed and turned over the current events, one of his ears flicked as he heard a sound somewhere off behind him. He turned his head in the direction it came from and stood up quickly, looking around for the source. His eyes eventually rested on another dog, which caused the fur on his backside to rise in warning as a growl rumbled in his throat. Whoever the dog was, he just hoped the mutt wasn't infected. He wasn't in the mood to get in a fight with one of those creatures. Then again, he could always run away, but that ran the risk of leading the creature back to camp accidentally. Last time he ran into one, he was lucky enough the mutt wasn't still sane enough to have a conversation with before running off.

Kedric watched the dog, and he eventually noticed they lacked the signature blackened eyes, growing mushrooms, and tar leaking from their mouths and nostrils. He let the fur settle down along his back, but still glared suspiciously, not letting his guard down.

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Comments: 13

Wilderwicked [2017-12-22 17:20:16 +0000 UTC]

LOOK! AT! HER!!! aa, what a lovely character :0 congrats on getting into the group!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Elkriens In reply to Wilderwicked [2017-12-22 20:10:08 +0000 UTC]

thank you!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wilderwicked In reply to Elkriens [2017-12-22 21:06:52 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Okibi-Wolf [2017-12-14 23:18:36 +0000 UTC]

awwWW she's cute! Awesome bio and history! Best of luck with getting in!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Elkriens In reply to Okibi-Wolf [2017-12-15 01:00:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

D--A--N--C--E [2017-12-14 20:35:16 +0000 UTC]

Cutie, that's what she is!  I wish you luck getting in!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Elkriens In reply to D--A--N--C--E [2017-12-14 22:48:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Soul-of-Sin [2017-12-14 08:00:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Elkriens In reply to Soul-of-Sin [2017-12-14 08:00:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kattykinz [2017-12-13 23:54:30 +0000 UTC]

wow her simple design is gorgeous! and she sounds like such an interesting character and she's so well written!
I hope to see you in the group!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Elkriens In reply to Kattykinz [2017-12-14 00:22:39 +0000 UTC]

thank you!! <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fiorest [2017-12-11 01:24:38 +0000 UTC]

OoOoooO love her 
good luck getting in  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Elkriens In reply to Fiorest [2017-12-11 01:25:46 +0000 UTC]

ahhhhh thank you!!!! I'm glad you think so <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0