Kattykinz — Tybalt || TPT

Published: 2017-11-30 07:37:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 4362; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 2
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Update Log: [These updates will be marked with a beside them!]
Dec. 1, 2017 - Kaki and I did some plotting and I updated things regarding Benvolio... take a look... you may be surprised by what you see ;3
May 25, 2018 - Updated his description outlining his new scars and did a MAJOR update to his relationships! New app art and updated history pending!


{ G E N E R A L }

Name: Tybalt
    Nickname(s): Tybs, Tybbie (if anyone other than Ben says this they'll get smacked), Tybabe (yeah I just came up with it... not even sorry)
Age: 4 Years

Sex: Male
    Gender: Male - He/Him pronouns 

Soul Class: Black
    Soul Shade: tba. 

Item 003 : Empty Vial [You don't know what was once in it, but the small vial makes the hair on your neck rise]

{ P H Y S I C A L}

Breed: Tuxedo x Moggie

Notable Features: 
Heterochromic eyes
Completely blind in Blue eye
Split eyebrow (left side only)
Marbled Tongue + paw pads

Accessories: Tybalt wears his Vial around his neck

Appearance: Tybalt is around average size for a male, if not a little bit taller due to big ears. He is very slender, but has a decent layer of muscle to him. His fur is short, and not the softest out there. He gets this trait from his Tuxedo father. In fact, he got most of his looks from his dad's side of the family, which he is severely upset about. His eyes are heterochromic, the left one being blue, and the right yellow. His left eye has gotten only worse during his two years in the Jungle and he has now completely lost the ability of sight in his blue eye.

Scar: Cheek scars: These were earned from a hefty slap given to him by Benny. He refused to let Green Souls touch and heal them, and they scarred over badly.
Throat scar + chemical burns: This was a result of a bit dealt to him by Remi during Trial 4 when she bit him and her teeth were dripping with poison
Torn ears: Remi tore up both of his ears with both water whips and a water spear
Scars on left front paw: A result of Tybalt ripping his paw out of Remi's water whip


-Tybs is Blind in his left eye (the blue one). This trait was passed on from his mother, and Tybalt is able to pass it on as well

{ P E R S O N A L}

[Gentlemanly] [Intelligent] [Proud] [Quiet] [Stubborn] [Cold] [Self-Serving] [Aggressive]
 Positive  Neutral  Negative

 Gentlemanly "M'lady. Allow me the honor to assist you."
Tybalt may have gotten over his silly hatred of males, but he is still obviously more inclined to treat females better. Tybalt was raised by only his mother, and his mother was a tough one. This made Tybalt have mad respect for she-cats, and so he wanted to learn to be able to treat them right, and how they deserved to be treated. He learned that his father was the type to "hit it and quit it", and only used a she-cat for her body. Tybalt vowed to never be that type, and always treat a she-cat as an equal, and though he knew they could be every bit as tough as a tom, he had come to learn that it was almost innate for a she-cat to like to be pampered and be treated sweetly from time to time. If he never offends a she-cat... then he'll consider himself successful.

 Intelligent "Did you know if you remove these feathers from a bird, it becomes flightless?"
Tybalt is the curious sort, so it should come as no surprise that he knows a lot. He has a brain that has an above average rate of retention, and so when he learns something new, even the smallest of details and most trivial of facts, he is able to remember them, making his intelligence slightly above average. However, this can cause Tybalt to be somewhat condescending to other cats. He will flaunt his facts over others, and will look down on them and be very belittling if a cat doesn't know a fact that he does. If a cat actually does know something that he thinks is an interesting fact or something important, it'll put Tybalt down and cause him to be in a bad mood. He doesn't like being out-smarted. 

 Proud "Just because I am partially blind, doesn't mean I would lose to you in a fight."
Tybalt is very self-conscious about his disability. Because of this, he has made himself stronger and has trained to be good at hunting and fighting despite his blind eye. He will not tolerate anyone thinking any less of him just because he does not have perfect vision. He isn't one to back away from a fight even if the odds are against him, because he would hate for anyone to think him weak. He would never admit he needs help because of his disability... or he wouldn't accept help in general. He needs to be tough and keep up an image of himself at all times, he refuses to seem weak.

 Quiet "..."

Tybalt has gotten better at speaking to other cats after spending 2 years in the Jungle

Stubborn "I said no the first time... the answer is still no"
Tybalt is nothing if not bull-headed and a cat who sticks to his guns. Once his mind is set to something, it's quite difficult to sway him. Sometimes it comes in handy if he's defending someone or something he believes in. Or if he's being Devil's Advocate to try and get conversations going. However, it can also be quite the pain if he's refusing to do something or just won't admit he's wrong when he obviously is. A good example of how stubborn Tybalt can be is the time in Trial One when everyone was urging him up into the treehouse, and he remained on the ground. The water was rising, but in the end all of the cats had to join Tybalt on the ground again and he felt quite smug about it.

 Cold "Did I say you could talk to me?"
Though Tybalt has lost his bias against males, he is still just generally cold to everyone. He was never here to make friends, he was here to ensure himself and his brother got to Paradise. He is especially quick to snap when those he cares about are insulted, or you talk down to him about his disability, and he doesn't generally feel remorse about it. He doesn't tend to try and get close to others, and so this is one form of defense mechanism, which is keeping others from becoming friends with him by being unpleasant to be around. He was never really the kind of nurturing sort, unless it came to Benvolio or his mother. The only cats that are really exempt from the full brunt of his cold nature are Benvolio, Hemlock, and his Teammates from the first Trial.

 Self-Serving "This benefits me... so I'm all for it"
While Tybalt wouldn't reject helping other cats in need... he is surprisingly engrossed in his own needs and wants. How he views it, if he can't survive, he can't help those he cares about survive... and while he may have a strangely low regard for himself... he is actually very determined to keep himself alive. Tybalt is not the type of cat who would purposefully put his neck on the line to save any single other cat if he could help it (unless it was Benny or Hemlock). He is much more likely to help out if it directly benefits him... or someone he cares about, which in turn, benefits him.

 Aggressive "I wouldn't mind putting my claws to your flesh."
Tybalt is not a pacifist... in the slightest bit. If provoked he will be the first one to attack the other. His temper is pretty short, so try your best not to get on his nerves. He obviously isn't very good at handling his emotions and is quick to take it out on other cats in the form of violence. Considering he killed the cat who could have been his brother's mate just because he got closer to Benvolio than he would've liked... he is someone that you don't want to tick off just because you feel like it. Tybalt may have morals, but those morals can also be quickly overturned with one word or action, turning him from a cat that would otherwise leave you alone, to one who wants nothing more than to claw you to shreds.

{ H I S T O R Y }

Brief History:

A World Going Under | Prologue 

The world had been long in decay, and species were struggling to keep their numbers alive. Everyone knew they were going down, for now it was just a race against extinction. As more and more species got knocked off the tree of life, more and more things that depended on them also became in danger. A tom cat named Andy was aware that the world was going under, and besides surviving, he only had one goal... score until the trumpets of judgement day sound. His current target... a pretty she-cat named Viola. She was tough and independent... Andy knew she wouldn't be easy to win over, but he enjoyed the challenge. 

Over the course of a month or so, Andy stuck around Viola, making her acquaintance and trying to show himself off. He would hunt for her and he would flirt endlessly. As much as he would prefer to be constantly scoring, she was a cat he wanted, and he would never do something with a cat by force, plus it was so much better when the she-cats fell for his tricks and cons. He wouldn't fall in love no... but he'd get the girl indeed. He just needed one score, and he'd be satisfied... probably.

After a while, Viola finally relented. She liked the strong tom, and while she was fully capable of providing for herself, she had never been pampered before. She fell for the tom's charm... which was a huge mistake on her part. She thought he was genuinely interested. A bit after their night together, Andy stuck around, only to see if she would give it up again... he would admit he was intrigued by this kitty. However, when Viola revealed she was pregnant only a little while later, Andy split without another word, not wanting anything to do with this cat and the kittens that would be his. He wasn't a dad, he never wanted to be.

Viola was now alone... and with her kittens on the way, she knew she couldn't be upset with the loss of a possible love. She would have to be strong for her children... and strong she would be.

My Pride and Downfall | Childhood

Tybalt and his brother Benvolio were the only two kittens in the litter. Viola's family had a history of the females giving birth to a minimal number of kittens, herself being no exception. She was surprised, however, when her kittens were identical toms, the only way she could tell them apart was their eyes. They were both oddly coloured, but their eyes switched sides with each child. Tybalt had a yellow right eye, and a blue left, whereas his twin brother was the opposite. Viola grew a bit uneasy looking at her kittens' blue eyes, as her own eyes had started to fail her. Each generation of her family had received bad eyesight from their blue-eyed ancestors... and the vision problems presented themselves faster and faster each generation. Viola was hitting the worse of the stages now, and could really only make out colours and slightly blurred objects. Even if she couldn't perfectly see her kittens, her heart was warmed at the sight of them... and she knew that she would do whatever she could to protect them.

As Tybalt and Benvolio grew older, their mother's vision finally gave, and she was welcomed into a world of darkness. The twins often asked her about it, because they couldn't remember her not blind. She would tell them that yes she missed her vision, but she didn't need it to survive. She was strong in that sense. She was also their moral support. While they grew up in a world that wasn't going to get any better, she would tell them silly stories to try and lighten their mood. How there was probably something better waiting, but they wouldn't be able to find it until the time was right. Tybalt thought these stories were poppycock, but he liked to listen to them, as they gave him the slightest bit of hope that maybe there could be something, somewhere better than this.

The kittens idolized their mother, especially Tybalt. He resented their father for abandoning them and leaving all the work to their poor mother, but they knew that she was capable of providing for herself and them. She may be blind, but she was the strongest cat he knew.

Not Your Burden | Independence 

As they grew older, they realized that they were becoming more and more of a burden on their mother. Three cats was considered a crowd, and with prey being so scarce, it was much easier to provide for oneself than it was to provide for three. Tybalt and Benvolio knew that their mother would stand a better chance if they were to leave her, and so with a heartfelt goodbye and a promise of reuniting every once in a while to catch up, the twins left on their own adventure. They were a year old now, and both very confident that they could work together to keep themselves alive. They were used to sharing, they didn't mind if they had to split the smallest of mouse, they knew they would always stick together no matter what. The brothers became closer than they ever had been, now only having each other for company and comfort.

As the days dragged on, Tybalt began to undergo a change, and it wasn't unnoticed by his brother Benvolio. Tybalt would often miss catches and go too far to the right. He finally understood what was going on, when his brother mentioned that his pupil was paler than usual. Tybalt had remembered their mother's eyes looking like that. He was going blind in one eye. He tried to accept this, but it was a shock to his system and he was scared. Benvolio was there for him though, and he helped him figure out how to hunt and fight despite his new disability. 

O, I Am Slain! | Paris

During their travels, the twins came across a pretty pathetic looking tom. While Tybalt wanted to leave him be and continue on their way, Benvolio took pity on the tom, and soon the stranger Paris was joining the two and became part of their little group. Tybalt wasn't too thrilled about this new cat getting in the way of the relationship between him and his brother, his brother belonged to him and no one else. Tybalt was jealous... a lot more jealous than he should have been. He knew his brother had every right to have someone close to him in his life that wasn't related to him by blood... but when Tybalt saw something more than platonic friendship blossoming between the two... he couldn't leave it alone.

Tybalt confronted Paris, and challenged him to a battle, to "test if he was worthy of his brother". In reality, Tybalt just wanted an excuse to beat Paris up. During the fight, Paris often took to taunting Tybalt about his relationship with Benvolio, and how he would soon love him more than he could ever love Tyb. This enraged Tybalt, and soon his self control was lost. He quickly lost himself in the fight, and what was meant to be a challenge, turned into a struggle of life and death. Soon, Paris was laying at Tybalts paws, and his claws were stained with his brother's almost-mate. Feeling distressed, Tybalt quickly attempted to bury the body and hide the evidence, when he was happened upon by Benvolio. In a panic, Tybalt whirled on his brother, claws out, catching Benvolio just under his eye. Tybalt froze, and Ben saw what his brother had done.

Benvolio was horrified, and Tybalt felt completely distraught over what he'd done. He never knew his jealousy could him in so much trouble. Ben began to repress his original personality, and he became a shell of his former self. This kept up for a while, and Tybalt began to fear he would never get his brother back. After a while, Benvolio seemed to start acting like his original self again, and it was an unspoken rule between the two that they would never bring it up, and would forget all about it. But Tybalt knew... he owed his brother a life debt... and Benvolio knew very well that if he were to command anything of Tybalt... he would do it without argument. 

The Gates Beyond | Paradise Cats
Moons after the Paris incident, Tybalt and Benvolio were out hunting when their path would be completely changed. Tybalt arrived back at their meeting spot... to find Benvolio had yet to return. Tybalt figured his brother may just be having some trouble, and so got himself comfortable and patiently waited for his twin to return. Hours passed... and Ben was still not back. Tybalt began to feel very anxious, and made up his mind to search for his missing brother. Suddenly, a very excited bundle of energy came charging toward him. In a flurry of words that only his twin could understand, Benvolio explained about a pillar of light, a stone tablet, a mysterious group of cats... and Paradise.

Tybalt was immediately suspicious and on edge. Being the pessimist of the two of them, he didn't really want to trust these random cats... let alone give in to the seemingly implausible idea that there was, indeed, a Paradise. He told Benvolio this, and resisted, not wanting to join with them. He wanted it to stay the way it was... just him and his brother. He also didn't want to search for Paradise... it seemed useless and like a waste of time. All Benvolio had to do was look at him. And one look said it all... 'You killed my mate.. you owe me', he coupled that accusing look with a single "Please", and Tybalt knew he didn't have a choice. He would blindly follow Benvolio forever, if it meant even the slightest chance at redemption.

Benvolio led his brother back to the so-called "Society". According to Ben, a couple of them were "in charge" so to speak... and gained the rank of "Scholar". Tybalt didn't understand it... he didn't even try to understand it. It was odd to see so many cats together, but they seemed to be doing well, and were relatively happy together. Tybalt still didn't like it, and wanted to move on and have nothing to do with this odd group of cats, but after the look he'd received from Benvolio a silent pact had formed between the two.. a request followed by "Please" from Benvolio was an absolute order... one which Tybalt could not refuse. So the twins joined the cats on their quest which eventually led them to the Gates of Paradise.

When they were confronted with the voice of Ordeel about being only half souls, Tybalt felt a notion of apprehension and almost relief flood through him. With him he had a cat who was literally the other half of himself... surely he already knew the cat that housed the other half of his soul...


This is where Tybalt was in life upon entering the Jungle. More recent will be added in the "Roleplay History" as RPs are done and the group's plot advances.

Roleplay History:

A Watery Hell | Trial 1: The Quivering Forest

Upon coming into the gates and awaiting the first Trial, Tybalt had taken it upon himself to join the team headed by Jonas rather than go with his brother Benvolio. It was a strange decision for the tom to make... but he had thought it was a good idea at the time. Tybalt didn't know any of his teammates very well, except for Hemlock whom he had briefly spoken to before the Trial began.

Tybalt became strangely bonded to his teammates during the first trial. He went in completely mistrustful of everyone, but as the Trials went on he developed a feeling of kinship with all of them. Out of all of his Trial 1 teammates, he probably still distrusts Zilla the most, as she pushed him into the well.

Welcome to Fight Club | Trial 2: The Coliseum 

Trial 2 was hectic and insane for Tybalt... and honestly a lot more harrowing than Trial 1 for him. He has blocked a lot of it from his memory, and only gets flashes of what happened now and again. He remembers he had Benvolio with him on his team... and there was a lot of fighting, and he was impressed by all of his team members. Then Big Biter had come out... and he found himself arguing with Benny. Stupid really... looking back on it. And suddenly... he was out there trying to distract with with Skye and Styx... and then there was a big collapse and Skye was trapped. He remembered working tirelessly to get her out and suddenly they were all whisked off to the site of the next Trial.

Is This the New Normal? | The Interim between Trial 2 and Trial 3

Tybalt's time in the Jungle has been strangely up and down. It's so strange for him to realize he spent half of his life on the ruined earth, and the other half of his life in this strange Jungle. He has spent half of his time wrestling with a strange kinship and attraction he is feeling for a certain cat in the Trials, and the other half trying to reconcile with Benvolio. His twin has become increasingly angry with him about his recklessness as well as his newfound closeness to Hemlock. Benny has become more possessive over Tybalt and sometimes is prone to pull pranks on Hem or just heckle Tybalt or take up all of his time to keep the two separated. Tybalt allows this to happen because he feels so hypocritical... considering he killed Benvolio's lover a long time ago. 

However... about a year ago Tybalt and Benvolio got into a huge fight. It started off as a little spat about nothing... but quickly escalated past any argument the twins had ever had. As it reached the boiling point and both were spitting hateful things to each other... Benvolio snapped and gave Tybalt a harsh slap. The two parted ways angry at each other. Tybalt didn't let any green souls near his wound and let it scar over to serve as a reminder. The brothers haven't been the same way since.

{ R E L A T I O N S }

Relationship Info

Relationship Status:  Taken by Hemlock

Orientation: Demisexual Biromantic 



Looking for:
    ✘ Lasting Relationship
    ✘ Quick Fling
    ✘ Unsure

Current Attractions: 
    Cat Name: Physical Attraction / Crush / Dating / Love /Lust 

Hemlock: Dating / Love

Past Attractions:



Mother: Viola | Not among Paradise cats | Presumed Dead

Father: Andy | Not among Paradise cats | Presumed Dead



        Benvolio | Twin Brother | Alive


 Interested In
 Close friend
 Best friend
 Love (attraction)
 Love (Platonic) 
 Absolute despise

[///] Benvolio // Twin Brother
-Benny... I don't know what I would do without this tom in my life. He's the only one I care about, and if Oordeel tries to mess with him... I will take that damn false God down myself!
-Benny... I'm so sorry. I screwed up I know. Gods... I hope you will forgive me in time. You're still the most important cat to me.
-Fine... FINE! If you're going to be like that... two can play at that game you baby! Until you come crawling back... you can forget about having me to back you up Benvolio... you're not my Benny anymore... I don't know who you are.
-I love you Benny... thank the Gods our stupid feud is over... I missed you so much... I love you.

[/] Hemlock // Boyfriend / Lover
-He seems alright. He was on my team in the first Trial... I think I can trust him but... I'm unsure.
-I've been around this tom for two years now... stuck in the jungle together and... quite honestly I'm perplexed. I've spent my whole life with a hatred for other males... but Hemlock is different. I don't know what makes him so different but there's something about him... I don't want to talk about it.
-Hemlock is... the most important cat to me. Don't tell Benvolio I said this. He means... the entire world to me. Even if I don't make it to paradise... these trials will have been worth it because I got to meet him. I love him with my entire being.

[/] Earnest, Cruz, Reevus, Jonas, Klaus // Team members in Trial 1
-I trust these cats with my life. I may not be particularly close with any single one of them... but I trust these cats more than the rest of the Society.

[/] Skye, Renegade, Uzuri // Teammates in Trial 2
-I didn't spend as much time with these cats as I did with my teammates in Trial 1... but they all proved to be good fighters as we survived in the coliseum together and went after Big Biter.

[/] Erzulie, Nern, Little Biter, Noel, Aedwyn // Teammates in Trial 3
-I'm... unsure how I feel about these felines. We got along well enough in the maze but for some reason I don't feel as much trust with them as I do with my other teams. For some reason... I don't doubt any of them may turn against me, with the exception of Aedwyn.. she was sweet.

[/] Linguini // Trial 4 Teammate [first half]
-I trust Linguini... he pulled his weight despite not seeming to be particularly fond of working with other cats. I'd trust him to watch my back if it came down to it.

[/] Nor, Millie, Jace // Teammates in Trial 4 [second half]
-These cats... I can't quite form a complete opinion of them as most of the time I was with them we were under Helena's spell. They are all good fighters, but I don't know what they are actually like. 

[/ Rev // Benvolio's Love Interest
-I... am unsure how I feel about Rev. Something about him rubs me the wrong way, but it may just be his attachment to my twin. I... don't want a repeat of Paris, as I have no other reason to dislike this tom... I'll try to give him the benefit of the doubt.

[///] Zilla // Trusted Ally
-I've known Zilla well since Trial 1. Despite the things that have happened between us... I trust them deeply. They are a strong cat, both mentally and physically and is someone I would much rather have on my side than be an enemy with. I also heard they helped Benvolio last trial... thank you for everything Zilla.

[/] Styx // Friend
-I've been through a few ordeals with Styx now, and I trust her. She is a good ally and friend, I wish her nothing but the best.

[//] Flicker // Good Friend
-I've only been through one trial with Flicker... but she helped me see a good side to my soul class and I... will be forever thankful to her for that. There's something about her... I can't place my paw on it but I know she was a good ally to make. I hope she finds happiness in Paradise.

[//] Nori // Combined with in fight against Helena
-Nori... I don't know much about her and yet she helped me fight that wicked wench to help save my twin... I am thankful to her.

{T R I V I A }

Voice Actor: Dan Smith [Lead singer of Bastille]

Theme Songs: 

Locked Out of Heaven  - Bastille
No Angels  - Bastille
Bohemian Rhapsody  - Queen
Paint it Black  - The Rolling Stones


-Tybalt has a sort of brother complex. While he's not in love with his brother, but he will always be the cat that matters the most to Tybalt
-Tybalt feels like he owes a dept to Ben due to the past, and will commonly obey him like a submissive servant 
-Tybalt isn't naturally cold, but it takes a long time to break through his defense
-Tybalt wasn't born blind. He inherited deteriorating eyesight in blue eyes from his mother, causing him to gradually lose his sight
-Tybalt is bad with cats, period.
-Tybalt has mad respect for ladies
-The scent of lavender soothes Tybalt and helps him sleep
-Tybalt is currently very bitter towards Benvolio and they are on very bad terms. He won't speak about Benny unless prompted... and usually will choose to ignore you if you bring his twin up


-Strong females

-His Trial 1 Team Members (squad six yoooo)
-The calm of the Jungle


-"Easy" females
-Anyone who gets too close to Benvolio
-Cats who make fun of his disability
-Cats only interested in reproductive acts

-Being wet for prolonged periods of time (thanks trial 1)
-His Soul Class


    Prey: Any bird
    Place: The Jungle
    Cat: Benvolio
    Scent: Lavendar

{ R P  I N F O }

Skype: Yes (ask for my Skype)
Notes: Yes
Chats: Rarely 
Comments: Never

Roleplay Examples: 

Shorter reply (from  ) :

Soft waves could be heard in the stillness that surrounded all the big cats who had found themselves at the seaside. Bellerophon stirred beside his siblings who had all decided to nap together. He stared off into the distance, sense of time and reality distorted ever since the evacuation of Stone. Bello had known nothing of battle or war or invasions before that night. It wasn't long ago, but at the same time it felt like he'd grown years older. He didn't feel like he could ever go back to the care-free life he hadn't realized he'd been living before. Real threats waited to be faced, real danger lurked around every corner waiting to pounce. The little hybrid felt constantly on edge... and he hated it. He wanted to be stronger... he wanted to hurry up and be able to protect those he cares about... especially from despicable Hunters... especially from huge merciless monsters. He shuddered thinking about the wounds his mother had sustained from that tiger... because of him. If he could have defended himself and his sisters, his mother wouldn't have gotten hurt. He wanted the power he needed to defeat his enemies. 

His eyes drifted across the sizable group that had gathered, his family included. His ears perked and he felt slightly more awake when his icy eyes landed on the form of a lion he'd only previously heard mention of... Vincent. Bello's eyes immediately sparkled with admiration for the large gladiator. He was impressive looking... and seemed to exude a very cool aura. Bello had never personally met the lion... but he desperately wanted to. He caught a glimpse of him fighting that stupid tiger before he had been forcefully ejected from the camp as Stone retreated. Getting to his paws, Bello took a deep breath and puffed out his chest, trying to walk as confidently as he could over to Vincent. He was excited to try and talk with him... excited and a little scared. He wanted to know this lion who bravely fought the tiger who had hurt his mother. His steps grew shakier as he approached, but wearing a determined expression, Bello continued crossing toward the lion who toward over him. He stopped a respectable few paces away. "H-hello Vincent" he mewed, sounding slightly more confident than he felt. He tried to stand tall, but his pitiful cub height made this action laughable if anything.

Longer reply (from ) :

Molly's lips curled into a huge smile. She was so fascinated by the Tribes and their tattoos and range of abilities. She watched as the tom turned his body, hardly even realizing she didn't know what his name was. As rude as it might be, that thought was at the back of her mind for now. She regarded his tattoo with the utmost interest. The white part of his wings looked like that could have been natural markings on him, mimicking his brown stripes. "You look like you were born to fly, with a pelt like that. I want to see your wings someday." Molly mewed without really thinking, flashing a smile at the tom.

She giggled slightly, Air Tribe huh? That sounded cool. She was surprised he'd been born there and had stayed there. From her little experience of the Tribes, she'd come to figure that most cats left their birth tribes and were claimed by a different Spirit. She figured this tom must be pretty special. Her ears perked as he inquired about her Tribe. "Ah.. yes! Light Tribe, that's right," she confirmed with a nod, "Though... new resident, so to say... so I'm not really familiar with everyone yet, sorry!" she apologized with a giggle. If his brother was anything like him, she wouldn't mind having him as a friend.

Her eyes followed him to the river as he began to talk about the supposed monster that may live in the depths. Judging from how he was speaking, it seemed he'd only heard stories, never had any actual experience with the monster. That was kind of disappointing, she'd wanted to ask him a whole bunch of questions! She trotted over to him when he shrugged, suggesting the monster may be of a friendly sort.

In all of Molly's imaginings... the monsters were never friendly... she wondered if she was wrong in her thinking... or if this tom was just idealistic in his thinking. She took her own turn to look into the current, searching for any possible signs of life much bigger than the little fish she would call snack any other day. She licked her lips watching them swim around, deciding she'd catch one later. For now, she wanted to hear more about this monster. With all of the supernatural Tribe stuff she'd come to recognize as reality in the past little while... she could only take this tom's word that water monsters could exist. 

"Hey..." she began, an idea formulating in her mind, "Hey maybe... we should look for it?" she finished, turning back to her companion with an excited smile. "That could be fun, right? If it's not real, we'll know we have nothing to fear, but if it is... just imagine how cool that would be? Finding a water monster! Especially if it's friendly!" she explained excitedly, leaning closer to her companion face, trying to sway him with her big pleading eyes that had always seemed to work on her father. "What do you say? Wanna go on an adventure?"

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Comments: 17

ameiix [2017-12-14 00:19:33 +0000 UTC]

ahhhhh omg i lov him!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kattykinz In reply to ameiix [2017-12-14 00:29:52 +0000 UTC]

ahhh thank you so much!! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ghostingkaki [2017-12-02 16:45:44 +0000 UTC]


Benny: ....glad to see you're doing okay. B(

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Kattykinz In reply to ghostingkaki [2017-12-04 08:33:08 +0000 UTC]

ahhhh he's baaack!

Tybs: >:T .... thanks for worrying... I guess >_>

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Sinful-Souls [2017-12-01 22:08:24 +0000 UTC]


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Kattykinz In reply to Sinful-Souls [2017-12-01 22:56:29 +0000 UTC]

he's heeerrrreeeee

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Artyskeptic [2017-11-30 21:07:54 +0000 UTC]

The boy is baaaaack!!

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Kattykinz In reply to Artyskeptic [2017-12-01 01:39:10 +0000 UTC]

yaaassss! he's here and he's... surprisingly more queer! x'D

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Fiorest [2017-11-30 17:55:07 +0000 UTC]


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Kattykinz In reply to Fiorest [2017-12-01 01:38:44 +0000 UTC]

Home is where the... Hemlock is?? huehehuehue

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PeachmiIk [2017-11-30 12:06:54 +0000 UTC]

Love your boy so much <3

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Kattykinz In reply to PeachmiIk [2017-12-01 01:38:28 +0000 UTC]

uwaaaah I love this so much Peach thank you ;w; <3

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PeachmiIk [2017-11-30 07:45:53 +0000 UTC]


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Kattykinz In reply to PeachmiIk [2017-11-30 07:47:02 +0000 UTC]

yaaaasss totally 110% I'd love to discuss them omg!!
uwaaah thank you so much!! ;w; <3

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PeachmiIk In reply to Kattykinz [2017-11-30 07:47:53 +0000 UTC]

Hold up lemme add you on discord we need to do this im so happy! 
You're welcome bebe

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Kattykinz In reply to PeachmiIk [2017-11-30 07:48:33 +0000 UTC]

omg yes I'm so excited eeeee!!!

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PeachmiIk In reply to Kattykinz [2017-11-30 07:49:13 +0000 UTC]


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