Kattykinz — Aleksander | PR

Published: 2019-04-01 07:35:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 1622; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 4
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His bio here is for Calstan's sanity and so that his basic and minimum require info is all in one place!
If you would like to read his detailed history, please take a gander at his detailed bio!

{ G E N E R A L }

Name: Aleksander
    Nickname(s): Alek
Age: 3 Years

Sex: Male
    Gender: Male - He/Him pronouns 

Soul Class: Purple Soul
    Soul Shade: [Loading...]

[Obsidian Shard]
It's cold, shiny...and terrifyingly sharp.
[ Kills any NPC opponent instantly - One time use ]

[Crystal Monacle]
It seems a little poorly made, but you're able to place it around your ear so the crystal is hovering in front of your eye. The world looks...far more colorful through its lens.
[ Will allow your character to see the emotions of other characters via a colorful 'aura'. Unlimited uses. ]

[Truth Serum]
A tiny glass vial of an odd liquid. It's a magenta color that shimmers with a light teal when the light catches it.
[ Whoever consumes the liquid will be forced to answer any one single question 100% truthfully. Single use. ]

[Sleep Charm]
A vibrant blue ribbon with a moon charm on it. Just holding it makes you feel more relaxed.
[ Wrapping the ribbon around your wrist before you sleep will give you a restful, rejuvenating night of sleep. You will wake up feeling refreshed and energized. It will also eliminate any risk of nightmares. Unlimited use. ]

[Fishscale Mask]
A strange mask. You slip it over your muzzle. It smells a little fishy.
[ Will allow your character to breathe underwater. Unlimited uses. ]

Skill Card: sta.sh/01pt93jubmq1

{ P H Y S I C A L}

Breed: Moggie [Notable breeds are Snowshoe and Bengal]

 Alek is around average size for a male cat and there isn't anything all that extraordinary about his physical appearance or fitness. He's overall just a pretty average guy. His fur is generally quite short over the majority of his body. His fluffier regions are his head, chest and tail.

Notable Features:
Seems to have an eye marking!
Eye colour is a mystery!

Tie! - A green tie with a shirt collar attached. Gain from Trial 3, Night 2

Scars: None! .... yet



{ P E R S O N A L}

[Friendly] [Clever] [Reliable] [Quiet] [Non-Violent] [Determined/Desperate] [Unsure] [Unstable] [Untrusting]

 Positive  Neutral  Negative

 Friendly - "Oh um... sure, I'd like talking to you as well."
Despite his nervous tendencies and general bleak outlook and somewhat anti-social behaviour, Alek is actually quite the friendly cat! He's not used to having to approach other cats to speak with, and he's kind of gotten used to being on his own so he's a little rusty at the whole socialization thing, but he's really trying to get back into the swing of things. He isn't outright mean to anyone, and he really doesn't mean to make it seem like he's avoiding you! He genuinely enjoys the company of others, it can just be hard for him.

 Clever - "Maybe we should try this?"
Alek has always been rather intelligent. He jokes often that it's to make up for his lack of physical ability. He can be strong in a one-on-one combat, but he's not very quick at all and in all honesty has pretty poor battle tactics. He would always prefer to use his brains rather than his brawn if he could help it. Alek loves to keep his mind busy, and really enjoys brain teasers and logic puzzles. When he's working his mind for good, its easier to keep his mind off of things that would otherwise distress him.

 Reliable - "I can do that for you!"
Though Alek may not seem like much or readily approach others, you can always count on him to get things done if asked to. Alek puts his all into any task he has and wants to complete things to the best of his ability, nothing half-assed about this guy! To him, one of the absolute worst feelings is that of letting someone down, and as such he tries to avoid a situation in which that may happen at all costs. He doesn't bite off more than he can chew, but you can be sure he will do everything in his power to keep his word.

 Quiet - "..."
Alek is generally a speak when spoken to kind of guy. He loves the company of others, but he's more of a listener than a talker. He doesn't go out of his way to approach new cats and maybe won't speak as many words as others, but he is always genuinely pleased to be around other cats. This trait sometimes makes him seem a little unapproachable, which he really dislikes. This trait also helps him seem more composed at any given moment than he's probably feeling. This trait may surprise some, as he can be a lot more vocal in one-on-one conversations. He really does speak quite eloquently, he just has trouble sometimes.

 Non-Violent - "Oh no I... would really rather not fight..."
Alek hates violence and avoids it at all costs if he can. He's not a very confrontational cat, and really doesn't even get angry that often. The feeling of his claws ripping into someone else is absolutely gut-wrenching to him. Everything to do with violence is physically difficult for him and if he can avoided it you best believe he will at all costs. He isn't a wimp necessarily, and will fight if he needs to, but it is never his first instinct to approach a problem claws and fangs first. 

 Determined/Desperate - "You don't understand, this HAS TO WORK. I HAVE TO DO THIS!"
Alek is so driven and it makes him a valuable team player. He will do what it takes to help in any way that he can. He wants to help make everything right so badly that it is sometimes an all-consuming force that drives him to do stupid and dangerous things. He has a deep-seeded desperation to help restore those with the Red Plague. He will become reckless when desperation takes over him. This trait drove him to the edge of dangerous thinking, and now he's using it to help surge him forward, towards helping heal the world and becoming a Legendary.

 Unsure - "What if it doesn't work..."
For all his determination and desperation, Alek is honestly a bit skeptical that making new cats into Legendaries will actually help anything. If the originals who understand their powers more couldn't do anything, what's to say a bunch of fresh blood could even begin to help? This trait also applies to himself. Alek has very little confidence in himself, and he doesn't even know if he'll be any help or if his ideas are any good. This feeds into his quiet nature and causes him to doubt his intellect.

 Unstable - "Everything is fine... no.. NO IT'S NOT"
Alek can go from calm and collected to freaking out and panicking in about 0.5 seconds. He seems outwardly composed, but really it's just him bottling everything up and trying to remain helpful and not freak anyone else out. He is constantly teetering on his tipping point, always about to dive headfirst into another one of his infamous panic fits. It doesn't take all that much to push him over the precipice.

 Untrusting - "Ah no... I'd rather do it myself..."
Alek can't help himself but putting blind trust in others has never reall been his strong suit. It takes a lot to earn his trust and the only cats who have really ever held his trust were his mother and sister. Now that he'd lost both of them, he feels everything is up to him and he doesn't want to put his fate into the paws of anyone else. He knows first hand how easy it is to lie to others, so why wouldn't he think anyone who had the oppoprtunity to wouldn't lie to him?

{ H I S T O R Y }

(Note to Calstan, please find his detailed history on his google doc, the bullet points are here for your convenience!  <3)

TL;DR History:

○ Alek's parents met a year before the Legendaries returned to the wastelands
○ They wanted to start a family but didn't want to bring kittens into a dying world
○ After the Reckoning, when the world began to cleanse, they tried to start a family many times. Their first litter was stillborn, they decide to wait to try again
○ 2 years after the Legendaries returned, they have 2 children
○ A few months after they were born, Alek's father dies
○ Alek blames the entire green soul class for not helping his father, despite having no reason to
○ Alek's mom raises himself and his sister and the 3 live happily
○ News of the Red Plague reaches them and they begin travelling
○ Alek's sister becomes infected by the Red Plague
○ Alek's mother, paranoid and angry makes her son wear a blindfold after they hear rumors of the "Plaguebringer"
○ Soon after, Alek's mother becomes infected
○ Alek searches for the Plaguebringer, desperate to get infected because he feels he has no reason to live alone
○ Alek hears rumor that the Legendaries are seeking new cats to participate in a new set of Trials and ascend in order to lend a paw
○ Alek thinks it over for a while and finally heeds the call, wanting to both help heal cats and make sure no others get to the point of desparation he did

Roleplay History:

None yet...

{ R E L A T I O N S }

Relationship Info

Relationship Status: Taken

Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic


Looks: Alek doesn't have preferences looks-wise... he can't see anyone anyway.

Personality: Either someone super sweet and soft and caring, or someone of a feisty nature who will encourage him to keep going by challenging him

Looking for:
    ✘ Lasting Relationship
    ✘ Quick Fling
    ✘ Unsure

Current Attractions: 
    Cat Name: Physical Attraction / Crush / Dating / Love /Lust 

Aileen: Dating

Past Attractions:



Mother: Aurelia | Infected
Father: Dante | Deceased


Romea | Infected 


 Interested In
 Close friend
 Best friend
 Love (attraction)
 Love (Platonic) 
 Absolute despise

None yet..

{T R I V I A }

Voice Actor: pending...

Theme Songs: pending...


-Alek is generally very outwardly composed. You can't usually tell just by looking at him about the inner turmoil he's probably feeling
-Alek gets stressed quite easily, and when he becomes stressed it almost seems as though his personality becomes flipped
-Desparation is the only all-consuming emotion Alek generally ever feels
-Alek feels unjust resentment for green souls. He knows it's not their fault his father died, but he childishly wants to blame someone
-Alek is still pretty uncoordinated, only being technically "blind" for a year. He's still trying to get used to relying on his other sense
-Alek keeps his blindfold on for his mother's sake but also his. After watching the plague take his sister, he found that you can't always trust your eyes
-Alek's concept was thought up before Birdbox came out and I hadn't heard of it until after I gave Alek his blindfold, so that is not where his inspiration is drawn from! (ask Espy, she can vouch for me xD)
-Continuing from the above, Alek's concept more comes from Riku from Kingdom Hearts 2, if anything!


-His mother and sister
-Being useful
-Helping others
-Feeling smart
-Non-violent solutions
-Accomplishing goals


-Being alone
-Being forced to fight
-Being told his ideas are stupid
-Green Souls (for no good reason)
-Cats thinking he's incapable because of his blindfold


    Prey: Mice
    Place: Lake Clearwater
    Cat: His mother and sister
    Scent: Grass after rain

{ R P  I N F O }

Skype: No
Notes: Yes (I forget about these often though)
Chats: Rarely 
Comments: Never
Google Docs: Yes
Discord: Yes (best option)

Roleplay Examples: 

[Note: these are what you can expect in one-on-one RPs from me. Group google doc RPs are generally longer or tailored to who I'm RPing with]

Shorter reply (from  ) :

It took Tybalt’s eyes a moment to adjust. The lights were… he wasn’t quite sure how to describe them. He wasn’t sure he was a fan of them… sure the colours were vibrant but that was honestly something that made him uncomfortable with everything even more so. It wasn’t natural. Not like a Maze or Coliseum were natural… but they at least felt a bit more organic than this… city? Tybalt had never seen one such as this… and he wasn’t a fan of it at all. He took a moment to look at who he was with this time. He took note of some familiar faces… Styx and Zilla mostly. Linguini was familiar to him… he’d been around since Trial 1. The other cats… were Lostlings, and he honestly wasn’t sure if he knew their names. Well… perhaps he wouldn’t have to ask and someone else would know them… he could only hope… he wasn’t fond of introductions.

Taking his attention from the others, Tybalt took a moment to look at his surroundings again. Everything felt… eerily still. He didn’t know if this was how cities like this were… they were certainly like this in the wastelands… save for the ones that were crawling with blood thirsty felines. But… the colours made everything feel… alive in a way that nothing else corroborated. The tuxedo tom felt like there should be an abundance of activity where there just… wasn’t. He turned to his teammates, and padded towards Zilla, being the most familiar with them.

“I don’t like this…” he said, not just to Zilla but aloud. He was turning into more of a team player than he ever thought… he wanted to get these other cats included in a dialogue… they all needed to put their minds together. This was Trial 4… and Tybalt could not help but assume it wasn’t going to be a simple one.

Longer reply (from  ) :

Moon High... it was that late huh? To him, every moment of every day felt like the middle of night, the deepest parts of despair. Had he ever slept through a day to wake up in the middle of the night? Had his disgusting food been delivered for dinner and he thought he was eating breakfast? He had only a little semblance of time when the guard shifts changed or when he was brought something to eat. However, there was little more to do in the cages than sit around and wallow in self-pity or sleep. Well, unless you were deemed fit to fight, which Cam had been fortunate enough to not be yet. His internal clock was so messed up that he wondered how he would ever adjust to life again when he got out.

If he ever got out.

He banished the thought as quickly as he could, but it lingered longer and longer these days. Each and every day he lost a little bit more hope as he went through a million scenarios of how he may escape in his mind. He didn't even know how he might possibly get out of this cage, let alone the city. It was a crushing darkness that continued to beat him down whenever he so much as dared to have a little bit of hope. He'd heard stories of his empire mates escaping during their coliseum battles. However that would mean he'd have to fight, and he was sure that if he was sent into the ring... he would die.

His eyes had travelled to the ground during his awful train of thought, and he slowly brought them back up to look at the lion cub. He wondered how devoid of life his own eyes looked. Even without colour vision he could see the lion's eyes held a spark for life. The two of them couldn't be far in age, yet the lives they led were so vastly different. He wondered how the other male viewed him here... broken and sulking in the cages. Did he think he deserved this? Did he get some sort of sick righteous pleasure from it? Cam didn't have the backbone to ask these snarky and accusing questions for fear of backlash. Really, he truly was pathetic.

"Is your fur grey?" he found himself asking abruptly. He couldn't think of what compelled him to ask, but now that it was out there he didn't find himself wanting to take the question back either.

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Comments: 6

NinjaEspy [2019-04-04 05:05:13 +0000 UTC]

it's HIM!!! I love this boy so much and I still think the way you decided to tie the lore of the Plaguebringer into his blindfold is super cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kattykinz In reply to NinjaEspy [2019-04-04 05:09:52 +0000 UTC]

ahhh thank you Espy that means so muuuch <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ghostingkaki [2019-04-01 15:36:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kattykinz In reply to ghostingkaki [2019-04-01 18:29:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KingKinu [2019-04-01 13:57:32 +0000 UTC]

:0 cutie!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kattykinz In reply to KingKinu [2019-04-01 18:29:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0