sabrella — TPT :: Diesel

Published: 2017-12-03 21:58:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 3459; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 1
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<07.10.15> THE INFO IS DONE // WE EEPS
<03.12.15> Added a new chapter to his history and wrote out his personality more.
<10.12.15> I GOT IN :' DDDD
<11.12.17> THE BOY IS BACK
: Diesel

Gender: Male

: 4 years
......... 6 years

Breed: American shorthair x Abyssinian

Soul class: Red --- LVL 000


-Helena's feather


●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Intellect [3/10]
●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Charisma [6/10]
●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Stamina [4/10]
●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Strength [2/10] 
●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Speed [5/10]


: Tall and sleek, Diesel isn't the strongest of cats. He is, however, very fond of his sleek form for it allows him to be fast and nimble. What he lacks in strength, he makes up for in speed. Diesel has a distinguished heart-shaped face, long ears and a long tail.
 After the years spent in the jungle, Diesel has built more muscle. The amount of tree climbing gave him a bulkier chest and shoulders.

Coat: Different shades of brown cover the body of the cat. He is a mackerel tabby with light beige paws. A brown V covers his chest.

Fur texture
: Smooth and silky to the touch on a good day. Most of the time it looks dry and unkempt.

Eye Color: A slightly darker shade of amber

: Dry earth, as this is what he mostly sleeps on.

Voice: Diesel speaks rather loud and with much confidence. His voice is deep and raspy from the long travel and lack of resources on his journey.



You may not believe it, but under all the cockiness lies the need to protect anyone and everyone. Diesel will go to great lengths to make sure that everyone he knows are safe and sound. He will fuss and fret until he is completely sure you are fine. You would not be the final judge, he would. Being in a big family did teach him a lot. Despite him being the youngest of the litter, he behaved like the first-born and scolded his siblings if they got hurt. Diesel may not be the strongest cat around, but he is fast. Dying for the sake of saving someone else would not be the worst way for him to go. In fact, that would be ideal. Some may call him reckless, but he really just cares a lot. This need comes from all the times he had to get his siblings out of the danger his older brother put them into. Him being the bait is not unusual and he does not mind being one. Being a decoy is a role he is rather proud of actually.


Diesel's confidence would be just about the first thing you notice. A dose of confidence can be good, but Diesel is damn right cocky. If someone doesn't tell him to calm down, he can go above and beyond about how he can manage to do certain tasks perfectly. He'll have harmless competitions with just about anyone. Don't think he will give up if they win though. Diesel will and shall demand a rematch. If he was confident enough to think he could win once, he is confident enough to do it again. Unsurprisingly, his confident actions has had horrible consequences. Everything from angering fed up cats, to exhaust his body, to near-death situations. Diesel is pretty defensive about this behavior, as his confidence lies on the same line as his pride. And his pride is something he will defend until the end.
 Although Diesel is still very much confident, he has humbled a lot. He has matured enough to know that having confidence is a good thing, but as with everything, it is only good in moderation. He is no longer the near-arrogant cat he used to be.


With his head in the clouds, Diesel is a definite daydreamer. More often than not he will stop just to take in the scenery and let his thoughts wander. Dreams were the only thing to keep his hopes up as he looked for the gates to Paradise. It's hard not to be when your only form of hope is the dream about a land where everything is perfect. The dream is what keeps him sane, it was his drive. If he wasn't dreamy he would never have spent years of his life looking for a Paradise. Diesel can often find himself having vivid dreams and fantasies and it boosts his optimism more than anything. His creative mind have found solutions to problems other never thought of, so cats are often thankful for the fact that he spends much of his free-time daydreaming.


When the world is in the shape that it is mindless flirting can be just the right thing to lighten up the mood. Diesel will flirt with any cat willing to look at him for multiple seconds. Not to worry though, the tom does know when he is not wanted. A simple no and he'll go away. If you don't mind his endless flirting don't think of it as anything serious. He is not interested in a romantic relationship. If anything, it is a way that he can entertain both you and himself. Don't think his flirting will be a couple of badly timed pick-up lines either. Diesel is a born Casanova. He has a special way with words that can make any cat, male or female, swoon. His charismatic voice and perfectly timed words has gotten the tom out of a lot of trouble in the past.
  As his confidence has humbled, Diesel flirtatious nature has also calmed down. His flirting is more like harmless teasing more than anything. It's important to keep up morale in a situation with an unseen future. Keeping up morale is a job Diesel has given himself. 


While living on your own for years it would begin to be difficult to display your feelings to other cats. Diesel has this problem. Because of his solitude he struggles with emotions. When he finally gets to talk to someone he would normally scare them away. He was pushy, needy and desperate for attention. Even the simplest of feelings would come out wrong. Diesel never hung around the same group for very long because of this. With his height, dark fur and ominous smirk there it isn't surprising that cats found him intense.


Humor is something Diesel never had from the beginning. He soon found out that stating the obvious with a mocking tone or simply insult people gave him a good laugh. He honestly thought that he was going mad before finding a cat with the same dark humor as him. Their bitter humor brought forth an interesting friendship. Other cats they met thought they hated each other. Each day was greeted with insults and remarks. Diesel would have lied if he said he wouldn't want another friend like that. If you do not understand his humor, he will probably apologize. Coming off as rude is the last thing he wants. Although he has offended many cats with his jokes, he never meant to. To him, it is all in good fun. Diesel became completely oblivious that cats do not always understand that he is joking.


Often correlated with the impatience he has developed, Diesel will recklessly jump into anything if it means the job will be done quicker. All from fighting an enemy bigger than himself to climbing a thin tree. Diesel does not like waiting around anymore, so he will often volunteer to do work just so he can do something. When there is nothing to do, he will pace around until there is something. He never gave up hope that the next trial would begin, but that did not mean that he was happy just sitting around. He wanted to explore, he wanted to prove that he was worthy of getting into paradise. 


Behind his confident exterior is an anxiety ridden interior. Although he never gave up hope that Oordeel would one day suddenly reappear and whisk them away to trial 3, there had always been some underlying anxiety that told Diesel that "This is all there is," Diesel has always had a bit of anxiety, but as the days in the jungle trekked on, it never got any better. Diesel is usually good at hiding his anxiety, often with his dry wit and clever remarks, but from time to time, he slips up. He will say or do something that seems completely out of character, like voicing his doubts or cower away. It does not take long for him to revert back to his old self, however. Diesel tends to pretend that his anxious outbursts never happened, Diesel has always considered his anxiety one of his greatest weaknesses. If his sudden burst of doubt hits him at the wrong time, it can be lethal. Therefore Diesel will do his very best to hide his anxiety.


Chapter 1

The sun was rising over the vast, dry landscape that came to be the world he lived in. A group of cats, only covered by the shadow of a large boulder, began to stir and sit up. A new day had arrived and that meant more walking. Among this group was a couple. An expecting couple. Eris, the mother, couldn't hold in her excitement. Finally, she had some light in her life after all she had been through. Wero, the father, was not as pleased. Having kits would slow them down. They would be a burden for the whole group. But, as much as Wero complained, the kits were to be born. 

And born they were. Three beautiful kits, two toms and a she-cat. Wero would be lying if he said they weren't the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The oldest of the litter, a tom named Ethane, got his mother looks. Her gorgeous ash gray coat and black tabby stripes were reflected in the young kitten's fur. Eris' felt like she was looking into her own reflection when she looked at her firstborn. The middle child, Luca, looked also a lot like her mother, but had a bunch of traits from Wero as well. Luca was big in build with a brown coat, like Wero, and the black tabby stripes from Eris. The youngest of the litter was Diesel. He was small and light like his mother, he got her amber eyes too. His coat much resembled his father, both with the colour and mackerel markings. They were healthy kits, happy kits. Always in wonder by their parents' stories. The group had settled by a lake, there was fresh water and little enough food to go around. The strongest cats of the group had to go hungry too be able to feed Eris.

Chapter 2
Once the kits were old enough, the group moved once more. Ethane, Luca and Diesel got to know soon enough how horrible the world actually was. Not long after they had left the sanctity of the lake they were attacked by a pack of dogs. They managed to fend the dogs off, but only Eris and the kits got away unscathed. The group got weaker, much weaker. And in their exhaustion and rage they turned towards Wero and Eris. "This is all your fault!" one of the cats challenged Wero. "You were right. The kits would only slow us down, and they have. If it weren't for the kits we could have been gone long before the dogs arrived." Wero was infuriated by the thought that someone could blame his kits for what happened. They all came out of the fight alive. "It doesn't matter if the kits were here or not, we would have run into dogs eventually." Eris, on the other hand, were more flabbergasted than anything. "Well, what did you expect me to do with them? Abandon them? Kill them? Please, enlighten me." the defiant cat faced the couple. The trio of kits hid scared behind their mother, both curious and frightened over what would happen. "Yes, I do believe they should have died and if I may be honest, any way is fine with me." his voice was cold, but he seemed pleased with himself. He had waited quite a long time to speak the words that lingered in the minds of the group.

In blind rage, Wero jumped on the cat. The toms rolled around hissing and spitting at each other before Eris broke it up. "Fine. If my kits bother you so much, I'll take them and leave. There is no reason for us to turn our backs to each other and fight when there is an obvious solution to fix it all." Wero was speechless. With wide eyes he looked at his mate with disbelief. "Eris, you can't possibly mean this." the she-cat didn't answer him. The determination in her eyes were enough. "Come on my loves. We can look for a home together." 

Chapter 3
Diesel and his siblings continued to grow up with only their mother and father. After some hesitation Wero decided that his battle would have been for naught had he not joined his mate and kids. Even though food was scarce and hungry nights were plentiful, the family remained optimistic. Eris continued to tell them stories about a land where everything was better. Where pray would just about run into their paws, where water would run endlessly and taste better than the freshest rain. And as the kits they were, Diesel and his siblings blindly believed her.

As they grew up, Diesel began to wonder if those stories were actually true. Ethane and Luca had given up believing in their mother's stories, their mindset was locked on the belief that there was only evil in the world. The tom was really tired of their pessimism. It was then Diesel decided it was time to head off on his own. Nothing would happen if they continued to walk towards nowhere. They didn't even have any specific goals. Just somewhere "home". With his parents blessing and a sad goodbye, he walked off.

Diesel's biggest struggle was finding a reliable water source. He felt parched more time than he could count. He felt lonely, more lonely than he could even imagine being. All his life he had been in a group. Now he was completely alone and he had no idea of where he was headed. All he knew that he was looking for gates, the gates to his destiny. Where all his struggles would be worth it. All those days without food or water, would be repaid.

And when he finally found them, he honestly couldn't believe it.

Chapter 4
The trials were nothing like Diesel had imagined. The tom thought it would be difficult, but he never believed that the majority of the cats he walked through the door with would die in the first trial. Most of the cats he encountered, he liked. They were good cats and did not deserve the fate they had suffered through. During their cool-down period, Diesel managed to get to know the remaining cats. Most of them were just as shocked as he was of knowing how cruel the trials really were. "Is Paradise even worth it?" some seemed to question. "Of course it's worth it. I'd rather die fighting for Paradise than wait for death in the wastelands." Diesel was in no-means trying to be an inspirational leader, he simply thought that giving up would be idiotic. Death was waiting for the cats either way. 

Their second trial was not much better. Although Diesel had never heard of a coliseum before, he had a bad feeling of what was going to happen. The big empty space was a dead give-away. Before he knew it, Oordeel released ruthless monsters. More cats than he dared count were brutally killed by whatever monsters Oordeel had unleashed upon them. If it was not for Diesel's speed, he probably would have been ripped to shreds. Quickly running out of stamina, Diesel looked for a way to escape or hide to be safe from the horrible creatures. One cat, Nolan, seemed to have found a way away from danger and called for cats to follow him. 

Diesel was shocked by how few cats got to safety, and most of them were badly damaged. Diesel did not get away unscathed either. Although his wounds would not leave any permanent scars, they were sure to hurt for a long time. The tunnels Nolan led them into where dark, clammy and unfit for any cat to live in. With Nolan in the lead, they searched for a exit. The group kept close together for the next days in case any monster would appear in the tunnels too. When a week had passed, they gave up. Their search had been in vain, for all the tunnels looped. After a while something became different. Diesel thought he had imagined it, but the coliseum above their heads were quieter. It did not sound like monsters went rampant and ran all over the stadium. Walking away from the group, Diesel went to investigate. It was not his imagination. Both Oordeel and the monsters had completely vanished. The tom quickly ran back to the group to tell them about his discovery, in case anyone wanted to go back to the surface again. However, the cats did not seem as enthusiastic as Diesel expected. Most of them were hesitant and skeptical. With a sigh, Diesel left the tunnels to go back into the open arena to explore. If there was a way out, he was determined to find it.

Chapter 5

The second trial went went better than the first, but Diesel still did not feel any kind of relief when it was over. He was exhausted and hurt and just wanted to get the next trial over with. In the beginning he was rather happy about a longer rest period. His mind was impatient to get started with the third trial, but his body really needed the rest. After a month, Diesel felt that something was out of place. Oordeel had never let them rest for more than a week, so what gives? Another month went by and Diesel grew even more confused. What was taking the God so long? Even more months went by without any words from Oordeel. Had he abandoned them? Did they fail the second trial after all? Why was he punishing them? Oordeel liked playing mind games with them, this was probably just another one. Diesel did not give up hope, there had to be a good explanation for the God's absence, there just had to be. 

When a year had gone by, Diesel began to get restless. He did not sleep well at night and he got clumsier. His patience had seemingly vanished. Where was Oordeel? Was he bored with the group of cats he had gathered? Maybe he was gathering new ones to replace them? No, that could not be it. Diesel would not allow himself to believe that. He could not lose hope, not yet. Not now, he had already completed two trials, the third one was bound to be just around the corner. Deciding to hold on to his beliefs as he did many years ago, he got his motivation back up. Diesel began working on the skills he lacked the most, like strength and strategic thinking and although he did not improve much, he did get better. His elemental powers vastly improved, though. He was ready to help the group out with literal fire power.

After a second year had gone by Diesel had lost nearly all of his patience. Where was this damn God and how could Diesel get his claws in him? The Jungle was pretty great, he did not have that many complaints about living there. There was water and food, but when would that all be taken away? If Oordeel could just come out and say anything. Diesel would not feel like he had to be on edge all the time. Diesel still held onto his hope, though, but when Oordeel finally showed up, he almost wished he had not.

Sexual orientation: ???

Status: Single 

Current attractions: 

  • n/a
  • Darker pelts
  • Green eyes
  • Shy cats
  • Confident cats

Diesel does have little experience with romance. A couple of quick flings, but nothing serious. It's hard to keep a blooming romance when you never stay in one group for too long. And the fact that impending doom is hanging above isn't exactly romantic. Diesel doubts he will settle down with a mate, but he isn't opposed to the idea. If the world became a better place to live, maybe. As of now, quick flings are all he needs.

Mother: Eris - Status unknown
Eris was just how a mother was supposed to be: Sweet, caring and protective. Diesel looked up to her. He was always impressed by how she was able to love as much as she did while living in a world of hopelessness. She was the one who told him about Paradise. She was really supporting of his decision to go and find it. Most of Diesel's personality came from Eris. 

Father: Wero - Status unknown
Wero was not the best role-model for Diesel. Most of the time he isolated himself from the family, he never gave a specific reasoning as to why he would to it. Diesel looked up to him for his strength and determination alone. Wero was an incredibly strong feline and Diesel really admired that.

Brother: Ethane - Status unknown
Ethane was the one Diesel played with the most. He was an outgoing and a loving brother and at the time, Diesel's only friend. If there were anyone he wished he could bring with him to Paradise, it would be Ethane. They looked out for each other, the things that brothers did. Ethane and Diesel did also have their fights and it would usually end up with their claws out, ready for a strike right before Luca yelled at them for being childish.

Sister: Luca - Status unknown
His only sister and the family member he never got close to at all. Luca was really distant like their father. Even as a kit she never wanted to play with Ethane and Diesel, she only hung around their mother and ran straight to their father when he came around. Diesel wished he got to know her better before he went off on his own.

  • Any sort of drinkable water.
  • Rain
  • Forests
  • The company of others.


  • Being alone
  • Dry wastelands
  •  Waiting


  • Original design by @/petalkitten 
  • He's a climber!
Yes - Discord, Google Docs
Maybe - Notes
No - Comments, Skype

Roleplay Example: Rp between me and Kitsanil

Excluding Sugar and Pyro, Daemon called in his pokemon for some well deserved rest. With little effort, Sugar had climbed up to his shoulder. Her tired cry told him that she was more than ready to get back home. “Me? It’s you I’m worried about. Knowing you, you’ll fall asleep half-way through the first movie!” he said with a whole-hearted chuckle. Despite the early evening, the street lights buzzed and turned themselves on. The white glow from the lamps and the fading light from the sun gave the scenery around them a somber look, making Daemon miss summer all the more. The green grass and bright, warm sunlight seemed far away. The thought of replacing all of his t-shirts for sweaters and put away all of his shorts made him dread the season even more. Sure, there was halloween, with the excuse to watch bad horror movies, but there were only so many times one could watch teenagers going out in the woods, make out and then get murdered without falling asleep. Maybe this was the year Daemon would finally watch a good horror movie. He had never watched something that was deemed scary, and he was always up for new experiences. Perhaps he could even convince Noah to join him.

Even as a child he had never celebrated Halloween. His parents were too busy worrying about christmas to care, and no way would they let him watch horror films. After all, Daemon might get scared! He had gone to a few trainer exclusive halloween parties in his late teens. He had been promised a guaranteed make-out session with at least one person, but alas, everyone at the party were straight and Daemon usually ended up drunk in a corner by himself. No one really dressed up at any of the parties anyway, they were trainers after all. And trainers usually did not pack halloween costumes. This Halloween would be different, because he had been told by several of his students that they would knock on his door, so celebrating for once was not an awful idea.

“Should we swing by your house first so you can put down your stuff? Ah, I also need to swing by the store to buy some candles.” Daemon could see from the corner of his eyes that Pyro reacted at the sound of candles. This year’s summer had been really hot and dry, so Daemon did not light as many candles as he used to for his Infernape. It was a nice tradition they had come to have after their nights with campfires. Of course, one could not light campfires indoors for obvious safety reasons, so they settled on lighting candles. Daemon had missed the feeling of being surrounded by live light himself and was thankful for night being as cool as it was. Guess that was one of the other few things he could like about autumn.

Seeing Sugar being so fascinated by the colour changing trees amused him. He could hear the crunching of dead leaves under the wheels of his board. This would be the first autumn Sugar would remember. It would be her first winter too, and despite his dread, Daemon was looking forward to seeing her reaction to snow. Her last winter was spent being bottle fed and being warmed by the fireplace in his parents house. Something Daemon remembered fondly, but Sugar had forgotten long ago. He did not have a fireplace, but Pyro’s flame might work just as well.


What was your character's stance on entering paradise?

This had been Diesel's dream since he was little. It was his hope on getting a better life. He believes he was destined to enter Paradise. How come his mother knew all about it if it wasn't to show him which path to follow? Out of his siblings, why did only he believe in the stories their mother told them? He had many cats who knew of the same stories, but still did nothing to try and find the gates that lead to Paradise. Why not them? After four years of starving, walking till his paws nearly fell off why did he still believe there was a place filled with peace and happiness? Simple, because entering Paradise is Diesel's destiny.

Was your character a scholar, did they believe in the lore found about locating paradise?

No, he was not. He met a few scholars on the way, though. Their words about the lore only inspired him further. Getting new information about the lore really helped Diesel get his spirit back and continue his search. He is obviously a big believer.

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Comments: 6

Fiorest [2017-12-11 01:25:20 +0000 UTC]

Look who's bAaAAck

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to Fiorest [2017-12-12 01:16:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TurkFish [2017-12-05 21:07:19 +0000 UTC]

Those claws look so wicked im in love

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to TurkFish [2017-12-12 01:24:35 +0000 UTC]


in the end i guess it mattered??

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kattykinz [2017-12-04 08:28:55 +0000 UTC]

yaaaasss! so exciting to see more of the Underlings returning aaahhh!! I can't wait to read his updated info! :'3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to Kattykinz [2017-12-12 01:26:01 +0000 UTC]

Yiiiiis!! Aaah, honestly I'm so excited for this group to reopen, this is all I've ever wanted. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0