Kattykinz — Narcissus ebc

Published: 2023-07-01 04:47:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 2449; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Uploading him to prep for the opening... but I CANNOT stay up until 3AM my time to submit him ;w;
He's been waiting in the wings for a while now... its finally Narc time!

{ G E N E R A L }
Name: Narcissus (Nahr-Sis-Us)
    Nickname(s): Narc (nark)
Age: 6 Years
Birthday: June 28th, 44BC
Sex: Male
    Gender: Male 
Faction: City Faction
    Rank: Employed (Performer)

{ P H Y S I C A L}

Species: Lion x Cheetah

Build: Narc is pretty muscled for his species mix, but he is surprisingly not very tall! Most of the height genes of his lion ancestry seems to have been lost, instead showing itself in his bulkiness. He has minimal markings as well as a mane. In most regards, he LOOKS more like a lion just a relatively smaller one!

Scars: None, surprisingly





{ P E R S O N A L }

[Loyal] [Altruistic] [Performative] [Boisterous] [Reckless] [Arrogant]

Loyal - "To the ends of the earth buddy."
To befriend Narcissus, even if he doesn't always act like it, is to have someone who will always be on your side. Narc will do absolutely everything in his power to the betterment and aide of those he cares about. He is an extremely passionate and caring guy who would walk across hot coals if it was required to save a friend in need. Narc doesn't turn his back on others for less than catastrophic reasons. So you know if he cuts someone loose... they must have done real bad.

Altruistic - "Be good to everyone. You never know who might be suffering alone"
Narc cares deeply for those around him. Sometimes the persona he puts on seems cold and uncaring to others, but as soon as he's not performing for anyone you can see who he truly is. For all the bravado he puts on... to the deepest part of his core he cares incredibly much. He doesn't care what he has to sacrifice, if it means he can make someone else smile. It's what he lives for, truly.

Performer - "HelLOOOO everybody! You ready for a FANTASTIC show tonight??"
To his core, Narc is a born performer. He is LOUD he is ENERGETIC and he isn't afraid of making a fool of himself or others to get a laugh and smiles going. He has a persona he likes to put on during a lot of interactions where his personality seems to expand tenfold. His other main persona is one of a lot more narcissism than he actually has! He talks a big game but you best believe he doesn't generally mean a lot of the things he's saying (especially when performing). None of this is ever meant in a mean or serious way... but sometimes it can be pretty easy to end up believing this is his true self! Make sure you catch him behind the scenes to get a good idea of who he is behind the showboating mask!

Boisterous - "Don't mind the YELLING!! I YELL WHEN IM NERVOUS!"
Did we mention Narc is LOUD? BECAUSE HE IS! He's not afraid of expressing himself loudly and proudly, even out of persona! The guy is unashamed of who he is and what he feels! Why downplay things when you can scream them at the top of your lungs?? Narc is just unapologetic about who he is, and he thinks the world would be a better place if more folks were true to themseves and let loose!

Reckless - "I'm just TESTING MY LIMITS!"
Narc has this... thing about testing himself and what he is capable of. Because of this he's prone to making dumb decisions and doing stupid things. He swears its not a thing he does for any kind of rush or pleasure... it's about power! It's SERIOUSLY about seeing what he can take, what he can do to himself before it's all too much. It's scientific! Research only! Seriously! If he gets hurt on his path to discovery then OH WELL! That's kind of the whole point anyway!

Arrogant - "I don't need to do that, I'm NARCISSUS BITCH"
Narc's opinion of his own self is pretty high, his name alone should be evidence of that, however a lot of it is greatly exaggerated. He acts a lot more high and mighty than he actually feels... however sometimes it can get to his head! If he says it often enough he starts to believe it a bit more than he should. Maybe he IS the talk of the city! He walks around with his head high, like cats will line up wishing to meet him. He's certainly got an inflated ego... even if it started as a bit of a bluff.

Brief History:

Extraordinary Odds | Cub

Narcissus was born in a breeding program between a lioness and a cheetah. The humans were going for strong but agile. A cat bred to be a fighter with all of the advantages. They could deliver devastating blows and be quick enough to avoid taking any in return. Their efforts were rewarded in Narcissus and his siblings. Narc appeared, at first, to be the exact specimen they were looking for. A perfect mix between his parents. The unfortunate thing was... against all odds the cub seemed to have almost no fight in him! He much preferred softer play and keeping his gleaming coat in pristine condition. 

This did not bode well for the humans who had bred him. 

No longer could they market him as a fighting machine in training. It was much too obvious from a single glance that he didn't fit the bill. Because of this, Narc went a long time without being adopted. However, when they started advertising him for what he was, a silly little guy who was quite beautiful and full of energy, he got a new kind of interest. After some more time, he was finally picked up by Adonis Spyros, a young performer who had dreams of grandeur. 

Born for This | Adolescent

Adonis began his career as a solo act, a one man troupe. He performed in various cities for little coin. He bought Narcissus hoping the cub could be taught to perform, and help bring him in more revenue. Well, little Narc took to the training without problem! He seemed to love it! He was eager to please and seemed to respond quite well to positive reinforcement.

When he actually started to perform... it was game over. Narc absolutely LOVED it! Performing for crowds who cheered him on sparked a deep and fulfilling satisfaction in him. Turned out he loved the attention! It was so much fun and just so GREAT. He loved being adored... in the best way possible! Sure he was a little bit vain, but soon he began to develop a bit of a persona during his shows. He acted a lot more full of himself than he truly was. Truly he was kind and caring in his personal life, but his showman personality was a lot more, well, narcissistic. 

As he grew he became more renowned and bolder. Adonis' troupe grew in size and welcomed all sorts of new people. However... there was not a new cat in sight, and so Adonis soaked up the attention and continued to do his very best, improving his craft every single day.

To Be an Idol | Adult

The troupe began to travel more and more, never staying in one place for long. Narcissus adored the different attention he would get in different cities and surrounding towns. He lived to dazzle wherever they went. However, he had a special kind of pleasure whenever they returned to Massilia and he would see familiar faces, returning to see their show night after night. He came to recognize some of his fans and took great pleasure in chatting them up afterwards or sending winks their way during performances. 

One night between shows in a neighbouring city, Narcissus was approached by a younger cheetah who introduced himself as Judas. He professed to be a big fan of the troupe, especially Narcissus. He told him about how much Narc inspired him, and how he longed to one day do what he did. Judas quickly asked Narc if he could show him his own performance he'd been working on. Narc agreed enthusiastically, keen to see what this eager kid could do. 

Narc was dazzled by the kid's spunk, spark and enthusiasm. Not to mention, he was quite talented in his own right! Charmed, Narcissus instantly decided a talent like his could not go to waist, and insisted that Judas come with him to where the troupe resided. The two would somehow convince the humans to bring Jude with them. Narcissus was convinced all they had to do was show a sliver of Judas' budding talent, and he would be accepted with open arms. 

The two made a gamble, and ended up winning the jackpot.

Onward and Upward | Return to Massilia 

Judas proved to be an amazing addition to the group. He brought an element they hadn't realized they were missing, and humans and felines alike found themselves enamoured with this new addition, just as Narcissus had been. The more they performed together, the closer they became. One night while discussing their past in the quiet hours after their final performance of the day, the two miraculously found out they were half brothers! 

Their bond sealed, Narc and Jude continued to perform together in harmony. They were yin and yang, two halves of a perfect balancing act. They really were as thick as thieves and embraced their brotherly bond. What was once a relationship of an idol and a fan turned into one of equals. 

The troupe continued to travel, and Jude and Narc continued to work together. Eventually, the group set up a more permanent residence in Massilia and their trips out became less frequent. Not wanting to get too comfortable, Narc and Jude decided it was time to start planning their own show... one that was sure to wow and amaze everyone who came to watch. 

And so, their plans began. They are determined to do something never before seen. They just have to figure out what that is first!

This is where Narcissus was in life before the group. Updates will be added below as Group RPs and Plots happen!

RP History:

None yet! 

{ R E L A T I O N S }

Relationship Info

Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic


Mother: Lady Lark | NPC
Father: Ryder | NPC

Half Sibling:

Judas | City Faction | Employed | Alive


 Curious about
 Close friend
 Best friend
 Love (attraction)
 Love (Platonic) 
 Absolute despise
 Scared of

 Ice Empire 


 Lightning Empire 


 Shadow Empire 


 Stone Empire 


 Bounty Hunters 






{ T R I V I A }

Voice Actor: Mark Fischbach

Theme Songs:



-He's a mix of Mark himself and the persona of Markiplier, not a perfect representation of either


-Learning about space
-Being praised
-Helping others
-Goofing around


-Open water
-Deep water
-Anything super frustrating/unfair
-Jokes about his height


The Ocean

{ R P  I N F O }

Skype: Don't use this anymore
Notes: Sure (I forget about these often though)
Chats: Rarely 
Comments: Never
Google Docs: Yes
Discord: Yes (best option)

Roleplay Example (from  ) :

Shorter reply:

Amadeus held his head high as he walked the streets from the colosseum to his place of residence. He purposefully took all of the main streets where cats and humans alike would be milling about. Even though taking the backroads would be faster and less busy... he wanted to travel the road more travelled by. He wanted to show off. Let everyone know how utterly safe they would be now that he was the head guard. He smiled and nodded at cats who.. honestly weren't even looking in his direction.

His ears perked as he rounded the corner to walk down the quiet street to his residence, only to find a female leopard just standing in the middle of the path. He quirked a brow but continued smiling as he approached her, since she was quite literally standing between himself and his destination. 

"Good morrow to you! What brings you down this quiet little street?" He asked politely, as he padded up beside her.

Longer reply (from ) :

Alek’s ear flicked when he heard Shiloh’s voice. His head moved slightly in the direction of the shoulder he felt a light tap on, and took that as a sign from the other tom to follow him. He turned to Aphi’im when he spoke of going with Shiloh and climbing the trees. He nodded lightly and turned to follow the tom. Alek let his paws carry him in the direction Shiloh was walking. So they were to be the key team huh? He was alright with that. He wouldn’t be able to hear or scent under the water so this was his best bet at being helpful. His heartbeat faster with every step he took. They needed to rescue their teammates… and quickly. 

He kept pace with the other cat, silence between them as they moved. Alek was thankful for it, he may need to be able to hear clinking or something… he didn’t know. Suddenly, the metallic scent got stronger, and he felt Shiloh pause beside him, indicating the tom must’ve seen something to warrant the halt. Alek stopped as well and strained his scenes. This was it… the key was nearby. 

“Let me… try.” He mewed, a small shake in his voice. He couldn’t see obviously… but he was pretty good at climbing trees back in the days he could see. He padded towards the tree. What was that Aphi’im had said? Use his powers? He frowned lightly. He still wasn’t sure he knew what those were… could he take the leap and assume he was a purple soul, based on what Damon had said to him. As he thought about it, he could feel a pleasant chill bloom at his paws. It didn’t make him cold… but he could feel it was there. Perhaps… he could employ a bit of science with these powers. 

As he slowly began his ascent, Alek focused on creating bits of spiraling frost, starting from his paws and trailing up the tree. He thought of it as an extension of his consciousness, like proprioception and his ability to tell where he was in space despite being unable to see. To his astonishment, where his frost touched he was briefly able to feel the layout of the tree ahead of him. His heart raced with wonder and intrigue. It never lasted too long as he didn’t have a handle on the power yet, but the sensation was new and exciting to him. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat and continued his climb, the ice helping him find his way towards the branch with the key.

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