Kattykinz — Santiago | EBC

Published: 2023-08-13 16:25:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1006; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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{ G E N E R A L }
Name: Santiago
    Nickname(s): Tiago, San (siblings only)
Age: Newborn
Birthday: August 6th, 38 BC
Sex: Male
    Gender: Male
Faction: City Faction
    Rank: Cub

{ P H Y S I C A L}

Species: Liger

Build: Santiago is built exactly the way you'd think a lion cub may be... but bigger. The liger genes are strong with this one, he is definitely going to be massive when he gets older! His fur is relatively short, except for his cheeks and at his tail tip where it seems it will likely become tufted as he grows up!


None yet!



{ P E R S O N A L }

[Loyal] [Protective] [Rules Lawyer] [Biased] [Hot Tempered]

Santiago, born with family that are unwaveringly loyal to their city, has picked up a thing or two from those around him. He views loyalty as a highly valuable trait, and the thought of betraying those who have put trust in you turns his stomach. Loyalties seldom die with this one!

Anyone who he cares about is liable to be victim to his over-protective ways. Santiago feels better when others rely on him, and so will often attempt to protect others who may not even necessarily need it. He dreams of growing up to be a Sentinel like his dad, so he can have a paw in protecting the entire city! 

Rules Lawyer
Santiago is... all about rules. Most importantly, not breaking them! Rules are there for a reason, they help keep us safe! And as we know, Santiago is all about the safety of those around him. He is quite forceful when it comes to upholding rules! Don't let him catch you breaking them. However... there is an exception...

Santiago is putty around his sister. Dulcia seems to make all logic go out the window. He can never seem to fault her for anything she may do wrong, and is quick to defend her from anyone and anything, even to his own detriment. Of course, a lesser version of this extends to his family at large and those he cares about... but Dulcia is safe from all of his wrath.

Hot Tempered
Santiago sports quite the temper! It's hard to recognize sometimes, as he is usually on the quieter and more stoic side, but if you get him angry, he will turn on you VERY quickly! He seems to not be able to manage his anger very well, and it is the one explosive emotion he cannot reign in. 

Brief History:

A Basket of Sweets | Cub

Hestia had never really though about cubs of her own. She adored children, and was overjoyed when she was blessed with nieces and nephews by way of her brother Amadeus, but it never really was something she considered for herself. Cyprian, however, would challenge that future she saw. Before him and falling in love with him, Hestia thought she was content with how life was. But now whenever she would babysit her nieces and nephews... she found herself wondering what it would be like to have some of her own... with the love of her life.

As fortune would have it, Hestia and Cyprian were soon expecting bundles of joy of their own! They then welcomed Dulcia, Arroyo, Orlando, Gustavo and Santiago into the world and could not be happier.

This is where Santiago started in life. Updates will be added below as Group RPs and Plots happen!

RP History:

None yet! 

{ R E L A T I O N S }

Relationship Info

Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: ???



Looking for:
    ✘ Lasting Relationship
    ✘ Quick Fling
    ✘ Unsure

Current Attractions: 
    Cat Name: Physical Attraction / Crush / Dating / Love /Lust 


Past Attractions:



Mother: Hestia | City Faction | Council Head | Alive
Father: Cyprian | Warden Faction | Sentinel | Alive

Dulcia | City Faction | Cub | Alive
Gustavo | City Faction | Cub | Alive
Orlando | City Faction | Cub | Alive
Arroyo | City Faction | Cub | Alive

Minou | City Faction | Cub | Alive
Minette | City Faction | Cub | Alive
Meg | City Faction | Cub | Alive
Enjolras | City Faction | Cub | Alive


 Curious about
 Close friend
 Best friend
 Love (attraction)
 Love (Platonic) 
 Absolute despise
 Scared of

 Ice Empire 


 Lightning Empire 


 Shadow Empire 


 Stone Empire 


 Bounty Hunters 






{ T R I V I A }

Voice Actor: 

Theme Songs:



-Santiago is his sister's spearhead protector. While all the brothers are protective of her.... Santiago tends to be the one who will overlook any wrongdoing or make excuses for her the most
-He dreams of being a Sentinel! He doesn't care about going out and making captures, he'd rather help fortify the city!
-He looks up to uncle Amadeus a great deal, but his dad Cyprian is waaaay cooler... could probably beat his uncle in a fight if he wanted to!


-Rules and following them
-Cuddles and downtime with the family
-Play fighting/wrestling
-Going for walks around the city
-Hearing his dad talk about his job


-Rule breakers
-Anyone who picks on Dulcia
-The empires (from secondhand stories only)

{ R P  I N F O }

Skype: Don't use this anymore
Notes: Sure (I forget about these often though)
Chats: Rarely 
Comments: Never
Google Docs: Yes
Discord: Yes (best option)

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