Er3be — EoW : Yatu Szul I

Published: 2014-02-02 17:52:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 403; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description After posts explaining Gudan, the Gems and the deacons, I had to post one with Yatu Szül with some of his statements :

"I am a son of the earth, not from a human country but the world itself"

 So like I've said in a previous post, Yatu Szül was a wiseman born several epochs before the beginning of the story: at a time when "magic" wasn't mastered by mankind and only "divine" beasts could perform it. During his epoch,  great cities as Cyprium or Urania weren't even born...but the Empire of Nube was. That's the reason most of the writings and "historical" sources about Yatu Szul were found in the Nubean legends. Although his translations of the Gudan's temple glyphs and his adding were used to determinate that he wasn't a Nubean, a few similarities between him and the Nubean people and culture exists. Like them, Yatu were more into an animist philosophy that preach the Moon and the stars (at this epoch, Gudan was a small occult sect). His name seems to have a meaning in Nubean language, as well as some Nubean legend implies that he spent dozen years travelling through the Nubean continent... But it would be more accurate to say that Yatu was from another area of the world, as he doesn't show any specific physical traits Nubean bears like darker skin and light irises...

"Despite suffering because of our weakness, we [the mankind] are the first to hurt our siblings"

Some things are sure : Yatu came to life in a small forest tribe, his connexion to nature and especially tress can be read in his translations and some of Nubean legends. According to some, he could "feel" and "talk" to plants as like he was talking to other humans...which leads the others of his tribe to consider him as an eccentric/sorcerer. For an unknown reason, the forest became smaller and smaller till the moment where only dead trees were lingering. Starting from this moment, Yatu and his tribe went in exodus to find another place to stay...they went trough different kingdoms, empire, ...without finding a place. Everyone wasn't ready to accept other humans coming from afar, especially in a world where the mankind was at the bottom of life hierarchy and survival. Fear of the weak, but also of the unknown : something that deeply marked Yatu Szül...

"We truly understand the value of what we have only when it got ripped from us"

 Yatu grew disappointed of the outside world, regretting his forest where everyone were the same. Leaving what was left from his tribe, he started travelling around the world, acquiring other visions of the world to find the one that could brings him peace. Not willing to fall into grudge like some of his tribe fellows, he voted this part of his life to seek what was the meaning of mankind life. The more and more he travelled, the more pain and angers he saw. Mankind was destructing itself, and countries were trying to subjugate and not cooperate. Of course, not every people he met were doing the same : but it was so different from what he knew in his forest, what he believed being the normal way of living and...most of all, what he believed to be life itself. This epoch was the era of beasts and animals, divine beasts were the only one who could show a kind of harmony. That's the reason he decided to retreat from his kind - a seclusion with other living being, a return to the origins... This part is known as "The First Secession" in the Writings an is seen as the first time Yatu decided to separate himself from the world.

"No king can have power without a kingdom...no kingdom exists without a land....no land exists without history"

 Humankind was afraid of divine beast and divine beast were considering humans as mere ants. Yatu Szul were the first to believe on a bridge between all life forms, from the tress to the beasts. His seclusion taught him that all what was living was connected, and thus should be in harmony. After couple of years, Yatu filled his mind with the wisdom that divine beasts gave him, those last ones letting him entering their kingdoms as they couldn't feel any "humanity" on him. He learned how to speak the words of nature, how to sing the wind, how to breath fire, ... he received the gift of magic . Writings and legends usually tell stories about people practising magic before Yatu epoch, but he was the first one to truly master it and made it his own. His proficiency was so great that leaders and chiefs immediately started to have interest on him. People were seeing him as the key for a humankind reign where no humans will have to fear the divine beasts and their power. Receiving lots of invitations to royal courts, propositions to marry dozen heiress, Yatu felt that he wasn't suited to be an human anymore....or more accurately, the humankind he knew was driven by revenge and desire : they had to be saved but in different and deeper way...

"A God is not an excuse"

 At first, Yatu tried to meet different leaders, trying to convince them to open their eyes and form alliances and not coalitions. From the Nubean Empire in the far north who was too closed to other civilisation, to the desert plains where coalitions would have been a risk for heavier wars, Yatu saw so many differences between humankind but always found the same miss : a true hope and the other's awareness. The world wasn't bad, wasn't a living hell but still...people were mostly making it a ferocious place as they were no escape for that. Only believers - even if they were seen as lunatics- were the only ones to believe on a future where everyone would be living in unison. And as he couldn't denied his appurtenance and love for humankind, Yatu decided to give all the knowledge he learned from the divine beast to the occult believers of a strange religion : Gudan. Gudan temples were not numerous and very smaller compared to the actual ones. Commoners used to practice sacrifices and burning, which became prohibited by Yatu as they threatened a life. For Yatu, the belief has to be about promoting life and not taking it. And by this, Yatu hoped that Humankind would find a new and world-like way to believe on something in common...

...to be continued with another drawing.
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