EmperorMyric — Eos layout

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Description "We are his most holy children, and it is through us that he placed his future and his will. We will stop at nothing to see it executed. Praise Eos, Praise the Eostine! Hallowed are his children and those who walk in his light!" -Lord Exemplar Fulminar

Eosian Structure:

The Eos Consortium is at heart a Theocracy which is fully built around the church and the worship of Eos along with the prosecution of his will. As such the Eosian society is laid out in a way that is both uniform in its purpose but divided in its wishes, despite what it appears the Eosian culture has a great deal of personal advancement and power within the church or various orders is seen as a divine wish, as such those who fail at their posts or are replaced are deemed as no longer fit in Eos eyes. As such holding power or creating personal links across stations is considered normal and power struggles play out constantly across the Consortium, these are permitted but the moment they disrupt the outward objectives of the nation they are clamped down on quickly and brutally as such it is a cloak and dagger affair of court dealings and personal interplay. Still Eosian society is rugged and many of its sections are stand alone, or link into others, it has endured for generations and no doubt will endure for many more to come.

The Martial Order:

Lord Exemplar: The Lord Exemplar is the Co-leader of the entire Eos Consortium, his word is law and he is unassailable in all but the most extreme situations. At his command the Consortium goes forth or launches crusades and through him the martial aspect of the Consortium is changed on a whim. The Lord Exemplar is voted into power by the Grand Exemplars and the Ascended Hierarch from among the Grand Exemplars and can only be removed by unanimous vote from the Grand Exemplars and the Ascended Hierarch. The Lord Exemplars jurisdiction covers all of the Consortium but any actions or decrees which effect the priesthood must also have the backing of the Ascended Hierarch.

Grand Exemplars: The Grand Exemplars are the martial leaders of the Consortium elected to their position by the lesser Exemplars and by the two heads of state. There are always 8 Grand Exemplars as dictated by Eos with each one overseeing an aspect of the nation usually in combination with their mirror kind of priest from the High priesthood. Grand Exemplars are also given jurisdiction over one of the great relics of Eos and act as independent commanders and leaders for sectors of the Consortium as well as entire crusade hosts of forces.

High Exemplars: These individuals are lifted up to be the assorted sub commanders under the Grand Exemplars, each Grand Exemplar hand picks his High Exemplars upon raising to the new position and can have any from 3 to 10+ under his command. They oversee all sorts of day to day tasks and help the Grand Exemplar in their rule and prosecution of their tasks.

Covenant of True Radiance: Also known as the Guardians this order is renowned for its fanatics, but the Sect of True Radiance is truly a league above. The Sect takes fanaticism to the next level and their entry tasks push any who wish to join to the next level. To join the Sect aspirants must fast, stand unwavering without moving in front of the temple for 5 days. In this time they will be exposed to the elements, battle hunger, thirst and basic bodily functions as well as the various abuse hurled by the Sects members at the aspirants, telling them that they are the worst kind of scum, heretics and not worthy of Eos light. Once this task is complete the aspirants are taken inside the temple and there go through the rest of the 33 tasks of Eos. Not all who even pass this task are set to become members of the Sect dubbed 'Harbingers of Radiance' and those who truly become members must have an extraordinary psionic potential. The Sect itself is a guardian of some of the most powerful and sacred artifacts and sites of the Consortium and its Harbingers are also given to protect members of the clergy or Exemplars when needed. Sometimes they even form units on the battlefield, proving their sheer incredible power and totally calm mindset, softly muttering hymns to Eos as they tear apart armoured companies with their bare hands and their divine might.

Crusade Hosts: Crusade Hosts are the gatherings of Exemplars and other force commanders which make up the large army and fleet groups designated to carry out Eos will on the battlefield. These groups are large in size and operate as independent forces either against other nations or in defense of Eos realm. Their command is made up of Exemplars and Priests but each High Exemplar will typically lead one or several Crusade hosts personally.

Paladin Order: The Paladin order is the largest of the Martial orders made up of the Paladin forces which are the standard line forces for Eos. Organised into Interdiction Cadres Paladins are men and women from the faithful population who join the military and train fanatically to fight on the battlefields and attain the view of Eos first hand. Decently equipped, well trained and in large numbers Paladins are a noble force which are seen as an honorable staple on the battlefields of the Consortium.

Confessor Order: The Confessor Order are the premiere shock troops of the Consortium, while not as rare and vaunted as the Crusader forces they are more common and go through stringent training. With most joining from the Paladin Order the Confessors are organised into Strike Cadres which must master their blink FTL packs, these allow them to teleport around the battlefield and directly into the enemy but also come with their own risks. Confessors are highly prized and to be one is to give honour to your family.

Crusader Order: Crusaders are the most fanatical and well trained/equipped of the Eosian regular army forces are will easily do whatever is ordered of them even if it is kill innocents in cold blood on mass. Crusaders are given the hardest assignments and only veterans may join their ranks. To be a Crusader is to be the best and for that they tend to look down on others around them viewing themselves as closer to Eos than those who fight around them. Still Crusaders are very valued on the battlefields of the Crusade Hosts.

Star Exemplars: Also known as the Solar Order the Star Exemplars are the ship captains and various crews which make up the Eosian space force. While relatively low down the hierarchy they are well respected and honoured by all of the forces supposedly above them. They keep the vast fleets going and fight the enemies of the Consortium in space, as such to be a part of this order is to be well respected by the general population.

Covenant of Flame: The Covenant of Flame is the order which stands apart. It is the not secret police of the Consortium and its operatives work to tirelessly keep heresy and crime out of the religious society often by dragging those accused off to the interrogation cells where many confess out of pain or coercion. Its members are fanatical in their approach and they are both respected and hated by the faithful, none are outside their gaze not even the leaders of the Consortium who must keep a watchful eye on them, for the order stands outside of the usual political or governmental lines and can execute its will in any position it wishes. 

Flame Allegients: Allegiants of the Flame are predominantly part of the Eosian not so secret police. They patrol and tend to civilian life, acting as judicial agents in regular police like fashion either aiding citizens or catching any criminals. However they also hunt down and investigate any suspected major crimes or heresy, taking any suspects in a case as the perpetrator and fleeting them away to the Orders holds for interrogation and judgement. The individuals of this Order are known to be ironically, cold, calculating and quick to turn on a dime going from a helping individual to a suspecting watchmen in an instant. They are both feared and respected in Eosian society and to be taken by one is a mark of dishonour.

The Synod:

Ascended Hierarch: The second of the Eosian rulers the Ascended Hierarch acts as the voice of the church and his word is also law. He is seen as the direct mouthpiece of Eos and as such has full control over any aspects of the church as well as the martial orders provided the Lord Exemplar agrees. The Ascended Hierarch is voted into position by the High Synod along with the Lord Exemplar and MUST get the express unanimous vote of the Covenant of Blood, but he is is considered the holiest of holy. The position of current is held by Telesar who has ruled with a fair hand and wisdom compared to Fulminars aggressive approach.

Covenant of Blood: The Covenant of Blood is an odd tradition by three extremely holy men one blind, one deaf and one mute continuous meditate and be one with Eos. It is through their various messages given out in secret script that those wishing to be a part of the High Synod or even Ascended Hierarch are chosen. Without their unanimous agreement none can ascend to such positions and their word is final law. They are held in massive reverence and are tended to by an obscure sect of monks who see to their every need.

The High Synod: The High Synod act as a mirror to the Grand Exemplars and act on matters of state and church, there are always 8 members of the High Synod each one directed over a singular matter of state or aspect for them to focus on. To be chosen to ascend to this position you must be voted in by the other Synod members the Hierarch and the Covenant of Blood and so such a position is considered extremely holy, with many carrying out whatever a member of this position wants without hesitation or thought.

High Priests: As a mirror to the High Exemplars the High Priests act on matters of church and state and serve under the Synod members, with each High Synod member having hosts of High Priests to attend them and help them oversee their matters of day to day running.

Priesthood: This monolithic segment is the combined amount of monks, priests and more within the Consortium from those who tend to simple shrines on frontier worlds to those who help give sermons at the grand Cathedrals or on the front lines as members of a martial order. Priests take all forms and sizes but they all do the same thing, help guide the faithful and keep forward the path of Eos. Priests help in the community, act as healthcare workers and confidants and sub sects and orders within such focus on countless things like healing, recording of data, teaching the new generations and more. To be a member of the priesthood is to be a holy man and be part of a huge beast which keeps the Consortium turning.

Order of Plenty: The Order of Plenty is a dedicated order run by the clergy and focused on agriculture and feeding the Consortium. The order oversees farms, food processing and those involved in such, more importantly their also the ones in charge of producing the ever essential Eosian substance and disposing of those who have passed away in the service to the Consortium.

Order of Hope: The Order of Hope is in charge of information, telecommunications and propaganda. They are the ones who run the information nets in Eos with total control and oversight and control the ebb and flow of information and exactly what gets sent and what doesn't, highlighting issues to the Covenant of Flame. The Order of Hope frequently broadcasts sermons, news and information across its networks but allows all of the Eosians to link in for communication or general research and information sharing.

Order of Artifice: The Order of Artifice is a joint Synod and Martial order, they are the builders and creators of Eos who build the cities, the ships and the weapons to the exacting specifications of the holy texts. The Order is considered holy, for they are the ones who translate Eos direct commands into physical embodiment and so holy are they that the entire order is mute. Those who join take a wow of silence and may never utter another word again. They are the only Order who may read the book of devices, the Eosian holy book which outlines their technology and construction and to read it without being a member of the order is death. 

Order of Abundance: Contrary to popular belief the Eos Consortium does indeed have an internal economy, albeit a basic one which works quite differently than to standard nations. Each person earns tokens through work, worship and actions which benefit the Consortium, these can be traded for additional food, clothing and other items above what is provided. It is therefor the Order of Abundance that tracks, distributes and handles this economy and Tokens and ensures the entire process moves flawlessly and without exploit.

The Faithful Flock: These are the men and women of the Consortium, the Faithful citizens who live and work to bring about Eos divine plan.

The Keepers:

Speaker of the Host: The Speaker of the Host is an odd position, for as long as the Consortium has lived the Speaker has been the same, Eontar the Sage of the Way. He has lived impossibly long and the old man sits in his special shrine, attended to by his own sect. Eontar does not speak directly, endlessly mumbling in riddles and prophecies his insights have aided the Consortium and that Eos speaks through the holy mans words. Occasionally he will sing new hymns or write a new holy passage, this is transcribed by an army of dedicated monks who listen and watch him write every day. These are then seen as new holy tests or hymns and as such adopted by the Consortium.

Synod of the Text: The Synod of the Text are a group of chosen monks who's names were written by Eontar, they are the keepers of the Holy Text, they keep the original Eosian holy books and oversee the printing, distribution and updating of all religious texts in the entire Eos Consortium. Adding new holy canon as it is written by the Speaker or redacting others if it is no longer considered canon. It is by their grace that the citizens of Eos interpret the religious texts and the Synods word on the handling of such is final.

Synod of the Voice: Just like the Synod of the Text this group of chosen monks have been specifically chosen by Eontar and they are the ones who keep the original hymns and songs of Eos. They are the ones who see the holy hymns and prayers distributed across the nation and beyond and the integration of new ones provided by the Speaker to the nation. 

Missionary Order: The Missionary Order is a huge order like the priesthood, made up of individuals who travel far and wide outside of the Consortium's boundaries to spread the word of the faithful to every corner of the universe. They can be found on primitive worlds uplifting the people and bringing them into Eos light or on street corners of larger nations calling his name and singing his hymns for those who would choose his rightful path. Many nations ban missionaries but they does not deter them, for they infiltrate and help build up cult followings within such a nation. Any who wish to follow in Eos name are worth saving.

Preachers Guild: While the Missionary Order travels afar to other nations the Preachers Guild carries their trade both within Eos and also outside of it sometimes. The preachers are fiery orators who delivery impassioned sermons and speeches to rally the Eosian people or convert others to their cause, they are a bastion of faith and where they tread Eosians feel the fires inside them burn brighter. Preachers usually travel with the Martial Orders, standing on hostile battlefields with nothing more than the words on their lips, driving the soldiers of the faith forward to higher tasks.

The Converted: These are the individuals who were not born into the Consortium but instead converted and have since become part of the faithful. These people are watched closely as they undergo the rigorous rituals, surgeries, psycho indoctrination and genetic changes which will turn them into a true Eosian, while looked down on for not being pure blooded they are equally respected for their fortitude and wish to turn to the proper path.

The Wayward:
These are the individuals who have not yet heard of the Eostine, Eos sees those yet to be converted as promising hopefuls to be brought into the fold.

Order of Redemption: The Order of Redemption is an organisation which functions as the Eosians punishment and prison system. This order is charged with returning those who have strayed from the path to the light, more often than not through physical, mental and psionic punishment from public floggings and being left out in the sun for a day or two to full on psychological torture and degradation of those who have been accused of heresy. Either you will repent and learn your lesson or you will die in the most excruciating ways possible and your soul condemned to the darkness beyond Eos light. Those who do repent and are judged worthy enough to be given Eos grace again endure such a hardship that their soul burns bright with forgiveness, so bright that they gain the eternal flame above their head. Many enduring such a trial go on to become Redeemers themselves, utterly dedicated to rooting out heresy and correcting others of their mistakes like they have been.

Order of Castigation: The Castigation Order is a special martial order which is made up of individuals who were convicted of heresy and underwent extreme trials of redemption involving torture, brainwashing and endless prayers in the end turning back to the path. As a mark of both penance and extreme respect an endless flame dances above their heads, a sign of their rage against other sinners and heretics and their unwavering devotion to carry out Eos will. For this reason the most devout and extreme of these redeemed individuals are taken for training there they endure days without sleep, drink or food standing in the courtyard of the Order tempering their bodies ready for use in the huge Castigation armour they will wear. If they survive the trials and training they will done the suits of armour and weapons, totally unpowered and moved only through sheer force of will to destroy the enemies of Eos and those heretics who require hunting down

The Exiles:

Republic of Minsin: A former Eos crusader state Minsin have taken it upon themselves to become helpers of peace, through meditation tourism and political mediation they have gained quite the focus from the galaxy and are renowned as calm and wise helpers no matter the situation. Minsin were outcasts, left behind after the Great Schsim and the Birth of Eos, as such they have found their own path. 

The Blinded Way: The Blinded Way is a new offshoot from the Eos Consortium. Rebels against the consortium they know the truth about the Eostine, the lie and the sacrifice of billions in the Ancerious galaxy in order to create a being akin to Eos in order to fulfill the wish of Lord Exemplar Fulmina. The Blinded Way is led by High Exemplar Gravus along with High Exemplar Cyllis, with aid from the Herald of Eos and numerous military and civilian elements who managed to escape the rebels have pledged revenge against the Consortium, more importantly Grand Exemplar Tyrandis for carrying it out. They search for aid amid the factions of the galaxy, with their home in the galaxy destroyed they function as a nomadic people, with a hundred vessels and the sacred form of the Great Eye being their homes, still Tyrandis and the other loyalists even now hunt them down intent on destroying the heretics and reclaiming the religious icon of the Great Eye. Their future is uncertain and time will tell if this offshoot once again re-ignites a second Eosian civil war.

The Lost: These individuals are those who were offered the holy light of Eos and rejected it. They are heretics, scum of the lowliest levels and to be eradicated by the Consortium.

The full organisation of Eos, done by me enjoy!
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Comments: 8

eta-gamma-14 [2020-04-24 15:31:28 +0000 UTC]

"I'll never understand them. Brainless self-degrading freaks."  Clarence E. Finet, member of a Union of Worlds emissary's bodyguard

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Dark-sontheWolf137 [2020-04-24 14:59:17 +0000 UTC]

How long did it took to write the entire Eos structure?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmperorMyric In reply to Dark-sontheWolf137 [2020-04-24 15:21:52 +0000 UTC]

About an hour

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dark-sontheWolf137 In reply to EmperorMyric [2020-04-24 15:45:56 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I was expecting at least 2 hours, 3 at maximum.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmperorMyric In reply to Dark-sontheWolf137 [2020-04-24 17:02:09 +0000 UTC]

Nope everything was already planned out

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dark-sontheWolf137 In reply to EmperorMyric [2020-04-24 18:45:44 +0000 UTC]

I’m guessing you have a notebook for your different empires with each of their own layout

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmperorMyric In reply to Dark-sontheWolf137 [2020-04-24 20:45:31 +0000 UTC]

Nope I have only one notebook and its about a quarter full of random sketches, everything is in my head

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dark-sontheWolf137 In reply to EmperorMyric [2020-04-24 20:50:16 +0000 UTC]

You must have really good memory

👍: 0 ⏩: 0